Creeping Darkness

Creeping Darkness

Is it worth 5$? Depends on who’s paying and who’s playing. Can it be WORTH 5$? I’d like to think so. Batteries, Painkillers, and Decisive Doors closing can really make it feel impossible to beat. I wish we had a little more guidance on where to go and potentially what to do even though you can kinda figure this out through trial and error.

Also, I made a video if you’re interested. ( .

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Action Games.

Creeping Darkness on Steam

The Amethyst Stones

The Amethyst Stones

This is a open world single player game where the story begins with Zoe’s father who has failed his mission to save his daughter that has a special terminal blood illness. Various stones and clues have to be found in order to help save her sister. Find the AMETHYST STONES to help save her. To explore the intense island and caves while the story of Zoe unfolds to survive with only instincts and clues plus the ability to push beyond her limits of human endurance,. You can climb walls and go over obstacles and every level has puzzles to be solved to get to the next section. If you solve the puzzles you can continue to the next level. Every levels puzzles become more difficult. The game has a story line that you need to follow and understand. She must fight to unravel the dark history of a forgotten island to escape its relentless hold.

Read More: Best Sandbox Action Games.

The Amethyst Stones on Steam

Hyper Dungeon Crawler

Hyper Dungeon Crawler

This is the groundwork for a really nice little game, and I did quite enjoy it for what it was, which is why I give this a positive review, but it is rather rough around the edges. Some things that would need to be ironed out before I can really recommend it:

  • The inventory limitations are quite frustrating without adding much depth to the game itself, and with a full inventory you can’t even dig through walls properly which makes this extra infuriating. The many different foodstuffs especially seem to be just designed to clog up your inventory.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Turn-Based Tactics Games.

Fun little game. Fairly challenging. My only gripe is that some stuff isn’t explained. I see things that I feel like I should be able to interact with but I can’t.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Hyper Dungeon Crawler on Steam




i got banned by the dev for calling out his game being empty and saying it felt like a scam

and here the proof

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

DROPTCH on Steam

Deep Despair 2

Deep Despair 2

A game with good atmosphere, a nice amount of content, a surprising amount of horror elements, and all at a good price. Its a good game.

After looking at the reviews of the first Deep Despair, it appears that in this installment, every issue and problem people had with the first game has been fixed, along with improvements to every aspect of the game. Also I like how the deeper you go, the more monster types appear

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

I want to like this, but I’ve already had a game breaking bug. I equipped a torch for the first time, went down a ladder for the first time and that was all she wrote. I got the “Mines” text and the game hung permanently. I tabbed out and closed it, reloaded and the “Loading world” screen hung indefinitely. SO that world is broken, and is now useless. We’ll see what happens in the next .8 hours before I have to make a refund decision :(


New world made and attempted to recreate the issue. The game DOES take a long time to load mines, so don’t think it will be an instant transition when you go down the ladder. This time it finished loading and the game did not freeze. I tried leaving and re-entering several times and with the exception of less loading time, there was no change and it worked fine. I DID go back to the original world and let it load for a half hour but it remains broken and unusable. Second world seems to be behaving as desired so far.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Deep Despair 2 on Steam

No man’s Island Prologue

No man’s Island Prologue

No Man’s Island Prologue is an uncompromising wilderness Survival game.

Enter a strange and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Gather resources to craft items and structures that match your survival style. Play your way as you unravel the mysteries of this strange land.

Key Features:

No Man’s Island Prologue version contains more content than the Demo version, now you can enter the new Ice Biome, new dungeon and new enemies.

Uncompromising Survival & World Exploration:

No instructions. No help. No hand holding. Start with nothing and craft, hunt, research, farm and fight to survive.

Isometric game:

3D characters and odd creatures inhabiting a unique 3D world.

  • Player controls (mouse, keyboard)

  • Inventory system

  • Crafting system

  • Equipment (attached to character)

  • Resource gathering

  • Character attributes (health, hunger, thirst…)

  • Animals

  • Hunting and Fishing

  • Farming (Sowing seeds, and plant/fruit growth)

  • Eating and cooking

  • Basic material (wood, grass, rock, …)

  • Gathering tools (axe, pickaxe, fishing rod, …)

  • Weapons/armor

  • Food (berries, apples, nuts, meat, fish, …)

  • Cooked food (fish & chips, skewer, bread…)

  • Constructions (fire, shelter, house…)

  • Environment (trees, bushes, rocks, floor patterns…)

  • Farming plants (corn, potatoes, wheat…)

  • Combat (against wild animals)

  • Item durability and food spoilage

  • Storage boxes (chest)

  • Pets (follow, attack and dig behaviors)

  • Bonus effects (Consumable or equipment that boost stats).

  • Temperature, cold and heat sources.

  • Game clock, day/night cycle

  • Save/Load system

  • 5 biomes, with different enemies

The island contains 5 biomes.

Pre-Alpha: 2 Biomes. Difficulty * / Difficulty **

Alpha: 3 Biomes. Difficulty ** / Difficulty ***

Beta: 5 Biomes. Difficulty *** / Difficulty **** / Difficulty *****

No man's Island Prologue on Steam

No Man’s Island

No Man’s Island

No Man’s Island is an uncompromising wilderness Survival game.

Enter a strange and unexplored world full of strange creatures, dangers, and surprises. Gather resources to craft items and structures that match your survival style. Play your way as you unravel the mysteries of this strange land.

Key Features:

Uncompromising Survival & World Exploration:

No instructions. No help. No hand holding. Start with nothing and craft, hunt, research, farm and fight to survive.

Isometric game:

3D characters and odd creatures inhabiting a unique 3D world.

  • Player controls (mouse, keyboard)

  • Inventory system

  • Crafting system

  • Equipment (attached to character)

  • Resource gathering

  • Character attributes (health, hunger, thirst…)

  • Animals

  • Hunting and Fishing

  • Farming (Sowing seeds, and plant/fruit growth)

  • Eating and cooking

  • Basic material (wood, grass, rock, …)

  • Gathering tools (axe, pickaxe, fishing rod, …)

  • Weapons/armor

  • Food (berries, apples, nuts, meat, fish, …)

  • Cooked food (fish & chips, skewer, bread…)

  • Constructions (fire, shelter, house…)

  • Environment (trees, bushes, rocks, floor patterns…)

  • Farming plants (corn, potatoes, wheat…)

  • Combat (against wild animals)

  • Item durability and food spoilage

  • Storage boxes (chest)

  • Pets (follow, attack and dig behaviors)

  • Bonus effects (Consumable or equipment that boost stats).

  • Temperature, cold and heat sources.

  • Game clock, day/night cycle

  • Save/Load system

  • 5 biomes, with different enemies

The island contains 5 biomes.

Pre-Alpha: 2 Biomes. Difficulty * / Difficulty **

Alpha: 3 Biomes. Difficulty ** / Difficulty ***

Beta: 5 Biomes. Difficulty *** / Difficulty **** / Difficulty *****

No Man's Island on Steam



3DRPG is a voxelized old-school RPG where you explore a Randomly Generated world filled with random dungeons, towns and people.

Graphics :



Average ✓



Sound :




Good ✓


The Graphic is pleasant and the sounds match it really well.

Story :



Average ✓



The Story itself is pretty basic, but its there, its good to know what and why you are doing

Atmosphere :




Real player with 27.8 hrs in game

The first few times I played this game, I really had no clue what I was doing.

then it slowly started to click, now I’m having a great time playing this little game.

First off, this game should be needs to be played with a Controller, be it Steam or Xbox, it’s just easier. (I had problems with it not responding to my keystrokes on my laptop, controller use is near flawless (you’ll occasionally charge an arrow and have it drop as if it didn’t register the charge.)

The idea is you’ve been killed, but your soul escapes the underworld are you come back to life. you choose a “challenge” to keep your life, be it killing your killer, making money, or killing monsters, amongst other things… additional challenges unlock with subsequent playthroughs, you can only start with “Killing your killer” or “exchange your soul for another”

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

3DRPG on Steam

Rise of SamuraizerzZz

Rise of SamuraizerzZz

Exactly as they said: you can walk around in this game.

Oh.. spoiler allert!

Misha is a trap!

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Even game is early access we cannot do anything except use phone and people reactions.Otherwise we cannot find home and there is no music in the game.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Rise of SamuraizerzZz on Steam

Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen is a survival game where you can complete a story. The game is based on an economical design. Here you can explore different planets and interact with aliens to know more about places. Aliens are speaking their language and are translated. Also to survive you have to collect precious stones and sell it to vendors to make ALTO and after that you can buy water, oxygen, food and all necessary needs to survive.

Key points of the game

  • Economical design ( sell, buy and multiply money at casino ).

  • Story ( Psychological story which will blow your mind ).

  • Survive in a new way.

  • For more, play the game and share your thoughts with us!

Alt Oxygen on Steam