

THIS IS THE SCARIEST GAME I EVER PLAYED, I LOVE IT. Its so weird, I don’t understand what the heck is going on and the jump scares are so unexpected, I hit my head on my dresser cause I got so scared. I’m just so confused and I love the game, I recommend you to play it.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Horror Games.

Hedera is a game of inconsistency, but of quality that far far FAR supercedes its issues. It is tonally inconsistent with moments of gameplay that toe the line between appropriately confusing and too hard for its own good, however the pure nightmare atmosphere and visceral terror more than make up for this. For what it is, it is executed excellently, not flawlessly. Its a game made by a single developer, a single storyteller, on person did it. I left the game feeling as though i witnessed the skin and bones of a true masterpiece of horror, one that is simply outside of the scope of a single developer, and as such its important to judge the game on merit of what it is and not what it could be with a triple A studio. Or, any studio.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Hedera on Steam



Join Laine and her friends as they search for the lost isle of Raguel in her quest to prove herself as the true heir of Sangreal! But what lurks in the shadows? Who is the strange Indech who has suddenly proclaimed himself the ruler of Sangreal? And why is he so interested in the crysalii?

This and more in Tiranogg, a 15-hour romp with heavy Celtic vibes and a Dragon Quest inspired battle system!

Studio Loregard’s debut indie game is a love letter to the classic games of the ‘golden era’ of Japanese Role-Playing Games (or jRPG for short). A labour of love constructed by a lone, passionate developer with nearly a decade of experience, Tiranogg hopes to recapture that good old feeling of playing a late-era SNES or PSX game right on your PC.


  • 15-20 hours of gameplay

  • Over 40 locations to explore

  • Fully immersive world brought to life through beautiful maps and a wonderful OST.

  • Beautiful pixel art reminiscent of SNES classics.

  • Six playable characters with a powerful, hidden seventh character!

  • Swap battle equipment on the fly!

  • Experiment with new passive abilities! Tank, spank or dodge tank?

  • No random encounters!

  • Challenging boss battles!

  • Explore every nook and cranny for hidden loot!

Read More: Best RPGMaker Atmospheric Games.

Tiranogg on Steam

Amihailu in Dreamland

Amihailu in Dreamland

First and foremost, this game is WEIRD. This is more of an adventure game than an RPG, having you exploring and solving puzzles rather than defeating enemies. The world is surreal and bizarre, but delightfully so. I had a lot of fun exploring everything, and the music is effing awesome. The story, though, falls flat. At the end of the game I was still left scratching my head about what actually happened. At times, you’ll be left wandering around, not knowing that an event is just waiting to be triggered, but if you thoroughly explore and understand the basics of how video game events work, you’ll manage. It’s not a difficult game, but it’s a fun little adventure that you can get through in a couple of hours. And, it’s free.

Real player with 8.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Indie Games.

Amihailu In Dreamland is a non-combat adventure RPG with a focus on exploration.

Starting in an area with a half-dozen rooms, you must explore the map to find ways to unlock new areas. There does not seem to be an overall objective - a fact that is excused by the premise that it is all a dream.

The story makes little sense (because it’s a dream, of course), and the speech is disjointed, as if translated from another language, but the dialogue does break the monotony of wandering around the map, by making you think you’ve discovered something new.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Amihailu in Dreamland on Steam



I would recommend this game. However, I will not do so without SOME talking points.

First - The art is amazing. However, it becomes very jarring when moving around inside of zones the fog of war and tilt shift become VERY hard on the eyes.

I STRONGLY suggest that anyone wanting to play the game mess with the settings at length.

Make sure the bottom three settings are OFF (Tilt Shift, Chromatic Aberration, and CRT) and the color scheme is set to something easy on your eyes like Flat or Cinema. Vivid works as well but will be slightly more straining.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

The world is one interconnected hub and unlocks different areas with to the story’s progression, but they all loop back round to each other and fast travel is conveniently placed. Given that the story is kind of a placeholder (name more than maybe ten stories in games that aren’t), I kind of wish it skipped the explanations about why you’re going from one area to the next in favor of an unspoken, Shadow of the Colossus/Legacy of Kain style, web of bosses you can choose to fight in any order you want to.

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Orangeblood on Steam



I did finished the game. There is a video of gameplay in my youtube channel if you curious about the game.


Overall, I’m pleased with the game especially with the characters personality. i’m quiet disappoint with the gameplay mechanic as I will explain about it further.

What I like about the game:

  1. The characters has a personality
  • I’m definitely love the character personality in this game. You will remember the character just by their way of talking. Grayson a straightforward person, Thyme likes to tease, Scarbeck the geek, Aura a childish woman, Zach a daydream person, Amelia the smarty pants, and lastly Kala is kinda like a combination of Grayson and Kala. Overall, a witty characters.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

HIGHLY RECOMMEND : 90% Excellent Quest System, Game design encourage detail exploration.

Stargazer is an excellent RPG Maker game made by John Wizard. I have played a few of his games and they are of very high quality. Furthermore at Halloween, I got his games for only 49 cents, which is way below its value. I put in at least 40 hours of enjoyment on a single playthrough of Stargazer alone.

The most enjoyable feature of this game is the excellent Quest system. There are more than 200 quests that you have to complete in order to finish the game. Unlike most other games there is no distinction between main quests and side quests in Stargazers. Almost all the 200 quests are intricately connected, and you have to finished all of them to get to the final boss confrontation. You will be surrounded by quests anywhere you go, and so you get this non-linear feel because you can choose to do many of the quests in any order that you like. However, many of the quests will also unlock further quests, unlock new areas or new team members. The best feature of the quests system is that you cannot “mess up” the quest system at all. You will be able to do all 200 quests, as the quests do not expire, and are not locked out even if you advance from chapter 1 to chapter 7. When I play the game, I get the pleasant feeling that the developer is trying his best to allow you to do every quests and making sure that your quest will not fail no matter what. At one point in the game, there are 2 oppossing guilds that you can choose to join, and these guilds are fighting against each other. For a while, I was worried that doing certain quests on one side may disable some other quests on the other side. However, the ending of these quests have a weird and surprising twist that enable you to do ALL the quests from both sides. Excellent.

Real player with 43.7 hrs in game

Stargazer on Steam



‘Valiantia’ is a role-playing game. Solve the puzzles.

Altis, a female knight, and you, Leonale as her confidant, were ordered to do missions. You can help her ease the problems, making the decision, or make them more complicated. Her fate depends on you.

Multiple endings. Depend on your choices, your actions, and random events.


  • Jokes, love comedy, drama

  • Teasing Altis (like cooking fried worms and give it to her)

  • swim and drowning

  • drunk

  • cooking, swimming

  • boxing

  • blood and gore

  • solve puzzles or make them more complicated

  • sneaking and assassinate

  • Each enemy has a unique style.

  • random equipment

  • upgrade equipment

  • random event

  • choices and multiple ending

  • creative cutscenes

  • playtime 6 up to 20+ h


The game can be played with a keyboard or a controller.

[X] = Cancel, Menu

[Z] = inspect (become a soldier)

[Shift] = run (become a soldier)

Valiantia on Steam

Blade of Acrimony

Blade of Acrimony

Hey people from Steam, Sea Raider here with a new review.

Today I have something special to review, a game from a member of the RPG Community instead of an old game, so let’s go.

Blade of Acrimony is a JRPG styled game with LOADS of symbolism and using delusion and insanity as a main subject. You play as Sora Loyalar, a nice Christian girl that by some coincidence found an evil sword that is actually a fallen angel reduced to a possessed sword.

The game itself takes a nice twist on the “remove all evil” plot and the Sword makes use of this; by making Sora think the sword God via curing her wounds and gifting her armor.

Real player with 20.8 hrs in game

Really fun game, nice and dark with a really fun, challenging combat system. The gameplay is really solid, with a decent progression curve and there’s only one move that becomes kinda redundant late game, the rest are all situationally really useful. It really encourages you to think about every move you make, and I really got engrossed in playing it. Boss fights feel really epic too, with really rad soundtrack!

Plot wise, I’d say it’s pretty good overall. The initial leap from the protag being a harmless nun to a cold-blooded killer does require a bit of suspension of disbelief, but the way her character changes over the course of the game is really interesting to watch. There’s a cool amount of lore and the characters are interesting to interact with.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Blade of Acrimony on Steam

Magical girl’s labyrinth

Magical girl’s labyrinth

This game is RPG.

One day, you contract with the apostle to become a magical girl.

And you decided to fight monsters in the dungeon.

feature :

・14 magical girls can act separately.

・An annihilated party becomes a Tombstone.

・Companions who sleep at the grave can be resurrected.

 (However, the boss’s HP will recover)

・After you clear the game you can change the difficulty level.

・Once equipped with an orb, you can learn special skills and magic.

・Weapons and armor can be strengthened by using grinder.

Magical girl's labyrinth on Steam

Mari and the Black Tower

Mari and the Black Tower

after playing 32 hr in this game it crashes and i am back to the new game? i can see my save file in my folder but dont know how to get the game back? can the developer please contact me? this is frustrating

Real player with 76.3 hrs in game

Decent rpgmaker game with a surprising amount of class choices, not only for the companions, but for the main character as well. All with different skills. The maps are large and filled with secrets.

But the whole game is being dragged down by 2 major pains in the ass. The ridiculous frequency of the random encounters and limited line of sight. Exploring everything, trying to do all the quests and finding all the secrets is a huge chore. Even though most of the time you can reliably skip encounters sometimes you get them literally every 3 steps. The game constantly wastes your time. As for the line of sight there are a lot of areas where you can see in a small radius around you and that’s only if you have a torch. Trying to navigated labyrinths when you can’t see shit only leads to unnecessary back tracking and constant encounters. There are items to prevent encounters, but along side torches you will have to keep opening and navigating through the menu. Either way it’s constant interruptions and pointless hindrances. The game is so much better in well lit areas or in areas without random encounters. I know I’ve missed 2 bosses and an important quest, but I can’t possibly be arsed to go again through previous areas.

Real player with 49.9 hrs in game

Mari and the Black Tower on Steam



With all the big titles around, games like this are way too often overlooked. Sometimes i just feel the need to dwell a bit in the past and search for a classic RPG-Maker game to play. The advantage of these type of games are that they don’t rely on convincing with graphics, but rather on story and gameplay. And this one didn’t disappoint me in the slightest.

What i liked on Skyborn

Story & Characters

Take Claret, a rough-acting but soft-hearted Airship mechanist, on her journey to see the world, reveal the truth of the past and to fight the oppression of the Skyborns (the winged masterrace). The characters that you unlock while advancing are all from different backgrounds and are well appealing and authentic.

Real player with 36.6 hrs in game

Skyborn is a unique story driven R.P.G. developed by Dancing Dragon Games and published by Degica. The Skyborn are a winged humanoid race that has defeated in war and consequently subjugated humankind. You take on the role of Claret Spencer, the star mechanic of an independent repair shop, who suddenly finds herself pulled into an epic city wide conflict which takes her and her friends on a journey through a tale of magic, metal and mystery as she unravels the secrets of the Skyborn. This is a R.P.G. Maker title which up to this point I had never heard of although I have played many games in the past with this same look and style. For those that don’t know, R.P.G. Maker is a program that allows users to create their very own role playing games. With that said, the gripping story in this title is really well conceived and unfolds over the course of the game in unvoiced dialogue and cutscenes many times alongside gorgeous anime inspired handrawn artwork that is truly a pleasure to the eyes. There’s enough intrigue, action and humor in this wonderful game to keep you consistently playing from start to finish.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Skyborn on Steam