EXA: The Infinite Instrument

EXA: The Infinite Instrument

English below !!!

Diese App ist absolut einzigartig und ich kann sie nur empfehlen! Es handelt sich um eine Mischung aus virtuellem Musikinstrument, Loop-Station und virtueller DAW. Der Name “Infinite instrument” passt, da man sich beliebig viele Formen frei platzieren und skallieren kann und diese mit Audio-Samples und Tonhöhen belegen kann. Hierzu können eigene verwendet werden oder es kann bequem ingame auf die Datenbank von EXA ( 1000 samples) zugegriffen werden. Wer Noten lesen kann, kann sich diese auch vor seinem Instrument schweben lassen. So hab ich zum Beispiel das hier gemacht: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VnAuH1DJV-M

Real player with 79.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox VR Games.

I just want to say I love Exa. Great job to everyone who is developing this. I only played with this for a couple days and it is very easy to use and well designed. I will update my review the more I play around with Exa.

-When playing an instrument I hit a button on the controller and the Ringer menu pops up in front of the instrument while I’m playing. I would suggest to keep the Ringer menu outside of the play space so it is still accesible but out of the way.

-I would like a way to assign a sound to a controller button. So when playing the drums I can click a button for the bass drum so that the hand is free to still hit other pads. Also when hitting an open hi hat you pull the trigger while hitting and the same pad turns in to a closed hi hat. Pull the trigger to mute a cymbal crash. Think of using the trigger as a mute like the feeling of touching the strings of the guitar with your hand to mute it.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

EXA: The Infinite Instrument on Steam



This is what other VR drumming apps should have been. I’ve tried a bunch of them and they all left me craving for a better option. This might me the one for me!

It is fully customizable:

  • You can add the drums you want in the virtual space, resize them how you want and place them where you want! If you’re an experienced drummer you can recreate your own kit accurately, and if you’re a beginner and don’t know where to start you can use one of the presets or recreate very quickly your favourite drummer’s kit.

Real player with 168.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox VR Games.

I just picked this up a couple days ago. Put in 3.4 hours so far and loving it. I’m a complete novice and while the game does not contain a tutorial itself it is still an amazing learning tool.

I used OVR Drop to bring in a youtube window to a show a beginner drum turorial to play along with - this works great! In a short amount of time I was able to learn a straight rock beat with high-hat, snare and base drum. It felt awesome.

Even though you don’t get the feedback of hitting a real surface, it still feels like you are playing the drums and certainly the timing and spacial aspects would transfer to real life. I’m looking forward to learning more and getting better.

Real player with 49.0 hrs in game

Paradiddle on Steam



Cadence is something different: a hybrid of game and music sandbox. Understanding how to bring these two worlds together has been a quest 8 years in the making. It’s now finally here for you to enjoy.

How you spend your time with Cadence is up to you. Some people will enjoy relaxing with the game and solving levels. Tinkerers will enjoy fiddling with music in the sandbox. The crazy ones will program things we didn’t even know were possible.

Game play

You don’t need a sense of rhythm or a good ear to play Cadence - just your thinking cap and a bit of patience will reward you with gentle zen melodies. Puzzles start simple and build up to complex head-scratchers.

Make some noise

If you’ve tried music production you’ll know it’s intimidating. Cadence’s sandbox mode has been meticulously designed so that “time to first sound” is mere seconds. It doesn’t matter if you’re a composer looking for inspiration or you’ve never made a note of music in your life - Cadence is an entirely new and playful way of interacting with music.

Many are better than one

Cadence goes deep: underneath the game there’s a Turing complete logic system and a host of music production tools for you to explore. What’s possible with Cadence is an open question.

That’s why Steam Workshop is deeply integrated with effortless one-click import:

  • play the best community generated levels

  • collectively learn new techniques

  • show off your proudest creations

Read More: Best Sandbox Experimental Games.

Cadence on Steam

Puppet Play 🎬

Puppet Play 🎬

You have the idea, we have everything else!

Puppet Play aims to make animating as easy as possible by utilizing the possibilities of VR headsets. In traditional animation tools, animating is done by manipulating gizmos on a 2D screen. In Puppet Play everything is animated by recording your movement in real-time. This not only makes animating easy but also super fast. No matter the prior experience, if you have a cool idea for a movie you can turn it into reality in a few minutes (depending on your idea it might take a bit longer)!

Grab an object → press record → move it around & repeat!

Additional tools like motion capture, remote control & auto walk support the process. Use your headset to record live audio and once everything is complete, export and share your creation in a standard video format (mp4).

A huge collection of different characters (not only puppets), props and environments are ready for you to use! All things animatable are separated into 3 categories:

Puppets: Characters with Full-Body-Inverse-Kinematic rigs for fast animations

Props: Large objects to build & decorate your set with.

Items: Small objects that can also be attached to the puppets, like weapon, hair & hats.

You are in your own movie studio with many different sets that can be further customized with props. They range from traditional puppet theatres to fully-fledged 3D scenes for your next epic cinematic trailer!

A puppet on a stick or a full 3D character with individually animatable limbs: Choose what fits your vision & time scope. Short on time but still want to tell a story? Choose puppets on a stick! Got a bit more time on your hand and want to go into detail? Then choose a fully animatable humanoid character!

It’s designed for VR, there is no place for 2D UIs! All interactions are physical and integrated into the movie/puppet studio world. Or to say it in cool UX design terms: It’s a fully diegetic UI!

Once your animation is complete, you can export and share it as a standard video file (mp4). You have all rights to upload and monetize anything you make with our tool!

Puppet Play is being developed by a team of freshly graduated students from Hochschule Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences. Puppet Play started as a semester project in the study “Animation and Game” at the campus.

Puppet Play 🎬 on Steam

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro

Robo Maestro is a procedural music toy. It’s a revolutionary new way of creating and experiencing music! You tell it what you want, and then the Maestro automatically generates music that fits that. Playing Robo Maestro requires no music knowledge at all: just have fun and hear what happens! Guide the Maestro and create awesome music together with it!

Maestro Mode

Maestro Mode is the main attraction: a fun, relaxing experience where the music constantly evolves based on your choices. The Maestro generates random options that you can choose from to alter the music. Hear something you like? Store it as a chorus to come back to later, or save it for usage in the editors.

Loop Editor

Build your own loops and define details like instruments, layers, intensity and random seeds. Whatever you do, Robo Maestro makes sure it always fits with the rest of the music!

Song Editor

Combine your loops to create complete songs!

Export your creations

Share your music with friends, or open it in any other music software to continue editing there. What you create with Robo Maestro is yours to use in any way you like!

Optional deep tweaks

You can also dive deeper and define the chords and time signatures yourself. You don’t have to though: Robo Maestro can figure everything out itself, so you don’t need to know any music theory to use it. But if you want, you can get more detailed control.

Jam companion

Jam along to Robo Maestro on your favourite instrument or vocals! This automatic mode will let Robo Maestro endlessly evolve the music, fully automatically, as a backing for your own improvisation. Or enable the full features and just sit back and be surprised by what Robo Maestro can generate!

Advanced automatic composition

Robo Maestro is powered by an advanced procedural music generator. Dozens of algorithms work together to create each aspect of a song: drums, bass, melody, chords, rhythm, notes and much, much more. You can control each step individually, or just let Robo Maestro generate a complete loop and make tweaks from there.

Robo Maestro on Steam

DvDrum, Ultimate Drum Simulator!

DvDrum, Ultimate Drum Simulator!

I am enjoying the “you-know-what” out of DvDrum! As a former drummer, I can say that, although I haven’t a clue about the technical stuff in this simulator, I am having an absolute BLAST playing along with my favorite songs. The drum sounds awesome and I have adjusted cymbals, toms, bass drum and, yes..even the COWBELL to my liking, haha. Man, I gotta say to all the drummers out there, “Have you ever told your GF, BF, Husband, Wife or your friends that you used to be in a band and they kinda shrugged and just looked at you with hint of, ‘Oh, sure you did’ ?” Well, I can say that transitioning from hands and feet to using your fingers on your keyboard requires practice…the end result is well worth it. Not only are people believers now, but I am just plain having a blast playing the songs from our band’s set list. The sounds are adjustable and this simulator has a whole bunch of options that I really don’t understand, yet. I feel I have only scratched the surface of what can be done with this program. It has MIDI input, btw, but I pound my mechanical kb mercilessly and it is still holding on with no breaks or keys falling off. I have also purchased a cheap membrane-type keyboard and it works fine, as well. I will say that when it comes to playing exactly like a drum set, I have not worked up to keeping time on the hi-hat and cymbals 100% of the time with my fingers…but I see progress with practice. There’s all kinds of programmable stuff for the professional…again, which I don’t “get”. I’ll have to read about that stuff, sometime.

Real player with 4823.6 hrs in game

I think a gameplay of DvDrum is good for beginners who don’t know how to play the drums and just playing with the keyboard (like me) or don’t play real drums in real life. DvDrum just a simulation game, not music editor software, you have to play it by keyboard, or drumkit toys. You can build your Drumkit in game, also modify audio, image or photo of backgound Drumkit with little workshop and set up your keyboard input or drumkit toy input for creating your play style. You need some skills like knowledge about drum beats, music tones,… and music theory, or if you don’t have anything, it’s very hard for you, you need to learn how to use it and training everyday hard like me. One more thing, DvDrum isn’t support recording software, so if you want make a video with your drumkit cover some music tracks, you need to find the recording software to record your gameplay

Real player with 1598.1 hrs in game

DvDrum, Ultimate Drum Simulator! on Steam

Bus World

Bus World

Bus World is a game about passenger transportations in various conditions, starting from standard days of a bus driver and ending with rescuing people who suffered from disasters.

Time and place of action are very diverse!

Each map has its own atmosphere and scenarios.

Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukrainian SSR, 1986

The game features a unique possibility to take a look at Pripyat, Chernobyl and surroundings of the infamous Nuclear Power Plant slightly before the disaster and to dive into the atmosphere of Soviet communism. We tried to make Chernobyl Zone look as realistic as possible by using maps, photos and videos, so that houses, key locations and roads are in the same place as in reality.

You are going to work as a standard bus driver before the explosion. Your goal is to deliver staff to the Power Plant, lift tourists to their destination points, and so on. Also, you’ll have to deal with difficulties such as breakdowns.

Everything changes when disaster strikes. You’ll see the destroyed 4th power unit, Red Forest and other famous places of Exclusion Zone. Help liquidators to address the impact of the catastrophe, take part in evacuation and do your best not to get large dose of radiation.

Southern China, our days

Welcome to sunny jungles and narrow roads on serpentines! But don’t lose your attention because weather might be cruel here. You are going to experience tsunami and floods, earthquake with rockfall, and even a deadly tornado! It’s really hard to drive as there are lots of sharp corners, cliffs and impassable roads.

Maximal Scenarios variety

There are three types of scenarios:

1. Standard scenarios about driving people to their destination.

2. Scenarios with breakdowns. You’ll have to deal with different problems such as faulty steering, and this is while trying to take sharp turns. But sometimes terrain can even help you, for example when you have to turn off the engine while driving off cliffs to save some fuel.

3. Disasters, from explosion on Chernobyl Power Plant to wildfires, earthquakes and tornadoes. You’ll always have to keep an eye on tornado in order not to end up going straight into it. It’s even more difficult when you’re driving on extremely bad road where you can easily puncture a tire by driving over bump at high speed. After the Chernobyl Power Plant disaster, help liquidators to find the most radiation poisoned spots in Red Forest. But never forget that large radiation dose can be deadly for you.

These and many other interesting situations will be available to be played!

Earn experience, unlock new scenarios, buses and upgrades

You will get experience, which levels you up, for completing each scenario. Each new level will unlock more scenarios and ability to play them with any bus and upgrades of your choice.

Bus World on Steam

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development

A little background:

I’m a professional developer schooled in C### and Java. I am however not schooled to create games, but I know how the mechanics work. 3D game development is more of a hobby/side-project. Please read my review as such, if you’re completely new to programming, my feeling about this product can greatly differ from your perspective. Most of my pros and cons are subjective. But true in my opinion. Also: I use this product only for 3D development, I have no interest in the 2D side.

Real player with 1305.3 hrs in game

I’ve changed my review. I thought about deleting it and posting a whole new review, but then I decided to keep it so TGC’s intentions to make AGK functional on Linux would be documented in the comments. If you would like to see the old review, so you’ll have some context if you read the comments, click here .

Okay, I’ve got better things to do with my time now that AGK on Linux has notably improved, and 2 lengthy reviews is 2 too many, so let’s get down to brass tacks.

Real player with 1279.9 hrs in game

AppGameKit Classic: Easy Game Development on Steam