Royal Revolt II

Royal Revolt II

build your base, level your king, take people’s gold.. seems simple enough but smooth gameplay, decent graphics, events and tons of unlockable things make this super addictive.

you can easily play for free but i would still reccomend spending $5-10 early on to get a bundle of extra attack slot, extra spell slot, extra worker and the worker/gem bundle. they only offer it early on so don’t wait on that… also if you have friends playing it u can only use friend codes before level 10 i believe to get all the free currency from that.

Real player with 628.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Action RPG Games.

Many upgradable and customizable things. It has much depth.

Gameplay seems simple in earlygame, but should be okay in endgame.

P2W? Well, you can use gems for almost everything, but you can earn gems for free (events, tournaments, random rolls etc…), and what you can do with gems won’t affect gameplay, except some extra spell you can cast by spending gems.

Purchasing gems is very expensive and i doubt a rich person would spend so much to cast many spell. And gems you earn for free are enough to cast spells,

Real player with 215.4 hrs in game

Royal Revolt II on Steam

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic

This game is a lot like ironfell, with hex based combat and building in one open world. Right now, there’s not too much to the game, but the develepor is active, communicates with the community, and puts out a lot of updates. If you liked Ironfell at all you should buy this game and try it out for yourself.

Real player with 242.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Indie Games.

Worth checking out for sure, as I have yet to find anything quite like it.

The game features a persistant world where players battle it out for resources and eventual victory over the course of days/weeks. It uses basic rts elements and expands upon the strategy through time, space, and player interaction.

It is also being constantly updated, and upgraded and there is a good chance if you think a feature is missing it will be added soon.

Highly recommend checking it out for some slower paced and social rts gaming, similar to a more drawn out risk experience in a lot of ways. If you decide to give it a try, join the discord and start plotting your rise to power.

Real player with 152.4 hrs in game

Kingdoms Of Marazia: Classic on Steam

My Lands: Black Gem Hunting

My Lands: Black Gem Hunting

Name: My Lands

Variations: My Lands: Black Gem Hunting

Developer: Elyland LLC, Gravvit LLC

Date: 2010

Category: MMO


Orientation: Multiplayer

Population: Crowded

Perspective: 2.5D - Isometric - (Static)

Timeflow: Background Real-Time, Persistent

Skills: Brain + Endurance + Responsibility

Setting: Fantasy

Style: -

Tags: No Campaign, No Story, Open World, RPG Elements

Real player with 1336.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Multiplayer Games.

EDIT:Did I mention that a lot of the game (80%)’s players are all Russian? Just a warning, if you don’t speak Russian you won’t make any big progress in this game.

This game started out good, It had great graphics, it had some-what pleasing gameplay, it had some interesting features in it…

But then the logic killed it, and the money whoring…

There is already a gate in my city…but I need to RESEARCH a gate key just to open the damn gate?! This is just one of the many illogical things I have found in this game…

Real player with 217.1 hrs in game

My Lands: Black Gem Hunting on Steam

Kingdom Wars

Kingdom Wars


There are a few things i think people should know about before playing this game.I bought kingdom wars before it was a f2p game and have had two maxed out citys with high lvl hero’s and have spent money on the game beyond just buying it pre f2p.This is my honest review about what i know of the game.

BUGS! Be prepared to lose resorces for winning pvp matches.That’s right you lose for winning! If a person trys to fight you and you accept and then he pays you to flee battle you get a win and maybe a little gold from the payout BUT you will lose 5k food 5k wood and 5k stone from your towns resorce stash which varries depending on what your stash has in it but that was my last loss to this bug. Not only do you lose for winning a pvp match in this manner you don’t recieve the crowns for the win that you are supposed to get for winning.The only way to avoid this bug is to fight until the game tells you you won or lost.

Real player with 328.8 hrs in game

Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars

Update: 4 years later - This game is still fun but you definitely need a friend. The playerbase is extremely low leaving much to be desired on the PvP and COOP aspects. You can still solo the online campaign but it won’t ne as enjoyable. It also helps a ton if you are the same faction as your friend. This allows you to group up MUCH easier as you have to share the same army str. My original review still stand, I just edited some mistakes from a less educated me.

Hello! Let me start by saying this. I wanted a game that I could command large masses of troops to attack strongholds. After searching EVERYWHERE I found this. This game exactly fit my needs! Now I am going to let aside my desire for games like this for the rest of the review to keep it unbiased.

Real player with 280.4 hrs in game

Kingdom Wars on Steam

Wing of Misadventure

Wing of Misadventure

Game isn’t terrible. It’s rough around the edges but hopefully that gets better with time, if they have it. But, considering this game has been a “work in progress” for several years, there are things that should’ve been addressed by now, quality of life wise. The quests are difficult to figure out for a new player, no direction of any kind. The item system is all over the place. The monsters are literal pinatas, meaning 5+ items drop from one regular mob which really is a nuisance if you’re searching for a particular item and there’s no way to filter out what you want to pick up so you have to pick up all the stuff and drop/sell or break it. The only thing you have to go by are the pictures of the item so even if you DO manage to find the item on the ground you have to pick up a million other items before you get the one you need. Keep in mind your inventory is limited, especially at the beginning (you get 1 slot or so per level up). You can’t really tell what’s “junk” because everything is considered junk if it’s of low quality. Even crafting and or other items you may need for quests so you really have to hold on to all things unless you’re an experienced player and have played the Brazilian version. You can open the bank that you get from subscription and just throw everything in there and hoard it because you may need it later, go back to town literally every 5 minutes to sell or sit there and micromanage your inventory out in the field every 5 minutes breaking things down, tossing things out that were mis-picked, etc. Heck, I’ve spent more time in my inventory trying to figure out what is what than actually playing. No direction, no tooltips to help you understand where or what anything is used for in the UI.

Real player with 2015.0 hrs in game

Update after 585 Hours:

The game has what is being described to me as a “Mid Game progression grind is when the game gets hard to progress.” I find that the game was enjoyable up to this point. Progress just kinda stops happening in any rewarding way, instead it becomes a very punishing grind that is more demanding than a full time job. I really love this title, but until gameplay starts to FEEL more rewarding and progression feels more meaningful(like being able to move onto a new area sooner) then i dont think this game is for me. I do still recommend you try it.

Real player with 585.9 hrs in game

Wing of Misadventure on Steam

Therian Saga

Therian Saga

This game is superb! For some people. I’m one of those people. Besides that:

Every aspiring game developer should play this game. The core “level” concept could be dropped into any modern game to make it much, much better.

Here’s the concept: you have character skill, a companion (with their own skill level), a tool (with a skill bonus/level), and a location (that may offer a bonus). To calculate your effective skill, rank these from best to worst. The best one contributes 40% of its value to your effective skill, the second-best adds 30%, third 20%, worst 10%. Add those products, add any magical bonuses, and that’s your effective skill that determines which things you can do. I might be a novice at woodcutting, but with a skilled companion, the best Woodcutting Ax I can use (my level +15), and a good building, I can cut a mid-level tree and my chances of gaining a skill after each action is very good.

Real player with 5437.1 hrs in game

This is not an action game. I greatly recommend it as fun little thing to have on the side, but which does not claim too much of your attention. Years ago when I was studying I used to run the game in the background, checking in every 30 minutes or so to see what progress had been made and if there was something more I could queue up. It’s essentially The Sims of fantasy RPG games in that regard - you manage your character but they can carry out their tasks without your presence.

Now that I have a job and a time-consuming household to take care of, I feel like it will be fun to have this game once again going in the background of my evenings, it’s nice with games where I can progress on quests simultaneously as I’m off to progress in real life.

Real player with 841.8 hrs in game

Therian Saga on Steam

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation

Rising Constellation is an awesome game which is mixing strategy and role play at a perfect level.

It offers many distinct gameplay based on factions and its agents mechanics - however, remind it’s strongly depends on team play!

Indead, this game is part of those who are perfectly designed to work in cooperation with your mates, but definitely not alone.

Use Siderians and rule your teamates, just because you’ll get the economy power - or perhaps you’ll prefer bite everyone using large fleets lead by Navarques.

Real player with 933.3 hrs in game

Rising Constellation is 4x RST game still in developpment.

Created from a small team of Swiss developper, I was a player of thier first MMO RTS 4x game: Asylamba.

I see RC (Rising Constellation) like an MMO RTS 4x game based on Agents (Navarques – Ereased – Sidérians).

I really enjoy the game for is background story (lore can be added by players participation) , B&W graphic style and is MMO possibility !

There is now 1 mod to play : fast flash 2H gamemode , this is quite small with 1 or to 2 games per week with a small cummunity.

Real player with 837.1 hrs in game

Rising Constellation on Steam

Lords Mobile

Lords Mobile

A f2p, p2w game, one that constantly promisses that if you just keep evolving, the experience will become super interesting at some point ahead… yup, its another mobile game.

In the game’s defense, it IS possible to play without putting money, but make no mistake: its absolutely impossible to be even remotely competitive if you dont spend money(LOADS of money, enough to buy the all the DLC packages of DoA5 many times over). It is possible to play, but for players who dont put high quadruple digits of dollars into the game, “play” will for a loooong time mean stay hidden behind your shield 24.7 and just keep hoping your real life dont prevent you from renewing the shield or else some chinese dude will reset your troops count in very short order, it’s just a chore and that part of the game will last a VERY long time for free players.

Real player with 525.2 hrs in game

This is a game where its a purely pay to play. (Its not free to play) Free to play players once after protection cannot even play PVE, this was my experience as mostly free to play player.

PVE Rating: 0/10

PVP Rating: 0/10

Pay to win rating: 10/10

Free to play rating: 0/10

Day 1: Joined a new world which was 2 days old. Free to play players where all using tier 1 troops with numbers in the hundreds of troops. Pay to win players already had tier 3 troops with numbers in the 100s of thousands.

Day 14: Reach tier 2, paid 2 usd worth of in game items to enable myself to travel through time to gain a few days of virtual time advancement so as to get tier 2 units.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Lords Mobile on Steam