Pocket Wheels

Pocket Wheels

Pocket Wheels isn’t just a racing game, it’s an objective-based 3D platformer. Take a seat in a toy car with special abilities and explore a house full of different themed rooms filled with objectives, race tracks and collectibles!

Use your jump ability to complete various objectives or extend your wings to get off the track and explore the different rooms.

For a small car, everyday objects can be a great challenge. What obstacles will you find in the kitchen or in the bathroom?

As a solo developer I’m reliant on your feedback, so I’m very open about the development. I share regular updates about new things that I’m working on. So if you are interested in following the progress you can follow me on Twitter, join the Discord or read my devlog on Patreon.

Read More: Best Sandbox Arcade Games.

Pocket Wheels on Steam



The game still feels somewhat unfinished, but they actually fixed the combat so that it’s fun again. That, and the amazing mod support means that I can’t but recommend the game. It’s a bit pricey, but it offers some of the most satisfying melee combat ever seen in a game. Perhaps even more satisfying than Dark Souls or the like. Despite it’s tragic state after a ridiculously long development time, it’s a cult classic and one of my favorite games for a simple reason; The combat is so good. It’s my go-to I-wanna-clap-some-people-to-death-or-die-trying game. If you love melee action combat games like me, you can’t pass this game.

Real player with 27.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Action Games.

Amazing. I got this from Humble Monthly, installed it, and in one sitting completed the main story. Now it’s 3 in the morning and I’m writing a review. The main story is indeed 3 hours long, but it held my attention by being so fun to play and look at that it passed by way too fast! I haven’t gotten to try the other 2 stories yet, but I can say a few things about the game, and from now on, I’ll be referencing the main story.

The good:

  • Movement: it’s amazing. There’s so many ways to get around, it feels so fluid to get from place to place, and the best part: Moving around is FUN! If I can have fun just getting from place to place, it’s a game I’ll enjoy. I’ve seen a couple reviews saying that the movement doesn’t do what you want it to do, but I just don’t see that in this game. Everything is spot on. Whenever the character did something wrong, it was always my fault, not the game.

Real player with 17.3 hrs in game

Overgrowth on Steam



the game is really good id say just add online and make the map bigger

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Action-Adventure Games.

Very fun, would recommend cant wait to see how this progresses

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

BoltBreak on Steam

Vaporwave World

Vaporwave World

it’s a nice place to just relax

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

A very unique and atmospheric building game!

The look and feel of the artwork is what sets this game apart. If you were around in the late 80s to early 90s, this will take you back. The screenshots make great backgrounds and screen-savers! Changing the lighting level and color has a dramatic effect on the look of the environment. I would recommend a “Cinematic” mode that removes all text and HUD info from the screen for better screenshots.

It is very early in the development schedule, so there’s not much going on game-wise. There are 10 or so decoration pieces. You can place all the items on the ground level or in the air. So far, there is only one flat panel that you can place, and then place other items on it. More deco will be added.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Vaporwave World on Steam

Creeps Creeps? Creeps!

Creeps Creeps? Creeps!

10/10 would buy again!!!! this game is very fun and addicting. there is a few things i would change about it i think the enemies could be nerfed a little and i also think they could spawn in a little slower. but over all its a great game and i defintely would recommend if you like games like this. and its defintely worth it for the price.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Very simple concept, but highly addictive.

Apart from the occasional bugs and the enemies being imbalanced, this game is definitely worth the little money you spend for it. However, i hope more content is pushed out soon as i completed the game entirely in just an afternoon.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Creeps Creeps? Creeps! on Steam

Fat Prisoner Simulator

Fat Prisoner Simulator

Fat Prisoner Simulator is not a game.

Fat Prisoner Simulator is a masterpiece, a work of art, beautifully crafted and perfectly executed. This game has transcended the bounds of reality, blurring the line between what is real and what is the game. I had never truly felt immersed in a game before I played this for the first time. When you’re playing this game, you ARE a fat prisoner.

On the topic of the graphics, this game once again excels. With the ability to run at a stunning 1920x1080 resolution, you will not be able to discern it from reality.

Real player with 2411.5 hrs in game

This game is an absolute masterpiece. “Masterpiece” can’t even begin to describe it. This is the type of quality that Cyberpunk 2077 should’ve been aiming for. Cyberpunk couldn’t imagine of comparing to this game. CD Projekt licks the dirt that Kiddy walks on. Rockstar fantasizes about this kind of quality. As of now, this is the best, most beautiful game I’ve ever played. I could play this for hours, days, weeks maybe, and just not get bored. The animations of the NPCs are so perfect and realistic, even the way that the ball moves, it’s all so perfect that if this was put in VR, you wouldn’t be able to tell apart reality from the game. It’s such a beautiful game, despite how grotesque the title may sound. It’s beauty is heartwarming, even tear bringing. I was brought to tears even after only starting it up. I opened a whole new reality, a “paradise”, if you will. I couldn’t recommend this game more. If you are looking for a beautiful, life changing experience, you must play this. This is better than anything else, it’s more than an escape. It’s love, it’s life, it’s perfection. This is truly the best game in existence, and nothing can compare to it.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Fat Prisoner Simulator on Steam



Text in italic are “suggestion comments” and have nothing to do with the review itself.

As I am completely new to the Comanche franchise and its control type (simulated flight control), I had a hard time getting used to it, as it was a massive steep learning curve to even learn. Currently I am looking forward of mastering it, but I have already been smashed versus players that play games like these for almost a living (if not a hobby) that use HOTAS. They are a whole other league, lol.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Hello, all. I’m MadCat - a member, and content creator for the North American eSports organization known as Rogue. I received this game for free upon the partnership of the developer/publisher with Rogue.

I’d like to thank the entire team for the lovely opportunity!

After playing the game for about a full day’s worth, I’ve come to the realization that if you want a game that feels like a simulator, get Comanche. Despite the simulator feel, it’s incredibly easy to learn and tricky to master. It features tutorials of increasing difficulty and also includes a free-range weapons training mode which is just what you want and need to hone your skills. For Early Access, this game is well-made and has very little issues. An absolute must if you enjoy 1st/3rd person aerial combat, sims, or just incredibly fun games that have action, attention to detail, and realism in store.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Comanche on Steam

King Arthur’s Gold

King Arthur’s Gold

I’ve decided to delete my old review about this GREAT game, as it was a bit outdated.

If you are confused with these short positive reviews and utter BS negative ones (most of them. I can accept others opinion, but most of them are reviews made by salty kids who didn’t bother to give this game more than an hour before making a review about it) and have stumbled upon this one, hopefully i could make things a bit clearer and help you decide, whether to buy it or not.

This game is very unique, you’ve played nothing like this before, I am absolutely sure in that and can safely guarantee it to you. Great medieval age battles, easy to learn, but hard to master. You can choose from 3 well balanced classes: Knight, Archer and Builder. Basic game modes, which you’ll be playing the most are: Capture The Flag, Take The Halls, Team Death Match and Sandbox. There are also modded servers, where you can literally face ANYTHING, from zero gravity space lazer wars to Zombie survival with modern wargear. Battles are really epic and intense, so you won’t get tired of the game in the near future.

Real player with 3397.7 hrs in game

UPD 31.01.2018. Now you cant even complain about useless teammates, since official servers enforced chat censorship. If before you could easily disable chat filter in game’s settings, if you wish so, now - nope, THINK ABOUT CHILDRENS. I wonder, how deep this sjw train will go this time…

UPD 29.09.2017. Now you also can get chat bans on official servers for complaining about useless teammates (which is true for 95% of time). Well done, literally the best possible thing to do, in order to revive this game!

Real player with 1627.3 hrs in game

King Arthur's Gold on Steam

TrackMania² Stadium

TrackMania² Stadium

The ultimate ghost chasing simulator.

(Disclaimer: My total Steam gametime does NOT represent my actual total gametime.)

TrackMania² Stadium is a 2012 arcade racing game, published by Ubisoft and developed by Nadeo, and is the sequel to one of the greatest racing games ever made, TrackMania Nations Forever.

For the uninitated, TrackMania is a high-speed arcade racing game, where lightning fast time trials take place in diverse and unique enviromments, chock-full with ludicrous stunts and gravity-defying circuits. The gameplay is extremely easy, yet hard to master, with even one minor mistake threatening to put you into a wall and end your otherwise flawless run, as you seek to shave off those precious milliseconds from your personal best.

Real player with 772.8 hrs in game

This game is pretty ridiculous. It’s like the company asked a bunch of 4th graders to come up with ideas for a racing game, and this is the result. Wall rides, loops, huge jumps, crazy speed. It’s awesome.

That being said, the skill cap is infinitely high. Yes, it’s massively fun to go on a server and smash through a bunch of new tracks, crashing all over the place and hitting walls like they owe you money. And it’s worth mentioning that since the multiplayer is almost exclusively user-created levels, there are tens of thousands of maps to play. But once you settle in to a server and have learned the maps, then it becomes a wonderfully technical game about shaving off bits of time where you can.

Real player with 645.5 hrs in game

TrackMania² Stadium on Steam

Bike Baron 2

Bike Baron 2

Bike Baron 2 is a brand new motorbike racer that has been in development for the last 18 months, and it has reached a state where we would like to invite you to try the game out before anyone else, and provide your thoughts on the gameplay.

We are only accepting a handful of people at first to be able to keep the conversations about the game direct and personal on the Steam forums. You should have a computer with an NVIDIA or AMD graphics card from the last 5 years, and run Windows 10. We don’t want to focus on compatibility issues very much just yet, so anyone with an integrated GPU, such as Intel HD, will have to wait until a little closer to release.

Bike Baron 2 on Steam