Cascading Failure

Cascading Failure

A solid RTS/FPS hybrid that forces you to consider the environment when tackling any objective. The variety of assets you have will have you toying with various strategies in the game like occupying buildings that oversee an entrance to an objective, or setting up a defensive line of turrets, or even hunkering down with a massive heavy walker. You also have a bit of a tech tree that you unlock with points you earn in the game, most of it being weapons that you can equip to certain soldiers or bring in yourself.

Real player with 145.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS FPS Games.

TLDR: A really unique combination of a FPS and RTS. The game currently offers two different game modes: A horde mode (“Wave Defense”) and a skirmish mode (“Assault”) on several maps (Single player or co-op online up to 4, PvE only). As well as a training course with a shooting range to try all the different weapons out which can be unlocked for the main game modes by playing them. Overall the game feels quite polished in comparison to what I have witnessed with other early access game on release. It is nicely playable and offers definitely enough fun hours to be worth the reasonable price it’s asking. I can especially recommend the Assault mode in Co-Op :)

Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

Cascading Failure on Steam

Swarm Queen

Swarm Queen

So, I discovered the free version of this game on Armor Games/Kongregate, but Adobe Flash is garbage and I wanted a better experience, and I wanted to support the indie developer, so I bought the game here and am beating it again! Very fun, a little crude and simplistic, but it has complexity and challenging difficulty in its own way. Would definitely recommend!

Swarm Queen’s gameplay is pretty straight-forward (though actually quite nuanced); you play, well… a swarm queen! And other swarm queens typically don’t take kindly to you - so you try to murder each other for survival and space. Spawn harvesters, develop eggs, hatch creatures, spew acid, even grow more organs, and take down your enemies… before they can take down you. Each level has its gimmick, and it may take a few tries to figure out how to get through it….. and then you can try it on hard mode :D

Real player with 27.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Combat Games.

a simple, easy to learn game that is simultaneously challenging. each level is different to the last and consistently requires you to change up your strategy prior and during battle as the enemy adapts in accordance to how you play. this can lead to some pretty lengthy and intense tug of wars that you don’t find very often in other games. although it’s pretty lacking in content once you finish the main levels, there’s some bonus levels that are fun to play, as well as upgrades to give yourself an advantage in battle. definitely recommend for those looking for a good strategy game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Swarm Queen on Steam

Operation Osama Bin Laden

Operation Osama Bin Laden

(Hi Osama)

Hello Mustafa

(Wanna go for a ride?)

Okay, my friend

(Jump in!)

I am Bin Ladin

I will always win

For you it’s tragic;

For me fantastic

You can brush my beard

Undress me everywhere

Imagination, bombing every nation!

(Hey Osama, kill Obama)

I am Bin Ladin

Going for Berlin

With my fellows

Don’t be jealous

On the motorbike, going for a strike

Imagination bombing every nation!

I’m a black terrorist

Killing every racist

With my hat and big nose

I’m Afghani

Number one, in the world

Killing wen with my sword

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Real Time Tactics Games.

Cool game

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Operation Osama Bin Laden on Steam



This is an old and fun game that used to be sold by the standalone developer. It’s a shame strategies are not still posted, for it can really be challenging to win. Music soundtrack is pretty iconic… I don’t think the developer supports it anymore but if you’re into magic duels then you’ve probably spent worse money than this.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

It’s “TUG-OF-WAR” with fireballs and techno-liches.

Other games come to mind, like

“Aeon Command” (space battles)

“Samurai vs Zombies Defense” (goofy samurai warfare)


“Puzzle Chronicles” (the illegitimate child of Tetris and Mortal Kombat)

These game elements are constant:

  • try to hold the line

  • manage your defences

  • beef-up your attacks

  • spam your enemies to death

In Magi, you start by opening magical “channels.” These channels enable your spells and strengthen them. Then, it’s a real-time battle as you queue-up spells for casting. It’s like the building queue in Starcraft or Civ… only it’s your shield spell, or a magic missile, or summoning an imp. As your mage is casting one spell, you have time to set up the next. And the next. You can plan a bit… or panic. Apparently, I’m still fond of panicking.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Magi on Steam

AI War: Fleet Command

AI War: Fleet Command

This game is amazeballs and you should buy it now.

Oh, and if you want to play Ai War multiplayer with me just send me a friend request. :)

Alright so if that wasnt enough for you and my hours of playtime arent very convincing lemme tell you about AI War. This game has been called by many people a tower defense of sorts. I would mostly agree but you cant just put it as a tower defense when thats not what it aims to be. This is a real time strategy with some light 4X here and there, well mostly the Expand and Exterminate parts. This game does not feature a diplomacy system because it is always the ai against you beacuse of the plot of the game. Its written in the description of the game on the store page check it out and you will know why the ai is always your enemy.

Real player with 820.0 hrs in game

This game is not fair. From the first second of any game, until (in most games) the last stages of the game, the AI possesses sufficient firepower to obliterate your insignificant rebellion without really stretching. In this repect, most games of AI War are a wonderful breath of fearful concern. Always looking over your shoulder. Always trying to avoid annoying the AI too much. Always treading softly, while carrying the biggest gun (indeed every gun) you can find.

Let’s be clear; if you’re looking for a game that holds your hand through a linear, scripted campaign, this is not the game for you.

Real player with 517.7 hrs in game

AI War: Fleet Command on Steam

Majesty 2

Majesty 2

Ive owned this game 6 years, and having just finished another play-through i thought it time to write a review :p

I return to this game often. it is one of the best RTS ever imo. The twist of only being able to indirectly influence your “units” (via a flag system of rewards that you have to pay for) makes it refreshing and stand out from the pack. Replayability is immense due to the randomise set-up option. Your units are heros (individual archers, warriors, mages, healers etc) that level and gear up as you progress through any given mission. You can also carry over up to 3 of them to subsequent missions. Once you research the prerequisite you can organise them into parties of up to 4 individuals (i use classic tank/healer/2xdps). The game looks beautiful, plays smooth and bug-free, and never fails to satisfy. The voice acting is extemely well acted and the lines well-written and amusing.

Real player with 495.9 hrs in game

This game is quite simply an insult to fans who loved the original majesty (including me), i loved majesty 1 when my parents got it in the Winter of 2003 (oh so many years ago), it was one of those games that was one of the memories of my childhood. But enough of that, lets get to why this game is atrocious compared to the original Majesty.

Paradoks decided apprantly that instead of developing this game themselves, they outsourced it to 1C, a company in Moscow that i guess have no idea what made the original so good. So what did 1C, (and Paradoks) screw up that made this game inferior to Majesty 1? the list is too long, but i will list the 3 biggest problems with majesty 2 with a paragraph for the first two problems, and a short summary for the third.

Real player with 148.2 hrs in game

Majesty 2 on Steam

Mud and Blood

Mud and Blood

I love the Mud And Blood saga.

I’ve been a fan for 15 years of the games and the concept behind, which is kept in its Steam version.

It’s a one man army of a game which provides you with a strict and unforgiving challenge.

The game requires you to be alert and actively playing, focusing on each decision and movement in order to avoid certain defeat. This causes the player to descend in a trance, in which you need to be at 100% of your playing capabilities.

The game “fuses” MnB2 and MnB3 togheter, and are now being called classic and campaign.

Real player with 333.1 hrs in game

As a tester for this game, there’s a reason why I have played this many hours of this game. I’m not the kind of guy who’s a masochist, especially as someone who can remember plenty of times raging at this game. Some moments will be easy and some moments will be randomly challenging. But for new players, especially those unfamiliar with the older Mud and Blood flash games, you will get screwed really hard in the first few or even several hours until you learn. However despite all those moments, I still come back and play this game again and again because its difficulty is what makes winning rewarding, and its randomness is what makes the game replayable. I’ve lost lots of men to standard rifleman, and other times I managed to beat back a element of infantry backed by armored vehicles.

Real player with 220.5 hrs in game

Mud and Blood on Steam

Nordic Warriors

Nordic Warriors

As someone who played Myth 2 and Myth 3 years ago(But unfortunately missed playing the first game), I’m still waiting with great anticipation for those games to be either remastered or adapted for modern platforms in order to be able to play them once again. In all the years since Myth 3 came out, there has not been a release of any RTS game that comes close to replicating the unique style of that trilogy. Until Nordic Warriors, that is.

I came across this game completely by accident while routinely browsing on Humble Store, and as someone who very much loves everything with Scandinavian themes(Which the developers did a fantastic job of adapting and implementing in the game) I went and checked the game’s page on Steam. Upon seeing its striking resemblance to the Myth series from the screenshots, even before reading the game’s description which explicitly mentions it as inspiration, I instantly downloaded the demo, played it, and I was not disappointed. After playing the first three levels on the demo, instantly purchased the full game, went on to continue right from where I left off and finished it all two days later.

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Nordic Warriors draws heavily on Myth games developed by Bungie back in the mid- to late-90s. The developer (a 2-person team!) of Nordic Warriors even stated that they were tired of waiting for more games like Myth to be released, so they set out to build their own. If you loved Myth, I feel you’ll also love Nordic Warriors, but this is no Myth clone. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of similarities to Bungie’s series, but enough unique ideas that Nordic Warriors can stand alone.

The gameplay is real time tactical (RTT). If you’ve never played a game like this, it boils down to starting with a limited number of units per level. Positioning your units, timing attacks, choosing stylistic matchups, and finding unit synergies are all factors that determine success of failure. Your units gain experience which makes them tougher, more accurate, and generally “better” in different ways depending on type of unit. This adds a fun facet that makes the loss of even one unit really impactful. Not only do you have to wait until the next level starts to get a fresh unit, but that new unit is now the weak link in your crack team of warriors.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

Nordic Warriors on Steam

TD Worlds

TD Worlds

TD Worlds is a dynamic, highly strategical game that challenges your skill. Build an impenetrable defense and get ready to plunge into a new, unknown world to uncover its secrets.

In this bizarre universe, each attempt will be unique in its own way, which provides many hours of fun to play.

Clear three completely different worlds from darkness, spread your influence everywhere.

  • unique conditions in each game;

  • losing is an important part of game progress. Each defeat reveals something new for you;

  • dynamic storytelling: the more you play, the more you learn about the world;

  • get random rewards after each level;

  • tired of playing? Feel free to leave the game, next time you will continue where you left;

  • experiment with different tactics;

  • twitch integration - play with your viewers.

TD Worlds on Steam



Underated gem.

Played it back when it was exclusively on Xbox 360 back in 2006-7, Spent countless hours skirmishing with friends. I got extremely hyped when I saw it come to Steam and I just had to instantly buy it and replay it.

Sure, its rough around the edges, has wonky controls at first, not the best voice acting or fluid animation. But once you get the hang of it and your personal theme music starts playing when you’re taking control of the map, then it’s definitely worth it.

It’s not a fighting game like its predecessors and it’s latest titles. This is a MOBA before MOBA’s were even a thing in the popular eye. Think Smite with minion control.

Real player with 195.3 hrs in game

Guilty Gear as an action RTS game. It really is mindblowing to me. When I first heard about this game, I was optimistic. I mean, Guilty Gear is a fighting game series! It’s not a RTS or Hack n' Slash series! However, GUILTY GEAR 2 -OVERTURE- blends the fighting genre with the RTS genre very well. Somehow, ARC SYSTEM WORKS has found a way to keep the feel of the 2D fighting games on a 3d battlefield. Whether it be a few left-handed-reverse-grip swings with Sol’s sword to keep the bad guys away or a well placed gunflame into a crowd of nerds, the fighting feels somehow…. nostalgic, as if I was playing one of the 2d titles in the franchise. And commanding units (referred to as servants in game) is a nice, smooth experience, so you don’t have to draw up a whole Mona Lisa painting just to get your servants moving. It’s as easy as select, click, click, done. Fighting alongside your servants is pretty awesome, especially when 4 massive armies collide in an area and it’s just chaos.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game