Dairy Dave

Dairy Dave

I really enjoyed my time with this game so far!

I love the art style and animations. The pixel art is simple yet so vibrant and fun to look at.

I really enjoyed the visual feedback from the large milk bottle filling up as you milk the cows to the cow’s heart broken expressions when you miss your chance at milking them.

The short 12 page backstory was quirky and silly, put a smile on my face.

Something about this just gives me nostalgia of playing flash games in my free time as a kid idk

TLDR? Fun and simple little runner, would recommend

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner 2D Platformer Games.

I’ve played this for over 10hrs on my phone, I love it! Very simple but there is still alot of subtle things you need to learn if you wanna get a high score (my best is 150k which is currently 3rd).

Probably works better as a mobile game but it’s free and there are no ads or mtx (how did the dev intend to make any money lol?) so there is literally no downside to downloading it. Very polished, no bugs fun game loop. Strong recommend if you like high score games!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Dairy Dave on Steam

Block Wizard

Block Wizard

As a long-time tester of this game, I can finally leave a review recommending this game.

It’s quite reminiscent of the old flash puzzle games with a really retro aesthetic, the audio is nice (though slightly jarring at times when moving onto a different level set).

This is a solid game for it’s price point and can easily give you an evening of entertainment and mental workout.

(Disclaimer, I am a close friend to the developer, however my review is purely my own opinion and have / am receiving no incentive to leave a bias review)

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner Strategy Games.

A game that really reminisces old arcade games like Bubble Bobble. The main mechanic involves the classic “slide on ice” puzzles found in a lot of RPGs, sound and visuals are rather charming too!

Worth the small price!

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Block Wizard on Steam

Buff Knight Advanced

Buff Knight Advanced

Absolutely underrated game, it should cost way more than 3 euros. Really amazing game - takes about 6 hours to finish the game with one character, which makes the game last 12 hours, but then you can also do achievment things. Maybe about 14 hours game. You should surely buy this game, it is very cheap considering how much fun it is. It also has a high replay value, so you will probably play this way longer than 14 hours if you find this game fun.

If you want, you can join the discord for this game - https://discord.gg/x3QkC5u

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner RPG Games.

Buff Knight Advanced:

[+] Steam trading cards

[+] Achievements

[+] Addictive (just one more go gameplay)

[+] Value for money IMHO

[-] Controls not clearly explained (K/B) for me

The game is more a side scrolling clicker game with options: you will hit the ‘C’ key lots of times.

You can play 1 of 2 classes mage or knight and there are 12 levels to complete. After 5 hours I’m on level 3 - not sure if that means I suck at the game or it has heaps of content/grind (depending on your personal views).

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Buff Knight Advanced on Steam

GRAVV: Between Two Worlds

GRAVV: Between Two Worlds

Control gravity, switch between two opposing worlds and overcome obstacles for as long as you can manage in this retro 2D platform game. Do you accept the challenge?

GRAVV: Between Two Worlds on Steam

Hollow Destiny

Hollow Destiny


I will use this game as a basis for my next shadow the hedgehog fanfiction.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game


Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Hollow Destiny on Steam

Penguin Quest

Penguin Quest

A simple platformer in the role of the main character, a pixel “penguin” who jumps on platforms day and night, you just need to collect fruits in winter and hunt Bigfoot, the graphics reminded Undertale

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

To be honest, I only bought this game to help my own. Immediately after watching your player jump in the trailer I knew this would be a bad game. Because of this, I decided to purchase it in hopes of finding out what not to do in my game. I was not disappointed. 1. You can’t give minimal effort to your movement mechanics. Movement is highly important in a Platformer game, and your movement is frustrating to say the least. When you jump you feel as if you had no control over where its landing, and when you move its almost as if your on ice. I don’t know if this was a game design choice but if so it was a terrible one. 2. Your using the same collision shape you uses to detect spikes/bullets etc to wall jump. This is what I assume a former bug turned into a “Game Mechanic”. Don’t do that. I use to have that but then ultimately decided (Thankfully) to patch it as it was extremely unpolished and overall just hurt the game. 3. No Saving. Self Explanatory. Ultimately I’m going to refund it

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Penguin Quest on Steam



I know Canabalt was instrumental in kickstarting the infinite runner genre, and I know I’m going to get a lot of hate for this, but I honestly can’t recommend this PC port. It’s not about the gameplay; the gameplay is fine, and always has been. But I found this port to be rife with technical issues.

This game is buggy. My god, this game is buggy.

You probably already know what Canabalt is, but if not, it’s a very simplistic game where you play as a man running and jumping across rooftops, and the goal is to earn a high score by running as far as possible before inevitably making a mistake and dying. There’s only one button used to jump, but you’ll have to learn to aim and adjust that jump to hairpin perfection if you want to survive for long. You speed up the longer you run, and you can trip over boxes to slow down. Problem is, if you are running too slow, you won’t be able to jump on rising I-beams in time or run across falling buildings, but if you’re running too fast, you won’t have time to adjust your jump to land on tiny platforms. So it’s all about running into boxes when you need to, and maintaining a perfect pace, hoping the game doesn’t throw anything too tricky at you. It’s a good balance between skill and luck. Otherwise, that’s pretty much it; if you’re expecting a game with tons of content, this isn’t it. But as far as low-investment casual games go, Canabalt is one of the most tried and true.

Real player with 21.2 hrs in game

Canabalt is a silent and modest game jam giant that was in the first wave of titles which drew attention to the emerging indie scene at the time. It was a groundbreaking game that popularized a subgenre of endless runner games, such as Race the Sun and BIT.TRIP Runner series in certain aspects. But does it still stand the test of time as a true classic?

Story wise, you are the Runner, an athlete who is running over the rooftops and is trying to avoid hitting any obstacle while there is an enigmatic, ongoing invasion happening. The story is minimal and its kept in the background, while the gameplay takes priority. Speaking of the gameplay, Canabalt shines in evoking rush of exhilaration through simple and tight controls: you only use one button in the game to jump. You can make light or high jumps depending on the force with which you push the button. There are various obstacles on tracks that are procedurally generated, which will cause the player more or less trouble, and sometimes will even help depending on the height of the jump and speed the player is running. Canabalt is a very fast game, where the speed of the protagonists progressively accelerates to ludicrous levels. Besides the endless main track, there are several modes of plays, each one focusing on one style of play and obstacle.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Canabalt on Steam

Dino Run DX

Dino Run DX

Ahhhh. Good ol' childhood nostalgia. I’ve been played this for a long time before the SE verison was around. So what’s Dino Run DX? It a 2D racing game that you run thoughout the entire game. The game itself is quite fun. If you like racing or pixels, then you might like this product. Let’s explain some things about Dino Run DX:


You must run to the left from start to finish in order to avoid getting swallowed by the doomwall. Walking into the end of the game screen will advance the player to the next stage. At some point, a DNA stonebox will pop up. By spenting the DNA, it will upgrade the dino’s speed, accel, jump, or strength of your choice. DNA can be gained by gathering up eggs (collecting enough will give you an extra life), super eggs, bones, accomplishing milestones, or by the player’s score. Once the final stage is completed on normal, hard, or insane difficulty, you’ll receive a milestone (or a trophy). If you want to know how to achieve milestones, click here . Not only that, but you earn hats as you make progress to 100% completion.

Real player with 1234.1 hrs in game

Dino Run or Escape Extinction: The original Dino Run (also titled Escape Extinction) was released on the 30th April, 2008. In that time the game has been played over one hundred million times making it one of the most successful flash games ever developed.

The original is still widely available… for FREE!: Although Pixeljam promises that DX has made significant improvements over the original it’s a hard argument to justify purchasing this over playing the original flash games. There’s additional game play options, more levels and more hats in the DX version of the game. Of course, Pixeljam have taken complete advantage of what Steam can provide for players – achievements, full screen mode, Steamworks integration,

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Dino Run DX on Steam



Lucky me has the dubious honour of writing the first review for another template flip cash grab from HotFoodGames.

Mistrun is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, HotFoodGames. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio marketplace, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception (just look at their other games on Steam). It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Mistrun on Steam



NekoPugi is a casual endless runner game, player can take Pugi to shuttle around roofs and streets.

Pugi is a cute, chubby cat which loves to wander around the street.

There are so many dangers on her way, help her to dodge the obstacles and bad guys on the road.

Also, there are many Pugi’s favorite birds on the street, help her to catch the birds to unlock her new costumes.

Game Features

Random generated levels

Catch the birds to unlock 8 funny costumes.

Played with keyboard or mouse