Mari and the Black Tower

Mari and the Black Tower

after playing 32 hr in this game it crashes and i am back to the new game? i can see my save file in my folder but dont know how to get the game back? can the developer please contact me? this is frustrating

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Female Protagonist Games.

Decent rpgmaker game with a surprising amount of class choices, not only for the companions, but for the main character as well. All with different skills. The maps are large and filled with secrets.

But the whole game is being dragged down by 2 major pains in the ass. The ridiculous frequency of the random encounters and limited line of sight. Exploring everything, trying to do all the quests and finding all the secrets is a huge chore. Even though most of the time you can reliably skip encounters sometimes you get them literally every 3 steps. The game constantly wastes your time. As for the line of sight there are a lot of areas where you can see in a small radius around you and that’s only if you have a torch. Trying to navigated labyrinths when you can’t see shit only leads to unnecessary back tracking and constant encounters. There are items to prevent encounters, but along side torches you will have to keep opening and navigating through the menu. Either way it’s constant interruptions and pointless hindrances. The game is so much better in well lit areas or in areas without random encounters. I know I’ve missed 2 bosses and an important quest, but I can’t possibly be arsed to go again through previous areas.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Mari and the Black Tower on Steam



I would recommend this game. However, I will not do so without SOME talking points.

First - The art is amazing. However, it becomes very jarring when moving around inside of zones the fog of war and tilt shift become VERY hard on the eyes.

I STRONGLY suggest that anyone wanting to play the game mess with the settings at length.

Make sure the bottom three settings are OFF (Tilt Shift, Chromatic Aberration, and CRT) and the color scheme is set to something easy on your eyes like Flat or Cinema. Vivid works as well but will be slightly more straining.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Turn-Based Games.

The world is one interconnected hub and unlocks different areas with to the story’s progression, but they all loop back round to each other and fast travel is conveniently placed. Given that the story is kind of a placeholder (name more than maybe ten stories in games that aren’t), I kind of wish it skipped the explanations about why you’re going from one area to the next in favor of an unspoken, Shadow of the Colossus/Legacy of Kain style, web of bosses you can choose to fight in any order you want to.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Orangeblood on Steam

Radiant Arc

Radiant Arc

TLDR: 9/10, 100% worth playing if you love classic style RPGs

Radiant Arc is a fantastic RPGMaker game. You control Linky in his quest to help prevent global disaster. Along the way, you discover future party members, develop new abilities, find new and powerful gear, and ultimately how to save the world.


  • Choose which enemies you fight. No random battles - enemies are sprites on the screen you can either avoid or fight head on (attacking from behind for an advantage).

  • Fantastic character progression. The gear, skill system, and leveling system feel immensely rewarding and useful. Probably my favorite part of this game.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Indie Games.

What i like about

“the tale of the Radiant Arc”:

  • class based skills with skill point system to unlock skills

  • cast of characters

  • character quests (there is a story behind every character)

  • attribute books (to boost a char you like)

  • Items (some cool weapons and armor to find)

  • optional dungeons

  • Sid (upgrade a few weapons and armor)

  • ending Scene

  • play time is from one play through

  • sequel? (there was a line “let´s move on to the next part..")

Here is a list about my thoughts while playing the game:

Real player with 47.3 hrs in game

Radiant Arc on Steam

The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl is a pleasant JRPG/RPGMaker game, providing several hours of gameplay and entertainment.

It has a cute story and it’s not very hard to beat.

Achievements are quite easy to unlock too.

It looks like a sequel to The legend of Bean though it’s not necessary to have completed that previous game to fully enjoy The Adventure of Magical Girl. However, both games use the same world and map so it’s a bit easier when you’ve already completed The legend of Bean because you’re already accustomed to that universe.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

The good:

1- This is a short RPG maker game. - I don’t mean it is bad because of this -.

2- Some parts of the game are polished well: for example the animation during battles.

3- no random encounters. You only fight an enmy when you collide with it - which i think is good -.

The bad:

4- Sadly it seems it suffers from the same problem that many other rpg maker games have: the game is not balanced. I mean you could quickly level up and breeze through the game and care not for any strategy while fighting.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

The Adventure of Magical Girl on Steam



It’s pretty good, but I can’t get past a level which I cannot to enter.

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

Stars received: 3.5/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.4] Menu & Settings

[0.3] Sound & Music

[0.5] Graphics

[0.4] Game Design

[0.4] Game Story

[0.4] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.3] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: another GameGuru engine bugged spoor off content

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Archangel on Steam

Ashes of Kanaka

Ashes of Kanaka

Before I start, the hours that it says I played are probably very misleading. I restarted the game a few times and went back and redid things (thanks to having numerous saves) so the hours are kinda misleading. With that aside, this game is one I honestly didn’t know what to think about at first. The first area was pretty rough and difficult and I didn’t know if I would make it through. However, once I got through it the game really took off and I loved every minute of it. There is so much to this game that you wouldn’t realize. There is hidden lore everywhere and things you have to look hard to find that will add to everything.

Real player with 130.6 hrs in game

I found the world of ashes to be fasinating. Lots of rich character development and a fun time exploring is all I need for a good time. From the games start iv been entertained and look forward to continuing the game.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Ashes of Kanaka on Steam

Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice

Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice

Dragon Fantasy 2, like the first one, is a recently released retro pixel JRPG ripoff.

The best part about this game is it wasn’t made in RPG Maker, which means it displays properly and isn’t quite as clunky.

However, it’s still a horrible retro pixel mess, with ugly graphics, trying to cash in on 1990’s nostalgia and badly. Gameplay isn’t fun and the writing is terrible. It simply doesn’t offer an enjoyable RPG experience.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice is a love letter to Squaresoft’s SNES-era RPGs. It clocks in between 10-15 hours long (my played time includes some AFKing). The overall story is above-average and the game is packed with homages to games both classic and contemporary. There is a lot of tongue-in-cheek humor and goofiness, but it doesn’t get in the way.

The combat is turn-based, but quick, and you can get by without much grinding if you approach the battles tactically or turn down the difficulty. I recommend turning message speed up to max. Also, there are no random battles; all monsters appear on the screen. They can be avoided and sometimes even baited away from their pack for an easy kill. They even stay dead for as long as you are in the area, often allowing you to backtrack to a campfire to recover hp/mana and save.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Dragon Fantasy: The Black Tome of Ice on Steam

Killer Gin

Killer Gin

a few minor bugs so far, but that is expected of course. worth a buy

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

One thing is for certain : This game has the most features I’ve seen implemented in a RPGmaker game both in and out of combat.

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Killer Gin on Steam

Monsters of Kanji

Monsters of Kanji

Review updated after about 10 hours played:

Monsters of Kanji is a classic-style, old-fashioned RPG. You explore a world, level up, learn skills, find companions and battle monsters in turn-based combat.

As for the Japanese language, think of the 1,900 words as completely optional collectibles - some of which are sneakily hidden in secret areas. You can ignore them and still enjoy the game in full, but if you do decide to look at every signboard to unlock a new word, you’ll gradually fill up the “Ancient Archive” which will reward you with cosmetic changes to your hero and his allies. For the studious, you can use this archive as a language-review center if you so wish.

Real player with 47.1 hrs in game

I have really enjoyed my time playing Monsters of Kanji. Don´t expect this game to teach all about Japanese, but it can be used as a tool to review some of the basic grammar and vocabulary (1900 words). The story itself is good and you can see the love the creator put into making this game. Not a AAA game, but i would recommend it to anyone who enjoys an rpg game or indie games.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Monsters of Kanji on Steam

The Sea Between

The Sea Between

RECOMMENDED Ratings 7/10 (Enjoyable and Well-made)

“The Sea Between” is another well-made and enjoyable RPG Maker game by an independent developer. My only complaint is that it is a bit short, but even so, I had 38 hours of fun, playing it twice.

This game also have a few very nicely made puzzles to tease your brain as well. The story is moving, about how the main hero discovering who he really is. I love this game because it pays attention to all the little details to make a beautiful RPG Maker game world. There is also a lot of opportunities for grinding as well, which I love.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

Excellent game! great classic JRPG style. needs more save points, like save on rest at Inns. I’m definatly willing to buy the sequal game and finish the story!!!!

Real player with 27.1 hrs in game

The Sea Between on Steam