

After just over a whole month of developing levels for the Murder Garden Contest, it’s time for my review of Terrorarium.


Terrorarium is a fun and creative game with an interesting concept and encourages community participation. The developers are always active in the Terrorarium Discord server and always take suggestions by listening to their fans (Which is rare these days). Plus, You can make awesome levels for your friends and others to play and murder them with ferocious plants! What’s not to like? Since its in early access, it’s likely to be cheaper now than when it releases, so pick it up and try it!

Real player with 95.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Puzzle Platformer Games.

7/28/20 UPDATE: The game is out now with new levels and new features, so here is my current day review!

The game can be broken down in to three major parts: The main story, the community made levels, and the level maker.

★ The Main Story plot itself is fine. You get to understand the character you play as and the the little pikmin-esque creatures you play with, etc., etc… It certainly adds to the game, but what really matters (in my opinion) are the levels themselves. There are 26 levels ranging from very easy to very hard, some of which are designed extremely well! Some of them however aren’t. I’d say around 85% of the levels are satisfactory, while the other 15% just aren’t either aesthetically pleasing or the puzzle/mechanics are a bit wonky.

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

Terrorarium on Steam



Lucifer Awaits, Chump!


Highly addictive and I found myself lost in time a bit the 2nd time I was playing it.

The Notes can be super hilarious (If you have a dark sense of humor)

Mod support to add your own characters (added few Horror Villains)

Sprite animations are excellent


Wish it had more color

While the background music sounds a bit creepy it can be a bit dull in long play sessions

Repetitive sins (mod support option sorta fixed that for me however)


The game soft locked 2 times when i exited in full screen mode.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Clicker Games.

A great little game that allows you to hand out judgement on souls! once you work out what you are supposed to be doing but that’s part of the fun.

The game runs well and has a very dark sense of humour, with some LOL comments in the victims bio’s, a lot of thought has obviously gone into this game.

The game uses very little PC resources and I found myself jumping in and out to judge the damned….. I mean souls during coffee breaks, much better than minesweeper!

Overall, at such a low price it is worth having a look at, be careful though, you may get slightly addicted!

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

P.U.R.G.A.T.O.R.Y on Steam

Dirty Cop Simulator

Dirty Cop Simulator


At the police station, you’ll get your beat and daily orders. Parking tickets, checking speeds, petty criminals and vandals are the daily life of a young cop. Plus a miserable salary and a complete lack of prestige. Great, by performing your duties diligently you will be promoted to detective and get a watch for retirement.

On the other hand, there will be a lot of temptations that will be hard to resist. Bribes, planting evidence, intimidation or turning a blind eye can be very profitable. Desperate people will do anything. And if you don’t get caught, you’ll save for a hefty retirement and respect from the people of the city.

But once you cross the border and become dirty, additional assignments from the criminal world will start to appear themselves and by doing them well you’ll gain more and more respect and allow yourself even greater luxury.

Only the most profitable missions are also the most immoral. You just have to remember that working both sides of the street is very stressful, while alcohol and drugs relieve stress addiction is tough to beat.

Do you want to see how far you can go?


  • an extensive map of the city with its suburbs

  • driving mechanics and car chases

  • extensive storylines

  • access to missions from multiple locations (police computer and radio, smartphone, storylines)**

Read More: Best Sandbox Adventure Games.

Dirty Cop Simulator on Steam

Hell Architect

Hell Architect

Hells Architect is my first ever review, and one of the reasons why I decided to leave a review for this game is because I am surprised by the mixed reviews the game is currently at (day 2 of release). In my opinion, the producer and developer of Hells Architect launched this game correctly; they ran a successful campaign by keeping the customer in the loop during development, they released a playable demo, they sought feedback from testers, are continuing to listen to feedback, and perhaps most importantly – they delayed launch by several months until they had a viable product ready to go that they were proud of!

Real player with 116.4 hrs in game

I feel awful posting this review, but I’m hoping that the dev team will fix the issues that I have with the game over time. It’s not that I don’t recommend the game, I just don’t recommend it right now and at the price I paid for it (more than $20 in case someone is reading this later after a price change). I’ve completed every stage with the exception of the final mission as of this writing (and I intend to complete that stage), as well as played some of the sandbox mode. My actual playtime is a bit lower than what the review will have listed, since I had to leave the game open while I wasn’t actively playing it (more on that below).

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Hell Architect on Steam

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty

Only played the game for a while and stopped when I finished the early access content. As a playable demo essentially, Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty is surprisingly a lot of fun.

The core concept- without going into too many details, is enjoyable. You play as a vulgar-Polish-vampire-priest that kills Shatanists with baseball bats, gun fists, and gravity gloves. You can even slow time by chugging beer.

So far. my favorite weapon in-game is the gravity glove. In function, it’s pretty much the Gravity Gun from Half-Life, but as a glove. Like the Gravity Gun, you can pick up select items from the environment and fling them at high speeds. Items flung do considerable damage to npcs, and when struck, makes them ragdoll with the blow. Another bonus is that when an npc is dead, you can pick up and throw their bodies around with the glove. Unlimited ammunition!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

I liked the polish postal like humor, the absurdity of some mechanics and themes, the original presentation in the form of “documentary” with characters being interviewed. It is surprisingly fun to play. Even though it is called Priest simulator I wouldn’t really put it into the simulator bucket - instead its more like its own weird game with a story and sandbox-ish mechanics to play around without restricting you like most games do nowadays.

I think that priest sim can be a great game if some minor concerns get addressed and tweaks happen. It is sometimes unclear when my melee attack will hit and whats the range, during exorcism it is hard to navigate the house - especially drunk, some doors get stuck so you need to improvise - destroying all doors there seems like the best solution because opening them is a problem. I want to play around and see a lot cool weapons and other ways to obliterate enemies as well as more complicated enemies and bosses as content.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Priest Simulator: Heavy Duty on Steam

Nightmare Puppeteer

Nightmare Puppeteer

If you haven’t forgot what art, creativity and more importantly having an imagination meant when you were a child then you’ll understand the value and importance of Nightmare Puppeteer. It’s the genius brainchild of the genius M dot Strange, an artist well ahead of his time that hasn’t forgot what it truly means to be an artist.

Real player with 1520.0 hrs in game

…Honestly I just am an entitled fucker who got a free key XD, but either way, I would recommend this if you wanna make some weird stuff on the fly, it’s very good for that, and Imagination Rabbit is an odd but good dude…whoever they are o.o.

Real player with 35.7 hrs in game

Nightmare Puppeteer on Steam



Well, that was 30 hours of weird. This game is so…odd that it’s really hard to parse my thoughts on it. It’s fun and the achievements were actually fun to 100% (and it’s one of the only games I’ve ever bothered doing that with), so I’d have to recommend it, but it’s also a bit buggy and stupidly hard so I’ll need to add some disclaimers.

At its core this is a fun “easy to learn, hard to master” management game, where you run a drug empire starting small and snowballing your way to a roller-coaster of an ending with a final level that was not fun, but was definitely an experience. The game eases you into the mechanics over the course of several levels, and there’s a lot of midlevel twists that can screw you over, but also add a lot of depth to the characters and some challenge. It punishes inefficiency, but rewards thinking ahead. The difficulty is over the top at first, but once you understand how to play the game it all falls into place. You’re always given the tools to solve your problems, if you manage your resources and employees correctly. What RNG does exist in this game usually falls in your favor by way of lucky loot drops from defeated enemies.

Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

General Opinions about the game.

  • Opinions

The game is certainly interesting nothing like what I’ve played before. I will take a second to mention that i have played for 24 hours so i feel i know the game pretty well.

From what i have played and experience this is a snow ball of pain, along the lines it starts easy and ramps up in difficulty dramatically in a short amount of time due to there only

being 12 levels.

It has been an enjoyable experience but a grindy one, it should be said the later levels become stupidly hard to the point we’re you might be trying to beat levels over and over again slowly building frustration.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Basement on Steam

Fit For a King

Fit For a King

Fit For a King is a relatively short game but is definitely an enjoyable experience. The whole game is centred around the summit that you will be throwing and your main goal is to outspend your rival.

Like the trailer says, you can pretty much do anything, from executing a foreign ambassador to marrying a literal piece of sh- ahem refuse.

At times it can seem a bit aimless and it can be hard to find the clues to get things you need but otherwise is quite fun and definitely worth a play.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

The game has a weak and slow start, don’t let this dissuade you. The controls are dated and supposed to feel like a mid to late 80’s crpg, but are way more straight forward and easy to understand then those ever were back then without 200 page manuals. Once you can get a good grasp of the controls the game opens up and the gameplay starts. For the most part it’s a puzzle game with some loot hunting in it. The humor is pretty good and the mix of both serious and silly just strikes that perfect balance. It’s only really down fall and biggest selling point is that it’s short and sweet and complete. It left me wanting more, which is rare for most game these days. It made me want to give ultima another shot or some other Crpgs. I guess some minor things that made me sad was that while there was a ton of lines for the NPCs I wish there was more , and by extension more tasks or quests. (Spoiler) Another minor thing was that it’s never explained in game that some walls can be walked through as a sort of secret entrance.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Fit For a King on Steam

Poly Gangs

Poly Gangs

PolyGangs: A 3-person sandbox world action game in LowPolly style. A gangster simulator in a large American city. Heater will be able to choose whether to become a felon or an undercover policeman. The action of the game takes place in the fictional city of Lopolis, where gang wars are commonplace and the police always start shooting first.

In the game, we have the entire city at our disposal, along with the surrounding areas that we can freely explore. The game world is full of places and situations with which we can interact. As a gangster, our task will be to take over local businesses, robberies, trafficking in illegal goods, killings and various other criminal activities, often with slight frostbite and a good dose of humor.

In the game we will be able to choose which gang we will be a member of, we will choose from: Italian, Chinese, Irish, Russian, Jewish, Mexican. We will start the game as a minor criminal and lead the gang during the development of the game. It will be up to the player to choose a criminal path or to investigate the gangs as an undercover policeman.

The main elements of the game are driving a cars, chases, shootings, assaults, assassinations, the development of our hero and other gang members, and the management of the criminal business. We will be able to use various vehicles from motorcycles, through passenger cars to trucks, we will have a wide range of weapons, from knives to firearms to rocket launchers. Our hero and gang members will be able to gain new skills such as speed, strength, resistance, and charisma.

The world in PolyGangs is very dynamic, full of characters who often have very unpredictable behavior and physical objects that react to collisions and interact, introduce an element of chaos and fun.

The production will appear on Windows, Android, and IOS platforms.

Poly Gangs on Steam

Prison Simulator Prologue

Prison Simulator Prologue

The idea/concept is unique however with the way tasks are designed, where it focuses heavily on menial tasks/lots of micro..and random RNG events that can kick in - which should make your gameplay experience interesting but in actual fact, just turns your game into a total chaos mess crap.

There are certain aspects of the game - that just makes it “feel” bad. I also dont understand why it has to incorporate “bubble head” effect into the product. Does it give better gaming experience? With the current game feel, it gives motion sickness.. Sigh. The potential for this product is huge but in my standards, falls average.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Interesting concept; being able to search and confiscate at your leisure is a fun little power trip, I enjoyed cutting a deal with a prisoner to let him smuggle in his contraband, and I’ll admit being able to name and model the prisoners after people of your choosing is a nice perk. But the gameplay itself is pretty awful.

For starters, I spent most of the time trying to chase around a fellow guard to start a side quest, since the guard wouldn’t stop walking and the talk button would only work for a fraction of a second before he was out of range again. Once the quest was done, it was back to chasing the guard around to collect my money. Initiating the quest and collecting the reward at the end should not require more skill and time than the quest itself, yet this felt more like a game of playground tag with guards and prisoners than anything else. When you’re not playing tag, you’re doing such menial tasks as repeatedly hitting arrow keys to do 12 reps on the bench press (while the prisoners who hate you are seen kindly letting you get your workout in unharmed?) or clicking to open and then close all four flaps of a cardboard box to search it (while half the items glitch and stick out of the box or sit outside it entirely.) If you get bored of this, there’s some poorly-mechanicked darts and basketball to “enjoy” instead.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Prison Simulator Prologue on Steam