

I was fortunate enough to have backed this game on Kickstarter. I even got to design a monster, which the party gets to battle. I donated a decent amount, and I did so because the game felt so original. Yes, the gameplay is familiar, but the character design, monster design, music and sense of humor really make it stand out from all the other Final Fantasy-esque RPGs out there. I had high expections for this game, and I have not been disappointed. The final product is nothing less than inspiring.

Real player with 32.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Indie Games.

If you are looking for a classic JRPG/RPGMaker game that is different and unconventional, here you have it.

Orogenesis is unconventional and rather crazy in an interesting way. It contains bizarre, sometimes uncomfortable, maybe even triggering,

! and in the extra endings undeniable disgusting, speaking x-rated, elements. Therefore, it cannot be generally recommended. The other thing that could put off people is the lack of a convincing, cohesive story (maybe that’s just me), the atmosphere, though, is mostly consistent.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Orogenesis on Steam



After playing through the 8 missions a few times I find that nothing repeats. The enemy bots are never in the same place and the mission targets move to different locations. The replay value is great since I can not predict where the mission will be what to find or where the enemy is. The enemy bots are relentless in hunting me down no matter how I try to avoid them. I can finish a mission in about 15 minutes or so and it saves my progress. I notice the time of day changes and I got caught up in a rain storm with lightning once. It does not have multi million dollar artwork in it but what is there hits the mark. I think this is a fun game and well worth the price.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

A classic shooter with an immersive environment. The voice over’s interjected throughout the game offer a sense of tactical realism. The interface is clean but customizable. Weapon selection is quick and straightforward, you don’t get bogged in silly customizations and personalization options that drag most other shooters down.

The ability to do the missions you want in the order you want them is enjoyable. There is a true sense of mission progression in a larger strategic goal, not just going out on the field to kill things.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

SOF - RAIDERS on Steam

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare

This is a simple and straightforward but compelling first-person dungeon crawler RPG for fans of the genre with a horror aesthetic. The setting and plot are unique–you play as fragments of an insane man’s subconscious as he lies delirious in a pool of his own blood after a suicide attempt. Your goal is to fight his inner demons to unlock his repressed memories and discover what drove him to the edge.

The game has a great aesthetic and a fun improve-skills-as-you-use-them character building system, but what really sets it apart from other games of the genre is its permadeath/metaprogression mechanic. The 7th Circle is designed to be played in multiple runs, with each successive character getting a little stronger and/or inheriting perks and items from previous ones. It rewards experimentation with different builds and playstyles and there’s lots of well-designed dungeons to explore and content to find.

Real player with 51.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Gore Games.

A rare instance of a VERY well made dungeon crawler game, this takes me way back to when I used to play Mordor: Depths of Dejenol with my father in the late 90s. The ‘Perma-death’ style to the game should NOT be a turnoff for anyone looking to play, as a matter of fact, death just makes you stronger in the long run, death also allows you to change your attributes, class, and an ‘alter ego’ buff to help carry over some perks through death.

Ive only got a few nit picky issues, such as not being able to sort out my inventory (maybe we can get some tyhpe of paper doll system to keep things organized), or having traps that ive defeated still being on the ground, but other than that, im loving this game

Real player with 46.8 hrs in game

The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare on Steam

The Unclogging: An Unsanitary Saga

The Unclogging: An Unsanitary Saga

WIthout the poop jokes, the storyline would at least be the start of something, but this is pretty bad and does the whole poop joke thing overboard (even though that’s the entire theme of this), but other cons are that it doesn’t seem very well balanced, with items being ridiculously expensive.

The absolute last straw for me though was having to dodge instadeath orbs as part of the main quest. As a side puzzle, okay fine as I can just skip that, but as part of the main quest is dumb.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

The Unclogging: An Unsanitary Saga on Steam

绝境幸存者 Escape Zombie Land

绝境幸存者 Escape Zombie Land

The game doesnt start. stays in loading screen.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

绝境幸存者 Escape Zombie Land on Steam

Dark Fairy Fantasy

Dark Fairy Fantasy


almost same as “Fantasy & Blade Ⅱ” with less function, battle is boring too…

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Dark Fairy Fantasy on Steam

Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia!

Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia!

Fun game no matter what part of the political spectrum you’re on.

A lot of funny dialogue and jokes are placed throughout the game.

Plays like an old school RPG with stats and different items to buy such as weapons,armor,stat boosts, etc.

So far I have put 9 hours in messing around and I feel like I am halfway through the story.

Definitely worth the value, bought it on sale for .49 cents but would easily pay full price for the amount of time put in.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game


Short game but a good one. about 8 hours if you search around to find everything, i imagine a speed run if you know what you are doing would be a good 3-4 hours.

enjoyable combat, fun story. i HIGHLY suggest that you use google translate to translate all of the french and spannish, really makes the game a lot more fun to know what the foreginers are saying.

Also good for crazy socialists as well as freedom lovers. You even get two socialist side kicks including chairman meow.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia! on Steam

Girl with a big SWORD

Girl with a big SWORD

This game is an experience that I genuinely recommend that everyone try. It is not good by any stretch of the imagination, but no other form of media, interactive or otherwise, has instilled such a profound sense of hollowness and disappointment within me. This game puts a curse on you. It holds nuggets of hope in front of your face, only to quickly knock them down and beat you over the head again. You find a way to heal, only to have your health reset back to one. It is well worth the 99 cents, if only for its unique ability to squash your enjoyment.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Well, this game is strange. There are several reasons why I can not recommend this “game”. I played as much of it as is possible. There is a main town that you can navigate around. Entering any building normally starts a fight. If your first move isn’t to use magic and heal yourself; you will lose, always. You also should never use your actual magic attacks as you will need all the MP that you have until you can find/purchase more. Attacking is a bit cumbersome, but it still works. If you can save up the 2k currency; you are now fine. Purchase the gun from an NPC and wipe the floor with all remaining enemies. I found a problem shortly after clearing the town. You need to go other locations, but there is a glitch that removes the door sprite from your game. Just the sprite, if you can click on the tile that, you can go back to the town. I have a feeling that there is more to the game, but I can not figure out how (or who) to access it.

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Girl with a big SWORD on Steam

Heavy Blade

Heavy Blade

It´s an Ok game. Animations are very stiff so the combat in itself can get boring.

Level design is great and I love the dungeon editor and complexities.

Would be great to have more enemy variety, better animations and overall more visual variety (even just a few different wall decorations like flags, etc. would´ve been nice).

The downsides are mostly that the music does not match at all with the game, and even though you can mute it, there is no way to mute the combat FX which are obnoxiously loud. Additionally there is no verticality, sprinting or much action, you just clear levels, spend the gold on upgrading yourself and keep going.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Heavy Blade on Steam

Niara: Rebellion Of the King Visual Novel RPG

Niara: Rebellion Of the King Visual Novel RPG

Niara is a male protagonist who finds himself one of the remaining survivors of his region after the Udrelean army destroyed his city & murdered majority of the residents. The protagonist manages to survive thanks to a Sniper comrade who saves him from potential death. Upon escaping to Milas City, the protagonist joins the Resistance, lead by Commander Hudson, in an attempt to overthrow the Udrelean army and keep Milas City from being overthrown.

And so begins a story-driven RPG designed using Ren’Py that demands a patient game-play approach because there are no character limitations preventing you from progressing to regions that contain much stronger adversaries than the ones you encounter at the start of the game. This can cause a lot of frustration as there are plenty of story driven quests (and side quests) thrown at you early on but the character levelling is left to your own devices meaning unless you repetitively grind in the early levels of the 1st city region then it can cause issues when it comes to advancing to Milas City.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

I played this game for sometime and I must say that it is a visual novel and hence if you are expecting RPG gameplay the way it is present in modern or roguelike role playing games then you won’t find it here. However, if you look at it as if it was a visual novel then you will be able to enjoy it. It goes heavy on text and dialogues and there is a little bit grinding in the game. You must click on choices to explore the game map and be careful of your level as you progress in the game. The story is the main focus here and there are a few side quests which seem fun but I haven’t done them yet. So, overall, this is a visual novel with some (not all) role playing elements in it. If you get this on a sale then you should go for it if you like playing visual novels that is! :)

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Niara: Rebellion Of the King Visual Novel RPG on Steam