Play With Gilbert - Remake

Play With Gilbert - Remake

My daughter adores this game. It caters to her generation pretty well imo…and it has really familiarized her with the quirks and overall feel of video gaming. She’s told me that sometimes her cat friends stop following her, and sometimes the cars don’t allow you to exit them..but besides that we haven’t run into any bugs. The open maps are awesome, and she loves that she can just run around and do whatever.

A few things my daughter has mentioned makes me think new levels, accessories, eye colors, and some emotive animations for the characters to perform would make it a little more fleshed out (though she recently discovered she can sit and lie down, which was excited with.) She had a huuge blast with the waterballoon fight mechanic. Some mini games (maybe races or mini golf or something?) would maybe give the game a little more in the way of activities to offer. Overall a great introductory game for young kids that offers some things I’ve noticed most children’s games do not, among them an avenue to use your imagination.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Open World Games.

I spent far too many hours in the demo, worried if an adult should buy a kitten game aimed at toddlers. Just do it. I’m in my 40s and love it as a game to just chill in. Not only is it pretty, but there are seasons and day and night cycles. Your kitten posse that you gather with each rescue even helps out, though I’m not sure if it’s on purpose. But you can bounce off them to execute a super double jump, results will vary.

Some of the fish are a challenge to jump to for a game aimed at wee ones, but they have to learn platforming sometime. In the full game there are plenty of places to explore and things to do. Honestly tripping humans and knocking things off tables never gets old. You can also take a break to “paint”, visit space, or hit the beach. As it’s an all around labor of love, it got my vote for the upcoming awards. Best of luck to the dev, it’s amazing to see how far this game has come.

Real player with 14.2 hrs in game

Play With Gilbert - Remake on Steam

Cat Simulator: Meow

Cat Simulator: Meow

its pritty fun in the barns last one is kittens and gray shak is food dont go in the middle or the pug when door opens trys to kill u. i have problems with the buttens you will have to go a little higher and u can respawn for now till its fixed and drinking in the water the e dosent work with the caring and opening doors.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Life Sim Games.

The game is cute and great and relaxing. Just hunt baby chickens for food, walk up to to the water right where you first start for water, and sleep to regenerate health. Open the barn, for kittens to follow you. Cats are by the barn too. Amazing game, love it.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Cat Simulator: Meow on Steam

Spookity Hollow

Spookity Hollow

Fun, spooky atmosphere. Loved running around looking for potions, brooms to ride on, and looking for the Pumpkin King . Swimming in the lake, walking around in the castle and in the graveyard was fun, too!

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Adventure Games.

I love the “Playing with Gilbert” series with my daughter! Spookity Hollow is a labor of love, and we have had so much fun playing it. The stories written by the dev’s daughter were a nice touch.

I do wish this was a PWG DLC, instead of a standalone game. It uses the same start menu, though some of the content (seasons) has no effect.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Spookity Hollow on Steam

Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered

Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered

Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered is my favorite isekai cat video game. Your entire cat simulator existence is build upon the mantra of: “I am a cat and I must be angry seek justice SEEK VENGENCE .”

You are a cat and you can unlock like a bazillion different cats. Your goal in life is to seek vengence upon your humans and you must do this with furious angery. You can knock everything onto the floor. You can break things. You regain cat energy through cat things. You can munch. You can bite. You can flow things like a sink. You can unroll the toilet paper. You can go to the store and make the conveyor belt go beep beep beep. What more can you possibly ask for?!

Real player with 38.0 hrs in game

There is something very rewarding about watching a stack of dishes shatter to the floor and knowing that you don’t have to clean up the mess.

The original game was one that I would regularly pull out when I wanted to play a game, but nothing didn’t quite know what I wanted. So far, Remeowstered is showing itself to be even more fun than the original. It is a great way to get out some pent up frustration, but it’s also fun when you just want something cute to play.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Catlateral Damage: Remeowstered on Steam

Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition

Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition

It’s a fun game on desktop and even more fun in VR. Once you get the Kitty Cannon you can really start with the destruction. It’s still early access, so right now there are only two levels, but the replayability of those levels is pretty high so I’d say it’s worth the investment. Also, it’s pretty bug free for an early access game as far as I can tell so that’s a positive. There are all sorts of little easter eggs in the game as well, which makes you want to try to find them all. Overall it’s a very entertaining game.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

This game is ridiculous and super fun :) For the price and with proceeds going to charity, it’s well worth it. I think I laughed for 2 hours, straight.

Could it use some work? Sure. I’d love to see some indicators or hit bars for destructible items so you know if you’re actually damaging something or not. I have no issues with the physics or graphics. In a lot of moments physics ‘surprises’ make the game funnier ;)

All in all, it’s a great time!

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Super Cat Herding: Totally Awesome Edition on Steam

Catlateral Damage

Catlateral Damage

I have found this game to be simple, but very addicting. You cause destruction as one of several different cats, most of which you have to unlock through gameplay.

You can play in two modes, objective mode and “litterbox” mode. Objective mode is where you are given a set of objectives to complete. You do this by knocking down or destroying the indicated items. You have a time limit in which to complete the objectives. You get bonuses for certain items, as indicated in your objectives. If you complete your objectives, you get to move on to another level, up to four levels. There are special items you can knock down to unlock bonus levels which are added in to your four basic levels.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

My paw swipes a dinner plate off the table and I peek over the edge to watch it shatter to pieces on the floor below. The humans will pay for keeping me cooped up all day!

Catlateral Damage is a new game where you play as a bored cat wreaking havoc on the everyday objects inside the house. We all know kitten thinks of nothing but murder all day so this game is a realistic simulation of what it’s like to be a cat running around the house making mischief and taking care of cat business - knocking down items on shelves and tables, opening doors, hiding in boxes and tunnels, crawling above and behind everything and making a huge mess while you’re at it.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Catlateral Damage on Steam

Learning Factory

Learning Factory

As a big fan of simulators (especially building-type simulators), I was excited to check this game out from the second it popped up on my gaming feed. It’s still in Early Access so it’s not quite complete, but you’ll still be able to put in quite some time to getting your factory up to tip top shape.


  • Nothing really costs too much money, so as long as you keep your researchers busy learning new things, you can make a large factory/shops with ease.

  • Once you craft something, it’s yours forever. If you place it down, you can just pick it right back up.

Real player with 20.9 hrs in game

Highly recommended, I bought it the moment the lovely Discord staff said it was up on Steam for sale.

Keeping in mind, this is an Early Access game, so some features will be inevitably changed, but so far, the game is so reminiscent of Factorio. Within the two hours of me playing this game, it had me do some quests that get you a little taste of the game.

Fair Warning, this game is buggy. It just got released a few hours ago. Have some faith you people.

I personally have beef with that delayed crafting bug.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Learning Factory on Steam

The Beast Awoke To Eat Your Darlings

The Beast Awoke To Eat Your Darlings

Nightmares are haunting you. Set in a variety of different places, they play out in a similar way: there’s a Beast keeping cats in cages. As the Beast gets hungry, they eat a cat. And then another. And so on. The Beast doesn’t like you: if they see you, they start chasing you, and better they don’t catch you – feeling your head being chopped off is quite unpleasant. Luckily there’s always a way out, usually on top of something. Maybe it’s a hot air balloon on top of a skyscraper, or a mysterious door sitting on a cloud… who knows what else. Get there to escape your nightmare. It’s fine to get out by yourself. Best though if you manage to also save all those pets. They feel extremely dear to you. You’ll discover why (as well as discovering what’s actually behind all of these absurdities) if you succeed in beating your nightmare. So go ahead, find a key to open those cages; do also find bracelets to buy catnip (there’s always this weirdo around, he sells you things in exchange for bracelets), so that cats will follow you… up to that door on that cloud.

  • Hand crafted nightmares (“levels”) tailored to offer a variety of creative ways to reach your goals;

  • AI that’s easy to understand, yet never fully predictable;

  • A variety of items to help you in your quest: insta-growing Vines to let you climb walls, Wonderglass to make you invisible, Bubbletrap to trap the Beast, and more;

  • Why the cats? Why the Beast? Discover how each element in your nightmares is actually connected to a past you’ve long forgotten;

  • Granular scoring system and leaderboards provide a never ending challenge;

  • Personalize your experience through “interviews with your therapist” that affect the way the game looks and feel

The Beast Awoke To Eat Your Darlings on Steam

Cat Saves Halloween

Cat Saves Halloween

A charming game where you play as a cat during Halloween and try to save people from monsters. This game is still in early development but is already quite fun. I haven’t figured out all the controls yet and my only real concern is that there doesn’t seem to be any help menu that tells me what the keyboard & mouse controls are. How do I climb?! At one point, my cat randomly flew up onto a rooftop and I’m still not sure if that was a glitch or a feature. All in all, I would highly recommend this game to anyone who loves both cats and Halloween.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

An excellent atomosphere game in which you can become a superhero cat to save the city from monsters. To do this, you will be given cat’s superpowers that you can use to rescue, explore locations and collect treasures. I definitely recommend it!

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Cat Saves Halloween on Steam

while True: learn()

while True: learn()

After finishing the whole game, despite of my strong objections that I’ve written about in my original review (below), I’ve decided to change my review into thumbs up.

It took me some time to analyze my thoughts, and while I still have strong objections about inconsistency of various gameplay mechanics, the game truly has a charm, is well done and doesn’t deserve negative review, even if as a programmer purely analyzing the consistency of the gameplay I’d rate it negatively without a second thought.

Real player with 30.3 hrs in game

Let me start off by saying that I actually really enjoyed playing the game. The challenges are fun to solve and while they generally were not very difficult, I often found myself going back to old exercises and solving them in different ways.

Nevertheless, with the current state of the game, I cannot recommend it since there are just too many flaws that I cannot overlook even for an early access title.

Many of these are easily fixable,which is why I will go over the major problems one by one so that the developer(s) can consider my feedback.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

while True: learn() on Steam