Mud and Blood

Mud and Blood

I love the Mud And Blood saga.

I’ve been a fan for 15 years of the games and the concept behind, which is kept in its Steam version.

It’s a one man army of a game which provides you with a strict and unforgiving challenge.

The game requires you to be alert and actively playing, focusing on each decision and movement in order to avoid certain defeat. This causes the player to descend in a trance, in which you need to be at 100% of your playing capabilities.

The game “fuses” MnB2 and MnB3 togheter, and are now being called classic and campaign.

Real player with 333.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Real Time Tactics Games.

As a tester for this game, there’s a reason why I have played this many hours of this game. I’m not the kind of guy who’s a masochist, especially as someone who can remember plenty of times raging at this game. Some moments will be easy and some moments will be randomly challenging. But for new players, especially those unfamiliar with the older Mud and Blood flash games, you will get screwed really hard in the first few or even several hours until you learn. However despite all those moments, I still come back and play this game again and again because its difficulty is what makes winning rewarding, and its randomness is what makes the game replayable. I’ve lost lots of men to standard rifleman, and other times I managed to beat back a element of infantry backed by armored vehicles.

Real player with 220.5 hrs in game

Mud and Blood on Steam

Garden Of Mooj

Garden Of Mooj

Garden of Mooj is a monster farmer simulator where you raise cute little slime monsters called Mooj. You find different types of food and feed them to your Mooj and it will train their stats in different ways. Every night even scarier monsters come to try and destroy your Mooj statue and you must defend yourself using the Mooj you have raised. Once you train your Mooj, their abilities can unlock gates to allow you passage into new areas, as you make your way across the world trying to save it from a mysterious enemy. Mooj is fairly similar to games like Slime Rancher and the Chao Garden from Sonic Adventure, and was a lot of fun. The game also has a really decent jazz/easy listening soundtrack.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Exploration Games.

I find this game strangely addicting and loads of fun despite how simple it is.

Its a good game for just not worrying and getting a good chuckle and you can make your mooj fairly different.



Silly and cute



it can be a bit buggy

its not entirely clear on what to do

could still use more to do(personal bias)

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Garden Of Mooj on Steam

Project Hunter

Project Hunter

Although somewhat buggy, overall this was an enjoyable and addictive stealth/action game with some nice skill-based mechanics.

It was a pleasure to see your alien evolve from a small larva-like creature to a full-grown fire-breathing dragon.

The ending was a bit of rushed though - wish there was more to the story.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Sandbox Stealth Games.

For what it is, Project Hunter is a very solid go at making a stealth game playing in the Alien Franchise.

Story: virtually nonexistent. You are an alien specimen that escaped containment, and your goal is to kill all enemies and evolve. I was somewhat annoyed that the opening scrawl was unskippable, but that’s just a minor inconvenience.

Gameplay: Solid, but limited. If you are familiar with the Alien Franchise, you may be perplexed that you start off as a small generic grub rather than the signature facehugger. As a stealth game, your best approach is to always attack enemies from behind, which is a one-hit kill regardless of your form. No particular surprise.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Project Hunter on Steam

Sci-Fantasy Defence

Sci-Fantasy Defence

Sci-Fantasy Defence is a combination of real time strategy and first person shooter. Survive and build a portal to escape from this place. Use advanced technologies to extract resources, construct buildings and craft weapons. In order to overcome the barrier of attack speed of weapons and get additional projectiles when firing, use magic items from dark fantasy parallel world.

Thousands of Enemies

Thousands of enemies attack at the same time.


In addition to building a base, you can use weapons. Customize it as you like by adding improvements for burst, speed and damage.


Place aura towers that increase burst, speed and damage of your turrets. Combine the number of turrets and aura towers as you like.

Sci-Fantasy Defence on Steam

Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator

Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator

It’s fun, but I don’t like how some units will just stay put if there are no enemies to attack within their range, especially the ones all the way in the back. Have the back units go around the enemy army and attack or, just have them do something instead of standing. Like I’d love to see armies actually clashing into each other and trying to charge through instead of just attacking what’s in front of them in a straight line.

And if there are cavalry units, PLEASE HAVE THEM CHARGE THROUGH ARMIES LIKE THE ROHIRRIM IN LOTR. I hate how cavalry units in games like UEBS just stay put and attack instead of trampling through enemies! Having cavalry units run through armies would really make this game fun!

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

With epic battles between 4 different races, simple UI, and for only $12 this game is worth trying - especially if you like Total War games too.

Watch as Humans, Dwarves, Orcs & Undead clash amonst several powerful monsters as hordes of warriors get slaughtered.

I feel this game has amazing potential. But right now it is not perfect. Still pretty buggy, and clunky at times. But other times - it looks pretty darn good! Especially considering how many units you can fit on the screen at one time.

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Epic Fantasy Battle Simulator on Steam

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall

The evil aliens are invading Niiikotopia and attacking your beloved Niiikos, so your task is protecting them and repel the invasion. Collect and manage resources. Maintain Niiiko’s population by provide them foods and houses. Research new technology, design new gun and bullet to hold again enemy invasions. Save your cute Niiiko race from anihilation.

Niiikotopia: Sky Fall on Steam

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland

Worth a try. Lots of real physics.

For example, special/general relativity, Doppler changes, solar system etc.

There are also wormholes, black holes, firewalls.

BTW: Miles instead of kilos would be better, especially as we are now out of Europe.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

The physics are solid, the story is cool, but the gameplay is not that perfect. Very rich content. Considering the price, still recommend.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Evolution of a Mini World: Physics Wonderland on Steam



A very cute and fun game!!

Reminds me of galaga, except it has it’s own unique and fun gameplay 3

Made by an awesome person who takes time and devotion to make his games the best!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Metori on Steam

Diplomacy is Not an Option

Diplomacy is Not an Option

In the RTS-game “Diplomacy is Not an Option” you will become a medieval feudal lord in a midlife crisis. Due to your position you must constantly make hundreds of decisions a day related with city management and economic development. You are tired of this monotonous and, so it seems, meaningless existence. But things are about to change: hordes of bloodlusted enemies, swarms of scary monsters and crowds of rebellious peasants at any second can bring some life to your working schedule.

War-time laws

The country is going through difficult times. King’s greed and wastefulness led to the economic crisis and widespread peasant riots. You are a feudal lord. It happened so that, being fed up of routine and everyday problems, you’ve lost a taste for life. When an angry mob besieges your castle you perceive this news with an extraordinary enthusiasm, personally lead the defense and win a glorious victory.

Your role in the riots suppression is noticed at the court. The crown sends you on a responsible mission. Rumors are, there are deposits of gold and other precious materials on a poorly explored continent. The task is to take control under foreign land, obtain its treasures in order to replenish the king’s coffer. Though they forgot to warn that the natives won’t be glad to see you. In addition, there are monsters on the continent, and local mages are actively practicing necromancy.

What sacrifices will you make for the sake of survival and victory? Or maybe you should stop this suicidal campaign and overthrow the king? Don’t you deserve to rule the world?

Physical laws

The laws of physics are thoroughly reproduced in Diplomacy is Not an Option to maximize player immersion in a medieval war action. Tens of thousands of units can fight on the screen at the same time.

Here are several helpful tips:

  • Every gun has its certain range, and medieval shells fly by an arc trajectory.

  • Arrows do not pierce stone walls. On contrary, arrows bounce off the walls.

  • Archers on the towers have blind spots. Closed gates can become an obstacle not only for the enemy, but also for your retreating units.

  • You may discover other interesting facts about the nature of things that may become useful for combat operations.

Social laws

Surviving hostile environments is an important part of the gameplay. Even the most loyal of your citizens tend to die from time to time. From various causes, such as illness, old age, depression, or being seriously hurt on the battlefield. When this happens, it is strongly recommended to bury the dead in order to avoid epidemics and the moral decay of society.

Economical laws

Economic processes in “Diplomacy is Not an Option” are visible. You will see how walls are being built stone by stone. Or how a fallen tree is cut into boards, from which the city will then be raised. The feudal lord does not need to take part in the affairs of his subjects. However, such visibility will help you to manage human resources with more efficiency. As a ruler, you will lead people, give them specialization and, so to say, the meaning of life. Every member of the society is important, from a lumberjack or a carpenter to an undertaker or a swordsman. Once set up, with a proper support the economic process will become a key to survival and also will let you to focus on mission objectives.

Magical laws

What do we say to the gods of death, whether they are on an uncharted continent or in our own reach? “Bury the bodies immediately!” – we answer to these gods. Otherwise every fallen warrior and every lumberjack died from overstrain has risk to join the enemy forces. Also the dead are a very wayward. If you demolish a cemetery and disturb their sleep, they shall rise and begin to wreak havoc, reducing the population of the living.

Life laws

We sought to create a game without unnatural limitations. From the very first task, you will be given the entire available arsenal, and all the in-game mechanics will be unlocked. It depends on you which strategy to choose for your city to survive and prosper. Knowledge of the all listed laws will help you to complete different missions with various ultimate goals and types of enemies. During your campaign you will face moral dilemmas. You will see human stupidity and shortsightedness, leading to fatal consequences. Just like in real life. The only difference is that conflicts cannot be avoided.

Diplomacy is Not an Option on Steam

Rising Front

Rising Front

Rising Front is a massive WW1 shooter centered around trench warfare! It features a perfect blend of FPS, RTS and battle simulator! The goal for this game is to accurately simulate WW1 battles with hundreds or even thousands of units on the battlefield.

Battle Size

This game is capable of running 1000+ units making for incredible battles never seen before in a WW1 game!

Key Features

  • Authentic WW1 tactics

  • Highly Optimized

  • Artillery

  • Procedural cover system

  • Rag-doll physics

  • AI commanding

  • Steam Workshop Support

Rising Front on Steam