Lucifer Within Us

Lucifer Within Us

Normally I operate a £1/hr to determine if a game is worth playing, and I’ll admit that I was worried about “Lucifer Within Us” when many were seeing short play times in the demo. However, I had enjoyed the demo so much that I gave it a chance knowing that it was very doubtful the game would be very long.

Having completely finished the game with all achievements, I feel the game was worth it.

The story is very well written and pulls you in with the voice acting adding that touch of atmosphere to convey the character emotions perfectly, particularly during confessions. My personal favourite was the second investigation where, despite having worked out what was going on, I was still shocked by the outcome and confession. The little touches with the voice acting delivery and graphic choices were key to creating that atmosphere. Well done!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Detective Games.

I’ll start with the good things. This game has an interesting style and setting. The color pallet doesn’t hurt the eye and the graphics are passable if you don’t scroll too close. A strange mix of high-tech and theology would make an interesting setting for a bigger game. The mysteries themselves are pretty good and may take some time to solve on the first playthrough.

But the problem is, you will only play it once. Now, to the bad stuff.

1. The game doesn’t allow you to lose. You can’t accuse the wrong person, you can’t frustrate the suspects to the point of angry unresponsiveness. In fact, you are encouraged to do so, based on achievements. The absence of failure allows you to just play dumb and spam every possible combination of clues and statements until it clicks, making the whole detective part meaningless. Even when performing the exorcism, you are safe. Wrong daemon name? Well, just try another one!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Lucifer Within Us on Steam

Hello Neighbor Alpha 2

Hello Neighbor Alpha 2

Hello Neighbor Alpha 2 is great because you can go into the console and type lots of commands, such as the “summon” command, where you can summon any item that you want. Also, It’s the most realistic HN build (with final art), none of that roller coaster, mounted windmill, crazy contraptions thing, but a subtle house in the suburbs, which you can explore. This is a truly fun game build that let’s your imagination run wild with the summon feature and messing with the neighbor. No need to download a console mod for the game, because it comes with one! I like this build very much and I highly recommend you check it out and do what you feel like doing, Hello Neighbor doesn’t always have to be about getting into the neighbor’s basement.

Real player with 361.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Horror Games.


Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

Hello Neighbor Alpha 2 on Steam

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

While yes its a pre alpha and has lots of bugs, in my opinion it is what hello neighbor should have been, i mean the newer art style just isnt scary and it focuses more on the puzzle solving then the actual horror, i also love the fact that the house looks like a real house that doesnt have roller coasters or anything crazy like that it feels like your sneaking into a real home with a real person who learns things living inside it which i think really adds to the horror aspect, so i highly recommend this version as it feels a lot more like a horror game than it does a puzzle solver.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Horror Games.

What Hello Neighbor Should’ve been. This is the first build of Hello Neighbor. It’s buggy, broken, crashes constantly, is extremely hard, but is a masterpiece.

The atmosphere is insanely good. The game nails the creepy atmosphere. The music that plays when you enter the house/when the neighbor is close is enough to send chills down your spine. The game is straightforwards enough, find the correct items to unlock his basment. He sometimes patrols the house, but usually just watches TV. Give it a try, you won’t regret it. That is unless your game crashes and you lose all your progress. Happy breaking and entering!

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha on Steam

Area 86

Area 86

An excellent and innovative game.

You can smash glass in this game- what else can you ask from the developer? The controls are a bit hard to get used to, but with some practices you’ll get it.

Bugs do exist, but the devs listen to bug reports on Discord and do make attempts to fix them.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

This stupid clumsy robot won’t let me sleep… the game is so addictive :-)

The robot controls kind of sluggish and shattered objects on the ground make things more wonky. But this was done in a way that makes the game challenging and not frustrating … ok, I was lying, it is frustrating at times … in a good way.

The graphics are crisp and charming and I love the music, although there seems to be only one song. The developer is doing a great job at fixing bugs too :-)

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Area 86 on Steam

Road Tripper

Road Tripper

I can’t really recommend this game with the way it is right now…It has potential but the choppiness makes me not wanna play it, there’s also no settings available, I couldn’t make any changes to the graphics to make it less choppy, but I don’t want a refund because I want to keep this and wait and see if things improve..

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Love the idea of the game. I’m having trouble finding the option to craft, but other than that the ambiance and the possibilities seem very cool. Keep up the great work!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Road Tripper on Steam



One of the best zach-like games to exist thus far; A perfect rendition of simple rules leading to complex interactions. The retro pixel art and story featuring historically accurate rock star scientists lends itself well to a fun and engaging game about building the worlds first analog computer. The developer is active and responsive, adding more content fairly frequently, and the community is already both friendly and competitive.

10/10, would request lewd etchings again

Real player with 395.8 hrs in game

First and foremost: This is a positive review.

I’m unable to beat this game however (PEBKAC) though, so I’m going to caution prospective players:

This game is HARD, and the tests in each level are NOT comprehensive, nor will they give the same results when run individually versus the ‘run all tests’ results. It’s VERY possible to make solutions which pass in test-all but fail on every single test when run individually. Chasing the test scores can easily box you into a dead-end solution path.

The test score results are NOT an actual metric for how usable parts you design are, and almost every part is meant to be used later after it’s made, without any clear description of errors compounding or what to watch out for.

Real player with 16.5 hrs in game

ComPressure on Steam

FBI Agent Simulator

FBI Agent Simulator


Enter the city of sin and corruption and find your way around it. Stroll down the grey streets, trying not to get lost in this this sad, concrete town, and be prepared to be called into the field office. Murders, thefts, kidnapping, drug businesses, mafia and organized crime – all of these cases are your daily bread, but it’s high time they were no more.

Are you ready to face the ugly truth and deal with the consequences?


What kind of agent do you want to be? In this game you will be able to choose your approach and follow your instincts. Should you put the arm on the suspect or pretend to befriend him? Or maybe let him loose, only to follow him and make an ambush? It’s up to you, but remember – time is of the essence and the lives of the people hang entirely on your success… or failure.

So, are you going to be a good cop, or a bad cop after all?


As soon as you receive the call – pack all the high-tech stuff and examine the crime scene. Who could do it better than an FBI agent, right? Especially since you are well-prepared and own a bag full of specialized tools that will allow you to look for the finger prints, test the blood samples, hack into the devices or instantly look through the police records. Gather all the evidence from the crime scene and take them to the lab!


After running through the evidence, you have to try to find a pattern. Maybe it’s about the look of the victims? Or the location of the crime scenes? Or the suspect’s background? The reason behind the murder is different each time and solving the puzzle requires both analytical thinking and perceptivity. Use the old-school, cork board mind map and look for the similarities. The more evidence you have, the easier the task will be!


If you have enough data, it’s time to narrow down the list of the suspects and set up some interviews. Prepare yourself and don’t lose your nerve. The culprit may want to put you off your stroke! Decide on the right approach and choose the dialogue options that will allow you to find out more about the crime and define whether the person sitting across the table is guilty or not. You may use the polygraph to help you out!


Having found the culprit? Great! All you have to do now is to arrest them and put them behind bars. Let’s just hope that you have done everything right! It would be such a shame to frame someone… However, even if you manage to choose the right person, you cannot rest on your laurels. As soon as one criminal lands in jail, the other one just starts doing atrocious things. The job of the FBI agent is never done… So you’d better brace yourself and brew some coffee!


Try to prevent the crimes from happening by using the information provided by the counterintelligence and infiltrators, but be prepared for the worse. And when it happens - solve the puzzle and find the criminal by connecting all the dots. Interview, accuse and put them in jail to make sure, that they never hurt anyone again.

FBI Agent Simulator on Steam

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator

I’m sorry, I really want to like this game, but if I gave it a thumbs-up, it would be for the concept and not the implementation and that’s not fair to people who are considering whether or not to purchase it.

To the dev(s): I like where you’re coming from and where you’re going with this. I hope you keep persevering and turn my opinion around. There’s an ENORMOUS amount of potential here. However, it’s plagued by issues (not just pre-release bugs) that make me question whether it has what it takes to pull off a successful release.

Real player with 270.4 hrs in game

I wanted to review FL sooner, but I also wanted to feel this game out first. I’m a simulation “expert” in that I’ve played almost every simulator game that has come out. There were some I purposely ignored for looking terrible, however. The emergency simulation genre has been struggling for a while. You have sh*tty developers and publishers pushing out games that make you want to burn the game itself so no one else ever has to experience it. Speaking of burn, I’ve been burned by these devs and publishers a lot - specifically Excalibur. They are notorious for backing garbage games. I used to be a moderator for Enforcer and had high hopes for it. Boyyyyyyyy was everyone, myself included, mislead.

Real player with 140.9 hrs in game

Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator on Steam



⚡This game was a really good time spent.⚡

Love the way the production approached the retro theme,

it made me feel nostalgic and I could relive good times.

//the story is very good and I was interested in unraveling the game’s mysteries.

//The game makes us a character and I love that in a game, I like to feel a part of the game and being a character in it myself.

so… several positive points, huh!?

in addition, the game has a very deep

reflection on depression,

anxiety and self-condemnation.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

So, this game is a very basic, simple OS simulator with a “game” that you can play within the PC. The PC does have some decent enough music in the playlist but not really all that much else to read or interact with (there are a couple files that you can read, but it only BARELY creates a story). The bulk of the gameplay will be located in the game that you can find in one of the folders. It’s got the basic “Slenderman” stuff going for it (go and collect 10 candles while a monster chases you). There is a stamina bar and timer to give it a bit more depth in the difficulty department (otherwise the game would be all too easy to beat). There isn’t really a story to the game, which there wasn’t meant to be (as a file shows that Oliver couldn’t think of a story before he died). I didn’t encounter any issues with the game, which is great. The story is pretty simple yet not very fleshed out as much as I’d like in games like this one. I could get the gist but didn’t really understand the why (for instance

! it’s clear that Oliver is being harassed/bullied but we are left with no clear reason for it).

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

GAME.exe on Steam

Your Principal

Your Principal

Do you see that old guy shouting and screaming? that’s you the principal

Being a Principal is not an easy task.

you can be the meanest, sourest principal in history or not.

  • Manage the class

  • Find their pranks and wisecracks

  • Create announcements

  • Use your special skills

  • calling parents is not the only way to deal with students.

  • create your own awesome punishments

  • Get their parents

Help your students o decide which way to go in their life.

You are the principal, theis future life is in your hands.

the whole school is in your hands too, that is a very responsible job to do,

and how you are going to do it is in your hands.

Those children can do a lot of damage to our business, make them pay for it or avoiding the problems.

  • Help them to choose the right way

  • Police or not - that’s your decision

  • You can choose if it is a problem with your school and how to deal with it

Let' start the game …. or their game?

Your Principal on Steam