

I would recommend this game. However, I will not do so without SOME talking points.

First - The art is amazing. However, it becomes very jarring when moving around inside of zones the fog of war and tilt shift become VERY hard on the eyes.

I STRONGLY suggest that anyone wanting to play the game mess with the settings at length.

Make sure the bottom three settings are OFF (Tilt Shift, Chromatic Aberration, and CRT) and the color scheme is set to something easy on your eyes like Flat or Cinema. Vivid works as well but will be slightly more straining.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker JRPG Games.

The world is one interconnected hub and unlocks different areas with to the story’s progression, but they all loop back round to each other and fast travel is conveniently placed. Given that the story is kind of a placeholder (name more than maybe ten stories in games that aren’t), I kind of wish it skipped the explanations about why you’re going from one area to the next in favor of an unspoken, Shadow of the Colossus/Legacy of Kain style, web of bosses you can choose to fight in any order you want to.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Orangeblood on Steam

Forsaken Generation

Forsaken Generation

Treat this as a neutral review.

Well, this plays at least okay as a tactical JRPG (well, they’re all tactical aren’t they?) but what I mean is there is zero emphasis on story. Most of the dialogue is either generic or downright sloppy. 9 hours in I don’t think it’s going to turn into anything particularly interesting. I think that someone who is okay with slogging through tons of fights might find this enjoyable. It’s a bit too much for me though but I don’t play these kinds of games on the regular anyway.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

I can’t recommend this. It was fun for a few minutes, but it has minimum storyline, the fights all feel the same, and in the couple hours I played, I barely even found a fight that was challenging. Not worth it

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Forsaken Generation on Steam

Romancing Monarchy

Romancing Monarchy

A good little game. Not so easy to play, because it needs some tactics about classes.

Bosses are strong enough to give a challenge.

After 5 hours spent, I’m far away from the end. Thank for this game. It is cheap, so i had no regrets to buy it. Honestly, I had never think that a little game like this gave me sensation that i search when i play a game. I’m not asking for more.

(if i wrote mistakes, sorry, english is not my first language)

Real player with 60.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Singleplayer Games.

Loved it! Pretty good game! No need to wait for a sale at this price! It is under $3.50, so you have to remember you didn’t pay $50 for it, but it’s pretty awesome, I loved it!

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Romancing Monarchy on Steam

Cross of Auria

Cross of Auria

Definitely do recommend this game!! Excellent story, game play, characters, music, and fighting system. The developer is very quick to fix any issues you have longest wait time for a fix when chatting with him, is five to ten minutes and he will let you know when the update is done. Personally, the easiest/fastest way to get in touch with the developer, is on Facebook. In Facebook’s search box, just type in Cross of Auria, and in the search results, look for the page’s profile pic that happens to be the title screen of the game when looking at it on your Steam client(the green background with the game’s title). Super friendly cool chill developer that cares about his customers and fixes their issues pretty much immediately. He is definitely a developer that doesn’t screw around(i.e. doesn’t leave you waiting a long time nor make you wonder if you will ever hear from him again). This developer is the complete opposite of that. Also, again, I definitely recommend this game!!

Real player with 84.2 hrs in game

This game is amazing and really brings you in with its unique characters and boss fights. Tons of side quests and thing to do so you know your going to be playing for a while which allows the player to feel free in the game.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Cross of Auria on Steam

Eternal Realm

Eternal Realm

From start to finish this game had no plot. It pretended to have a plot but instead it had disappointment. And a sequel hook.

The combat system was at least interesting; you have turns equal to your alive and aware party members, and can dole them out as you please. Stamina prevents you (in theory) from just having Berserkergang von Killstick from just going four times every time and chopping everything.

Unfortunately there was a lot of grinding. A lot of grinding!! I admit to cheating to get past the grinding at the very end of the game. The interesting and strategy-changing accessories and equips didn’t unlock soon enough either.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

This JRPG is a dumpster fire. It has a potentially interesting base for the combat system, which it calls a “Free-turn Stamina Battle System.” Basically, you get turns equal to the number of alive and action-capable party members you have in the battle, and may distribute them freely among your characters. This is balanced by everything, even basic attacks, costing SP.

Unfortunately, I wasn’t a big fan of the game balance or how the system worked even so, being as how it generally broke down to playing as normal (or just ignoring one character) in most cases, but ultimately even if it was better, this game would have squandered it both by not having many options available for your characters until late in the game (like, until almost the end game, characters will only be able to wield one physical element, or one magical element and suck at one physical element… and enemies have varied resistances that it is useful to overcome), the game being horrifically grindy, and how it basically doesn’t have a story at all, except for a vague sequel hook.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Eternal Realm on Steam

Last Dream

Last Dream

Last Dream is one of the best RPG Maker Games that I have ever played.

The very fact that I spend 190+ hours on it and completed the game at least 10 times, should speak volume.

The interesting thing about this game is the steam achievements. There are 236 steam achievements, which make it necessary to play the games many times to get all the achievements. There are achievements for playing each of the 8 character classes in the game. There are achievements to play the game at all 5 level of difficulties. Furthermore, there are achievements to kill every monster and every boss in the game. To do that you will need to play the game more than once, because different bosses appear towards the end game, based on earlier game decisions that you made at the beginning of the game. Hence to kill all the bosses, you need to finished the game, and then start a Newgame+ game and make DIFFERENT game decisions.

Real player with 195.0 hrs in game

Exceeded Expectations

Professional dialogue, inventive paths, compelling story development, haunting music, and challenging puzzles.

White Giant RPG requested that I share my old review of Last Dream, which I am happy to do. I played their early demos and bought an older version from a year ago. Now, after 100+ hours in the Last Dream world, here is my updated assessment:

A+ Mapping: You made judicious use of surrounding detail everywhere, with beautiful towns (Alfheim), majestic cities (Doria), and pleasant villages (Oakwood). Dry Gulch also feels like the travelers’ caravan that it is. Overall, very scenic and satisfying to explore.

Real player with 115.5 hrs in game

Last Dream on Steam

Sanctus Mortem

Sanctus Mortem

Streaming through this game is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in a LONG time! The story is beautiful, the music iconic and the graphics VERY well done. The game is extremely engaging, well balanced stat wise, and just a heck of a lot of fun. I recommend it to any and ALL RPG lovers and I can’t wait for the next installment of the story!

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Played through the entire thing on stream and as a beginner RPG player… this was an absolute blast! The emotional roller coaster this game sends you through is just too much! The mechanics aren’t hard to learn either. I’m so glad I was able to go for this wild ride. It opened my eyes to how fun RPG’s can be!

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Sanctus Mortem on Steam

Bleeding Sun

Bleeding Sun

In short: A basic story made more interesting by multiple choices which only seem to affect buffs and abilities and the endings of the game. Feels unbalanced in the second half. Not worth full price, but a solid maybe at a 50% off or better sale.

I was gifted a free copy for the purposes of this review, but it will not affect or bias my review in any way.

Bleeding Sun is an interesting game, in the fact that it is sort of a cross between a visual novel and an RPG game. The problem is, it doesn’t seem to know which it wants to be, and it suffers from the split personality more than is enhanced by it.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

This is actually a neat RPGmaker game, the english is not the best however the characters, plot and setting are pretty solid.

The gameplay is quite nice aswell it gets away from standard RPGMaker combat with new resource systems for attacks. The game has polish issues but is worth 5 bucks certainly

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Bleeding Sun on Steam

De’Vine: Card Battles

De’Vine: Card Battles

(Edit) When i first playing this game i liked it alots. I wished to see this game getting better, so i decided to support this game since the day of the game release. Of course the developer is very active in community.

Sounds like a good game and good developer right? Yeah it is indeed. Many of you might question me right now, then why would i thumb down now after playing 130+ hours? Isn’t that too late for this?

Many things happen including the any criticism and negative complain that developer of this game can’t take. Last thing i did before i quit was pushing him to release new patch content because the announcement was on 14.04.2018. First it was delayed for 1 day announce tonight release again then delayed over and over. 5 days after i had enough, so i decided to say or push him that “You can’t keep it like this until next sunday. Now…is that malicious? I dunno….because after i saying this then his partner decided to came up and had a looooooong chat with me.

Real player with 131.1 hrs in game

I’m a sucker for card games. In the developer’s previous game, I often found myself playing to collect more cards, rather than the main game. To my surprise, the developer decided to expand upon the mini-game and make it a main feature. I’ve been hooked for the past few days playing this when I’ve spent more money for less enjoyment.

There are aspects of the game that do require some trial and error to understand the specific mechanics, such as damage reduction traits only work on defense, but there is some fun strategy involved in making an effective team. There isn’t a card sorting system yet, but the developer is working on getting that out soon.

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

De'Vine: Card Battles on Steam

Eternal Realm II: Dark Matter

Eternal Realm II: Dark Matter

The Eternal Realm was created a millenium ago by the king Zerberus. It is a world filled with Dark Matter, a substance that grants immortality and the ability to create virtual worlds. However, living in such a dark world can make one insane. The king and his creations have lived in this peaceful yet, disturbing world for ages but, those times are about to come to an end. The “Realm Breaker” is about to shatter everyone’s perspective of what “reality” really is. Archimedes, a member of the “Royal Seed” has embarked on creating a new world with characters using life-like A.I. The player characters he created are now the rulers of this world, but, in name only. Almost as soon as Archimedes gives them the kingdom, a strange abyss phenomena starts appearing all over the land. The ten heroes set out to save their world against this new threat. Meanwhile, in the Eternal Realm, Archimedes' project is sabotaged and now he and his friends are branded as traitors. Who is this unknown enemy lurking in the shadows? Why is he framing Archimedes? This game is part II of the “Royal War Saga”.

Part I of the game was a satire of the jrpg genre. Playing this game is helpful but not necessary to understand the story. Eternal Realm II takes on a more serious tone and develops the characters and story a great deal more.

Important Characters:

Warrior: Arrogant and self-proclaimed king of the realm

Berserker: Stupid, naive, and friendly. Good at killing things with his ax.

Sentinel: Always calm. Never says anything.

Defender: Chivalrous and valiant. He always talks in capital letters.

Hunter: Usually normal but, has multiple personalities

Rogue: Lazy and sneaky. Just likes to chill.

Ice Mage: Cowardly and shy.

Flame Mage: Lunatic. Randomly says morbid things and like to burn things with his flames.

Thunder Mage: Typical air-headed girl.

Earth Mage: Scholarly individual that likes to use big words. Most find him boring.

Archimedes: Creator of the guild; he has been branded a traitor by the king because of the “Realm Breaker” incident.

Balthasar, Chronos, Dinah: Archimedes' friends that assisted him in activating Realm Breaker.

Eldrick, Nara, Merlock: Members of the Royal Seed sent out to capture Archimedes.

Yarin: The eldest of the Royal Seed. He has lived for over 900 years.

King Zerberus: King and creator of the Eternal Realm. He has ruled over this world for over 1000 years.


2 difficulty modes (Normal and Easy)

Free-Turn Stamina Battle System (mixture of SMT Nocturne and Chrono Cross)

10 playable characters

Over 90 different enemy types

Several optional mini-bosses

Non-random encounters

Full recovery after every battle

Save anywhere

2 different endings

The Free-turn Stamina battle system allows you to take 4 actions per turn. The actions can be divided up between the characters as you see fit as long as they have the stamina to carry out the action. Characters recover 30-40% of their stamina per turn and the “Rest” command allows an extra 40% to be recovered. It’s the same battle system from Eternal Realm but, now with more options, diversity of abilities, and a more balanced difficulty level. Now you can switch characters out during battles and change accessories to fit the situation. If you like a good rpg that actually makes you think during battles and isn’t just “mash x to continue” then this game is for you.

Game controls:

Z: Confirm / talk / open treasure chest

X: Cancel / open menu

Q and W: Scroll through character menus

Left and right arrow keys (during battle): Switch characters

Alt + Enter: Change to Full-screen

Here is a link to the first Eternal Realm game for those interested:

Eternal Realm II: Dark Matter on Steam