3dSen VR

3dSen VR



my mind has been blown. im surprised at how little attention this has. as of now product is 2% positive reviews away from “overwhelmingly positive” and rightfully so (i hope it makes it there c:). First off i would like to emphasize that this is not a game but an emulator. A very very nice emulator on steroids. i would akin it more as software that you use to run other games. 3Dsen does not come with these games but it will greatly enhance them if you download the games (via a simple google search) and run them with 3Dsen. their very easy to download if i want super mario bro 3 i just google “super mario bro 3 nes download” and boom there it is.

Real player with 18.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Physics Games.

3DSENVR breathes new life into old classics. Duck Hunt makes for a respectable target shooter in VR. That’s right: Duck Hunt… a game that came out in 1984… is a FUN VR GAME now.

Even stuff that kind of sucked… at the time it came out… is now modernized into a total blast to play: A 1983 Pinball game I otherwise wouldn’t have given ANY thought to as an 8-year-old kid is freaking MAGICAL now. To be clear: I had ZERO nostalgic feelings for that title… but now it’s one of my favorite 3DSENVR games.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

3dSen VR on Steam

Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Best simulator for playing board games on a tabletop with people.

Best simulator for playing

Best simulator for board

Best simulator for games

Best simulator for table

Best simulator for top

Best simulator for people.

Real player with 315.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Tabletop Games.

Stupidest value purchase imaginable for anyone who’s a fan of any board game. Cheaper than any single board game and it’s an infinte amount, that’s scripted, requires no set up, clean up or local friends. What more could you ask for?

Real player with 313.1 hrs in game

Tabletop Simulator on Steam

Erannorth Chronicles

Erannorth Chronicles

I got this game for free because I won it as part of a modding contest for Erannorth Reborn. So I had to put effort into making the mod and win the contest. So it wasn’t really a handout.

This is the best deck builder RPG I ever played.

The character creation alone allows a degree of freedom that no other game like this can hope to achieve.

“A-Stranger” and “DaGibus” reviews already say pretty much of what I would say myself (and much better than I would too). So I will point at their reviews instead. Let’s just say I agree with them.

Real player with 439.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Character Customization Games.

Edit: With the introduction of Pariah mode I’m having a lot more fun and feeling a good sense of progression. I’m getting some loot rewards that I can’t use yet which is a great motivation to keep going and get stronger. It was really tough to start out in that mode so I ended up starting in Quest mode until I felt I had good enough healing and crowd control to move my toon from the Book of Heroes to Pariah mode.

This is a really fun deck builder for people who love theory crafting and min/maxing character concepts. Many combinations of customization to explore. I like that you can play in different game modes so if you want to explore a world map you can do that, but if you’d rather just get to the tactical fighting you can run a gauntlet instead. You can also customize a lot of game parameters such as the number of enemies that will arrive in a typical encounter, etc.

Real player with 158.4 hrs in game

Erannorth Chronicles on Steam

Fated Kingdom

Fated Kingdom

So, I have 60+ hours in on this game and I have to say, it’s been a lot of fun. I started streaming Fated Kingdom over a month ago. Since then I have made some new friends and discovered a whole new affection for board games.

Yes, there are things worth discussing, like the interpretation from Russian to English. There are also some phrasing or wording points that may seem unclear at first. Reaching out to the developers has helped a lot. The developers are still very active in the games development. From bug fixes to Rule updates. And they are quick to respond to questions on Steam and Discord.

Real player with 94.5 hrs in game

Fated Kingdoms is a promising game. Visually it looks great the artwork is stunning and the design of the game board/ dice/ tokens is fitting and of equally high quality.

Mechanic/rule wise the game is a bit lacking, the rules (in the English version) are very poorly explained, it is clear that English is not the primary language of the developer. Most of the times this is a mild annoyance but certain sections can be undecipherable leading to serious interpretation issues. Another problem is the lack of a clear objective. I understand that the rules are meant to be open and flexible but giving at least a few good suggestions for winning conditions is very relevant for new players, without them it just feels unrewarding.

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Fated Kingdom on Steam



I have a premium subscription to Tabletopia. Based on several games over the past few weeks, I can say that this product is a great sandbox for playing Tabletop games. That said, I’ll point out some caveats.

The community is generally positive though a bit too small to have games running 24/7/365. It’s hard to find a game or players. That said, they do have organized events for teaching and playing games and are expanding the roster of teachers/organizers. Also, after the game reaches final release; more players will be able to be available. Game discussions are generally positive and feedback is welcomed.

Real player with 185.9 hrs in game

This game is nice because its free however it doesn’t even hold a flame to Tabletop Simulator. This game has some games I have yet to see on Tabletop like S.C.A.R.E. Tactics however this games paywall is painful to say the least. This game contains DLC like Tabletop does but this game also has a subscription system. A vast amount of games are limited in some way because of the need for a subscription. An great example would be Sub Terra. It used to be completely free. Now they added expansions and made it DLC. That isn’t really a problem however they also put the base of the game which was free behind a pay wall. Previously me and 3 other friends would play for free now its only free if you do 2 player coop. Issue with that is if you select 2p coop instead of 1-4 players it restricts your survivor options to only 4 cards instead of all 8 options.

Real player with 113.9 hrs in game

Tabletopia on Steam

Trendpoker 3D: Texas Hold’em Poker

Trendpoker 3D: Texas Hold’em Poker

I discovered this game many years ago. It learnt me to play poker and brought many hours of relaxation when I just wanted to chill out.

When it appeared on steam I decided to purchase it and leave a positive review but I hesitated a lot, to be honest.

The game has a wonderful interface and I haven’t found any poker simulation game that would be so nice looking. You can change the style of table and cards, and I also like to hear comments from my competitors. However, this game has some issues that developers apparently don’t want to fix or even admit. Stats aren’t being saved correctly making this feature rather useless. That is unfortunate since many achievements are tied to statistics. The menu is getting bugged for no obvious reason and AI act weird. But devs gave many efforts to make this game more interesting by releasing updates, lowering price, creating a free-to-play version, and I respect that.

Real player with 71.5 hrs in game

Single player against the AI, this game seems broken…on easy setting, you basically never lose a game, or for that matter even a hand. On normal or above, half or more of the AI players fold almost every hand, and it’s like you’re playing against a bunch of drunks as far as their betting goes. It becomes especially obvious when you fold and the AI plays the rest of the hand against itself . . .They’ll raise twice in a row, then fold when someone bumps the pot slightly; they keep bumping raises when they have nothing, even if there’s a flush or straight already laying on the table and they had nothing from the start, or they go all-in with nothing . . .it seems like an attempt to replicate human thinking/strategy that just ends up being needlessly and endlessly annoying.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Trendpoker 3D: Texas Hold'em Poker on Steam

Classic Card Games 3D

Classic Card Games 3D


01/27/2021 - The developer e-mailed me and asked for the savegame files with the bugs, which I just e-mailed them.

01/22/2021 - I like the game in general. I play mostly Rummy, which is buggy and either hangs the game or makes it unplayable probably 1/40 hands. Typically when the issue occurs it’s when I trade a card for a joker or when I pick up a card from the either talon. It won’t register the trade or pickup correctly, forcing me to exit the game and restart it. Saving the game and reloading it will still have the bug in it. Based on the age of the game and company releasing other games, I suspect that they are probably no longer working on this one/fixing bugs, but if I’m wrong, I can certainly provide one of my save files with the bug to the developer if they request it.

Real player with 869.6 hrs in game

The game works fine on my computer, 1920 x 1200, but on the wifes laptop, 1600 x 900, which is easily capable,as soon as the title page starts to vanish to go to the game screen, it crashes back to steam main page.

I’ve tried several tricks to get around this problem, to no avail. Is anyone else suffering this drawback. The wife really likes the game, but she can only play on MY computer. Could be a bigger problem.

Real player with 478.7 hrs in game

Classic Card Games 3D on Steam

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike

Overall I think the game has tons of potential, but I think that it still needs some time to iron out some of the flaws it currently has.But as it is early access I am hopeful the flaws will be fixed.


+interesting challenging gameplay

+roguelike elements that improve the game general post-apocalyptic/survival feel


+interesting use of match-3 mechanics

+potential to be a great game

+innovative gameplay

-not quite there

-emergent narrative is still lacking(but as I understood the developer is working on it)

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Fast paced and fun, a bit too challenging sometimes(maybe the dev can balance it better?). I didn’t had much chance to play and the game is in need of some bug fixes polish and as I understood content additions, but I do hope that during the early access the game will become only better.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

fullybroKEN - A Unique Mix of 4X / Post-Apocalypse / RPG / Roguelike on Steam

De’Vine: World of Shadows

De’Vine: World of Shadows

I definitely recommend this game. The developer is friendly, engages with players, listens to suggestions and is really invested in the game, releasing new features and fixing bugs.

The story is very short, you can complete it in a few hours. However, the sidequests and additional content the game provides will give you hours of enjoyment. Although I have to admit that I felt somewhat disappointed with the story, not because it was bad, but because of how short it was, it left me wanting to know more about the lore and what’s going to happen next. On the other hand, that’s good on its own way, I’m looking forward to next installment in the series.

Real player with 303.2 hrs in game

De’Vine is a great game, it was an unique experience playing a RPG Maker game that is open world (and the world is HUGE). I really liked the story, it’s well balanced in the dark and light themes. The developer is also very responsive, he answered a lot of my questions and fixed some minor bugs I reported really quick.

It has countless features: extensive card game, survival features, crafting, farming, MANY side quests, a lot of recruitable characters, and many others. Of the many features this game have, I loved the card game. The card game is amazing, a lot of strategies to use and a lot of cards to collect. The essence aspect of the card game is also very interesting, specially for Pokemon fans. It’s like a mix between Pokemon and Yugioh.

Real player with 91.5 hrs in game

De'Vine: World of Shadows on Steam

Fate in the Darkness

Fate in the Darkness

As planned this is an RPG-sandbox in board game style, with a gothic fantasy atmosphere.

А living own life world, which you can interact through the game character, attended events, tasks and game deck.

The goal of this project is to port board game.

In this time the gameplay is a journey through the main game location.

This demonstrates the work I have done, from scratch.

The game is raw.

Core aspects such as: generation of game characters, map-pocessing algorythm, most part of AI logic and e.t.c. are mostly done. But still in need of optimization and content. Also there is a dungeon map-generator, but it’s unfinished and not integrated.

**Graphics will be changed and balance will be updated. Plenty of dialogs, events, tasks, items and objects are gonna be added.

Have in plans to add co-op up to 4 players and map-creation tools.**

Since it’s my pesonal project - I can change/add/delete any part of it if I see fit.



Fate in the Darkness on Steam