

What an absolute treat of a game showing how every little thing matters and how important the people around you are and you should cherish every moment you can. Wattam starts off with a little mayor being lonely and soon off to making new friends and more on the way. The little sandbox you start out in continues to expand as you progress through the 4 seasons. The music once again never fails to amuse me, and the atmosphere gives the katamari damacy series vibes which gives a lot of childhood memories. Each character you unlock feels very unique and adorable to interact with. The story has a lot of meaning towards life and the world itself. The game roughly takes 3-4 hours long to beat but there is after game content if you haven’t unlocked all the visitors/achievements just to mess around in the sandbox. Can’t believe this adorable but absurd game managed to tear me up in the end truly a fantastic game. Will recommend this game if you are looking for a happy/peaceful time.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Adventure Games.

All my days used to feel the same, just playing a waiting game, dining at a table set for one, stuck in an endless rerun. Then one day you walked into my life, it was you I needed. I can’t wait to be comin' home to you, can’t wait to be comin' home to you, can’t wait to be comin' home to it all… Walking alone makes the world a lonely shade of blue, walking alone was a bore, until the moment I met you. All that it took was a single glance to change my point of view, with our hands tightly together, let us set off on an adventure. Along the way, things take a turn… not in a way… like we planned it. Now both of us are trav’ling all alone again, but our journey led us on two different paths, before the end. Please, don’t you leave me, without you it won’t be easy… oh no. I cannot go on alone, I’m not brave enough on my own, so… we won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'. We won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'. We won’t be comin', no we won’t be comin'…

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Wattam on Steam



Boodunnit, what to say that hasn’t already been said?

Graphics/Art 10/10

Gameplay 5/10

Controls 3/10

This is a really cute game but it is kinda hard to love. Boodunnit has a nice premise and nice mechanics but it feels like it’s incomplete. Sure, it’s a free game and I shouldn’t be harking on it too hard but I have to. I would gladly pay a few dollars to support the devs and help make Boodunnit better.

Camera and Levitation issues have been talked to death so I won’t talk too much about it. However, I feel that most of the issues talked about by people could be alleviated by simply putting the control of levitation on the arrow keys instead of the mouse. That way, you wouldn’t be spinning your mouse around trying to see and control an abject at the same time. Furthermore, it would allow for more control over levitating object which would be nice. Wonder why the Play Testers didn’t say anything. With a group that big, certainly a few of them, if not all of them, would’ve found the controls as frustrating as 90% of the player base does.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Comedy Games.

The overall art style and aesthetic of the game is gorgeous, the story line is intriguing and kept me interested so that alone would make me recommend.

However, the controls are sometimes frustrating especially when you play as either the rat or pigeon. Moving items is difficult as you have no way of knowing where they are being placed or how you can move them smoothly, you are still able to move stuff and complete the game just with a little difficulty. The camera was also awkward to move at times and did have the tendencies of giving me motion sickness with how janky the movements were.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Boodunnit on Steam

Detective Bot

Detective Bot

Sadly, it keeps crashing all the time. There’s fatal errors all over, and at one point there was a bug that wouldn’t bring up the evidence UI, and then the game autosaved, so the whole save file was useless. Fix the bugs, and then it might be a fun, quirky little puzzle game.

There’s a lot to like, but it needs to work first.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Detective Games.

Loved it! A fun cute little puzzle game :)

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Detective Bot on Steam

Paper Beast - Folded Edition

Paper Beast - Folded Edition

I LOVE this game, played the entire thing yesterday and then spent hours in Sandbox mode. The fact that they released Folded Edition for users without VR headsets is amazing, and I’m surprised that both versions of the game (VR and Folded,) don’t have NEARLY as many players as they should. The puzzles are usually quite easy, the story is intriguing, the graphics are VERY visually pleasing (especially on Ultra render settings), and it gives players a reason to actually play through the Story first without jumping right into Sandbox, although I won’t say how so in case anybody who wasn’t played yet is reading this and doesn’t want spoilers. Overall, Paper Beast is probably one of the best games I’ve played in a while, and I REALLY hope that the Devs continue to work on it. :)

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

Paper Beast: Folded Edition

A nature-based puzzle game containing mystery, intrigue and some challenging puzzles to boot.

Easier to read review Here

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

Paper Beast - Folded Edition on Steam

Apocalypse Island

Apocalypse Island

About Gameplay

Apocalypse Island is an open-world adventure game. The player take on the role of main character Yolanda as she travels between fantasy dreams and the boring real world. The gameplay brings together many elements such as cultivating, survival, combat, FPS, etc.

In the game, the items are interoperable in the real world and the dreams. You can buy weapons and information from special stores in the real world, and then bring them into the dreams to help you fight against all kinds of powerful enemies. And when you defeat them, they will drop loot. You can bring the loot back to the real world in exchange for a lot of money.

Money is very important in the game. There are a variety of ways to earn money, including going to work, investing in stocks, doing business to earn the price difference, and it can only be earned in the real world. Don’t forget to buy some food and medicine with the money you earned, you will need them whether in the real world or in the dreams. Besides, you can also use the money to buy new houses, sofas, lamps, carpets and other items that improve your life quality and make you feel better.

Of course, if you are a player who loves cultivating, the game also has also created a clothing system for you, so you can dress up your main character.

About Weapons

Various weapons have been added to the game, from knives to RPGs. If you want to use them, upgrade your weapon level first. To upgrade your level, you need to learn from a specialized weapon school.

About Monsters

There are dozens of monsters in the game, from the ground to the sky, and each monster has its own AI and attack mode.

About Maps

The map in the game is not big, and every house can be explored. You need to explore and find some information hidden in the houses. You should always be careful when exploring the houses, because houses are the favorite places for some giant insects to build nests.

Apocalypse Island on Steam

Paper Beast

Paper Beast

[initial review after 1.5 hours, 2nd review after completion follows, scroll down for it…]

Paper Beast is not quite like anything else, which I guess is why I’m enjoying it so much.

The world is somewhat open (though the player is herded into a fairly narrow pathway through it) and feels spacious. The low-poly graphics are almost abstract, yet well-lit enough and with good enough ambient sound support to feel convincing and provide immersion. Lighting and sky effects are remarkably good, with dawn/sunset fx and thunderstorms over a vast desert landscape. Water doesn’t really try to be realistic, yet is remarkably wet and believable. Occasional “special” items in the landscape cause instant teleportation to nearby spots. It’s a world of constant discoveries. My initial experience was a delightful sense of disorientation and wonder, like walking into a strange but enjoyable dream.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

I firmly believe this is the game to change the future of VR.

Yes, HL: Alyx was the most well-recognised recent step into AAA VR titles, but this game shows that effort and heart can be poured into such a game without the weight of an already established intellectual property behind it. Paper Beast stands on its own and succeeds in everything it tries to achieve.

There is a moment early in the story, standing in a blackened cave, hearing the wind whistle from a gap to the crisply thunderous and opaque outside world. Just the notion that you’re led to this location because you can hear the DIRECTION the wind is coming from shows that this game could never have been any form of success outside of VR. It uses every aspect of the ‘present’ experience of VR to its advantage. And so this game curates an experience of unique curiosity; of turning your head and stepping towards a dark and windy crack in the cave wall to be met with a vast, oily, pitch-dark ocean swelling and crashing below you, lightning illuminating the twists of video-tape seaweed just below the surface through the peaks of the waves. And what can you do with it? Nothing. It’s untouchable.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Paper Beast on Steam

The Amethyst Stones

The Amethyst Stones

This is a open world single player game where the story begins with Zoe’s father who has failed his mission to save his daughter that has a special terminal blood illness. Various stones and clues have to be found in order to help save her sister. Find the AMETHYST STONES to help save her. To explore the intense island and caves while the story of Zoe unfolds to survive with only instincts and clues plus the ability to push beyond her limits of human endurance,. You can climb walls and go over obstacles and every level has puzzles to be solved to get to the next section. If you solve the puzzles you can continue to the next level. Every levels puzzles become more difficult. The game has a story line that you need to follow and understand. She must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.

The Amethyst Stones on Steam

Camp Canyonwood

Camp Canyonwood

Welcome to historic Camp Canyonwood! You’re the new Head Counselor, tasked with breathing new life into these old campgrounds. The Campers are here, and they’re hungry for some summer fun. Their amusement, education and most importantly safety lies in your hands. Good luck, and watch for the things that go bump in the night.

Build Your Dream Camp

Gather materials and funds to improve your camp each summer, and design it as you see fit.

Guide Your Troop

Lead troops of campers each summer in pursuit of Merit Badges. The more they learn, the more you earn.

Beware of Dangers

Camping isn’t always easy. Protect your campers from dangers both natural and supernatural.

Live the Camp Life

Hike, fish, bug catch and more in a scenic Utah-inspired wilderness.

Camper Personalities

No two campers are the same. Each have their own unique personalities and quirks. Learn their needs to better reach them!

Camp Canyonwood on Steam




i got banned by the dev for calling out his game being empty and saying it felt like a scam

and here the proof https://imgur.com/a/v6B9Cvy

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

DROPTCH on Steam

Echo of the Wilds

Echo of the Wilds

This review is based on v6 of the game.

Echo of the Wilds is a great little pixel art puzzle/survival game with a very involved developer.

I beat the game my first time in about 17 hours and completed all achievements after about 36 hours. I would say that there isn’t much replayability after getting all of the achievements and most people would be satisfied with just beating the game once (you could get all achievements in one playthrough, but it took me multiple playthroughs to figure out optional puzzles and to really get the mechanics of the game). It was definitely a worthwhile game for me and I did enjoy almost every minute of playing.

Real player with 37.3 hrs in game

Exceeded my anticipation

I bought Echo of the Wilds on the morning of the 9th and “completed” it on the 11th, early evening (approx. 20 hours). I took only 3 breaks from the game, and two of them were against my will. I’m telling you this to give you an idea of how much I really enjoyed this game. Survival-puzzle game sums up EotW tidily, but it’s like nothing I’ve ever played before. There’s quite a bit going on - with three quarters resting solely in the player’s hands and the other quarter left to randomness and the seasons. Some players may feel overwhelmed in the beginning and give up. Just stick with it, it pays off.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

Echo of the Wilds on Steam