

Graphics are amazing, and gameplay is extremely smooth!

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Exploration Games.

The guns feel great especially the minigun on the initial car you drive. Currently there is a shotgun, handgun, smg, and assault rifle. The combat can be tricky if the enemy detects you first. There is fuel scattered around the map and makes you search for it to keep driving.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

After on Steam



⚡This game was a really good time spent.⚡

Love the way the production approached the retro theme,

it made me feel nostalgic and I could relive good times.

//the story is very good and I was interested in unraveling the game’s mysteries.

//The game makes us a character and I love that in a game, I like to feel a part of the game and being a character in it myself.

so… several positive points, huh!?

in addition, the game has a very deep

reflection on depression,

anxiety and self-condemnation.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Survival Horror Games.

So, this game is a very basic, simple OS simulator with a “game” that you can play within the PC. The PC does have some decent enough music in the playlist but not really all that much else to read or interact with (there are a couple files that you can read, but it only BARELY creates a story). The bulk of the gameplay will be located in the game that you can find in one of the folders. It’s got the basic “Slenderman” stuff going for it (go and collect 10 candles while a monster chases you). There is a stamina bar and timer to give it a bit more depth in the difficulty department (otherwise the game would be all too easy to beat). There isn’t really a story to the game, which there wasn’t meant to be (as a file shows that Oliver couldn’t think of a story before he died). I didn’t encounter any issues with the game, which is great. The story is pretty simple yet not very fleshed out as much as I’d like in games like this one. I could get the gist but didn’t really understand the why (for instance

! it’s clear that Oliver is being harassed/bullied but we are left with no clear reason for it).

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GAME.exe on Steam

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Only played the game for a while and stopped when I finished the early access content. As a playable demo essentially, Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty is surprisingly a lot of fun.

The core concept- without going into too many details, is enjoyable. You play as a vulgar-Polish-vampire-priest that kills Shatanists with baseball bats, gun fists, and gravity gloves. You can even slow time by chugging beer.

So far. my favorite weapon in-game is the gravity glove. In function, it’s pretty much the Gravity Gun from Half-Life, but as a glove. Like the Gravity Gun, you can pick up select items from the environment and fling them at high speeds. Items flung do considerable damage to npcs, and when struck, makes them ragdoll with the blow. Another bonus is that when an npc is dead, you can pick up and throw their bodies around with the glove. Unlimited ammunition!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Action Games.

I liked the polish postal like humor, the absurdity of some mechanics and themes, the original presentation in the form of “documentary” with characters being interviewed. It is surprisingly fun to play. Even though it is called Priest simulator I wouldn’t really put it into the simulator bucket - instead its more like its own weird game with a story and sandbox-ish mechanics to play around without restricting you like most games do nowadays.

I think that priest sim can be a great game if some minor concerns get addressed and tweaks happen. It is sometimes unclear when my melee attack will hit and whats the range, during exorcism it is hard to navigate the house - especially drunk, some doors get stuck so you need to improvise - destroying all doors there seems like the best solution because opening them is a problem. I want to play around and see a lot cool weapons and other ways to obliterate enemies as well as more complicated enemies and bosses as content.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty on Steam



Kings0 - turn-based strategy in medieval genre, where you have to control your civilization in many aspects of the game.

The player will be able to visit different conditions, where the clan wars of the ancient Tribes are in full swing.

But not always everything can be solved by war, and therefore there are many mechanics for different styles of play.

This is where a new story begins that is different from other players.

The player has the right to do whatever comes to his mind with the game world.

Economy, pumping and construction, diplomacy, battles with lords, bandits and other civilizations, raids and robberies, achievements and easter eggs and much more.

Kings0 on Steam



DarkHouse is a survival game in a night psychiatric clinic in the genre of first-person horror. A mysterious creepy doctor is tearing at your heels trying to kill you.

Uncover the mystery of the psychiatric hospital by collecting elements for the ritual to bring the infernal monster back to the underworld.

The main character: A vulnerable girl Sofia lives alone with her grandmother, in order to somehow make ends meet, she moonlights as a nurse at night in a psychiatric clinic.

DarkHouse on Steam

Fantasy Toonz: Embers of Creation

Fantasy Toonz: Embers of Creation

The Great Creator Raist, being as bored as he was, created 12 demi gods to keep himself entertained. They soon became bored themselves so they created a world with all kinds of races to keep themselves entertained. Filled with jealousy, but fearing rebellion, Raist manipulated the races into a false religion to fight against the demi gods. Raist then suggested the demi gods give their children magic as a reward for their loyalty and to combat this new false religion that was threatening the will of the gods. When the demi gods realized that the Raist was the one behind the false religion, they took all the magic from their childen and used it to destroy The Great Creator. Raist was destroyed and the embers of what was left smashed down upon the planet, shattering it into an untold number of pieces and destroyed most of the life on the planet.

Fantasy Toonz: Embers of Creation on Steam

Imperialism: Fate of India

Imperialism: Fate of India

I do not think this is operable on the Mac, I do not recommend this game.

Failed to get into the game.

Os high sierra 10.13

Tried re-install, failed to enter program, and refuses to stop running.

O/S mojave

When reprogrammed in 64 bit then it may work on Mac.

Real player with 251.7 hrs in game

First things first:

Remember: The game is a low-budget-game in early-access!

There is no reason to offend or slander the developer. Although the game isn’t finished yet, the developer already fixed some serious bugs and released some patches. Feel free to report bugs in the discussions, the developer actually reacts to it. Be constructive, be polite.

“Imperialism: Fate of India” is a strategy game set in India 1805.

Pick one of the 34 countries and try to conquer the whole subcontinent.

Build troops and equip your provinces with infrastructural buildings to get money.

Real player with 26.5 hrs in game

Imperialism: Fate of India on Steam

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy

Airship: Academy is a fantasy airship skyfaring simulation game with hyper-rich lore and narrative. Inspired by many space-sim and pirate-sim such as Star Control, Freelancer, and Sid Meier’s Pirates.

  • You are a veteran airship commander enlisted for a job in a Kingdom far from home

  • Navigate a vast open-world and explore the sky of a shattered continent

  • Engage in spectacular airship battles with insurmountable depth and complexity

  • Fight pirates, rob merchants, repel law enforcers, and challenge the military

  • Buy, build, and upgrade your airships and parts. Enlist, level up, and build relationships with your crews

  • Traverse the skyscape and learn about the history and recent events through helping and listening to people

  • Visit ports, towns, villages, and cities to collect resources and build industries

  • Over 70 ports and 150 NPCs each with unique storylines

  • Over 30 different airships with more than 150 parts to fit into them

  • More than 100 questlines to follow and unravel lore and mysteries of the world


The Great Sky War has stalled, it has been almost a year since the last battle. War has been a good business. Without it, you have been resorting to freelancing to get by. An offer arrived one morning, from some big-name trade and security company. It is an honest and stable job, so you took it right away. Now you found yourself at the Segson Archipelago, unknowingly involved in something far greater than you ever wished for.


Eons ago, the Great Cataclysm shattered Spheara into pieces. Wild magic wind engulfed the globe, lifting the grounds hanging afloat in the sky. Spheara is the world in the sky above the deadly and dark ocean. Life in such a world is difficult and perilous but humanity and civilizations found ways to prosper.


The place in the center of our focus is the continental group of landmass called Europa. These landmasses above the great ocean below is classified into three belts or rings by their vastly different distance above the sea level. Different nations and cultures developed on different archipelagos, at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, they struggle to define their coexistence.


The Kingdom of Suthseg has long been the sovereignty over the Sagson Archipelago, a cluster of three major drifting landmasses with plenty of rich minor isles. The Archipelago also holds the key prominent point of interest, that is the Great Mana Coil, the largest gateway allowing airships to descend and ascend across belts.


Destiny has brought about two young souls and two patriarchs together. All strive towards different things in life and want a better world for themselves and those who come after them. What will be their legacies?


You can make, buy, or take ship parts from many sources and fit them into a wide variety of airship frames. The balance between speed, agility, durability, firepower, and transport efficiency are key to various strategies and tactics once entered into battle.


Exercise the best use of tactics and skills of the crewmen. Push the capability of an airship to its limit and seize the day to enjoy the spoil of victory.


The continent is vast. It has many things to offer, many stories to tell, treasures to collect, and mysteries to unravel. The measurement unit and time taken during travel are measured in real-time and real units. Even though the player can accelerate time, this can infuse them with a strong sense of immersion.


Many ports and merchants offer parts, ships, and all sorts of other items that would aid the player in their quests for fame and fortune. Merchants sell and buy specific things, demand and supplies are also limited to the nature of the settlement they are from.


Producing, processing, transporting, assembling, and manufacturing goods and weapons are beats that keep Europa going. While skyfaring, freelancing, and privateering could earn a ship captain a good fortune; supporting and arming a fleet would require other kinds of ingenuity.

Airship: Academy on Steam

Imagine Earth

Imagine Earth

I purchased this game some time ago and have waited a long time to review it, due in part to some issues I had with it, but also because I wanted to be fair, considering that it is an early access game. So with that being said, my review:

So I was flipping through the steam games and I came across this game called “Imagine Earth” in the simulation section, I saw that it had a demo and decided to try it. At the time the demo only had a missions available, a simple interface and not a lot in the way of content… but I was hooked.

Real player with 41.7 hrs in game

I really like Imagine Earth. It’s a fun, lightweight city building game, where you have to keep track of not only economical, but ecological development as well.

The game has come a long way since its appearance on Steam. I get, that a lot of people compare this to games like Anno, don’t! Anno was made by a company worth billions, this game was made by a small indy team.

And especially in times of heat waves and forest fires in North America and South Europe, never seen floods in Europe and Asia it is good to see, that some people still try to educate about global warning.

Real player with 29.0 hrs in game

Imagine Earth on Steam

Playground VR

Playground VR

Video Review Here:

This is more of a neutral recommendation than anything else. Playground VR offers a decently sized city filled with lots of activities to chose from. While this appears good at first, there does seem to be a bit of a quantity over quality issue with these activities as most of them you will grow tired of fairly quickly. That being said though, I did enjoy playing this game for a couple of hours and I do see potential here for something greater. If you are looking for an open world VR game where you can just mess around with and have fun then I think you won’t be too disappointed; but if you are looking for something deeper then this might not be for you.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Perfect for streaming

I love the way Source Byte works. They have set the task to create a fun sandbox for VR, so they did it! I played with friends and everyone had fun watching the clumsy attempts to do something.

This game is perfect for streaming.

If you want to entertain your audience, then this is the best way to do it. There are so many activities that you can do, funny sounds and instruments.

I’m waiting for more games!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Playground VR on Steam