

tl;dr if you like Myth, you’ll love this game (even in its Early Access incarnation)

It’s been a long time… since I was so excited for a game! Yes, it is quite a bit like the Myth I and Myth II games (and that’s a good thing) but Deadhold is its own animal. Deadhold adds some finely tuned 3-D goodness, ’splodey physics, a healthy portion of 21st C thinking/game play along with some new ideas about how spells and items could enhance different gaming styles. The single solo map is short but showcases some of the game’s potential. For me the real fun lies in modes like coop Horde or multiplayer FFA or team play. MP is fast and frenetic, the strategies enlivened by skillful use of spells and a very limited amount of healing (1 dose). Get on with a couple buddies - or grab a few players from the MP lobbies - and enjoy blasting the undead or each other to bits, lots and lots of gory gibs and bits.

Real player with 191.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Adventure Games.

One of the biggest fans of Myth. I spent years of my life playing it. I’ve played thousands of single-player games and this is the only multiplayer game I enjoy. There is no better multiplayer game. It’s also pretty much impossible to ever make this for consoles so don’t wait for a port. I play 99% of my games on a console but this one can only work on PC due to the many buttons and fast clicks needed to move the camera and select and move units.

Deadhold revives Myth and any fan should enjoy it. It adds a few new things and some changes, like health potions instead of Journeymen. New stuff is dropped items and spells you can use, including a Resurrect option for dead units. But most of it is the same Myth you knew and loved. If you never played Myth I have no idea how to recommend or explain this game to you. It’s like an RTS but with no buildings or unit-making or resources. You choose your units at the beginning of the match and then micromanage till the end. That’s what makes the multiplayer so fun is that you can work as a team with different units, or micromanage against others. Combine that with the physics/gibs and you can never not have a good time. Right now, on day one of Early Access, this is already a solid “good”. It has the potential to be the greatest game ever made. We’ll see. gla

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Deadhold on Steam



Yup, this is indeed a love child between Warcraft 2 and Warcraft 3.

Performance & bugs:

Thanks to the nostalgic look, this game does not require a powerfull system to run and I personally did not encounter any game breaking bugs yet. Others have, but that’s normal. Depending on your operating system and hardware, user specific bugs can occur in any game. Still, the developer is paying great attention to bug reports and suggestions and is working hard to fix them all and make improvements when the demand is reasonable.

Real player with 36.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Action RPG Games.

Loria is an RTS game in an age where the genre is mostly centered around Starcraft and Warcraft, two extremely old blizzard games. Loria wears it’s inspiration on its sleeve, looking, sounding and playing very much like an updated Warcraft 2, and for that, I love it. It really does stratch the nostalgic itch that I had for that game. It might be similar to Warcraft 2, but it brings a lot of modern inprovements, such as being able to select a total of 24 units rather than 9, pathing improvements (although it still feels very Warcraft 2 like).

Real player with 26.6 hrs in game

Loria on Steam

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

How Homeworld Deserts of Kharak Solved Starcraft

It’s becoming more difficult to spot a really good game. Some studios have such sprawling resources and can afford to crank such incredible amounts of content into a game that it’s easy to overlook quality in the absense of quantity. I think this is abundantly the case with Homeworld: Deserts, which seems to get a bad wrap for a short campaign and a comparably thin assortment of units. I can’t say with any certainty that I would have given it a fair chance myself if not for the fact that Homeworld and I go way, way back. But I’ve enjoyed it immensely well after 100 hours in, and the best way I can think of to explain why is to compare the game with the analogue in RTS that I know the most about: Starcraft… or perhaps more specifically, Starcraft II.

Real player with 488.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Multiplayer Games.

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak, the fourth game of the homeworld franchise and its first non-spacial RTS. In short words: Worth every single cent you put on it.

Warning: I never played any other homeworld game, I didn’t know its story nor had read about it before playing this game. But I’m an RTS Veteran, I’ve been playing RTSes since WarCraft 2, going through all games from the C&C Franchise, AoE and AoM Franchises, StarCraft 1, BW and 2, Company of Heroes 2, Grey Goo and many others.


Real player with 382.3 hrs in game

Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak on Steam

Bahamut2-dragon’s bride

Bahamut2-dragon’s bride






螟魂砲應該是魔法 但卻不是用雙重施法?

這一點想再麻煩作者確認一下 感恩~~

Real player with 93.1 hrs in game

Bahamut2-dragon's bride on Steam



Introversion is a small development house that deserves more attention than it gets. The team makes modest, beautifully conceived, games that are compelling to play and darwinia is one of their best.

The gameplay is challenging enough without, save perhaps one small exception, being frustrating. This allows you flexibility in play so, whether you are the aggressive type or slow and methodical, you should find a satisfying game. I never felt forced to find the trick to advance forward and the game never worked against my approach to the maps, as often happens in other games.

Real player with 32.9 hrs in game

Darwinia is hard to describe. It’s part RTS, part god game one could say. You are in charge of protecting and restoring the Darwinian population, however you can’t directly control them. Although the officer tool does make up for that fact. Instead you spawn in several programs to assist the little guys in order to destroy the red virus that has infected their world.

The gameplay is pretty solid, and becomes massively fun during the fights where you get to utilize your Darwinians. Having two massive forces collide and duke it out while you influence the battle field with your programs is something not many games capture too well.

Real player with 28.7 hrs in game

Darwinia on Steam



Underated gem.

Played it back when it was exclusively on Xbox 360 back in 2006-7, Spent countless hours skirmishing with friends. I got extremely hyped when I saw it come to Steam and I just had to instantly buy it and replay it.

Sure, its rough around the edges, has wonky controls at first, not the best voice acting or fluid animation. But once you get the hang of it and your personal theme music starts playing when you’re taking control of the map, then it’s definitely worth it.

It’s not a fighting game like its predecessors and it’s latest titles. This is a MOBA before MOBA’s were even a thing in the popular eye. Think Smite with minion control.

Real player with 195.3 hrs in game

Guilty Gear as an action RTS game. It really is mindblowing to me. When I first heard about this game, I was optimistic. I mean, Guilty Gear is a fighting game series! It’s not a RTS or Hack n' Slash series! However, GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE- blends the fighting genre with the RTS genre very well. Somehow, ARC SYSTEM WORKS has found a way to keep the feel of the 2D fighting games on a 3d battlefield. Whether it be a few left-handed-reverse-grip swings with Sol’s sword to keep the bad guys away or a well placed gunflame into a crowd of nerds, the fighting feels somehow…. nostalgic, as if I was playing one of the 2d titles in the franchise. And commanding units (referred to as servants in game) is a nice, smooth experience, so you don’t have to draw up a whole Mona Lisa painting just to get your servants moving. It’s as easy as select, click, click, done. Fighting alongside your servants is pretty awesome, especially when 4 massive armies collide in an area and it’s just chaos.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game




(I backed this game on Kickstarter, and helped out with alpha and beta testing…)

XO has a lovely mix of tactics and strategy within a relatively short three to five hour game run. But learning XO well enough to survive that final run will take you much longer. It’s a game to be played many times as you learn more about the ships, the factions, the enemies, weapons and circumstances. Each time you’ll learn how to survive longer, how to make better use of the ships, systems and resources you encountered, and how to better choose through the event paths in order to win faction allies as you go.

Real player with 89.9 hrs in game

I’ll split this review to what I enjoyed and what I did not.

What I enjoyed

  1. You really get the feeling of trying to build together a rag-tag fleet of military and civilian ships, fleeing away from a seemingly unstoppable enemy while building up your arsenal, firepower and the capacity to support your fleet. Awesome feeling. :)

  2. Lots of interesting concepts, boarding, resource harvesting, different kinds of weapons to counter different enemies. Really enjoyed different weapons, upgrades, ship types, keeping civilians in cargo holds (then performing a crew transfer to abandoned/disabled ships) and the ability build up my fleet. :D

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

XO on Steam



“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

This game is, thus, just about perfect.

It feels like one of those tower defense games from a dozen years ago, or maybe one of those games from the eighties where the ideas of the writers far exceeded the capability of the gameplay and graphics (like Might and Magic: Book One), or maybe a demo that comes on the cd of a full game (fun, but it leaves you wishing for more than what the limited experience provides), or maybe that one poorly-translated foreign game with a strangely-intricate storyline you got from a garage sale twenty years ago that you wish you still had so you could explain to people why you like to pretend “funceame” is a real word.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

I was expecting Dark facets to be similar to the old flash games like Age of War or Stick Wars; And it was! Only much more boring. Age of war and Stick Wars had a fairly fast play style, but dark facets is incredibly slow paced. It takes a long time for resources to gather, a long time for units to march, longer to kill enemy units, even longer for your units to chip away at an enemy building. Then they just have to move to the second building (Of five). It feels less like i’m playing a game, more like watching a series of gifs that i switch between occasionally.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game


Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection


Sadly, as a HW player since the first game came out, (Back in 1999) I cannot recommend this game.

The first time I played Homeworld, I was a young boy about 8 years of age. My grandfather introduced me to the game, and whenever I go see him I will still play LAN games against him, on the same two disks that we have always played on. Now, with that being said, at 8 years of age I didn’t really understand tactics or how to win, the main objective for me was to build a heavy cruiser and try bum rushing the enemy mothership, praying that my prized cruiser didn’t get salvaged in the process! As I grew older and understood the game more, I enjoyed it more as I began using formations and tactics to alter the outcome of battles, some of which were against slim to none odds.

Real player with 168.7 hrs in game

Homeworld remastered collection

Homeworld is one of my favorite games, when i heard it was coming to steam, i immediately bought it (and it was the reason i got into steam) and when i got my first game, i couldn’t be more excited.

By playing both remastered and classic versions, i can see all the improvements they have done, and unlike many remasters out there in popular games, this one actually improves some gameplay mechanics rather than just giving some crispy new graphics.

Classic version

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Homeworld Remastered Collection on Steam

War Wind II: Human Onslaught

War Wind II: Human Onslaught

As a huge fan of War Wind 1, this is honestly quite disappointing. Controls are very confusing, much more so than in the 1st War Wind. Technology trees for each of the races is complicated and hard to get used to. The alien races now speak mostly English which doesn’t feel as authentic. The mechanics of hiring new units is a huge downgrade from the 1st War Wind in the sense that you can only hire from external villages that do not respawn new villagers. These villagers can be accidentally attacked. Overall, hugely disappointing and the only saving grace was the low cost to purchase this game. Perhaps players without prior experience playing the 1st War Wind would find this ok but for those like me who are expecting a game that improves on the 1st one would be terribly disappointed.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

War Wind II: Human Onslaught on Steam