Storm Of Spears RPG

Storm Of Spears RPG

Definitely a solid title, made with RPG Maker and aimed mostly at lovers of the good old retro JRPGs, with great artwork (although a little bit “standardized” if you’re into RPG Maker titles) and an overall good value of the gameplay as a whole.

RPG Maker is a nice tool, which of course as a total incompetent I could not even open, but can of course become a negative issue just like when in the late ’90s we used to play on tons of Ultima Online servers made with Sphere, UOL and I don’t remember what else..

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Mature Games.

Strom of Spears is a RPG maker game that is interesting in different ways.

The story follows Sura a mercenary who is trying to protect her brother from a war that a ruthless queen is leading in plans of world domination. After certain events occur Sura takes up arms and leads a rebel group against the empire ( a typical evil empire rebel story like star wars). During this adventure Sura and her closes friends and companions (the playable characters) go through many different ordeals in attempt to gain a army and the resouces they need to stop the empire. The stroy is not at all bad it is just the cliche rpg story. The story does have more interesting moments than others and it has a few plot twist.

Real player with 12.0 hrs in game

Storm Of Spears RPG on Steam

Labyronia RPG 2

Labyronia RPG 2

BEFORE YOU BUY LABYRONIA 2, I HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU PLAY LABYRONIA 1. This is because L2 is a continuation of the 1st game and it might not make a whole lot of sense to you if you skip the 1st installment.


I was a little skeptical about Labyronia 2 after playing the 1st one, because the 1st one left such a good impression that I was afraid the 2nd installment would leave me disappointed.


Buy it. Buy this game right now. Buy it for everyone you know and love and care for.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Indie Games.

Labyronia RPG 2 is an RPG game with Pokemon-like graphics. Labyronia RPG 2 follows on from the sequel Labyronia RPG 1.

This game requires you to be good at exploring and good at RPG Games.

Labyronia RPG 2 is set in Labyronia, which was once suppose to be a nice place to live in. Evil creatures and dark ghosts invade this land and feed on fear. Their intention is to wipe out everything that lives and make Labyronia a land of nothingness. So, you start of as a Ranger named Garic (Something like that) in a very small town that you are the boss of. You battle a giant wall crusher and you venture on into the frozen plains and help out each land, whilst finding new accompanies to aid you in your quest. You will soon unlock lots of weapons, armours, helments, trinkets etc… Your main objectives are to get all 3 accomplices, save the Queen and the Sun Emerald, Kill the evil Elven Senate, save the city of Carallan, finish the tournament in the Firelands and fight the end boss and restore peace.

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

Labyronia RPG 2 on Steam

Secret Of Magia

Secret Of Magia

After being gifted this game, I really really want to recommend it, but I just can’t. Here’s why:

Pros (+) :

1. Pleasant and fitting music though it feels… Not so original.

2. Strong monsters (for those of you who like strong enemies in games) that scale with your level, including their loot.

3. Six different classes to choose from.

4. The character art is pretty, but everything else is what you would expect of a game of that genre, nothing special or unique here.

5. It’s possible to upgrade your weapon as well as craft your own potions.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Indie Games.

### Full Disclosure

I was given this a copy game by the developer(s) (or someone in contact with them) to review.

### Review

Secret of Magia is a bit of an interesting title for me, at first I was rather enjoying it. It had an OK story, some character progression and even some nice things like a HookShot! Unfortunately it went downhill from there (and before that even).

I personally played this game with an Xbox 360 controller, as that’s what I generally enjoy playing this style of game with. Sadly there appears to be no documentation of the controls for it.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Secret Of Magia on Steam

Destiny Warriors RPG

Destiny Warriors RPG

[English Review]

What to say about Destiny Warriors: the Way of the Ninja…

“Did anyone see a ninja in this game? Let the creator of this game know that this is false advertising!”

If it wasn’t enough, this game has ridiculous and badly done maps, uncreative names, bad use of graphic and sound resources of RPG Maker.

The game has third-party systems, graphics and music …and there is no credits to anyone in any part of the game!

Again, if it wasn’t enough, the game is pure plagiarism of the anime Naruto. However not even as a copy the game got to be functional.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Everything wrong with this game can be summarised in one sentence:

Extremely $hitty battle system.

It’s not obvious in the beginning, but once you level up to 20-something, the absolute r3tardedness of it all becomes clear.

Some examples of what I mean:

  1. At level 27, ceteris paribus (i.e. all conditions being equal), your normal attack is 61, versus your enemy’s normal attack of 519. This is with the best available gear and maximum power-ups in the form of various item purchases.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Destiny Warriors RPG on Steam



What a fun and in depth game that was love the gameplay and the story very much.

I thought it was the right length too not to long not to short.

I love these pixel graphic 2d horror games and my experience with this game was a good one I would definatly recommened this game give it a try 4/5 for me.

I did a full wlakthrough if you wanna give it a watch.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

I’ve gushed about this dev’s uniquely unsettling visual style and atmospheric storytelling before in my Crimson Ranch review, but WOW. Gurobu takes all of that, cranks it up to 100, and slips in a few hidden layers to boot.

I pretty much love everything about this title. The creepy visuals, the disturbing sound effects, the engaging story, the mystery, and most of all; I love that they address the importance of mental health.

Game runs fine, good framerate, didn’t notice any bugs. Highly, highly recommending, especially for indie horror fans.

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Gurobu on Steam

Legend of Mysteria RPG

Legend of Mysteria RPG

Legend of Mysteria is an RPG Maker made RPG set as a prequel to another game in their series by the same author. Though it’s made via RPG Maker, it has a different feel to it rather than the typical RPG maker made game for better and for worse.

This game is about the main character Windir, whom you get accused of murder and have to prove you innocence. It’s mainly about exploring your locations, talking to NPC’s, gathering evidences, finding and using items to unlock new and previously locked rooms and area. It has an intruging story that kept me lingering and not much of a combat system (which isn’t a minus), but has a very confusing and uninformative use of items to progress the story.

Real player with 121.0 hrs in game

One of the most incredible stories I’ve ever seen.

For a guy who is new to the Labyronia Saga, I had fun with it. This game is not much like a fighting type game (you have only more than 3 to 5 fights required throughout the game, others you can take just for fun), but instead it is a kind of puzzle, you need to do some Actions to proceed in the game.

It seems this story is the legend of “the hero of Labyronia,” so for many ppl those individuals are well known, some people will say that the story is not worth it, others will love it, as for me I really loved everyone secrets and twists. It’s a short game, but if it was big would ruined the whole point of the game and the price is very good. (BTW I played with a controller and it actually worked smoothly.)

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Legend of Mysteria RPG on Steam

Sins Of The Demon RPG

Sins Of The Demon RPG

Full Review!

For my original Quick First Look just scroll down a bit.

Sins of the Demon RPG is a RPGMaker VXAce game that tells the story of Kenshi and his cat-companion, who is actually his brother turned into demon form. Their quest takes place in a fictious Samurai-era Japan called Lanistra.

This is a very story heavy game, meaning there are quite some cutscenes. Especially towards the middle of the game there are a lot of them, almost reminiscent of some japanese games nowadays. However it must be pointed out that those cutscenes, as well as almost all of the dialogue never drag on or get boring. There are quite a lot of twists and turns going on; some of which the player might see coming and few one won’t, or at least I did not.

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

The title is misleading in a good way. Pay no attention to the daemon woman in the advertisement.

I am a lifetime RPG Veteran and I make games as well.

Sins Of The Demon is proof RPG Maker has an unfair reputation. When people make uninspired garbage they make something look bad, but this game is the opposite of that.

If the developers have real passion for what they do and take pride in their work then RPG Maker is in the right hands.

While the dialogue didn’t completely fit the time period the game is set in, the characters talked like real people. They were believable and never boring. The game mechanics were simple and functional. You needed to think a little about what you were doing but never in a way that felt monotonous. Nothing felt out of balance and I never needed to go out of my way to get extremely powerful. Sins Of The Demon is set up in a way that allows anyone to jump in and enjoy a game without being bogged down by complicated RPG mechanics. Halfway through the game you’re only Level 5 but you don’t need to be stronger. Most fights are optional or easily avoided, as they are represented by moving sprites on the map. You never need to fight your way through an area unless you want to, or you feel you need to.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Sins Of The Demon RPG on Steam

Alpha Kimori™ 1

Alpha Kimori™ 1

Very unbalanced, seemingly unfinished even for an episode. You could grind and buy the weapons and armor in the stores like I did, but nearly everything but the shields are given to you just by wandering around. It’s not like the encounter enemies really need it. And the prices for the (only) weapons in the shop are in the 4000-6000 range, while most of the enemies don’t drop nearly that much gold. Everything else in the shops is priced at nearly 1/10 of that. Lots of artificially forcing you to walk everywhere, with tight corners to force you to battle monsters. Oddly inserted fetch quests, having to randomly grab 50 of an item, which I conveniently had through grinding.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

I don’t recommend it!

This game may look good and feel like a really good Nintendo DS Game, but it’s extremely long and slow.

The battles are totally unbalanced:

The normal moves has almost the same strenght than the special moves.

The bosses mostly uses massive attacks that causes 35% of damage, and the animations are too slow and long.

Many times the battles happens without any motive, you will be fighting without knowing it why.

The biggest part of the missions of the game are forced, where you must do “something” to a Npc that doesn’t have nothing to do with the story. (The only reason is to make the game longer than already is)

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Alpha Kimori™ 1 on Steam

Corpse Party

Corpse Party

It has finally arrived… The long awaited Corpse Party for PC is now here on Steam!


Please keep in mind that this is not the PSP version.

Another note:

Also keep in mind that Corpse Party is not for the faint-hearted. If you’re not a big fan of horror games then I don’t suggest getting it.

I’ve been a fan of Corpse Party for a while, and seeing this on Steam only brings me more nostalgia ever since I’ve seen Corpse Party for the first time. Even though it’s not as spectacular as the PSP version in my opinion (which came out after this was made by the way), it still brings out quite the experience and will still give you shivers down your spine.

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

Took Your Little Sister to the Toilet, So No Truth Ending? LMAO

Corpse party was initially made very famous by pewdiepie in the gaming world, but it primarily had a fan base for the anime and manga. I am pretty late in coming to the fandom or to the franchise in general this is probably why i am not too much hyped up about it but I still managed to play the chapters more than twice to fully explore it. At first from the first chapter I was super bored as hell, I thought it was cheap, nothing interesting and it felt like I played same scenario before. But the game proved me wrong with it’s plot twister storylines, amazing character backgrounds and development and numerous endings.

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

Corpse Party on Steam

Mad Father

Mad Father

I got hooked on these games in high school after playing IB. I’ve always enjoyed Mad Father, such a beautiful art style. (✿ ♥‿♥)

In this wonderful and lavish house, what could go wrong? You play as absolutely adorable 11 year old, Aya. She wakes up at night and hears her father scream in terror. Instead of calling 911 or attempting to escape, she instead goes to investigate the basement where he is always working.

It’s a cute but spook spook puzzle game. It’s not going to give you nightmares but the atmosphere is incredibly chilling. I found myself questioning humanity after this.

Real player with 12.9 hrs in game

Want to see more RPG Maker horror games? Check out and contribute to this list of them, including download links!


1/7/21 UPDATE

In light of the refinements made with the latest update, I’m changing my review slightly.

Update Pros

+The updated graphics look spectacular

+New story beats in the Blood scenario make good on foreshadowing in the original game that never got any resolution, and are not retconned

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Mad Father on Steam