People Playground

People Playground

Though the game is gory, violent and overall pretty morbid (possibly having dark lore as well) along with pretty unnerving secrets. Its still a FUN game to sink MANY hours into, simply by making machines, traps and random setups. Which can be very fun I usually find myself coming back to this game just to do something fun! Overall a great game with relatively common updates and weekly BANGER mods. Cya! -BryceTheKirby

Real player with 552.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Blood Games.

Absolutly amazing! i have over 280 hours in this game, and i still love playing it, mods are really fun to mess with, and theirs quite a few secrets in the game that are fun to discover, i took me over 250 hours to discover an entirely secret map, and it was really fun to mess with syringes and chemicles, if i had one request it would be to add more fun products of mixing chemicles, like how mixing mending + acid creates a separate chemicle, More stuff like that could be really fun mess with

Real player with 284.2 hrs in game

People Playground on Steam

Brain Break

Brain Break

A challenging and interesting puzzle. Very similar to the old games on push-button phones, which is very nice. A beautiful and pleasant picture to the eye. Good animation. A large number of levels that can put you in a dead end. I thought about some levels for more than half an hour. Good musical accompaniment, sometimes even calms down when you do not know how to pass the level. The game as a whole turned out to be very interesting and not bad, even considering that it is a puzzle. I hope the authors will add more and more levels over time, because the game has sunk into my soul. Very good game, I recommend it. I liked everything, and given its price, this is a great game that fully deserves this amount.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Action RPG Games.

An entertaining and exciting puzzle game called “brain break”, in which you need to place the cubes in the cells assigned to them. The game is made in a simple and concise style, which is very combined with the musical accompaniment. At first glance, everything is simple, but then it only becomes more difficult. The first levels are introductory, and the next ones will be more and more difficult. A variety of levels in the game is enough to take you a couple of hours to complete. Buy and try out the game definitely recommend, it is 100% justifies its name.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Brain Break on Steam



I see great potential in this game, the development is very active and content and bug-fixes are added frequently.

I love the building system, you can build whatever ship you like, from small torpedo boats to battleships or even fictional monstrosities from your own imagination.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Naval Combat Games.

good game but i can figure out on how to make a proper hull and the game cant tell you again the tutorial. there is also a budget i dont get on how to change to to edracate

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game


Wedgie Simulator

Wedgie Simulator

1, 2, 3.


Give people wedgies in several different angles and poses. Take screenshots. Animate. Make a video. Upload it online.

Wedgie Simulator is a new and intuitive game where you can give people wedgies and make a creative production out of it. You can create memes out of screenshots, or even TV shows via animation sequences to upload on your YouTube channel!

Create new mannequins, dress them up, and prep them up for that wedgie action!

6 immersive relaxing scenes to wedgie, pose, and animate your pals, some of which are quite large with built-in interactions or animator, like doors, television, and vehicles!

Pose your characters via the Poser! Have Francis give Chelsey an atomic wedgie, boxing matches, hoola-hooping, jumping jacks, skateboarding, or even your dear aunt Sally getting pied in the face!

Animate your characters and the environment! Waging a wedgie war? How about a sports tournament? Or maybe a series of pranks among siblings, or college school classmates in the dormitory. Or maybe you just want get revenge on your horrible, abusive, boss at work. Not only is it possible, you can make a movie (or series of online TV shows) out of it, and upload it YouTube for all your friends to see!

A large catalog of royalty-free music to listen to while you make your wedgie (or non-wedgie) scenes! You can also use them in your animation sequences if you wish, and upload them to YouTube (tested and copyright-safe).

The fun never ends there! Mod support out of the box! An in-game level editor to create your own scenes, import and export custom character data through the game and beyond. Share it with your friends! Go nuts!

Wedgie Simulator on Steam

Destructive Contraptions

Destructive Contraptions

Have you ever wondered about making a game where you can make huge chain of dominos and watch them fall one by one without having to worry about any of the legal and life threatening issues. If you are one of those people you just got your dream game.

Welcome to the world of Destructive Contraptions.

Destructive Contraptions is an physics based sandbox simulator where you can create huge contraptions and watch them fall apart and destroy variety of giant structures ranging from monuments buildings to a city.

Ultimately the floor is yours to fill and the how you do it is completely up to you. We just give you the tools. So sit back and enjoy your creations as they do their work.

The game is heavily physics based so no two play sessions will be same i.e. the outcome of the game will be different each time, resulting in fun and crazy moments.

Some of the features you will encounter in this game are :

Variety Of Objects to Play With

Different Type of Objects like Dominos, Buildings, Trees, Pushers, Pivots and many more.

Time Manipulation / Freeze Time:

You can change the time and watch the pieces fall after one another in slow motion or just freeze time and move around.

Sandbox / Level editor:

You can make your own levels in the level editor.

Destructive Contraptions on Steam

Dieselpunk Wars

Dieselpunk Wars

I think I am the player who has been playing this game for the longest time ever (most of them spent on building stuff in creative), and I did enjoy it and had high hopes. But still…


Several serious bugs exist, including one that makes airships pretty much unplayable.

The Devs have been informed of those bugs for months but no action was ever taken.

They also stated on Discord that the May update is going to be the last update, so consider it officially abandoned.

Severe Lack of Content

Real player with 466.8 hrs in game

A very good game.

Important notes:


Movement on the ground for wheeled/tracked vehicles is generally pretty good, the only issue i tend to have is the velocity being canceled completely by trees/random geometry such as rocks. Movement also feels very slow/tanky however i think that fits the game just fine. Sea/Air movement works perfectly well, though i couldn’t get a walker to work.


I have a few nitpicks about it, namely with not enough keybinds/options for keybinds in the building menu, and not being able to press esc to exit out of some menu prompts. There are some bugs here, as you might guess from an early access game, but aside from the occasional incorrect mirroring, it works just fine.

Real player with 65.8 hrs in game

Dieselpunk Wars on Steam

Hammer SandBox

Hammer SandBox

Hammer Sandbox is a solo/multiplayer sandbox game with no specific goal, except maybe having fun! You can make your own mods, maps gamemodes and plugins!

Map creators can define their own rules and goals!

Server owners can grow up their community and gamemode!

Hammer SandBox on Steam



game crashes for the most stupid reasons like the light bulb touching something after unpausing or using ctrl+v, but the devs read the discussions soo together the community can fix this, but i dont recommend it yet, wait until it has more content, more interesting saves (that dont break on the next version), and less crashes before buying

i think the game is dead

but indeed it has a interesting concept and i support it, but as i said before, wait until its ready to play

Real player with 28.5 hrs in game

Nice game. Yes, is like People Playground graphics wise (I don’t have People Playground), but it’s a vehicle building (although I’m pretty sure you can do that in both games), physics based game, not a kill the ragdolls in every way possible. There is a lot of parts to play around with, and in general have fun. It’s still in development and has bugs, but it’s very fun as it is. The devs are also really active in the community, which is really nice.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

PixPhys on Steam



As of right now, I just installed the version and have not played it yet.

Four hours in, can I recommend the game? Yeah. It has a low price, and it is filled to the brim with potential in my eyes.

I can see the workshop being used a lot for this game, and if given enough freedom and creativity, I can see some really awesome things coming from this game.

However right now, all the jokes you see about having low frames is true. Game lags hard. Especially when you’re doing what you’d want to do in this game; make battle scenarios and play. It honestly is pretty bad. But this game is still very early in its development, so I can imagine a performance patch will be in the works.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

This is a great game but it can be even greater there are a few things that need to be fixed and alot to be added the creators need to fix the healing system as when ur controlling a character u can not heal it and when ur not controling a character u can not heal it so. With the maps the comands and flags need to be fixed. If u want this to be a great game creators u need to add multiplayer, melee, more maps, a steam workshop, being able to go prone, more missions even a campain, more styles guns ect, and u need to add more comands like to make charecters fly and every enemy player to target one man and if a player kills there teamates than the whole team should kill the traitor. I understand this game is in its beta and for its beta its amazing this game could become one of the best games ever just depands on what the creators do with it. All together definetly recomend this game.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Warbox on Steam

3dSen VR

3dSen VR



my mind has been blown. im surprised at how little attention this has. as of now product is 2% positive reviews away from “overwhelmingly positive” and rightfully so (i hope it makes it there c:). First off i would like to emphasize that this is not a game but an emulator. A very very nice emulator on steroids. i would akin it more as software that you use to run other games. 3Dsen does not come with these games but it will greatly enhance them if you download the games (via a simple google search) and run them with 3Dsen. their very easy to download if i want super mario bro 3 i just google “super mario bro 3 nes download” and boom there it is.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

3DSENVR breathes new life into old classics. Duck Hunt makes for a respectable target shooter in VR. That’s right: Duck Hunt… a game that came out in 1984… is a FUN VR GAME now.

Even stuff that kind of sucked… at the time it came out… is now modernized into a total blast to play: A 1983 Pinball game I otherwise wouldn’t have given ANY thought to as an 8-year-old kid is freaking MAGICAL now. To be clear: I had ZERO nostalgic feelings for that title… but now it’s one of my favorite 3DSENVR games.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

3dSen VR on Steam