Thorne - Death Merchants

Thorne - Death Merchants

Thorne - Death Merchants is an action RPG based on the RPGMaker engine, and the very beginning was quite a shock to me, based on the language and innuendo being used. I was surprised, but I will make note that this is a mature type of game. It’s more along the lines of something like Secret of Mana in terms of the style of action RPG gameplay.

Anyway, you start as a captured prisoner, and you begin to tell your story of why you are not responsible for the current crime they are holding you for, and the parts where you are moving about and interacting with things are the flashbacks from the past as you tell the story to the officer in the place where you are being held.

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Indie Games.

I got this key from the developer in exchange for a review. This however does not sway my opinion.

  • Interesting world, combined with wonderful maps

  • Nice soundtrack

  • Cheap

  • Nameable Pet wolf

  • Achievements are easily attainable

+/- Battles aren’t too hard

  • Slow transitions and typos

  • Missable optional cutscenes

  • Missable items

Thorne – Death Merchants is a short game (2~4 hours), the first of a series of eight standalone episodic games. It’s a well-made game by experienced developers that is also being sold quite cheap! It features an interesting world with lovely looking environments and gray characters everywhere. The soundtrack is great and fits the game well. The game also allows you to have a pet wolf, whom you can name, pet, feed and command to search around for treasures. This was a pretty neat idea, though my wolf got stuck from time to time and it took me a while to realize I needed to let the wolf follow me, instead of using the whistle to call it to me. While the treasure hunting idea was fun, I didn’t really get into money or health trouble, so it was moot most of the time. In fact, if it wasn’t because of the achievements I wouldn’t have searched around at all. For the achievement hunters, this game has 22 easily enough attainable ones. Some of them are linked to optional and time-sensitive cutscenes, side-quests, treasure hunting, so you might miss a few of them at the end of the game.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Thorne - Death Merchants on Steam

Life-Winner Cong’s Double Dragon Dream

Life-Winner Cong’s Double Dragon Dream

There is only Chinese summary about this game. For more information, please change the language to simplified Chinese.

There are no words in the game, so the language of the game is all languages. Players all over the world can play the game freely without language restrictions.

Read More: Best RPGMaker Retro Games.

Life-Winner Cong's Double Dragon Dream on Steam

Room 42

Room 42

this game is really fun 10 out of 10 do recommend

Real player with 7.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPGMaker Point & Click Games.

Pretty good mystery/horror game. Consist of two main routes, each of them containing a part of the story necessary to understand what’s going on. I was expecting some grand finale, aka true ending 3rd route but sadly it doesnt have that.

Not that it matters too much, the game is perfectly fine and enjoyable as is.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Room 42 on Steam

Thorne - Son of Slaves (Ep.2)

Thorne - Son of Slaves (Ep.2)

  • ### Morlan’s shorts:

There may be an ok story here with some ok jokes and ok graphics, yep, just ok.. but the game is badly programmed and has random crashes in, well, random places; the pacing/delay/“loading screens” are too slow for this type of game but the top-of-the-crop that breaks it for me is the collision detection. Battles are in real time and the character gets stuck everywhere there’s an obstacle, collides with the enemy and sticks to them and it becomes a chore of repeating a level to finish it because you keep getting stuck to the enemy and die. In particular the first “Troll” cave where you have to run between trolls/skeletetons/whatever and even if you have space to go through them, once you touch an enemy you’re basically glued to them! Tried that 4-5 times..NO! Wasting time because of bad programming is a BIG NO! This alone, made me r-quit it.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

Thorne - Son of Slaves is the sequel game Thorne - Death Merchants.

This Action-RPG from Aldorlea Games and Lone Wolf Games.

I recommend this game.

Beautiful drawing and animation.

Interesting story.

Atmospheric musical accompaniment.

A lot of accessories to choose.

Dialogues are exciting and include a portion of humor.

In Thorne - Son of Slaves all the dynamic, no preludes, you immediately thrown into the thick of things.

Perhaps this genre seems to be outdated, but if you do not find fault with this game, and compared with similar games in the genre - I to recommend!

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

Thorne - Son of Slaves (Ep.2) on Steam




本產品是由RPG Maker MV所設計完成的遊戲,適合所有年齡層的小孩成人遊玩…
















遠古大陸外傳-古道的盡頭 on Steam

24 Hours ‘til Rescue

24 Hours ‘til Rescue

24 Hours ‘til Rescue Review

The Zombie survival, RPG game. " 24 Hours ‘til Rescue " is an ACTION-RPG combo game. Imagine yourself being a survivor doing his best to escape from zombies against the time. Several characters to choose from, couple difficulties making the game diverse. And be sure that the game is actually ‘hard’ on even the easiest difficulty.

+ Pros

  • The pixel art is quite nice.

  • Decent soundtracks.

  • PD option (Perma-Death)

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

this game isnt as bad as people say it is, with the exception of the bat not being properly set and the grenade being a death trap gamble. As far as the difficulty, the dev does warn you at the beginning and multiple times on the store page, it is very hard, but keeping that in mind i suggest playing insane mode for like a few hours then switching over to hard mode, it makes it much more easy. Try not to kill anything unless you have to, or its a safe (wont get you cornered) kill, risk in this game can get you killed easily, so avoid it, however if you are going to take risky moves, may i suggest skating diagonally, for some reason this reduces the chance the zombies will hit you, as long as your quick enough. If you are going to kill, make sure you use a weapon that only takes 1 to 3 shots, I.E. a shotgun or some assault rifles, that being said there is a level up system to increase damage and health, and plenty of food to make healing items, which evventually you will have a ton of, if you play strategically. Do not go for an item, that leads you down a path to a dead end, which can allow the zombies to stack up.

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

24 Hours 'til Rescue on Steam

Chevo Lurker: Exodus

Chevo Lurker: Exodus

So theres basically only 2 monsters in this whole game. So your just killing monsters. But you do get 5000 easy achievements.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

You get what you paid for, 5K achievements at minimum price. If you’re an achievement hunter looking to increase the number of achievements on your profile showcase, then I highly recommend buying this. Else don’t waste your money. This is not a game, it’s just a way of distributing achievements.

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

Chevo Lurker: Exodus on Steam

Clandestinity of Elsie

Clandestinity of Elsie

Things got off to a bit of a bad start with this game, thanks to it taking me ages to work out that SPACE was the way to choose a menu option, rather than - I dunno - left click or Enter, like most NORMAL games? Guess I don’t play games of this nature (read: old-school, “retro” RPG) too often. I’m going to put it down to that, though many of the other (unremappable?) keyboard buttons seemed like odd choices also: A to equip gun, S to shoot, D to reload? I also had difficulty trying to work out where DOORS and trivial things like that were, but after not TOO long I got the hang of things enough to concentrate on the GAME, per se (hint: always be on the look-out for doormats and red arrows)! I’ve also experienced some crashing issues, but it’s early days yet for the game’s release (so they’ll hopefully be fixed), and the save system is fortunately generous enough to render this not TOO huge an issue (once you hit the first save point, you can pretty much save at any time). Anyway, enough about minor technical issues…with no further ado, let’s get on with the review…

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

This is one of the handful of RPG Maker games I like because it focuses on an compelling genre of psychological horror. Since the game follows a similar path of Silent Hill, I was more interested to give this game a try.

There was one major drawback to the game and it involves the combat system. In fairness, the combat system does feel “realistic” in a sense that, it should be harder to see beyond your light until the monsters come close. Also, your gun should take a split second before letting off the next bullet; sadly, realism is thrown out the window due to frustrations of the combat mechanics. Most of the time, it’s difficult to avoid getting hit due to the restrictive movements of the character. The RPG Maker engine only allows you to move up, down, left and right. The character cannot move around freely as in diagonally; although, I have seen other RPG Maker games do that. Running doesn’t help much in the game since the enemies tend to run at you just as fast. In addition, the map layouts are not as open enough to move around with many obstacles in your way, that at times, I find myself bumping into walls or trees. By then, the enemies are already on you. With limited lighting as well, you don’t get many opportunities to take out the enemy at a distance. Again, I think that is how the game is supposed to be. Fortunately, the only remedy in progressing is saving often even if I have to die a lot.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Clandestinity of Elsie on Steam

Deadly Station

Deadly Station


Cursed Hood be a truly innovatizzle n’ thrillin game from renowned pimpers. I truly enjoyed tha mystery n’ horror of how tha fuck tha game mechanics operated. Y’all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! This type’a shiznit happens all tha time. For tha price, dis was truly a pimped out n’ stunnin game dat I would replay, wit joy, at any moment. Da presentation of ths game is dunkadelic fo’ a gangbangin' free one. Wherez RAPSX, biatch? eaiueaieahueahuiehai stop trolling. Truly a modern masterpiece of game design, one which aint NEVER gonna again n' again n' again be matched. Y’all KNOW dat shit, muthafucka! Fuck I forgot tha i up in all dis bullshit. Give me mah scrilla back yo. How tha fuck do fish breathe if they underwater, biatch? Da rap of tha game is straight-up tha high point of tha entire piece, as it is so convoluted n' complex dat even Tolkien would gotta admit defeat. pls check allow comments, n' you can put dat on yo' toast. If you trip off funky-ass horror like fuckin Silent Hill n' Eternal Darkness, I would highly suggest dat you at least pick up dis pimped out game before he realizes it is worth a gangbangin' full $60. Da monsta design be also just fabulous, inspired by tha workz of HP Lovecraft n' Dizzy Cage along wit a lil hint of Mike Moore. Therez straight-up not a god damn thang else ta say, so why is you readin dis instead of playin dis AMAZING game!

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

This game has a good thought behind it with potential. As a first game created it wasnt bad, just needed some more info on where to go and what to do in some places. A spooky tale in 2D is not an easy task but it was a good start for someone starting a game. I would say give it a try and see if you think the same or if you can give this developer some tips on how he can improve as he continues to work on games….. Remember not every game creator started off as an expert.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Deadly Station on Steam



In Ladra you play as the thief Estella, who’s main goal is to relieve noblemen and women of their burden of wealth, and occasionally dabble in information gathering.

When a friend of a friend hears an unsettling rumor, Estella, the best thief in the city is hired to look into it. After eavesdropping and uncovering vital information of an unsettling plot, you must do everything you can to prevent a war from ever happening.

Coming into this I had pretty low expectations, I don’t typically enjoy RPG maker games but I was pretty happy with this one. The stealth mechanics were pretty neat and I enjoyed the plot more than I thought I would. The music was pretty standard.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

Ladra is a good stealth game, where you have to be careful, make no mistake even one step!

The game was created with RPG Maker, with gameplay really very solid and innovative!

In short, a really interesting game is “different” which is worth a try!

(Below is the Italian full review)

Ladra è un gioco basato sulla furtività (Stealth).

Dove bisogna nascondersi ed utilizzare l’intelligenza per essere sempre un passo avanti!


Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Ladra on Steam