Help Me

Help Me

This game was so much fun and made me laugh so much! Probably the best $2 I’ve ever spent!

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Multiple Endings Games.

A nice silly little game of choices where every turn there is potential death. No matter what happens you won’t be leaving completely intact. The art-style is interesting and everything meshes well together. Its short but worth the time to play.

Full playthrough, all endings:

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Help Me on Steam



What a fun time, the writing is definitely what shines most. I had many laughs while exploring the town. I also really enjoyed the art style, especially the cut scenes. Playing Holidays brought back memories of my youth, I bet Wallace and I played some of the same games growing up. The turn based battles were never too challenging. Which felt like a good choice, since I was there for the story. Occasionally I would unlock a new spell, but the first few spells felt a little useless. Then late game spells are OP, as they should be in a RPG. I’m looking forward to future installments to the storey or whatever the Devs make next.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Story Rich Games.




Like most great RPGs, the story is the best part of NO LOVE. It’s very interesting and a good look into the mind of the game’s creator Wallace Lovecraft. The core loop of the game is to explore an area, then do a boss fight, then watch a cool cut scene. You’ll meet an interesting cast of characters with some funny quirks, that feel true to real people.

Grinding for Exp seems pretty optional if you have a good grasp of rpg mechanics, but I found myself grinding some random encounters while looking for secrets. The secret areas had additional cutscenes, definitely worth seeking out.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Story Rich Games.

NO LOVE is already in your Life

Works on MacOS !!!

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

NO LOVE on Steam

Kill The Dragon

Kill The Dragon

its something else.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

### MonkeyoChaos Curator Page

Fun dumb little game. As advertised, about 10 minutes of choose your own adventure.

Full Playthrough and review:

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Kill The Dragon on Steam

Nobunaga’s Shadow

Nobunaga’s Shadow

At first I thought this was going to be a great retro kind of game, however a lot of the time it is difficult to figure out what you’re supposed to do next. Some of the in game text can be misleading and make it virtually impossible to progress.

In the end, because of the difficulty moving forward in the game, it becomes very boring very fast. A waste of time and money.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Only 1 hr play so far. It’s a real RPG Maker game - nothing fake. Unique story, unique environment, sounds, gots it all. Not amazing but worth it. I like variety more than deep complexity at the later hours.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Nobunaga's Shadow on Steam

Forever Home

Forever Home


Don’t be fooled by the Kaduki style facesets; this game is quite an emotional roller coaster due to dealing with issues like nihilism, war crimes, and suicide. That said, there are much darker games on those subjects out there and the story is balanced with humourous moments, as well as an aesop about finding meaning in life through interactions with others. Overall, I’d say the story strikes a good balance between idealism and cynicism.

This game goes above and beyond usual RPG Maker standards when it comes to making cutscenes, which are more than simple RTP animations. One example is the flashback scene of Slash’s past, where he slowly opens the door to his house and slowly illuminates the dark room, revealing

! Minake hanging herself. There’s also several of the war sequences with General Barclyss, who tanks a derranger attack with his magic barrier. The ground around him is completely charred, save for a small radius around him, just to show that he’s not to be f***ed with. Little details like that show that the developer put a lot of effort into making the cutscenes properly convey the mood and situation.

Real player with 148.5 hrs in game

How do I feel about Forever Home, you may ask. What even is Forever Home, might be another one. How come someone puts 80+ hours into this - just another of many questions surrounding the game. But why stop there? You should ask about the characters, the story. The time you already have put into it - or will, for that matter.

We don’t need to talk about the price here - might as well be f2p. Just sell a few of these steam cards you have lying around. Some CS:Go skin, it doesn’t really matter. It’s like a cheap bread. a half cup of coffee maybe. But would you really have that one coffee right now or dive right into this gem of a game?

Real player with 126.4 hrs in game

Forever Home on Steam

Samsa and the Knights of Light

Samsa and the Knights of Light

A great RPG with alot of work put into!


1. Grinding is actually fun.

2. Good storyline.

3. Be hated by the world but gain friends who see you more then a monster.

4. Become a overpower hero or villian.

5. Date some sexy ladies (ever rpg need this!)

6. Cook and Improve food! (I can finally cook for once without burning anything!)

7. Mini-Games!

8. Train to improve your stats and earn money.

9. Your actions affect the outcome of your endings.

10. Be a demon..yes so much yes finally something not with human as main characters. :)

Real player with 17.7 hrs in game

Tags: Topdown - RPGMaker&PartyRPG

Additional Tags: Delete Local Content & Remove from Library

TLDR: This is a slice of life Visual Novel with activity hubs and skillgrinding crammed in a RPGMaker shell. The writing is akward and the so called humor feels forced.

You play as a demon, there are lude comments and the general tone is juvenile and over the top. Everyday you get to allocate energy to some jobs to earn a randomized amount of reward. You can go around the world map for additional activities and the main story unfolds as scripted daily events or things you dream about in your sleep. The polish overall felt a tad low and the personalities are very caricatural for everyone.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Samsa and the Knights of Light on Steam

The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl

The Adventure of Magical Girl is a pleasant JRPG/RPGMaker game, providing several hours of gameplay and entertainment.

It has a cute story and it’s not very hard to beat.

Achievements are quite easy to unlock too.

It looks like a sequel to The legend of Bean though it’s not necessary to have completed that previous game to fully enjoy The Adventure of Magical Girl. However, both games use the same world and map so it’s a bit easier when you’ve already completed The legend of Bean because you’re already accustomed to that universe.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

The good:

1- This is a short RPG maker game. - I don’t mean it is bad because of this -.

2- Some parts of the game are polished well: for example the animation during battles.

3- no random encounters. You only fight an enmy when you collide with it - which i think is good -.

The bad:

4- Sadly it seems it suffers from the same problem that many other rpg maker games have: the game is not balanced. I mean you could quickly level up and breeze through the game and care not for any strategy while fighting.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

The Adventure of Magical Girl on Steam

The Legend of Tango

The Legend of Tango

It misses the mark in almost every respect. The story is trying to make certain metaphor points, but falls short with how bad every line lands. Gameplay….you can barely say it exists, but would be better without it. Even the level design is bad with how poorly obvious everything is that it gives no sense of reward and treats you like a complete moron.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

This was a clever way of doing a “Making of” before the launch of their full game… loved “Feature Creep” and “Imposter Sin-drone”

Think a few people may have missed the point of this being a FREE bit of fun on the side of a full game :P

Good work, look forward to the full release of Tango

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

The Legend of Tango on Steam

Timmy the Tiger’s Big Adventure

Timmy the Tiger’s Big Adventure

Underrated gem. A surprisingly witty little adventure. If you like classic RPGs, you’ll probably like this one too. Rewards exploration, pleasant graphics, and in general just very fun for what it is. Short and sweet, but well worth the price.

Also, you play as a tiger named Timmy.

10/10 would tiger again.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Timmy the Tiger's Big Adventure on Steam