Incident Commander

Incident Commander

Despite the few available scenarios (7, including tutorial, at the time of writing this), the game is certainly being worked on with new content being added.

-The controls are easy to learn and are responsive.

-There are no major issues with bugs (aside from being able to break the tutorial by doing things before it asks you to).

-Audio is decent. There’s no real “music” at this time, and the voices used remind me of Microsoft Sam, but it’s not a real problem considering the early development stage of the game.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Multiplayer Games.

I cannot recommend this game:

I cannot recommend this game as this game fails to deliver on many of its promises. For a full release the game is obtuse, cryptic, and remarkably unwieldy. Polish aside the game fails it’s main goal of being a simulator for the Incident Command System. The Incident Command System is really an apparatus to approach an incident and then organize resources. The game fails here as the scenarios and objectives in many ways are more realistic than that of the Emergency series but the game’s mechanics are too unwieldy to allow for any praise.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Incident Commander on Steam

A Year Of Rain

A Year Of Rain

As a Warcraft/Starcraft and Command & Conquer Kid, I was positively surprised to hear there’s someone taking a stab at a new RTS.

It’s heartwarmingly reminiscent of those games. Yeah, let me go grab my fucking Pulitzer, I bet there is a category for stating the obvious. Of course most RTS games are akin to the merciless RTS Emperor sitting on the throne made out of the bones of anyone who dares step into their domain.

Reading it was Daedalic running straight into that chainsaw, I was prepared for another mixed bag.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS PvP Games.

A Year of Rain

A new, unique RTS that had potential, but due to lack of publisher faith, was crippled at launch and abandoned soon after

So… This game is pretty good. It’s pretty much like a Warcraft 3 spiritual successor. Better than WC3 Reforged in a lot of ways.

As much as I want to love this game however I can’t pretend I’m not disappointed. The game was released unfinished, and abandoned very quickly. I don’t think Daedalic had any faith in it, they released it before it was ready and didn’t even give it a chance to build momentum and customer faith. They were hoping for a big launch with their unfinished early access game, didn’t get it, and abandoned the game rather than wait. As a game dev I understand the circumstance, but you can’t expect an EA title to sell like a finished one. It does come with a beefy campaign, that can be played solo or coop. It has full on voice acting, in game cutscenes, etc. Plus skirmish mode, and of course Online mode. So the content is there, it was mostly finished even, but as expected needed work, which is the whole point of early access. Pathfinding can be pretty bad sometimes, which REALLY hurts the play experience in an RTS. Other than that however the game-play is pretty polished and AYOR really gives WC3 reforged a run for it’s money IMO. I do hate the Coop AI, because I prefer to play solo and I have always hated Coop RTS campaigns with AI allies (like Red Alert 3) but still the game has SO MUCH potential it makes me depressed. I’m just disappointed that Daedalic seemingly launched this game to try and make back as much of their money as possible without ever really planning to support it, they basically lied about it, but in an underhanded way so they could shrug off blame.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

A Year Of Rain on Steam

End War RTS 2

End War RTS 2

Compared with the first generation, End War RTS 2 transforms from 2D to 3D, which is a classic real-time strategy

End War RTS 2 is a story inspired by modern science fiction. It is mainly based on the fact that human beings started the world war in order to fight for survival resources, and the launching of nuclear bombs has become the killing means of various countries.

In the world of End War RTS 2, it is constructed by seven camps of the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Russia, Cuba and Libya. Each country’s power weapon units are different, and the U.S. space carrier, Russian missile submarine and other characteristics

Read More: Best RTS Sandbox Games.

End War RTS 2 on Steam

End War RTS

End War RTS

Very well done game,this game is better then most of the new rts games i have been able to find out there,not bad at all keep up the good work. I still dream of a future were RTS games become popular again,and i support any game that has the feel of what a true rts is all about.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

while many rts games no longer use the c&c style which is a classic time, the game still needs more content like a lot more since currently it is bare bones.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

End War RTS on Steam

Amoeba Battle: Microscopic RTS Action

Amoeba Battle: Microscopic RTS Action

Personal review

Much better than the DS version. I love the bouncing mission visuals. There’s finally a choice of difficulty for the campaign, but some of the missions seem nearly impossible on brutal. As far as I can tell, the only difference between difficulties is the AI damage is insanely boosted. And my locust gets easily 2-shot by sharks. I’m not a fan of battle royals, but this was better than I thought it would be. Interesting upgrades that you don’t see in the campaign, but still improves the battle royal. Over 50 different tastefully colored amoebas. Overall, better improvement from the DS version. I hope more content will be added in the future.

Real player with 93.8 hrs in game

The funniest RTS I’ve seen in my life.

It’s a pure joy to see and control this cute little amoebas. Clearly, developers put all of their heart into this beautiful game. In my opinion, this is a wonderful example of a polished game. Game mechanics are well-thought and balanced. It has a lot of strategical depth. It becomes the most clear when trying to beat the campaign on the last difficulty =D

Sadly, the game didn’t get the attention it deserves, so right now playerbase is pretty low. But It took me about 30 hours to beat the campaign on the last difficulty (which is great by the way) and get all the achievements (they are great too), and I haven’t event touched skirmish mode and Outbreak vs AI, so there is really a lot to do here even without multiplayer.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Amoeba Battle: Microscopic RTS Action on Steam

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

Best RTS on Steam!


+Nice graphics that still look mighty fine even after all the years

+Energizing soundtrack that changes according to the battlefield situation

+Reworked and well thought-out resource system that promotes base expansion

+All the factions are all fundamentally unique and don’t have a single similiar unit

+Really good in-game voice acting

+Clear and understandable interface

+Co-op campaign!

+Action-packed battles that require both macromanagement and microcontrol!

+Gamechanging unit abilities! Not a single ability is truly useless

Real player with 598.8 hrs in game

Red Alert 3, for the first time in C&C history, featured a full coop campaign for all three factions. The Red Alert Spin-Off of C&C always was my favourite setting and Red Alert 3 didn’t receive the critical acclaim and fanbase it actually deserved. It played exactly like Red Alert 2, which personally is still my all time favourite C&C game right after C&C Generals.

The FMV scenes were cheezy as always and George Takeii did a brilliant job just playing himself in a samurai robe.

I have many fond memores for Red Alert and it still plays marvellous today.

Real player with 65.9 hrs in game

Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 on Steam

Conan Unconquered

Conan Unconquered

It was a hapless thief that found Thugra Khotan in his hidden grave and awakened the ancient priest and conjurer from Acheron. The priest had survived the destruction of his kingdom by barbarians by magical means. Now, centuries later he raised a huge army under the name of Natokh, the Veiled One. Prepare yourself for endless waves of enemies this formidable conjurer and necromancer will throw against you.

‘Conan Unconquered’ is a real-time strategy game in which you have to survive waves of enemies. Your task is to build and strengthen your base and erect defenses in order to survive oncoming enemies that quickly grow stronger and approach faster with each wave. You must level up your hero, gather resources, and raise an army. This, however, sounds easier than it is.

Real player with 76.5 hrs in game

After a few hours, I think I’m ready to give it a review.

Long Story short, here’s the highlights. 8 pros - 3 pars - 2 fails. Recommended.

First, let’s get the obvious out of the way. Conan unconquered is a RTS style game remenescant of Age of Empires or, IMHO, more like the original Warcraft titles with it’s units synergy and hero class’s experience and artifacts. A tower defense base building a la Conan franchise with population and resource management with great lore. Time is short and waves can be brutal to an unprepared army. There is a pause for those of you that are desperate. Some comics and readings if you find it boring. Seriously. There’s also a coop mode.

Real player with 70.0 hrs in game

Conan Unconquered on Steam

Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand

Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand

Strategic and chaotic 3 player co-op survival with RTS controls. You have one unit and can customize it however you want, building with strategy in mind to make the best unit for your team. You then take this unit and throw it together with your two allies, and try to survive wave after wave of enemy hordes.

Each character has a set number of slots to equip items, and each time you level up you get another item. You can pick whatever combination of items you want, but some definitely go better together than others. Just when you think you’ve got your build completely figured out, you get something new to try out, which keeps you playing (often long after you wanted to go to bed). Every character also has one or two pieces of equipment that can be unlocked by completing certain achievements.

Ok so what i said before about the D.O.W 2 series still stands but releasing only the last stand mode for 10$ was a brilliant move! Take the most popular aspect of the game and say “1/3 the game 1/3 the price”

Another winner move by THQ that makes me think that this company is just doing things right. Hopefully in the near future they will be able to contend with (and eventually knock over) companies like EA and Activision that frequently spits in the face of P.C gamers.

Kudos THQ another great move!

Dawn of War II: Retribution – The Last Stand on Steam

AI War: Fleet Command

AI War: Fleet Command

This game is amazeballs and you should buy it now.

Oh, and if you want to play Ai War multiplayer with me just send me a friend request. :)

Alright so if that wasnt enough for you and my hours of playtime arent very convincing lemme tell you about AI War. This game has been called by many people a tower defense of sorts. I would mostly agree but you cant just put it as a tower defense when thats not what it aims to be. This is a real time strategy with some light 4X here and there, well mostly the Expand and Exterminate parts. This game does not feature a diplomacy system because it is always the ai against you beacuse of the plot of the game. Its written in the description of the game on the store page check it out and you will know why the ai is always your enemy.

Real player with 820.0 hrs in game

This game is not fair. From the first second of any game, until (in most games) the last stages of the game, the AI possesses sufficient firepower to obliterate your insignificant rebellion without really stretching. In this repect, most games of AI War are a wonderful breath of fearful concern. Always looking over your shoulder. Always trying to avoid annoying the AI too much. Always treading softly, while carrying the biggest gun (indeed every gun) you can find.

Let’s be clear; if you’re looking for a game that holds your hand through a linear, scripted campaign, this is not the game for you.

Real player with 517.7 hrs in game

AI War: Fleet Command on Steam

Cascading Failure

Cascading Failure

A solid RTS/FPS hybrid that forces you to consider the environment when tackling any objective. The variety of assets you have will have you toying with various strategies in the game like occupying buildings that oversee an entrance to an objective, or setting up a defensive line of turrets, or even hunkering down with a massive heavy walker. You also have a bit of a tech tree that you unlock with points you earn in the game, most of it being weapons that you can equip to certain soldiers or bring in yourself.

Real player with 145.6 hrs in game

TLDR: A really unique combination of a FPS and RTS. The game currently offers two different game modes: A horde mode (“Wave Defense”) and a skirmish mode (“Assault”) on several maps (Single player or co-op online up to 4, PvE only). As well as a training course with a shooting range to try all the different weapons out which can be unlocked for the main game modes by playing them. Overall the game feels quite polished in comparison to what I have witnessed with other early access game on release. It is nicely playable and offers definitely enough fun hours to be worth the reasonable price it’s asking. I can especially recommend the Assault mode in Co-Op :)

Real player with 64.2 hrs in game

Cascading Failure on Steam