

Betray your friends- and lie your way to victory. In the multiplayer social deduction game Eville you find yourself in a village riddled by a series of murders. Some say it might have been you - or was it? Convince others you’re not a murderer to stay alive!

Inspired by popular social-deduction party games such as Werewolves this is a new take on the concept with realtime gameplay and interaction. Take on the role of a Villager or Conspirator and do your deeds when no one is watching. Place wards to observe other players or tread through the village to visit any house and go on a killing spree. It is your task to communicate with other players and prove your innocence. Use your unique role abilities to your advantage and make sure your team survives.

Devious murders are taking place in the once peaceful village of Eville. Each day the Villagers can decide on suspects and execute them until all evil-doers are found. Each night however the Conspirators gather and decide to murder another innocent Villager until they take over the village. You play as a random role and have no idea who is on your side. Use your abilities and social skills to find out!

Objective: Stay alive and discover the conspirators!

  • Win by executing all conspirators

  • Call in meetings, vote out and execute the Conspirators

  • Find your dead friends and use your abilities and social skills to find out who murdered them

  • Brew potions to save yourself, others, or poison people you think are suspicious

  • Lift the curses and evil magics brought upon Eville by the Conspirators

  • Trade with vendors and acquire items to protect yourself and gather intel on other players

  • Use your unique role abilities to observe players, talk to ghosts, see footsteps or place traps in the village

Objective: Deflect accusations and murder the Villagers!

  • Win by killing all innocent Villagers

  • Get rid of Villagers by sneaking into their home at night and murdering them, or trick Villagers with your deceptive skills

  • Wake up at night, steal and deceive the sleeping villagers

  • Put evil curses upon the village, securing your win

  • Buy trade goods on the black market, giving you unique items such as boots to protect you from traps

  • Use the underground to traverse through Eville in secret

In Eville you assume a randomly assigned role for each session. Convince others that you’re on their side to stay alive! Here are some of the available roles:

  • Detective - A nimble noble with an exceptional eye for the truth.

  • Axe Murderer - A blade master that got off the right path.

  • Shape Shifter - No one really knows who she is, and those that do never see her again.

  • Ghost Whisperer - A mystic with the ability to communicate with deceased Villagers.

  • Slanderer - Never takes the blame for anything. Always tries to frame others.

  • Trapper - A lone ranger with a powerful arsenal.

  • Seer - Places magical wards and observes other players during the night.

  • Mayor - Everyone knows him and everyone pays him.

  • Thief - Watch out for this one, or you’ll soon have nothing!

  • Guard - A crusader of justice and truth.

  • Smuggler - A master of the underground - clearing secret paths directly to a player’s home

More roles will be revealed!

  • Real-time 3D gameplay: Interact with players, vendors, NPCs, use items, visit player homes and use your role-specific abilities

  • Player Customization: Choose a Skin, Equipment, Accessories, Paintings, Stickers, Emotes, and more

  • Game Settings: Set custom rules for your own play session

  • Scalable session size: Roles are distributed and balanced automatically based on the number of players in your game

  • Rich discord integration (coming soon)

We take the community’s input very seriously. Listening to the feature requests and feedback from our fans is important to us, that’s why fans can have a direct line to us, via our discord community channel; where they’ll be able to discuss the development of Eville with us. Quite often game developers suffer from tunnel-vision, and we’re no exception. Having a springboard to bounce ideas back and forth with, can be quite refreshing. At the end of the day, our goal is to create a fun experience, and having the community’s direct feedback is essential to this process.

Read More: Best RPG Werewolves Games.

Eville on Steam

Jin Conception

Jin Conception

So far i like it.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG JRPG Games.

I’ve wiped my old review clean and am going to be much more concise in this one - having played both the Steam and Switch versions of the game now, I can firmly say that if you plan to play this game at all, the Switch version is the way to go - though I would skip out on both. It has less RNG bullshit in it and the controls simply make more sense and it has overall less bugs, however…

Upon a second playthrough of Jin Conception (once on Steam, once on Switch), I can confidently say that… while there is some good here, the cons just definitely outweigh the bad. Even knowing the answers of who is friend and foe, there is virtually no way in the game to actually deduce this naturally. I had the benefit of speaking with the developer during my playthrough and was able to speak with him afterwards to try and clear up some misconceptions and unfortunately the conversation only proved to clarify what I feared: the story is in fact incomplete, with much of it simply not in the game.

Real player with 16.7 hrs in game

Jin Conception on Steam

Wolflord - Werewolf Online

Wolflord - Werewolf Online

Wolflord has taken up my time as the only social deduction based game that I play to this day.

I started out in this genre making content on other SD games for a long time, and although I put a lot of hours into those games and wanted to enjoy them, various things would continuously turn me away. I can say that Wolflord has never been that way for me.

The game itself has a slightly different format to your more popular SD games, where “copy paste last will’s” is what the game revolves around. However, this game focuses more on actual deduction rather than simply reading out a players' will and determining whether that information is correct based on shared knowledge. Every phase of the game feels important, and compliments the day/night cycle as a whole very well. Roles are very well thought out, and while some are favoured over others, I can say that I never truly feel like I ever get cast as a “useless” or “boring” role with this game.

Real player with 346.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Werewolves Games.

Keep in mind this game is still in beta at the time I am writing this, so it is still early and the community is niche, but their Discord is active and a good way to gather games if you’re looking for more games without having to add so many bots. I’m sure as time goes on after getting out of beta, Town of Salem and Throne of Lies players may migrate over here. The game itself is very interesting, you can set your own role list based on the class cards/rules cards so the possibilities are endless, AND it even indicates how balanced between factions the setup is, which you don’t exactly see in Town of Salem custom lobbies. But yes, I do see potential in this game and intend to add it to my social deduction streaming repertoire and look forward to helping build the community. Very much recommended.

Real player with 326.4 hrs in game

Wolflord - Werewolf Online on Steam



It makes you feel the fun of making rp with the taste of Town of salem. While such games are usually complex, you can understand the story of all the roles from the first round in Feign. Even if you don’t have friends, you can enter random rooms and mingle. The audience is not toxic, on the contrary, it is sincere.

Real player with 52.8 hrs in game

This game is stressful if you only speak English. Every room I join ends up with me getting kicked, when I say nothing at all. I’ve only played a few games, on the 2nd day of launch. I have many hours TRYING to play this game. Key word is trying, haha. Out of all the hours my playtime says I’ve played this game, I’ve only had about 30 minutes playing the actual game. It’s just not worth it unless you speak Turkish or whatever language dominates this game. It’s sad, because other than that this is a great game.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Feign on Steam

Werewolves Within™

Werewolves Within™

Werewolves Within has a cross-platform player community that’s best described as about two dozen people, most of them Playstation users. Occasionally there are waves of new players that filter in, which then slowly attrition away. Peak times are in the late evening, US time. Any other time and there’s often no one playing at all. Paying attention to the lobby tracker at werewolflobbies.com is a necessity as 6 players is the minimum needed to do more than sit and stare at each other.

The community itself is cliquish and fairly toxic. A handful experienced players will dogmatically expect everyone to conform to a narrow meta-strategy of play (that naturally tilts the playing field in their favor), and the more aggressive ones will badger and kick anyone that doesn’t comply.

Real player with 115.7 hrs in game

Like others have said, this is similar to Town of Salem. The game gets a lot of flack because at times it can be difficult to find a lobby. I mostly play on the weekends around 8:30PM (EST) and rarely have a problem getting a full lobby.

The previous reviews are correct that the community is small and there’s a good chance that you’ll be in matches with the same people, but I have to contest the claims that the community is toxic. Have I met people who were toxic and not fun to play with? Sure. But the amount of people who genuinely enjoy this game and are fun to play with far outnumber them. Most people I meet are welcoming of newcomers because they understand the community is small and driving away new people won’t make that better.

Real player with 29.9 hrs in game

Werewolves Within™ on Steam



I’ve put enough time into this game to understand a lot its strengths and weaknesses. This is a social deduction game that was balanced to favor one side in many modes, enabling the game to lean on that mechanic. It enables a unique type of gameplay that I find very engaging. The devs threw a ton of thought and patience in the core mechanics, and they’re incredibly active in the game’s discord server. They regularly receive feedback and interact with the community.

Unfortunately, the game is unfixable.

Real player with 108.0 hrs in game

A simple hidden role game, and free to play, at that. The gameplay itself is very good - not perfect, but it’s still in development - but the community is VERY bad, and I consider this to be partly the fault of the developers. Not ENTIRELY their fault, but….

For example, the report system. You can report people for harrassment or abuse or spam. That’s good. So what’s the problem? You can also report people for cheating, or for gamethrowing. If a person is reported often enough - for any offense - they are automatically banned by a bot and must appeal to the mods. This encourages bullies to sling reports at people for perceived offenses that didn’t occur, giving them even more power and generally fueling a negative atmosphere.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game




Hello, I’m writing a review for this game since I feel like it is in need of good reviews, and no, I haven’t played for 31 minutes in total, I am a alpha and beta tester, who wants to give this game a good name.

Firstly, I’ll be going over 4 things and rating them, Difficulty, Availability, Replayability and Community, these 4 things make a game good, so of course, first of all


The game is overwhelming in the first couple of games, getting used to it would be hard if there isn’t an experienced player who is willing to help, I’d say it take around 6 games to actually learn most things going on, and to get a feel for the roles, as you’d most likely get an Agent, a Hacking Netsec, Neutral and so on, however strategy is hard, its social deduction and meaning that the game will definettly rely on your social ability to lie, and make up a good claim which would be hard for the first games, and could still even be harder games onwards, strategies form in your mind, they work and they don’t, overall

Real player with 360.0 hrs in game

Untrusted is a Social Deduction game with a hacking theme. The Social Deduction genre has seen a recent resurgence with the success of Among Us. In this game, a hacking group called NETSEC is meeting in an online chat room to coordinate their hack progress through a number of computers and servers in order to hack one specific target node that will win them the game. Every group, however, has been infiltrated by two agents, and a number of independent operators known as Neutrals.

The premise of this game is fantastic, and the lone developer has done some of its implementation well. NETSEC has a variety of skills to verify its own people. The Agents have some ways of blending in with the NETSEC operatives. The fun of the game is not found in the hacking (as there is nothing even closely resembling real hacking), but rather in the fact that you’re actively playing against the minds of the other players as you prove people true or false, or if you’re an agent, you’ll quite possibly find your thrill in lying your way to victory with hastily formed arguments as you place the blame on others. You have to be quick, since there’s not much time before NETSEC has to decide which member of the chat must be sent to their death, and your arguments must be good and to the point.

Real player with 289.9 hrs in game

Untrusted on Steam

Town of Salem

Town of Salem

Wasted too much time on this game. Overtime the Meta has changed and now every game has town members that mass-protect the day 1 revealed Jailor. They’ve removed Neutral Killing from the ranked game mode so town has an even better edge. Too unbalanced for my liking and evils leave far too often. So often that it ruins the game mode. I don’t blame the leavers because playing as an evil these days is a joke.

Real player with 2841.2 hrs in game

This game has gone downhill so fast. That’s what happens when you break a multiplayer game in half with paid DLC. Then have a data breach and lose the personal information of all your users. I gave it another try recently and now I’m suspended for “gamethrowing” as a serial killer. A character that is on his own team. Amazing work. This game is dead, expect a 10 minute wait to find a regular game and ranked to never happen.

Real player with 336.3 hrs in game

Town of Salem on Steam

Fear Surrounds

Fear Surrounds

Very fun, but if you’re an English player, use your phone for Google Translate, because global servers are empty. Only Chinese players are on the game. Even with the language barrier, this is a fun game which is always suspenseful but fun. I wish there was a better English tutorial because I am clueless about the rules of the game.

The graphics are outdated, but they work very well. I prefer them being low quality. It adds that 2000s PS1/PS2 horror feel to it. The only thing I dislike is the blinding whiteness when you look at another player with a flashlight, and the goofy animations. Other than that, this game is well worth the price and I encourage anyone to try it.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

so far for most of my play time is finding a match and when I do the time it takes for people to talk for 2 minutes or 120 seconds is long and I think I get the idea of why but feels like you might as well leave to do something especially on your phone. I think of games like among us with how it is not that long since if you have 13 players you will be waiting until 26 mins (2 minutes for each player to speak) to vote. So far after this I can’t seem to find any matches for global and only on arena and when I try to find a match people just level requirement to join. So far from my experience I can’t recommend this game even through it didn’t cost much to buy. Something needs to be done to encourage more player growth I am not sure what they can do. but I do see potential for this game. just doesn’t seem to be doing that well where I can recommend anyone playing this game. After playing more I got kicked out of a match that is not good for a only multiplayer anyone who has played rainbow six siege back during the vote to kick wars know this is not a good idea since out group and in groups occur and people can ruin a match the fun for you when especially your in church in the game. I can only play in foreign lobby so I can not participate in discussion during the church due to language barrier. This is not fun and good for foreigners or anyone trying to play the game neither is recommonding discord a solution since I can’t get successful for it on another game.

Real player with 12.2 hrs in game

Fear Surrounds on Steam

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals

I’ve had my eye on this game for a while, given it’s so much like Animal Crossing. In fact, that’s what people are constantly comparing it to. I was excited to get it on sale for like five bucks, but…that excitement didn’t last long. I had most of the island unlocked within a day of playing, and after that, things get very repetitive.


  • It is a lot like Animal Crossing, which is nice because it’s a familiar gameplay mechanic. You run errands for the other villagers (quests,) catch bugs and fish to sell (or donate to the local museum,) and scavenge fruit and washed-up shells.

Real player with 31.6 hrs in game

Pretty fun and addicting.. being a fan of Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon games I’m thrilled to see a game like this come to PC.

The game has room for improvement, yes, and it may not be everybodies ‘thing’ but I’ve been hard-pressed to pull myself away from it.

There’s something about Facebook and Mobile games (not calling this game one) that I like;

sounds weird but I always liked the ‘feel’ to them, but at the same time I hated the microtransactions.

So this game is perfect for me because it has that feel but without me needing to worry about spending any (extra) money haha.

Real player with 22.8 hrs in game

Castaway Paradise - live among the animals on Steam