Brave Hero

Brave Hero

Its real amazing game!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner Minimalist Games.


Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Brave Hero on Steam



Classic 2d arcade. Leapen is short and easy game with pixel graphics and 8bit music. There are 8 levels that are almost the same. This game trains your reaction, but there are other games that do it better.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner Survival Games.

A cool game to pass the time. I remembered Geometry dash in terms of the fact that only jumps can be controlled. The game is made in a pixel style, you need to collect all the apples for the door to the next level to appear. There are even very amusing levels in which you need to catch good timing. Quite good

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Leaper on Steam

Red Cap Zombie Hunter

Red Cap Zombie Hunter

The story that inspires the game is very typical: virus attacks mankind turning most of them into zombies only a few, the strongest one, manage to overcome the virus and remain as normal people. From a central office in the city, a Human Resistence leader, hires Red Cap as ZOMBIE HUNTER.

In order to meet the leader of the resistance, Red Cap must travel to the city where at the top of a skyscrape is the barracks, continually besieged by zombies, of the Anti-Zombies Army.

The travel to the city is divided into 2 stages of 5 levels each.

In the first stage, Red Cap decides to take the shortest path to the city, which is the one through the cemetery. There he will face the first zombies, enter a royal tomb and explore the catacombs until he finds the exit and can quickly head towards the city.

In the second stage, when he finally reaches the city, he finds a bleak panorama: in the parks the children have already become zombies, the citizens who are still normal and the zombies share the streets. When he passed a construction site, the zombie workers tried to eat him. Some policemen turned into zombies fire their guns. Red Cap will be forced to use the subway to avoid the streets and get to the Anti-Zombies Army (AZA) office as soon as possible.

With the coins and treasures that Red Cap will find along the way in the game shop, you can buy, among other things, such fun devices as eShield (Electronic Shield), Laser Wheel or a Robot that will accompany you as your faithful friend. (see the videos)

Play Red Cap Zombie Hunter and enjoy

  • 10 levels divided in 2 different stages

  • 2 Big Boss enemies

  • Improved skills for Red Cap depending of player EXPerience

  • Player Honor ranking: Stone, Bronze, Silver, Gold (from I to III) and Champion

  • It’sa PLAY-TO-WIN game. You don’t need to spend extra money to finish the game. If you want to finish the game faster you can buy several goods that will help you.

  • Your character upgrades are saved as local data and it’ll be used in future Vialgames games so improving your character will be useful to play another games.

  • The first level wants to be a tribute to the classic game of the 80s Ghosts’n Goblins.

  • Available in english and spanish

Read More: Best Runner 2D Platformer Games.

Red Cap Zombie Hunter on Steam

Challenge Dream Cat

Challenge Dream Cat

This game is sexy.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Challenge Dream Cat on Steam

Mask Up

Mask Up

Awsome rogue like game, i played a lot on the android version but this one with a controler is even better !

And your goal is to get the all thos beautiful masks !

And try to beat me on the leader board. :p

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Great indie roguelike game ! Lots of hidden content to discover 🎭

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

Mask Up on Steam



Agreed with the previous reviewer about the age disclaimer at the start - made me think to expect the worst and I think it does the actual quality of the game a disservice! As for the actual gameplay, Helix draws heavily from other gravity-flipping 2D platformers like VVVVVV, but it’s got a decent grasp the mechanics and physics that make those kinds of platformers enjoyable. I must admit that I am absolutely awful at the game, but that being said, I do think the difficulty ramps up a bit inconsistently and it is quite a brutal learning curve. The game is a bit slow to restart which makes it all the more frustrating. So I appreciated the assist modes, but I felt like something like checkpoints would’ve been made it a more enjoyable grind through the levels. The coin upgrades kind of work…? But it’s not the most elegant mechanic (and I’m not sure the Speed Increase upgrade is useful, it made the game much harder, but maybe that was the point?)

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Firstly, I think you should take out the part at the beginning saying people shouldn’t expect it to be good because you’re 15. No one likes self deprecation and it seemed to take value away from the game before I even hit start. Be proud that you made a game that’s on steam at your age and let the players determine whether its good or bad, otherwise you’ll have a self-fulfilling prophecy on your hands and the game won’t really take off. Other than that, it really is a solid game. Rage platformers aren’t really my wheel house so I failed a bunch, but you took the gravity mechanic and ran with it. You made short, yet complicated levels based around the gravity ability and overall did a great job making the game. The art is pleasing to the eyes and the music doesn’t get annoying which is good considering the fact that you die often and have to replay levels. Keep on making games if its what you enjoy, and make sure that you truly believe in what you’re making because it ALWAYS shows in the final product. :)

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Helix on Steam



I’d recommend this game if you like Getting Over with Bennett Foddy.

It is not as difficult but it puts way more pressure on you as a player, just like a mox ruby underneath a herd of donkeys eating lettuce filled wraps of peanut butter.

When you beat you will glad its over, but instantly nostalgic, just like Zelda 2.

Or some may say, its like stepping on a lego, cutting your foot, on the way to get cookies from the oven, and you drop your cold glass of milk, with shards of glass everywhere, and go head first into an open oven, while realizing you burnt the cookies, only to take a bite of charred chocolate chip. You come back the next day, and play ALT-F4, that is what this game is like. =)

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

My Grandfather smoked his whole life. I was about 10 years old when my mother said to him, ‘If you ever want to see your grandchildren graduate, you have to stop immediately.’. Tears welled up in his eyes when he realized what exactly was at stake. He gave it up immediately. Three years later he died of lung cancer. It was really sad and destroyed me. My mother said to me- ‘Don’t ever smoke. Please don’t put your family through what your Grandfather put us through." I agreed. At 28, I have never touched a cigarette. I must say, I feel a very slight sense of regret for never having done it, because this game gave me cancer anyway.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

ALTF4 on Steam

Gravity run

Gravity run

This game sucks so much. You have no chance to control what happens.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

OK, this game maybe only got like 40 seconds of actual gameplay, BUT the music is a total BANGER!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Gravity run on Steam

Ninja Express

Ninja Express

▲You are a ninja

But in daily life, you will act as a courier,

Responsible for delivering the items entrusted by the customer to the shipper.

This not only protects your identity, but also collects information that is essential for ninjas.

This is a simple task, but there are still some troubles to be solved and some rules to be followed.

● Don’t provoke the police. If you run a red light, the police will notice you.

Stay away from the police car, your unique ninja temperament is fascinating.

Ninja Express on Steam



Looking though my library one day, I realize I have a huge backlog that I need to go though.

So from

I sorted my games for which game I can finish fastest. IT’s not always accurate but it did help me go though many games.

On that website Nary was listed to be completed for 0.5 hours. So I installed the game and gave it a try.

I was tricked! This Nary is a certain sonic hedgehog in fox custom. You are an ever running fox that need to jump and kill enemy will try not getting killed by walls and enemies. The game is lighting fast and extremly hard to play. Even on the easiest difficulty it took me many many tries to final complete it the first time.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Quite a good game. Good engaging gameplay, great music. Doesn’t waste much time and gets in to the gameplay right away. Short and hard but also rewarding and fun. Ending ham-fisted “story” was pretty funny, reminded me of final fantasy 1. Whatever crap controls the other comments talk about has been patched and it controls great. For the extra game modes, a decent few were pretty crap but most were fun options to play with. I don’t know why there’s any other bird choices besides glitch though, aka 420mlg rainbow bird. For two dollars I definitely enjoyed my time with this game and would recommend it.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Nary on Steam