The Rebellion

The Rebellion

If you are here reading this and the game is on sale for under $5.00, just buy it. EZPZ! I just saved you a bunch of time reading other reviews!

I love the potential TR has. It has a long way to go but the devs are showing me they are serious about their creation and I love it. The game is not there yet on a number of things, like 3rd person combat and adding a tutorial, but I’m seeing improvements every patch! I still have a lot to learn about the game but even in this early state I will recommend TR, but at the moment, only when its on a Steam sale.

Real player with 65.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS War Games.

While I did receive this for free and have been helping them test, I have found myself booting it up to play the survival mode without being prompted and doing it for fun. (TL;DR at bottom for lazy)

I have to say, the survival mode is quite fun. Difficult, but the challenge is what makes it fun. Furthest I’ve gotten is Battalion 5 on survival mode, which took over 2 hours to get to and I had a blast the entire time because my hero got OP halfway through. It scales with the population cap you set, the players in the game, and the difficulty you select. Normal is a decent challenge, Hard is, predictably hard, and nightmare difficulty is near impossible.

Real player with 51.8 hrs in game

The Rebellion on Steam

Age of Empires II (2013)

Age of Empires II (2013)

gameplay is excellent, community is psychedelic.

Real player with 2675.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Multiplayer Games.

very good i play this with my father every week.

Real player with 909.9 hrs in game

Age of Empires II (2013) on Steam

Ancestors Legacy

Ancestors Legacy


Ancestor’s Legacy is a hybrid game of RTS and Real-Time Tactics(RTT) Gameplay, though it likes to side a bit more with the RTT genre.While this game has base building, it isn’t in the typical sense. The player is given a main base camp that has a build menu. After clicking the button to build a structure, the structure is built by peasants at a location predetermined by the game. The base camp is also not the main place the player will get resources. A variety of villages of different sizes are scattered around each map with resource points attached to them. Each faction has different specialties. Units can be leveled up and be given armor to increase their power. The squad limit is set at 10. The game uses a Rock-Paper-Scissors style system to make some armies great at defeating others, but each factions version of the army has their own individual stats. The graphics are phenomenal, the sound design is great, and the campaign is excellent.

Real player with 35.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Real-Time Games.

These people nailed what a limited base building unit capped RTS should be. There are choke points, open fields, water that slows you as you move through it (including swamps), trap building, terrain elevations & weather effecting line of sight (and fire), special traits per unit per factions that still feels balanced.

It executes exceptionally well on limited base building RTS with unit creation and replenishment and rewards well thought out RTT gameplay as all units level and can be upgraded thus rewarding teamwork and unit specialization with the population cap, traps, and size of the map encouraging strategy whilst limiting unit production to the starting base and permitting unit replenishment at any captured (ally) village for a nominal fee.

Real player with 33.4 hrs in game

Ancestors Legacy on Steam

Egg of Empire

Egg of Empire

when i first saw this game on steam i was with my friends and we thought the name was so funny we had to buy it we saw it would be coming out in 2 days so we had a sleepover waiting for the game to be released and we were not disappointed. this game is every thing i want in a indie game its funny has good game play and its fun to learn. when you get into to game it does not tell you how to play so it is trial and error and it feels rewarding like you did this. the only problems i had were i wish the select was not a on screen button and instead assigned to a key or mouse button, as well as the hit boxes might glitch out were every thing is no clip only happened once to me tho and with a quick restart it was back and since you can save it wasn’t a problem. but i only played for about a hour so idk how often or if it is a recurring thing at all over all 8/10 aslo if you dont want to do the trial and error type learning the creator made a Tutorial which i will link here:

Real player with 31.3 hrs in game

Egg of Empire on Steam



I think this game is a hidden treasure on steam.

First of all, compared to other games, the graphics are unique and don’t seem to give a strong first impression. But personally, the graphic is a good. In my case, the graphics get used to after 30 min of game play, so it doesn’t seem to be a big problem.

The most highly appreciated part is the combat mechanism. It took me a while to learn the game system in the early days, but I get used to two or three quests.

This game have interesting points. First, the story structure is good and addictive. Second, It is a command so the combat system is easy to operate and is fast.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Cool. Good game for less than $10. It has a good story and easy to play. Monsters in the game are really funny. I like it. Only thing I don’t like is small screen size in my laptop.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

RaidTitans on Steam

Real Warfare 1242

Real Warfare 1242

Tactical game of medieval battles in 13th century Russia and around. Cavalry raids, archers on hills and spearmen behind bushes…. Using the terrain folds to outsmart ever-overnumbered enemies, maneuvering on the battlefield - is all what the game is about. Engine and visuals are decent, even if a bit dated. AI is quite nice, acting and reacting on your every move very adequately. Overall gameplay, however, somewhat lacking. I’m not a big fan of Total War series in general, yet I see some reasons behind downvoting reviews for this “Real Warfare” title.

Real player with 111.7 hrs in game

I was not going to play this game today but seen all the mixed reviews . and the Negitive ones comparing it to Total war games. I have just about all the 1c war games , love to play them all . So I went and played this one .

Quick learning tutorial since it has almost same set ups as the other games . Has a auto set up that you can click on to get best out of your computer. .. Next was little scared as it said Russian Ouch . Nope came through in English and was really glad I have plad a battle in a campiangn in Russia as a son of some Noble Based on Historical battles , Gives you great quick history then the battle and your pbjectives ..

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Real Warfare 1242 on Steam

Reign: Conflict of Nations

Reign: Conflict of Nations

Bought it on a big sale and it has fulfilled my expectations. It is a hardcore strategy game, so of course it is not for everybody, but I quite enjoyed it. The major flaw is in lack of any form of tutorial. This is a big negative, mainly towards inexperienced players. Also there are some game mechanics, which annoy me, but generally I am happy with this purchase. I recommend it for seasoned players.

The game takes place in late medieval age and concentrates on Eastern Europe. That is important plus from my perspective, because history of Eastern Europe is mostly overlooked.

Real player with 96.3 hrs in game

After playing for some time this game i have to admit I enjoy the micromanagement level because it gives the player a new level of control and also a series of considerations when making decisions. That is not to say that it is purely a positive experience. I will be the first to admit the frustration this game gave me the first time I started a campaign. Also the degree of difficulty to grow your settlements fast enough and the speed and strength that the armies created by the computer to invade you were quite unfair. The game lacks balance but the ideas and concepts it gives the player are not bad, just a problem in execution.

Real player with 69.2 hrs in game

Reign: Conflict of Nations on Steam

Ruin or Victory

Ruin or Victory

Ruin or Victory is a modern take on the classic RTS genre with added detail, continuity, and strategic depth while remaining accessible and well-paced.

Game modes at release

  • A free-build mode with no opponent and optional tutorial hints. A complete user manual will be accessible in game while paused.

  • A scenario mode against an AI opponent that starts with a base and launches increasingly challenging attacks against the player. Both the map and AI preset will be randomized each game, and difficulty, game length, and other settings will be available.

Features at release

  • Random map generation with different terrain, resources, and starting positions each game. Create your own custom map configuration files to control most parameters of map generation.

  • An AI that does not cheat, but uses all the same mechanics that the player does. The AI will make decisions based only on what it has spotted.

  • An extensive, branching technology tree with new items, buildings, and abstract benefits. Some paths are exclusive to others and offer both advantages and disadvantages that define your strategy and playstyle. The tree starts in the stone age and ends at the early medieval age.

  • An organic population growth system that uses real-time food consumption, death due to starvation, and overcrowding factors. You will have to balance your population’s growth, food production, and military size.

  • Skills for your peasants that are gained from their actions and significantly improve their efficiency. Various crafters make high quality items and are a strategic target, while skilled warriors take time to train but are dangerous in battle.

  • Rally system that allows you to set gather points for peasants and warriors separately and summon them as needed. Collect your idle peasants or rally your troops to their posts with any number of points that you place.

  • Domesticated animals that serve as more efficient farm and transport workers and enable the use of cavalry, but require food and training. Animals can be captured when their previous owners abandon them.

  • Continuity of resources and items presents a new strategy of logistics. All resources gathered and items made are physically present in the game world.

  • Resources must be moved to buildings for construction, can be taken out of the building by disassembling, and are lost when the building burns. Workshops that make items must have resources delivered, and the items must be moved and stored in armories.

  • Buildings and other constructs, such as siege equipment, require humans to operate, and can be captured if abandoned. Buildings captured from the enemy can be looted, burned, or used like your own buildings.

  • Warriors are equipped with custom sets of equipment that you design. Create armored archers or light spearmen to fend of cavalry. Every piece of a warrior’s equipment will impact their speed and combat abilities. Carried items and resources are dropped on death, allowing the victor to loot the battlefield.

All of this detail is scaled to the strategic level. There are no inventory screens or per item management. Stored items and resources, warrior equipment, and item upgrades are managed in any quantity with a few button clicks. Peasants automatically find necessary items and buildings for pickup and drop-off, carrying out their tasks with an individual AI.

Selected humans, animals, and constructs are automatically categorized and sorted, allowing you to select by type, skill, or equipment quickly. An order queuing system allows you to chain orders and display them in the game world.

A clear user interface with customization options, intuitive hotkey navigation, and unlimited map zoom with scalable icons, is presented with original, stylized artwork and font.

Features that will be added after release

  • Multiplayer, including cooperative play in all singleplayer modes, as well as PvP on any random map.

  • A skirmish gamemode in which the AI starts and builds up like the player.

  • Rivers and lakes that divide the map as well as island maps on the open ocean. Gather fish and fight the enemy with warships crewed by your warriors in ranged and boarding engagements.

This list is not exhaustive; support and additional features will continue after release.

Ruin or Victory on Steam

The Kings' Crusade

The Kings' Crusade

The crowned heads of Europe launch a new military campaign to re-conquer the Holy Land. The time has come for you to assemble your armies and take back the land as Richard the Lionheart. Or assume the role of the great Saladin and defend your people against the oncoming invasion. Lionheart: King’s Crusade gives you the chance to make the dreams of the past a reality.

The King’s Crusade is a real-time strategy game that places you in the era of the Third Crusade, spanning the years 1189-1192. Control and upgrade the leaders and their armies, lead your men into fierce battles, complete the objectives of the campaign by guiding various historical factions through political events, collect relics, and unlock new content on your crusade.

Real player with 234.2 hrs in game

I like this game, but I don’t recommend it for an ‘average’ player.


1. Maps. The maps are very beautiful, atmospheric, and very large. There is lots of Bloom. The zoom range is very dramatic, and there is lots of space for maneuver. So much that you will usually have to make use of 2x and 4x time during the maneuver phase of the battles.

2. RPG aspects and DLC. There are magical items and other skills for you to upgrade your units, and the DLC has legendary and supernatural units. I don’t mind this, it adds a bit of spice to the game, but some of the historical wargame enthusiast reviewers don’t like this aspect as much.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

The Kings' Crusade on Steam

XIII Century – Gold Edition

XIII Century – Gold Edition

This game is amazing and underrated, not much advertisment on it, shame. Yes it can be compared to Medieval 2: Total War in general, however the battle system is different, it needs more initial planning in order to win a battle, it can be considered as hardcore version of total war battles. The only con here that the game dosent have a campign map, only series of battles, but they are tight and needs a lot of strategy and planning, a battle can last much longer time comparing to total war games. The graphics are nice, better than Medieval 2, and comparable to Empire, while the sound and voice acting are average, the AI is decent, multiplayer is very enjoyable but usually its hard to find people online to play against.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Encounter problems on a win 7 e-350 1.6 GHz laptop. Certain maps wouldn’t load, like it was stated in the forums.

This game is basically Total War’s historical battles with a preset army. There is no replayability with this setup. For the non-blood of Europe campaign, As long as you win the battle your fine, there is no incentive to keep your troops alive. No strategic campaign. I wouldn’t even call them campaigns, just 5 or more historical battles strung together out of 1 of 6 given country.

I feel like I am playing a totally different game then the people that gave this a positive review. Had trouble moving individual units in the right formation. I found the AI even worse than the Total War AI. I outflanked the enemy army and they barely reacted. On the 2nd English mission, I basically had my whole army go against William Wallace and his other 2 cavalry groups and the rest of his army didn’t react. Archers are really weak in this game. If you have time, you can get in range of the archers and have them unload all their arrows and suffer no causalities and just a little wounding if you are able to flank your army correctly. I then brought my archers very close to their troops to get significant damage and even then the AI didn’t react. The AI will charge cavalry into an impenetrable spearman circle. Then the game wouldn’t load for the 4th English missions, tried some fixes wouldn’t work. Didn’t really feel like playing the game anyways. I give this game 3/10.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

XIII Century – Gold Edition on Steam