Play With Gilbert - Remake

Play With Gilbert - Remake

My daughter adores this game. It caters to her generation pretty well imo…and it has really familiarized her with the quirks and overall feel of video gaming. She’s told me that sometimes her cat friends stop following her, and sometimes the cars don’t allow you to exit them..but besides that we haven’t run into any bugs. The open maps are awesome, and she loves that she can just run around and do whatever.

A few things my daughter has mentioned makes me think new levels, accessories, eye colors, and some emotive animations for the characters to perform would make it a little more fleshed out (though she recently discovered she can sit and lie down, which was excited with.) She had a huuge blast with the waterballoon fight mechanic. Some mini games (maybe races or mini golf or something?) would maybe give the game a little more in the way of activities to offer. Overall a great introductory game for young kids that offers some things I’ve noticed most children’s games do not, among them an avenue to use your imagination.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Open World Games.

I spent far too many hours in the demo, worried if an adult should buy a kitten game aimed at toddlers. Just do it. I’m in my 40s and love it as a game to just chill in. Not only is it pretty, but there are seasons and day and night cycles. Your kitten posse that you gather with each rescue even helps out, though I’m not sure if it’s on purpose. But you can bounce off them to execute a super double jump, results will vary.

Some of the fish are a challenge to jump to for a game aimed at wee ones, but they have to learn platforming sometime. In the full game there are plenty of places to explore and things to do. Honestly tripping humans and knocking things off tables never gets old. You can also take a break to “paint”, visit space, or hit the beach. As it’s an all around labor of love, it got my vote for the upcoming awards. Best of luck to the dev, it’s amazing to see how far this game has come.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Play With Gilbert - Remake on Steam

Amazing Frog?

Amazing Frog?

Awesome game!

At first I was like, ‘What the hell, all you do is run around, fart and fall over’ but my daughter likes watching Pungeance on the tube, and I can’t really let her play GTA5, so we kept playing…

And wow! once you figure out how things work, learn about some unlocks and start two player (Controllers highly recommended, camera moves much better with them) the hours will fly by. Getting some unlocks feel like genuine achievements / lessons in perseverance, the LOL key and microscopes spring to mind.

Real player with 168.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Funny Games.

We (my housemates and I) have played this game since it was on the OUYA, and missed it so much that we bought it on PC.

The Amazing Frog is a game about messing around, persistence, and discovery. If you wanted to go all literary-analysis on it, you could say that the ease with which you fall down and get back up again plays into the theme of persistence. But honestly I think the devs just thought it was funny.

The main gameplay loop is something like this. Mess around until you find something weird and new to interact with. Try lots of things with it until it unlocks something. With the new unlocks, rinse and repeat. This loop wasn’t really present in the OUYA version, and I think it’s an overall improvement that lengthens the appeal of the game and gives it an occasional magical quality. Don’t be expecting amazing discoveries though; we’re talking small stuff here. This game works best with no explanation and little to no expectations. It is exactly as dumb as it looks, with lots of fart humor and the occasional pop culture or current events reference. I think the unabashed silliness of it goes so dumb that it wraps back around to funny for us.

Real player with 129.6 hrs in game

Amazing Frog? on Steam

Crash Time 2

Crash Time 2

“I don’t have any argument but I don’t like it !” -Bad reviews from a random lowbob. 0/10

“Like Skyrim with Polizei.” -IGN 2/10

“Polizei, oktoberfest, ausfarht, dummkopfs.” -Medic 11/10

So, first of all, this game doesn’t deserve all those bad reviews. Everyone seems to have played this game for only 15 minutes, and honestly, you can’t judge a game within 15 minutes. This game reviews are clearly manichaean ; you have two possibilities according to Steam reviews : you completly disregarded it because you played a few minutes and no minigun spawned on your car or you will find this game “somewhat OK”. In my honest opinion, I really liked this game. Of course, there is tons of better game in that game style, like the FlatOut series, but this game got a decent amount of pros. Let me make a list of the pros, the cons and the neutrals.

Real player with 76.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Automobile Sim Games.

Usually I finish game first and write review later. But this game is special. Ingame counter tells me that I have completed 42% of game and I just have to describe my last mission. As a warning.

There is tl:dr part after story - you can skip it if you value your time.

You choose part of the city where you will respawn, then car (marked with red flag which means that there is availible mission for it). So far so good.

Voice in radio tells about kidnapped bus. Voice acting is terrible but I don’t mind - they don’t talk too much. Story is garbage - realy. We know that blue bus was kidnapped… And this is our only info - so we chase nearest red dot on the map. Bus driver acts like he was crazy. Drives on wrong lane/in the middle of the road. He’s speeding and make turns that would seriously harm people inside. I think it’s the one… and nope. Apparently this is how bus is supposed to behave on road. Whatever - after 10 minutes I have found the right one. Kidnappers took only one passenger and drived away already. Luckilly (no spoilers - but story is really bad - just more driving and bad voice acting). Now I collect money (?) chase my kidnapped partner (and kidnapped girl) and switch cars with bandit (did I said that story is bad?). There is bomb inside new car so I have to travel 1,5 km fast (some plot garbage).

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Crash Time 2 on Steam

Lakeview Cabin 2

Lakeview Cabin 2

Another good chapter in the Lakeview series, the 80s Horror/slasher genre feeling is captured again and you can feel it in this new adventure. True moments of distress and the feeling that you have to watch your back will hit you as soon as you start the game (at least after the first night ;-) there is new set of scary Killers waiting for you in this First Episode and new ways to deal with them with some traps you could “built” resembling the ones made by the kid of the old movie “Home alone” that will allow you to make really convoluted ways to hurt and kill your persecutors (The lore is expanded in this new game and as it’s still early for anything “official” everything is left to the interpretation of the players but is clear it is another work of love by the author). The game is still a work in progress but you could lose hours trying to beat it in the best way possible. There is again no Save option and your choices (and some times luck) will determine the outcome of your play. Highly recommended to buy and support the creator and enjoy another Terrific story.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

It’s so good. Great for fans of the last games especially. You’re put back into the wild world of Lakeview Cabin with new mechanics, new enemies, and the same amount of full frontal nudity.

I love how this has turned out, BUT be warned that this is very much in early access. You’ll experience lots of bugs, incomplete features, and less levels than the first game. Currently there are 2-ish levels, tons of new items along with old ones, absolutely fantastic graphical improvements, and new physics.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Lakeview Cabin 2 on Steam



ORR is an off road racing game with open world exploration. The racing is arcade with big jumps, crazy crashes, and shortcuts. There are random events like animals crossing the track that the player will have to deal with. At any time, the player can leave the track and explore the open world. If you can see it in ORR, you can drive there. Climb mountains, jump hills, or look for hidden easter eggs scattered around the levels. Race against friends or play follow the leader with up to four player local split screen.

ORR on Steam

Spookity Hollow

Spookity Hollow

Fun, spooky atmosphere. Loved running around looking for potions, brooms to ride on, and looking for the Pumpkin King . Swimming in the lake, walking around in the castle and in the graveyard was fun, too!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

I love the “Playing with Gilbert” series with my daughter! Spookity Hollow is a labor of love, and we have had so much fun playing it. The stories written by the dev’s daughter were a nice touch.

I do wish this was a PWG DLC, instead of a standalone game. It uses the same start menu, though some of the content (seasons) has no effect.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Spookity Hollow on Steam

Citywars Savage

Citywars Savage


  • Fight together in the wild and complete dungeons

  • Explore a world filled with unique mechanics

  • Gather resources, Mine minerals and Fish! All the world is filled with treasures.

  • Go on adventures and complete quests to level up your gear.

  • Build your own city and furnish your house with your friends.

What Else?

Join our community now and get involved in the development of the game.

The game has a unique editor that let our community improve the game at runtime. Which helps to deliver new content every month!

You can also apply to be staff and moderator in-game. Contact our admin at

Citywars Savage on Steam

Totally Reliable Delivery Service

Totally Reliable Delivery Service

I cannot recommend this game in it’s current state. I don’t have input lag issues like a lot of others. I am not bothered by the “physics” arms that glitch through your body and cause the objects to be behind you. It’s not even the buggy zip line that you constantly fall off of. Input lag aside the other issues I mentioned are somewhat funny. The real problem is the game breaking bug which does not spawn delivery points. Currently the work around is delete save and start over completely….I am on my 3rd restart. This does make replay value higher as you will be replaying the same 30-50 deliveries and hope you do actually get a place to deliver the item before you delete your save and start over again. Maybe EGS has a different criteria for full release games, as it is, this game feels almost like an early access title. Will update this review if any changes are made but it’s sad to see a game that was scheduled for a Steam release get pulled to EGS then eventually get released broken on Steam.

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

I want to start this off by saying how much fun this game was during the beta. I thought this was going to be a phenomenal game with a lot of missions and fun vehicles to drive around with friends. There was a potential for greatness, and unfortunately this game did not meet my expectations. I played the beta with some friends and had so much fun I gifted them the game thinking it would be the same as the real game. This was a huge mistake. I kept wanting this game to be fun and entertaining but was instead greeted with a frustrating time. The constant desync in multiplayer to the horrific performance problems while playing with friends. Not only was it difficult to play with friends in the final version, but trying to get to missions and complete them as a group was a colossal failure.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Totally Reliable Delivery Service on Steam

Aesoteric Collection

Aesoteric Collection

9 Æsoteric games, the result of many experimental worlds brought to conclusion at last.

Each of these belong in a common oniric universe, where you’re confronted with a diverse array of A.R.G. consoles, each having a uniquely different game in its system but sharing a common dark origin.

The Æsoteric Collection


tmOD / Vlast

Oneiroi / tmPaint

Apex Byte Reeling / Wrecc

Noahs Ark Demake

The experiences contained within this collection are calling. It is a mystery if they even grew to exist as a published format, cursed as they are, belonging somewhere between the discarded and the dreamt. Some originally forgotten demos, others accidents of evil destiny and spiteful development, even the consoles in which they belong are not a thing of public knowledge…

Until now.

Aesoteric Collection on Steam



Oh…. my…. god…. seriously, THIS is what we’ve all been wanting, like since we were born.

I’ve always wanted to make games, but coding makes me want to choke puppies. Here’s the solution, plain and simple. I’ve owned it less than a month and already have 116 hours logged, if that says anything. The developers and community are fantastic as well!

I’d go into more detail, but it’s hard to since you can literally do anything your imagination can come up with, and once you get a feel for it, you can go from an idea to a playable prototype in literally 15 minutes or less. Not only is Modbox a hell of a lot of fun in and of itself, it also shows potential to become a true next-generation game development platform.

Real player with 204.6 hrs in game

I should have reviewed this a while ago, this is just an amazing VR sandbox game/creation/work of art and i look forward to just watching it grow and grow with updates and support from everyone.

With each world you create your mind just goes wild with possibilities of what else you can do. (cant wait for dungeon and ai…and the possibility of room escape games)

This is the 2nd time i bought this game at first i refunded and in all honesty i didnt give it a chance. I still followed it closely though and re bought when the latest update came out with rc cars and much more.

Real player with 56.7 hrs in game

Modbox on Steam