Lucifer Within Us

Lucifer Within Us

Normally I operate a £1/hr to determine if a game is worth playing, and I’ll admit that I was worried about “Lucifer Within Us” when many were seeing short play times in the demo. However, I had enjoyed the demo so much that I gave it a chance knowing that it was very doubtful the game would be very long.

Having completely finished the game with all achievements, I feel the game was worth it.

The story is very well written and pulls you in with the voice acting adding that touch of atmosphere to convey the character emotions perfectly, particularly during confessions. My personal favourite was the second investigation where, despite having worked out what was going on, I was still shocked by the outcome and confession. The little touches with the voice acting delivery and graphic choices were key to creating that atmosphere. Well done!

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Investigation Games.

I’ll start with the good things. This game has an interesting style and setting. The color pallet doesn’t hurt the eye and the graphics are passable if you don’t scroll too close. A strange mix of high-tech and theology would make an interesting setting for a bigger game. The mysteries themselves are pretty good and may take some time to solve on the first playthrough.

But the problem is, you will only play it once. Now, to the bad stuff.

1. The game doesn’t allow you to lose. You can’t accuse the wrong person, you can’t frustrate the suspects to the point of angry unresponsiveness. In fact, you are encouraged to do so, based on achievements. The absence of failure allows you to just play dumb and spam every possible combination of clues and statements until it clicks, making the whole detective part meaningless. Even when performing the exorcism, you are safe. Wrong daemon name? Well, just try another one!

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Lucifer Within Us on Steam

Detective Bot

Detective Bot

Sadly, it keeps crashing all the time. There’s fatal errors all over, and at one point there was a bug that wouldn’t bring up the evidence UI, and then the game autosaved, so the whole save file was useless. Fix the bugs, and then it might be a fun, quirky little puzzle game.

There’s a lot to like, but it needs to work first.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Exploration Games.

Loved it! A fun cute little puzzle game :)

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Detective Bot on Steam

Area 86

Area 86

An excellent and innovative game.

You can smash glass in this game- what else can you ask from the developer? The controls are a bit hard to get used to, but with some practices you’ll get it.

Bugs do exist, but the devs listen to bug reports on Discord and do make attempts to fix them.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Exploration Games.

This stupid clumsy robot won’t let me sleep… the game is so addictive :-)

The robot controls kind of sluggish and shattered objects on the ground make things more wonky. But this was done in a way that makes the game challenging and not frustrating … ok, I was lying, it is frustrating at times … in a good way.

The graphics are crisp and charming and I love the music, although there seems to be only one song. The developer is doing a great job at fixing bugs too :-)

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Area 86 on Steam

Crash Time 2

Crash Time 2

“I don’t have any argument but I don’t like it !” -Bad reviews from a random lowbob. 0/10

“Like Skyrim with Polizei.” -IGN 2/10

“Polizei, oktoberfest, ausfarht, dummkopfs.” -Medic 11/10

So, first of all, this game doesn’t deserve all those bad reviews. Everyone seems to have played this game for only 15 minutes, and honestly, you can’t judge a game within 15 minutes. This game reviews are clearly manichaean ; you have two possibilities according to Steam reviews : you completly disregarded it because you played a few minutes and no minigun spawned on your car or you will find this game “somewhat OK”. In my honest opinion, I really liked this game. Of course, there is tons of better game in that game style, like the FlatOut series, but this game got a decent amount of pros. Let me make a list of the pros, the cons and the neutrals.

Real player with 76.1 hrs in game

Usually I finish game first and write review later. But this game is special. Ingame counter tells me that I have completed 42% of game and I just have to describe my last mission. As a warning.

There is tl:dr part after story - you can skip it if you value your time.

You choose part of the city where you will respawn, then car (marked with red flag which means that there is availible mission for it). So far so good.

Voice in radio tells about kidnapped bus. Voice acting is terrible but I don’t mind - they don’t talk too much. Story is garbage - realy. We know that blue bus was kidnapped… And this is our only info - so we chase nearest red dot on the map. Bus driver acts like he was crazy. Drives on wrong lane/in the middle of the road. He’s speeding and make turns that would seriously harm people inside. I think it’s the one… and nope. Apparently this is how bus is supposed to behave on road. Whatever - after 10 minutes I have found the right one. Kidnappers took only one passenger and drived away already. Luckilly (no spoilers - but story is really bad - just more driving and bad voice acting). Now I collect money (?) chase my kidnapped partner (and kidnapped girl) and switch cars with bandit (did I said that story is bad?). There is bomb inside new car so I have to travel 1,5 km fast (some plot garbage).

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Crash Time 2 on Steam

Dirty Cop Simulator

Dirty Cop Simulator

At the police station, you’ll get your beat and daily orders. Parking tickets, checking speeds, petty criminals and vandals are the daily life of a young cop. Plus a miserable salary and a complete lack of prestige. Great, by performing your duties diligently you will be promoted to detective and get a watch for retirement.

On the other hand, there will be a lot of temptations that will be hard to resist. Bribes, planting evidence, intimidation or turning a blind eye can be very profitable. Desperate people will do anything. And if you don’t get caught, you’ll save for a hefty retirement and respect from the people of the city.

But once you cross the border and become dirty, additional assignments from the criminal world will start to appear themselves and by doing them well you’ll gain more and more respect and allow yourself even greater luxury.

Only the most profitable missions are also the most immoral. You just have to remember that working both sides of the street is very stressful, while alcohol and drugs relieve stress addiction is tough to beat.

Do you want to see how far you can go?


  • an extensive map of the city with its suburbs

  • driving mechanics and car chases

  • extensive storylines

  • access to missions from multiple locations (police computer and radio, smartphone, storylines)**

Dirty Cop Simulator on Steam

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha

While yes its a pre alpha and has lots of bugs, in my opinion it is what hello neighbor should have been, i mean the newer art style just isnt scary and it focuses more on the puzzle solving then the actual horror, i also love the fact that the house looks like a real house that doesnt have roller coasters or anything crazy like that it feels like your sneaking into a real home with a real person who learns things living inside it which i think really adds to the horror aspect, so i highly recommend this version as it feels a lot more like a horror game than it does a puzzle solver.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

What Hello Neighbor Should’ve been. This is the first build of Hello Neighbor. It’s buggy, broken, crashes constantly, is extremely hard, but is a masterpiece.

The atmosphere is insanely good. The game nails the creepy atmosphere. The music that plays when you enter the house/when the neighbor is close is enough to send chills down your spine. The game is straightforwards enough, find the correct items to unlock his basment. He sometimes patrols the house, but usually just watches TV. Give it a try, you won’t regret it. That is unless your game crashes and you lose all your progress. Happy breaking and entering!

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Hello Neighbor Pre-Alpha on Steam

Mercyful Flames

Mercyful Flames

Welcome to the murky times you’ll get the chance to become an occultist that due to a quirk of malignant fate becomes an inquisitor. A very wrong person in a very responsible position. Join the ranks of a bloodthirsty church and see how far are you ready to go to save your beloved one.

Mercyful Flames is a detective adventure RPG inspired by horror board games. A slow-paced, yet thrilling study of human meanness. Complete several dozen missions, each set in different but equally horrifying scenery. Investigate, bribe, fight, or even torture. Do whatever it takes, to achieve your goal, and remember that you’ll be doing it all in the name of love. Or at least keep telling yourself that to remain sane.

Some of the inquisitor’s powers:

Ultimate interrogation. Break your enemies' will, force them to reveal darkest secrets.

**Roaming the Dark Ages world.**​ Explore the wild and deserted nooks of the kingdom.

**Creativity.​ ** Develop terrifying torture machines

**God’s Grace.**​ Develop your skills through the power from the above.

Detective’s mind. Solve problems using the power of intelligence, fear, persuasiveness, or tortures

Dark ages. Poverty and misery are everywhere. Hunger and injustice raise anger in simple men. Keep it in mind - you are in the middle of it.

Make good use of the heavenly support. Ask the Lord to send favors, and help you in your investigation. Hunt down the devil inside the innocent souls, but remember that even the purest soul of loved once can be sometimes tempted but him. Decide how far can you go.

You are the inquisitor. Not the most loved occupation here. Be careful who you trust. There is always a mask, it’s important to know is it behind the face

or on it.

Have mercy on poor peoples' souls. Expand and maintain the authority of the church through the power of flames. Achieve your goal at all costs. Accuse the villagers of witchcraft, and pacts with the devil if necessary.

Earn the grace of the king and the pope. Do what inquisitors do.​ Burn the enemies of the church or just Burn EVERYTHING to the ground and

become a Grand Witch Hunter.

Mercyful Flames on Steam



Boodunnit, what to say that hasn’t already been said?

Graphics/Art 10/10

Gameplay 5/10

Controls 3/10

This is a really cute game but it is kinda hard to love. Boodunnit has a nice premise and nice mechanics but it feels like it’s incomplete. Sure, it’s a free game and I shouldn’t be harking on it too hard but I have to. I would gladly pay a few dollars to support the devs and help make Boodunnit better.

Camera and Levitation issues have been talked to death so I won’t talk too much about it. However, I feel that most of the issues talked about by people could be alleviated by simply putting the control of levitation on the arrow keys instead of the mouse. That way, you wouldn’t be spinning your mouse around trying to see and control an abject at the same time. Furthermore, it would allow for more control over levitating object which would be nice. Wonder why the Play Testers didn’t say anything. With a group that big, certainly a few of them, if not all of them, would’ve found the controls as frustrating as 90% of the player base does.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

The overall art style and aesthetic of the game is gorgeous, the story line is intriguing and kept me interested so that alone would make me recommend.

However, the controls are sometimes frustrating especially when you play as either the rat or pigeon. Moving items is difficult as you have no way of knowing where they are being placed or how you can move them smoothly, you are still able to move stuff and complete the game just with a little difficulty. The camera was also awkward to move at times and did have the tendencies of giving me motion sickness with how janky the movements were.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Boodunnit on Steam

Hacker Simulator

Hacker Simulator

The game is fine. There are a lot of features I was expecting that are simply missing. Tab completion in the terminal is missing. A place to sell accounts a “darknet” if you will. Finding bank accounts to steal money from. Currently the only way to make money is to do contracts.

These don’t pay much and feel grindy. You will quickly get bored because there is not enough variation in mission types. Making money takes a while most missions (in the first 10 hours at least) pay out 10 “shellcoins” which are bitcoins in the universe. The more “advanced” missions require you to compile a custom exploit which costs money (you can’t sell this exploit to the darknet). You need to buy 3 different files which will cost you ~12 shellcoins and you’ll end up making maybe 15 coins from the mission.

Real player with 30.2 hrs in game

First, I like this game. It fun. BUT devs listen… it’s slow and grindy. I hear there are cool things in the late game. I want to get there, but right now, I’m bored.

Next, just an observation about most simulator games, this one included, what do I do with all this money? I beg of you, give me something to do with this money! Can I buy a new apartment? Decorate this one? Leave my house, like… ever? Go shopping? If there is nothing to do with the money, except make more money, then the game will quickly die in our libraries. Having money is only fun if you can spend it. Otherwise, it’s just pretty paper.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Hacker Simulator on Steam

Road Tripper

Road Tripper

I can’t really recommend this game with the way it is right now…It has potential but the choppiness makes me not wanna play it, there’s also no settings available, I couldn’t make any changes to the graphics to make it less choppy, but I don’t want a refund because I want to keep this and wait and see if things improve..

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Love the idea of the game. I’m having trouble finding the option to craft, but other than that the ambiance and the possibilities seem very cool. Keep up the great work!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Road Tripper on Steam