The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava

The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava

This game is honestly amazing for being free. Tons of achievements and several gamemodes. The PVP is like a whole different game. Few microtransactions. I got one of my friends to get the game and he likes it too.

I got this game like 3 days ago and I have almost 20 hours in it. I love it.

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner Tutorial Games.

To be clear, I just want to say, this is a baised opinion, in the way that a person who holds something close to their heart baises something.

This game is so much to me.

Me and my friends play lasertag, and I sometimes play solo as well.

The gameplay (for both) is comedical and entertaining, it could be used for any purpose and even without audio it is still funny to watch.

The audio and visuals are a bit “off” but once you look past that this game is actually really good, and the story line for the singeplayer mode is actually really engaging, even though the main focus for the majority of players in my opinion is the multiplayer mode, as that is when hilarity truly ensues.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

The Floor Is Still Really Cheap Lava on Steam

Infinite Jump

Infinite Jump

umm cool animated arts

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Runner Anime Games.


| (Adult) Content | (F, FxF, FxM) sexual content. |

| Censorship? | No. Woot! Woot! |

| Hours of Gameplay | Thirty minutes. |

| Modding Support? | No. |

| Patch Available? | Download as DLC. |

Infinite Jump is a lewd side-scroller platformer (or a “science fiction theme breakthrough leisure game”).

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Infinite Jump on Steam