Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars

I think I am the player who has been playing this game for the longest time ever (most of them spent on building stuff in creative), and I did enjoy it and had high hopes. But still…


Several serious bugs exist, including one that makes airships pretty much unplayable.

The Devs have been informed of those bugs for months but no action was ever taken.

They also stated on Discord that the May update is going to be the last update, so consider it officially abandoned.

Severe Lack of Content

Real player with 466.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Physics Games.

A very good game.

Important notes:


Movement on the ground for wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally pretty good, the only issue i tend to have is the velocity being canceled completely by trees/random geometry such as rocks. Movement also feels very slow/tanky however i think that fits the game just fine. Sea/Air movement works perfectly well, though i couldn’t get a walker to work.


I have a few nitpicks about it, namely with not enough keybinds/options for keybinds in the building menu, and not being able to press esc to exit out of some menu prompts. There are some bugs here, as you might guess from an early access game, but aside from the occasional incorrect mirroring, it works just fine.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars on Steam

From the Depths

From the Depths

coffee tastes like purple

Real player with 4364.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Naval Combat Games.

There is a lot of thing that I would like to say, so I’ll try to keep it brief.

Here are some question from new players who I’ve heard a lot:

Is the Learning Curve steep?

Yes. It not just a learning curve, but a learning cliff, on fire and covered in bears. It would take quite some time to get used to the mechanics of the game.

The tutorials only teach the absolute basics (e.g. its (proprietary) build mode controls and AI programming). For new players, Only finish the first section of it and go experiments with the designer yourself. Expect some ragey moments at this stage as it will bombard you with an insane amount of content (even with over 1000+ hours, I’m still considered quite new by FtD’s community standards). Fortunately, the FtD community have very experienced people who are ready to help you if any problem arises (as long as you don’t say the game as a whole sucks), so I advise you join the Official FtD Discord server as most activities happen there.

Real player with 1167.7 hrs in game

From the Depths on Steam

Instruments of Destruction

Instruments of Destruction


Instruments of Destruction features an advanced physics-based destruction system. You can demolish every structure in the game piece by piece. In addition, every object you see in the game world–save for small decorative plants and rocks–is part of the physics system. Each element of the world interacts with each other and together they create a physical, visceral world to play with.

Build Your Vehicle


Build a vehicle your way, with an ever-expanding array of parts and pieces. Using an intuitive vehicle construction system that also lets you customize your vehicles' appearance and controls, you’ll always have fun creating your next awesome invention.

From simple splitters to advanced joints, a variety of parts slowly unlock as you play through the game, and each unlocks countless new possibilities.


While some vehicles will perform better than others in accomplishing your objectives, it’s always a bit more fun to get creative and go a little off script. Optional bonus challenges and objectives will reward more creative builders and add more replayability.

Read More: Best Sandbox Physics Games.

Instruments of Destruction on Steam



Build Your Ship From Modules

Each ship is composed of independent modules and connections topolgoy between them. Every module has its properties and functions, such as mass, hull and cargo space. You should design your ship with a clear strategy, balancing among maneuverability, endurance, firepower, cargo space, power supplyment and other aspects.

A Noval Sandbox Building Way

You can design ship in a more free and convenient way. Give less effort, but gain a more delicate ship.

  • Module is freely attached via contact to other module’s connector area.

  • Module can be freely rescaled through X, Y, Z axes.

  • Support X, Y, Z axes mirror mode and Grid.

Command Your Ship Tactically

As captain, you need to command individual modules wisely according to battlefield situation. Set navigation destination and motion attitude, assign targets to turrets, shutdown unnecessary modules to reduce consumption, or overclock your cannon to give maximum firepower output.

Realistic Physics Simulation

  • All bullets and missiles are physical simulated, will deliver impact force to target hit.

  • Thrust output and torque output is computed from individual thrusters, so thruster direction and mass of center need to be concerned in ship design.

  • Structure of ship will be broken if crucial node (module) of connection topology is destroyed, so it’s better to set some redundant connnections in design.

Roguelike Experience

In singleplayer mode, you can explore procedural generated galaxy, fight against distinctive unknown enemies, redesign and reinforce your ship, until victory. Attention, you have only one shot.

Have Fun With Your Friends

You can create a online game, invite your friends to play against common AI enemies or fight each other to prove which ship design is the most powerful.

Interdimension on Steam

Crash Drive 3

Crash Drive 3

Because I enjoy Crash Drive 2, I volunteered to help test this game (unpaid, but I got a free copy) and have played every day for over a year. Not because I’m dedicated (actually I’m rather lazy), but because it’s fun.

Like CD2, you can easily play for just a few minutes at a time, as each event or tank battle is only a few minutes, so ideal to fit in to the spare moments in a day. The vehicle physics is certainly not realistic, but rather sort of cartoony. You can drive up vertical walls, spin mid-air and many other impossible but entertaining things. It is particularly crazy on the moon.

Real player with 1127.7 hrs in game

I’ve had to change my review from positive to negative to positive. Here’s why.

AN IN DEPTH REVIEW So you can make an informed purchase! haha!

Firstly, straight up this game, from the moment you load it up, it’s just a good time. Always a good time!

The few(8) negative reviews on here suck, so I’ll try to address those first and the actual issues here. This is my first Crash Drive title.

1. You don’t need a roll button since the game does roll you over back, but a rest button could be handy.

Real player with 47.6 hrs in game

Crash Drive 3 on Steam



I love this game! For being made by 1 person It beats a lot of AAA games in creativity. I would really like to see more games like this in the future and I will be following the game’s development closely!

Real player with 123.7 hrs in game

I pirated this game from Google, but after playing it for a while I decided to just buy the game to support the developer bcs this game is just super fun, after just 40 hours of playing this game I can say I love it the designing of the hull and turret is simple but is still fun, I’ve already made about 20 tanks just from WW1, the only problem with this game is that it’s empty and lacking a lot of other features that I would like in the game, I understand that it’s only made by one person so I can wait for as long as possible so that he can improve this game a lot, so I’ma just list the problems I have with the game:

Real player with 50.3 hrs in game

Sprocket on Steam

Balsa Model Flight Simulator

Balsa Model Flight Simulator

(Also put 230 hours into the public playtest prior to EA, quite confident this will become my most played game by quite a lot)

Haven’t even touched career yet, or done much with the scenario editor. I’ve just been completely captivated by making and flying planes. If you can think of something or find an existing design that seems feasible you can probably make it, and you can even come with new ideas that no one has thought about before and make them work.

This has replaced all other flight sims for me, MSFS may be beautiful and have great wind simulation etc, but I can’t fly and build my own designs which I’d much rather do. The community aspect of this is great too, seeing all the weird and wonderful designs that people come up with is always entertaining to me, and the mix of friendly dogfighting and chill flying around together is just great.

Real player with 285.8 hrs in game

Balsa is one of those games that is up and coming with afterburners lit. Ignore the fact there are no afterburners (yet).

Multiplayer - Check

Weapons - Check

Creative Design Options - Check

Modding - Check

A Dev Team that LISTENS - Check

Keep in mind, this game is in Early Access. This means the game is developing, growing and has potential ONLY limited by feedback provided to the developers. The team even released a modding kit that allows for building mods already. I have been able to create several custom designed propellers, fuselages, and fuel\battery tanks and used them in game.

Real player with 154.7 hrs in game

Balsa Model Flight Simulator on Steam

End War RTS 2

End War RTS 2

Compared with the first generation, End War RTS 2 transforms from 2D to 3D, which is a classic real-time strategy

End War RTS 2 is a story inspired by modern science fiction. It is mainly based on the fact that human beings started the world war in order to fight for survival resources, and the launching of nuclear bombs has become the killing means of various countries.

In the world of End War RTS 2, it is constructed by seven camps of the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Cuba and Libya. Each country’s power weapon units are different, and the U.S. space carrier, Russian missile submarine and other characteristics

End War RTS 2 on Steam

Rover Builder

Rover Builder

(Oct 8)

A bunch of changes have been made. Generally building has improved greatly with symmetry working properly now, and the addition of namable crafts.

There could still be improvements like the ability to copy paste sections or copy paste part parameters, but id say this is easily worth your time if you like physics sandbox games now as you arent fighting the clunkiness as much.



Its obviously very ea, but that doesnt change the review does it. I cant recommend it in its current state, but il update if that changes.

Real player with 36.0 hrs in game

I definitely enjoy playing this game; it lets me unleash my inner engineer. I have had a lot of fun building unnecessarily complicated rovers. Despite having only a handful of parts (or maybe because of it), Rover Builder is a deceptively challenging game.

However, there are a few bugs/issues that I have found rather detracting. Fixing these will greatly improve the game.

  • Bearings don’t always load correctly when the simulation starts. Sometimes they disappear and sometimes steel beams coming off of the bearings are in the wrong orientation. In order to fix this, I have to go back to the builder, delete the bearings, and reinsert them. Sometimes even that doesn’t work.

Real player with 30.8 hrs in game

Rover Builder on Steam



UPDATED Review 4/10/2021: Wow! This is a ton of fun. I had some prior grievances with some of the choices made with gameplay that were making the game very hard to enjoy for me. I voiced my concerns in my review, and the devs (small, indie dev team) responded very quickly to address some of those concerns. The devs are very receptive to feedback and appreciate hearing from their community, and it seems like they care about their product after seeing the most recent updates.

The gameplay is a lot of fun! It’s a bit of a combo of Crazy Taxi, Quarantine, and Carmageddon with slight influences from other media as well. If you’ve played Quarantine, you’ll notice the inspiration, but trust me, the devs are working hard to make this their own game! You will find yourself driving around a crazy, chaotic, and relatively apocalyptic city with bad guys and pedestrians on the road, turrets, other cabs/vehicles, and more. You are picking up fares, some of which need to go somewhere, others want you to kill someone or blow up a vehicle, and others want you to blow up a building (similar to dropping someone off at a destination, except with more explosions!). There may be more fare types in later districts that I haven’t gotten to yet, but I am satisfied with the fare types that are already in the game.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Cool indie game! Some stuff heavily resembles Quarantine or Road Warrior, but there are some major differences. Even despite the fact that the game has some bugs, the devs update it all time - a lot of stuff was fixed in recent patches.

Pros and cons below.


  • positive vibe;

  • unique atmosphere somewhat reminds the old Quarantine classic;

  • nice effects and gore system;

  • excellent music!

  • driving model is not that bad at all,

  • cool weapons!


  • some missions look bland and could be a bit better;

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

CyberTaxi on Steam