Victory At Sea Pacific

Victory At Sea Pacific

Dev activity

They’re quite active. They reply promptly to direct contact on the Discord and are equally ready to implement suggestions into the game. Most notably when it comes to expanding modding support. Some reviews claim the game is dead or the devs have run off so the patch history follows.

9-14-2018 Public release, 9-19-2018 Patch 1.0.4, 9-20-2018 Patch 1.0.5, 9-25-2018 Patch 1.0.6, 9-28-2018 Patch 1.0.7, 10-5-2018 Patch 1.1, 10-11-2018 Patch 1.1.1, 10-18-2018 Patch 1.1.2, 10-26-2018 Patch 1.1.3, 10-30-2018 Patch 1.1.4, 11-8-2018 Patch 1.1.5, 11-23-2018 Patch 1.2 (introduced modding), 11-26-2018 Patch 1.2.0p2, 11-27-2018 Patch 1.2.0p3, 12-17-2018 Patch 1.2.1, 12-20-2018 Patch 1.2.1p3, 12-21-2018 Patch 1.2.1p4, 1-9-2019 Patch 1.2.2, 1-11-2019 Patch 1.2.2p1, 1-23-2019 Patch 1.2.3, 3-4-2019 Patch 1.3.1 Royal Navy added, 4-2-2019 Patch 1.4 Custom battles, 6-19-2019 Patch 1.5 Minor factions, 10-30-2019 Patch 1.6, 11-4-2019 Patch 1.6.1, 11-13-2019 Patch 1.6.2, 2-6-2020 Patch 1.7, 2-7-2020 Patch 1.7.0p1, 2-26-2020 Patch 1.7.1

Real player with 181.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS World War II Games.

As someone who really want’s to like this game, and I truly do want to like it, I’m sorry to say that I can’t really recommend this game in it’s current state. The gameplay is fine and can be fun, specifically when your right up in the action having the ship maneuver to avoid torpedoes and air attacks, and launching submarine attacks on convoys and task forces.

But while the core gameplay is really solid, the fact that it is so filled with bugs and glitches makes it really difficult to enjoy what’s there. Ships can just disappear from a taskforce, even though it is possible to find their models and still click and control them manually. I’ve had a case where I lost an entire taskforce of submarines to limbo because of a glitch despite the fact I was able to use said submarines to sink a flotilla’s worth of destroyers. I’ve had a similar case where I lost three battleships to limbo when I tried to control them manually.

Real player with 133.5 hrs in game

Victory At Sea Pacific on Steam

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

The Good

Carrier Command Gaea Mission is a mix of RTS and first/3rd person action, which is a great combination that not many games have achieved, and something I would like to see more in games of both genres. The gameplay itself is very deep and rewarding, The 3D model of the carrier and its subsystems make sense - it is also not a micromanagement nightmare. There are a lot of optional weapons and tech systems for you to use to outfit your Mantas and your Walruses (the two vehicles you use to conquer islands).

Real player with 156.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Naval Combat Games.

I gave this game a chance but it’s hard to pass over the low quality of its gaming experience.


  • GRAPHICS; for being a 2012 title the graphics are smooth and polished with nice water and light effects.

  • CONCEPT; if well developed, the idea of a reload of the 1988 game would have been a winning one. Conquering an archipelago of island relying on a carrier sending remotely controlled units is nice.

Even the limit of two types of units (air and land) is not perceived as a real limit thanks to the wide customizing options for weapons, armors and special abilities of each of the 8 units available.

Real player with 75.2 hrs in game

Carrier Command: Gaea Mission on Steam

Battlestations Pacific

Battlestations Pacific

Extremely fun naval warfare, fairly well done campaigns that lets you play as both Allied forces and IJN, as well as a good variety of Skirmish maps and modes.

Island capture mode can keep you busy and having fun for hours, with a huge variety of units and tactics available- you can build up a sizeabe fleet and wrest control of Islands by way of LST’s and Cargo ships, or parachuting units in by air. The naval battles themselves are intense with visual damage and listing to ships that have suffered heavy barrages, and some of that damage remains even after repairing which adds a nice touch of immersion.

Real player with 109.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS World War II Games.

Summary: 1. Get xlive.dll 2. Get BSmodHQ4.0 3. Get Remastered Campaign Pack

This is a very good game. Like you may know already, the stupid GFWL issue makes things more complicated. I was able to play and completed this game on Windows 7 after some tweaking. Years later, I found the tweak no longer worked with Windows 10 as it took forever to log into GFWL (You can play it without logging in, but it won’t save). I found another workaround, played it. Then I changed my computer months later, and this time the workaround was not working again, crashing immediately into the game. Yes, this is extremely annoying, until I finally found xlive.dll. This is better than a workaround. Instead, it get rid of GFWL completely and just save your progress locally. Just throw the file into the game folder simple as that.

Real player with 95.2 hrs in game

Battlestations Pacific on Steam

Fleet Command

Fleet Command

I really, REALLY want this game. Or what this game should be. I have been trying to find a pseudo-simulator for grand scale battles in naval warfare, and this is it. Sadly, I can’t recommend it for anyone. Too many things don’t work well. It’s hard to get working. It’s no longer supported by the developer. And even once you get it working, little things break in gameplay that make it hard to enjoy. At some point, subs broke completely; now they go on autopilot and refuse to engage or come to the surface (yes, I’m aware of the setting that supposedly fixes this; it doesn’t work for me). Missiles disappear on launch from destroyers or cruisers. Airplanes disappear on launch from carriers. It makes play kinda worthless.

Real player with 147.1 hrs in game

Alarm chimes inside USS Nimiz CIC, the Admiral puts down his drink in the dimly lit room and looks at the enlistedmen seated at their stations and locks eyes with one, sitting before the radar as he speaks

“Incoming airborne contacts from the north-west, speed matching Backfire Bombers.”

“Lets get those F-14s off picket duties and have them vector an incept course with the Backfires, lets show em these Tomcats have claws and they don’t mess around.”

Another sailor, this one wearing a headset calls

Real player with 140.2 hrs in game

Fleet Command on Steam

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Of Ships & Scoundrels

Did you like Pirates? Do you like turn-based combat? Do you like random maps and exploring?

Then this game could be something for you. For an early access Indie title, it’s got surprisingly good graphics (especially the sea), a real story in single player mode, and some funny mystic creatures. There’s a touch of Age of Wonders, but the battles are less tactical.


  • good graphics

  • mystic creatures pimp the pirates scenario

  • nice story (no Heavy Rain, though)

  • high replay value (random quests, random maps, hotseat mode)

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Looks amazing, nice atmosphere and unique interesting game mechanics. I like it!

You know where the journey is heading. With some little improvements in EA and more content I will be able to put hours in this :)!

Good strategy will lead you to your victory and will demolish your friends, but don’t forget about the immersive story though. Good price for a good game! Go on like this.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Of Ships & Scoundrels on Steam

Oil Rush

Oil Rush

TLDR – Oil Rush is a graphics intensive version of what I would call a “virus game” similar to the Galcon series. Technically it’s real time strategy, but it’s all about moving your troops between map “nodes,” protecting your own while capturing your enemy’s when his troops are away. The game maker took a simple gameplay concept and prettied it up with modern graphics and a campaign story. 7.5/10

The game takes place after global warming has flooded the Earth and left humanity living on ships and small floating towns in the middle of the ocean. The most precious commodity is now oil, used not only for keeping the navy ships moving but for producing electricity and other necessities. You play a young navy commander named Kevin who is fresh out of school and ready to kick raider ass to protect your people (and grab oil supplies while you’re at it).

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

After watching Totalbiscuit’s quick look at Oil Rush the development descisions start to make more sense. Check out his video on youtube for an accurate description of what the game is like.


  • Great graphics

  • Interesting mix of strategy and tower defense


  • Cheesy, imbalanced, repetitive campaign

  • Not much variety, one race/set of units for everyone



So Oil Rush is a game created by a Russian company called Unigine Corp specifically to promote their engine coinsidentally named Unigine. Promote the engine it certainly does as it’s a beautiful game to look at. As for the gameplay, Oil Rush is lacking.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Oil Rush on Steam

Victory At Sea

Victory At Sea

Sea warfare has always been pretty difficult to put into a game format; a bit like flight simulators, they can either be too arcadey (and therefore not really do justice to their subject) or too realistic (hanging around for hours in a sub with nothing but little wheels to turn). Given the vast distances involved in WW2 sea combat, where opposing fleets in the age of air power sometimes never saw each other directly during battle, Victory at Sea makes some quite good compromises. So, for example, the ocean scale is reduced so that even when you have an overwhelming carrier force it’s still useful (and fun) to have a few battleships to take out some of the nearby enemy in between air strikes. Lobbing your shots over thousands of yards, anticipating where your target will be when they fall, is a skill you’ll enjoy developing. It’s more arcade than sim, but fun.

Real player with 447.0 hrs in game

Very nice game.

Good naval strategy on sea. If you liked games like 688 Attack Sub, or SSN-21 Seawolf, or Wolfpack, this is game for you. There is a lot of hide & escape, or seek & destroy in this game.

Game have two modes. In global view, you cruise with you fleet (single symbol of ship from top view), wandering around, choosing what to attack or evade. Other fleets are also iconized by single ship. There is visibility range which changes with day/night time.

In combat mode, you fight with enemy fleet, with possibility of reinforcements arrival if any firend/enemy fleet was close to. It’s point and click with RTS style battle, with possibility to stop any time, and with free cam to go around battlefield. There is fog of war however, so you will not see enemy ships which you shouldn’t. Multiple types of weapons, including topedos, deck guns, anti-aircraft weapons, and anti-sub charges, there are also close-combat guns (but they are automated and only in close range to fight with open-deck boats). Each kind of weapon have got different reload time, different angle of firing, and range.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Victory At Sea on Steam

Pacific Storm

Pacific Storm


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Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

The nay-sayers for this game/sim are probably not old enough to remember the glory days of naval and aircraft simulator/games of the early nineties, but I’m not. “Great Naval Battles”, a series that was loved by players, and undermined by critics, has finally reared its' head above the dust and waters in this game. Specifically, “GNB 2” which centered on the naval battles and activities centred on Guadalcanal.

“GNB 3” expanded to include operations in and around Guadalcanal including carriers. Sure, the ships were 2D digitized representations and you could only observe carrier operations (black sprites buzzing around the 2D ship) but they were so involving that hours would pass without notice. You became so involved in re-supplying the Marines and engaging Japanese supply columns and fleets that the poor graphics went by unnoticed. Then came Microprose’s “1942” and its' sequel “1942:PAW” which both immersed you in the same campaign(s) but with beautiful graphics (the Battle of Savo Island at night with searchlights, tracer and firery explosions was a sight to behold) that held the player hooked.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Pacific Storm on Steam

Submarine Titans

Submarine Titans

Submarine Titans was among the Age of Empires RTS era, but capitalized on an elaborate, nearly never ending Tech/Research Tree for each race. This encourages you to either focus heavily on research and tech development, or choose a priority in research. In the Research and Tech areas, this is most equivilent to Warzone 2100. Although ST only has 3 races, each race is very unique to each other in style of gameplay, reflecting the Offense,Defense, and Economic player styles. The responsiveness is sluggish sometimes, and some commands take some patience sometimes, but its worth it! Submarine Titans is really just a great game, and worth spending some time into it.

Real player with 262.7 hrs in game

fantastic game from back in the day. still hangs well, doesnt feel dated. still solid solid graphics and sound.


once you get the hang of it, winning through the solo battles is a fairly easy mostly mellow resource aquisition and military conquest romp. if you gain proper control early, you can fool around for an hour or two and completely overwhelm the entire board, capturing enemy stuff instead of blowing it up, mining all the resources and overbuilding bases just for fun.


or you can try to build up fast, plow through the enemy quickly, and set a speed record for yourself.

Real player with 158.3 hrs in game

Submarine Titans on Steam

Tactics: Bludgeons Blessing

Tactics: Bludgeons Blessing

This is not a well made game. The controls, are hard to use at first. And I feel it needs a tutorial to know what is going on. And for what you get. $20 is a lot. This is a bad game, with very little thout in it.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

this game does not work for me, cannot start game. unfortunately it is too late for me to get a refund.

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Tactics: Bludgeons Blessing on Steam