Battle Alchemy

Battle Alchemy

good game. buy

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RTS Real Time Tactics Games.

Battle Alchemy on Steam

Crom: Journey of Conquest

Crom: Journey of Conquest

Crom: Journey of conquest is a real time strategy and adventure game build in a single package. It has a story, monsters, items, challenges, crafting, a unit editor and a large adventure map to play on. Command your army in strategic battles. Use limited resources to defeat the enemy. Each decision has dire consequences on the outcome. Find your way through the world to discover enemies and collect new items. The game has a large map with monsters to slay and characters to challenge. With new technology you are able to craft new items. Use them to enhance your army.

Read More: Best RTS Wargame Games.

Crom: Journey of Conquest on Steam

Full Pawer

Full Pawer

Lead, Create, Explore: Full Pawer is a top-down sandbox RTS where you play the role as a powerful spirit with the ability to shape the world. Use your powers to lead followers to glorious battles and valuable minerals. Create lush forests, savannas, grasslands filled with many unique creatures. Explore the lost lands of Plystia and discover the hidden treasures and evil that they hold.

  • Explore dozens of lost islands

  • Build up a mighty village

  • Create lush and thriving biomes

Read More: Best RTS Sandbox Games.

Full Pawer on Steam

Siege Up!

Siege Up!

SiegeUp is a fast-paced cross-platform low-poly classical RTS.

Fantasy story-driven campaign, PvP/Co-op multiplayer and level editor.

  • Create local server or play on official servers

  • Play alone or with a team

  • Join game as a spectator

  • In-game team, private and global chats

  • Play created or downloaded levels even on official servers

  • Build own PvP, Solo or Co-op missions

  • Make new game modes with triggers and commands

  • Edit levels right inside the game

  • Enable synchronization between accounts

  • Copy objects and dialogs between levels

  • Share the levels with the community and play levels made by other players

Siege Up! on Steam

Snooker Loopy Pro

Snooker Loopy Pro

Put your expert break building skills to the test and become the World Number 1!

This is 3 games in 1 … Loopy Snooker, Loopy US Pool and Loopy UK Pool … Yes, you read that right, 3 games in 1.

The game contains fantastic graphics and sounds.

Be careful not to make any mistakes … the professor is soon to tell you!

Use the free-ball wisely. A free-ball is awarded after each 50 points scored in Snooker, 200 in US Pool and 100 in UK Pool. You don’t need to use the free-ball until you feel you could become trapped with no ball on. When this happens, tap the White ball to the right and then position the cue ball where you need it … to ensure a continued break.

Snooker Loopy Pro on Steam

Army Men

Army Men

God damn the music is loud as all hell, and the game straight up doesn’t work in windowed mode. Forcing it into it screws up one of the functions. I recommend changing your display settings to a 4:3 resolution while maintaining aspect ratio when you play this game so it doesn’t stretch to your entire screen if you have a widescreen monitor. You also may want to tinker around with the control settings as a lot of keys are mapped onto the numpad, which I find pretty awkward to use.

Compatibility and troubleshooting issues aside, from the little amount of time I’ve spent playing this game, it’s pretty alright. I love the serious wartime atmosphere that persists throughout the game. All soldiers are basically nobodies and much of it feels like just going through the motions and applying tactics, instead of the story being hyper-emotional or super cool. It’s just plain, flat-out war and combat, and there’s such beauty to the game from the simplicity of it IMO. The player character, Sarge, has become so accustomed to war from prior experience, and the way the game’s structured portrays that incredibly well. Although some of his voicelines hint at a more cool dude side of him (like Duke Nukem, Serious Sam and what have you), it isn’t blown out of proportion like Sgt. Hawk in the later games. Also because they make Sarge’s sprite the same as a regular soldier, it really conveys him as this average guy, not much special about him, you’re just another soldier in the infantry of the Green Nation. It’s such a great, fresh atmosphere. In terms of gameplay, guns work well enough, and the game seems pretty challenging. Vehicles are pretty fun to use. Good for its time, age didn’t do it too well imo. The hitboxes are completely off and often times you’ll find yourself killing tan soldiers by shooting the air to the left or right of them. It’s also the same for tanks, bombing them feels like a 50/50 chance it’ll actually hit them or not. It doesn’t totally ruin the game but it’s a big issue that I’ve been having problems with since the start.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

I have a soft spot for Army Men games, particularly the 3D polygonal ones on Nintendo 64 and Gamecube, but the older entries in the franchise are rough around the edges. The game is certainly a product of its time, with a hard learning curve, often handing the player their butt on a silver platter time and time again.

Most of the points docked against it are for its antiquated control scheme (yay tank controls) and complete lack of player assistance. The most egregious fault is that resources, such as health pickups and weapons do not get replenished between missions, if a map has multiple missions on it. Poor usage of resources on one mission can often leave the player stranded without sufficient equipment for the next mission.

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

Army Men on Steam

RTS Commander: Smash the Rebels

RTS Commander: Smash the Rebels

Early Access Watcher Public Service Announcement

Game: RTS Commander: Smash the Rebels

Version: Initial Release

Gameplay Footage:

Disclosure: This game copy was bought by the reviewer.

I understand this game only has one level present in the current build, so this will not be factored into the plethora of issues and missing features. The major offenses include the inability to save (game crashes), random crashes (upon start up and selecting the one level), and the lack of a competent AI. The enemy will just spams the same light tank from the only enemy producing building and will not build any other structures to compensate for the inevitable lose of said building. The map itself is small with the border outlined by a thin line when you clear away the fog of war (which looks funky with the area outside the map completely illuminated. Even with such a small map, I encounter a few instances when it would nose dive to 1 FPS for a couple of seconds before finally fixing itself.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

I don’t think the timing was quite right putting this on the early acess market. I’m usually forgiving of early access releases, so long as they demonstrate a unique underlying idea. But I don’t see what’s unique about this game. It seems on the trajectory to be a very generic RTS.

The terrain looks like if you run google maps with no internet connection (so it can’t load images) and zoom it way in. All blurry and obnoxious for the eyes.

Some of the music didn’t hit the mark for me either. I might expect those sort of tunes in a coffee shop or something, but not while engaging in combat.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

RTS Commander: Smash the Rebels on Steam

7th Legion

7th Legion

This is a no-frills re-release of the 1997 Game. If you liked it then, you’ll like it now. No fresh coat of paint, no additional features, nothing. For better or worse, it is exactly as it was.

For the uninitiated, 7th Legion is an RTS about two factions, the 7th Legion and the Chosen. The Chosen are comprised of the rich, powerful, and uber smart that evacuated Earth when pollution rendered the planet uninhabitable. The 7th Legion are so-called because they were the ones left behind, and this is the seventh generation after the evacuation. The Chosen come back from deep space to reclaim the planet, the 7th Legion resists, and that’s about it. There’s no real story beyond the intro video.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game


7th Legion is a unique oldie RTS. Heavily underrated. It’s gameplay features many common RTS elements such as tech trees and base building mechanics. However, it also features so unique features. Its first unique setup is that instead of farming resources, you’re killing enemies. This allows boosts to your periodical budget allotment, which gives you free money. With a much heavier emphasis on combat, its nice to throw aside your usual chains to resources and just mow down some Chosen scum. Its other unique mechanic is Cards. Just like your periodic budget allotment, every few cycles you’ll get a unique card. These Cards all feature different effects. To illustrate, the Chaos card causes all characters within it’s radius to start fighting each other, friend or foe. The Stealth card cloaks your units, making them invisible, etc. This might sound like tacky gimmick, but this is a real game changer, these cards can easily turn the courses of battle.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

7th Legion on Steam

Cosmic Trip

Cosmic Trip

First, right off the bat, there’s just not much content yet. If you want a game with a lot of content already here, this is the wrong game. There are two bots you can build - harvesting and defense - and three types of machines - factory, harvest, and defense.

Now, what is here seems to be fairly well done. Lots of attention to minor details.


  • There have been a lot of comments about the pros, and I pretty much echo them. Haptics, visuals, details, etc. All done well.


  • Popping up the menu on top of an item meant I couldn’t interact with the menu. I had to move it first.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Edit: I will update this review at some point, as the developers have done a lot since I posted it that have addressed several of the issues I raised. They’ve also released a rather awesome user guide. Call me old fashioned, but I miss the days of game manuals. Just had a flick through and they’ve done a great job with this one.

This game is a lot of fun and incredibly frantic. You will work up a sweat and for this reason and others I do encourage the developers (as I know others have) to add a proper pause function and/or a save game function.

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Cosmic Trip on Steam



I played first time like this game in my life. It has some bugs especially on maps and when climbed the ladder. Otherwise it tastes good. I couldn’t find any food or water cuz of that i died. I found market for just weapon and stuffs not more. Tutorial is can be for gameplay at least.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Not only is this an asset flip, this developer is using multiple developer names and re-selling the same crappy game over and over under different game names!

He’s already released THIS EXACT SAME GAME six months ago under the name “Mission Z” under the developer names “New Games Waves” and “Softwaves”:

I was just trying to review a new FPS game I saw to be honest, but then had extreme deja-vu as I knew I had played this same garbage game about six months ago. I expose this developer and everything he’s doing here, including his breaking the Steam developer TOS in this video:

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Rescuer on Steam