Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy is a fantasy airship skyfaring simulation game with hyper-rich lore and narrative. Inspired by many space-sim and pirate-sim such as Star Control, Freelancer, and Sid Meier’s Pirates.

  • You are a veteran airship commander enlisted for a job in a Kingdom far from home

  • Navigate a vast open-world and explore the sky of a shattered continent

  • Engage in spectacular airship battles with insurmountable depth and complexity

  • Fight pirates, rob merchants, repel law enforcers, and challenge the military

  • Buy, build, and upgrade your airships and parts. Enlist, level up, and build relationships with your crews

  • Traverse the skyscape and learn about the history and recent events through helping and listening to people

  • Visit ports, towns, villages, and cities to collect resources and build industries

  • Over 70 ports and 150 NPCs each with unique storylines

  • Over 30 different airships with more than 150 parts to fit into them

  • More than 100 questlines to follow and unravel lore and mysteries of the world


The Great Sky War has stalled, it has been almost a year since the last battle. War has been a good business. Without it, you have been resorting to freelancing to get by. An offer arrived one morning, from some big-name trade and security company. It is an honest and stable job, so you took it right away. Now you found yourself at the Segson Archipelago, unknowingly involved in something far greater than you ever wished for.


Eons ago, the Great Cataclysm shattered Spheara into pieces. Wild magic wind engulfed the globe, lifting the grounds hanging afloat in the sky. Spheara is the world in the sky above the deadly and dark ocean. Life in such a world is difficult and perilous but humanity and civilizations found ways to prosper.


The place in the center of our focus is the continental group of landmass called Europa. These landmasses above the great ocean below is classified into three belts or rings by their vastly different distance above the sea level. Different nations and cultures developed on different archipelagos, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, they struggle to define their coexistence.


The Kingdom of Suthseg has long been the sovereignty over the Sagson Archipelago, a cluster of three major drifting landmasses with plenty of rich minor isles. The Archipelago also holds the key prominent point of interest, that is the Great Mana Coil, the largest gateway allowing airships to descend and ascend across belts.


Destiny has brought about two young souls and two patriarchs together. All strive towards different things in life and want a better world for themselves and those who come after them. What will be their legacies?


You can make, buy, or take ship parts from many sources and fit them into a wide variety of airship frames. The balance between speed, agility, durability, firepower, and transport efficiency are key to various strategies and tactics once entered into battle.


Exercise the best use of tactics and skills of the crewmen. Push the capability of an airship to its limit and seize the day to enjoy the spoil of victory.


The continent is vast. It has many things to offer, many stories to tell, treasures to collect, and mysteries to unravel. The measurement unit and time taken during travel are measured in real-time and real units. Even though the player can accelerate time, this can infuse them with a strong sense of immersion.


Many ports and merchants offer parts, ships, and all sorts of other items that would aid the player in their quests for fame and fortune. Merchants sell and buy specific things, demand and supplies are also limited to the nature of the settlement they are from.


Producing, processing, transporting, assembling, and manufacturing goods and weapons are beats that keep Europa going. While skyfaring, freelancing, and privateering could earn a ship captain a good fortune; supporting and arming a fleet would require other kinds of ingenuity.

Read More: Best Sandbox Exploration Games.

Airship: Academy on Steam

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Medieval Games.

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Stronghold 2: Steam Edition on Steam

Stronghold HD

Stronghold HD

Welcome My Lord!

When we think about the Middle Ages, then most often it seems to us that this is the time of romance of knightly tournaments, beautiful ladies of our hearts and a cheerful life with a mug of ale!

But in fact, these are harsh times, when people were sick more often than they ate and died before they reached a better future!

But it is in this game that you can become a Lord and feel all the power and strength of your hand. With this power, you can create a better future for your citizens here and now!

Real player with 1534.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Tower Defense Games.

Stronghold 1 is love, Stronghold 1 is life.

I love this game, from the age of ten all the way to now, I have loved every single second of it.

The campaign is challenging and fun whilst keeping you thinking of new ways to take over that pesky Pigs' castle (Still haven’t been able to get past that mission). I’ve played a few multiplayer games and it is quite polished. There is no lag, and if there is, it is either connection lag (99% of the time) or your computer is a potato (1% of the time).

To this day, I say to myself, “These graphics are perfect for this game”. I have absolutely no problem with these 2001 graphics, plus the HD remake makes it even better by adding bigger resolutions.

Real player with 108.5 hrs in game

Stronghold HD on Steam

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition

Stronghold Legends is kind of the the odd child of the entire Stronghold franchise, being the only title featuring fantasy elements.

Arbitrarily, it is also the title which divided people the most in regard whether to like it or not in the past.

Personally, I believe it to be one of the most innovative Stronghold games due to the very fact that a lot of different new mechanics and also tactics were introduced with the likes of giants or dragons as well as magic. Granted, it didn’t look great back then and even remastered it still doesn’t, but gameplay wise it has more than enough depth to make up for it, even although that depth is more shallow than with other Stronghold games due to the fact that the devs tried to open the target audience a little with those fantasy elements.

Real player with 689.3 hrs in game

So if Steam logged all the time I had playing this game on the Disc, I would legit have over a couple thousand hours. This game was my childhood, and a few years ago I convinced my friends to play the multiplayer with me. Once we were finally all into it and knew the mechanics, they closed the multiplayer servers not two months later. Devestated, I still played through all the single player modes, but I did so long for the multiplayer back. But, Steam delivered, and upgraded the game to the Steam edition, reviving the community for the game and allowing us to play multiplayer again (While adding a few new cool features! Workshop is so nice). While my friends and I (Sadly) don’t play this game as much currently, as League of Legends has consumed our lives, whenever we get bored, or when I’m feeling in a particularly mediaval mood, this is always the first game I turn to, as every time I play it I am filled with that sense of nastolgia, and am able to relax to the nice sounds of my catapults tearing down my enemy’s walls.

Real player with 143.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Legends: Steam Edition on Steam

The Stronghold Collection

The Stronghold Collection

Real player with 39.3 hrs in game

…o mannnnnn , this one brings back memories ! When there was no stress , no problems , coming from school and chill with this :( Perfectly Splendid' :D

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

The Stronghold Collection on Steam

Stronghold Crusader HD

Stronghold Crusader HD

i grew up playing this game so id recommend to others i probably have more hours in crusader then i have any other game ive played

Real player with 168.3 hrs in game

Good classic fun to revisit from time to time, and never gets dull

Real player with 116.6 hrs in game

Stronghold Crusader HD on Steam

Atom Zombie Smasher

Atom Zombie Smasher

Atom Zombie Smasher is a super little indie strategy game. The basic premise is that you take on the guise of a commander holding back the zombie hordes from overruning your city.

It works on two levels; first is the strategy where a map of the city districts is where you see the progress of zombie infestations and plan your next mission. You can choose which military assets you take with you from: infantry, snipers, mines, demolitions, barricades, gas attracting teams or artillery. Once you initiate the mission, the game changes to a tactical sub-game where you place your units on the map to best protect the civilians you are trying to extract from the map, while avoiding collateral damage. To many dead civilians and you fail.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

There’s alot to be said about Atom Zombie Smasher. the game is an amazing mix of challenging gameplay and challenges.

Atom zombie smasher does not hesitate to put you smack dab into action, your first challenge becomes to rescue some civilians from an impending zombie invasion which sets the tone for the rest of the game.

As you progress in the game you’re provided with varying mercenaries that randomly get picked for missions. Some examples of mercenaries are for example ranger teams, snipers and dynamite teams. Each map will provide a different challenge which requires alot of tactical thinking and planning.

Real player with 28.3 hrs in game

Atom Zombie Smasher on Steam



Build Your Ship From Modules

Each ship is composed of independent modules and connections topolgoy between them. Every module has its properties and functions, such as mass, hull and cargo space. You should design your ship with a clear strategy, balancing among maneuverability, endurance, firepower, cargo space, power supplyment and other aspects.

A Noval Sandbox Building Way

You can design ship in a more free and convenient way. Give less effort, but gain a more delicate ship.

  • Module is freely attached via contact to other module’s connector area.

  • Module can be freely rescaled through X, Y, Z axes.

  • Support X, Y, Z axes mirror mode and Grid.

Command Your Ship Tactically

As captain, you need to command individual modules wisely according to battlefield situation. Set navigation destination and motion attitude, assign targets to turrets, shutdown unnecessary modules to reduce consumption, or overclock your cannon to give maximum firepower output.

Realistic Physics Simulation

  • All bullets and missiles are physical simulated, will deliver impact force to target hit.

  • Thrust output and torque output is computed from individual thrusters, so thruster direction and mass of center need to be concerned in ship design.

  • Structure of ship will be broken if crucial node (module) of connection topology is destroyed, so it’s better to set some redundant connnections in design.

Roguelike Experience

In singleplayer mode, you can explore procedural generated galaxy, fight against distinctive unknown enemies, redesign and reinforce your ship, until victory. Attention, you have only one shot.

Have Fun With Your Friends

You can create a online game, invite your friends to play against common AI enemies or fight each other to prove which ship design is the most powerful.

Interdimension on Steam

Mud and Blood

Mud and Blood

I love the Mud And Blood saga.

I’ve been a fan for 15 years of the games and the concept behind, which is kept in its Steam version.

It’s a one man army of a game which provides you with a strict and unforgiving challenge.

The game requires you to be alert and actively playing, focusing on each decision and movement in order to avoid certain defeat. This causes the player to descend in a trance, in which you need to be at 100% of your playing capabilities.

The game “fuses” MnB2 and MnB3 togheter, and are now being called classic and campaign.

Real player with 333.1 hrs in game

As a tester for this game, there’s a reason why I have played this many hours of this game. I’m not the kind of guy who’s a masochist, especially as someone who can remember plenty of times raging at this game. Some moments will be easy and some moments will be randomly challenging. But for new players, especially those unfamiliar with the older Mud and Blood flash games, you will get screwed really hard in the first few or even several hours until you learn. However despite all those moments, I still come back and play this game again and again because its difficulty is what makes winning rewarding, and its randomness is what makes the game replayable. I’ve lost lots of men to standard rifleman, and other times I managed to beat back a element of infantry backed by armored vehicles.

Real player with 220.5 hrs in game

Mud and Blood on Steam

Slav Dangerous

Slav Dangerous

I must be honest ! The game aesthetics are impressive as well as the background music! I belive this game has lots of potential!

I am really curious to know how this game will evolve from now on!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

It has pretty cool game mechanics. It’s not just mindless brawling of your gang members, you can strategize tactically how they will fight in a brawl. There are different types of fighters with different skill sets too. Finding out which combination to use to win a brawl is quite enjoyable. Looking forward to more updates!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Slav Dangerous on Steam