Amazing Cultivation Simulator

Amazing Cultivation Simulator

TLDR: This application is not a game, its like playing inside the unity engine. If that is fun for you, go for it.

You will also learn about chinese culture along the way.

-You will spend your first few hours inside the game. But as the game progresses you will spend more and more time outside of it. You will start to read guides, then you will ask questions on discord because the guides are mostly wrong, misleading and misunderstood. Then you will ask more questions on discord. Then you will start to look up data in the game files, because its the only reliably way to get on information. Then you make a friend who knows somebody who reverse engineered the game. You start to talk about the game in “Whats the formula for X ?”. Then you scratch your head because even with the data files available and decompiled code you still cant figure out how the game works. As an advanced player you will be able to formulate sentences like this “Dont push your qi gathering over 2500 or else you will create a qi void.”

Real player with 1090.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Sandbox Games.

Played over 300 hours. VERY difficult to get started with, but the game allows so much modding via in game and offers a variety of maps that replayability is amazing. Started multiple games and get screwed by the game while trying to figure it out. Made some (very) OP characters, items, and potions to increase the rate of cultivation. Looking forward to figuring out the endgame components. Have I mentioned that as of this Review I have still not beat the game.

Story is a bit weak, but at least there is no handholding. Sink or swim, just like the real cultivation world mangas.

Real player with 398.5 hrs in game

Amazing Cultivation Simulator on Steam

WolfQuest: Classic

WolfQuest: Classic

WolfQuest is a game I had always wanted since I was about 9 years old. This was at a time when wolves were my favorite animals, and I loved drawing them and learning about them. I had finally managed to get my mom to let me download the original free version onto our shared family laptop. Flashforward to when 2.7 came out, I was facinated by all the new options that became available and all the new adjustments. It was one of the first games I had bought on steam.

This is a game that I grew up with, even though my love for wolves may have lessened and my interests have changed. Wolfquest is always updating and improving, as the developers try their best to make the experience more enjoyable and efficient for everyone. Wolfquest is my most played game, and for a good reason.

Real player with 599.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Survival Games.

To start off, yes, I have played this game an unbearable amount of time. I feel as though I can give an adequate review with that in mind.

The graphics haven’t changed, clearly, and while it might be nice if they did, I believe they simply do not have the funds. I like the nostalgic feel, though, from 2.5. They’ve added new creatures-all evolving around these graphics-which are foxes, cougars, and moose. The only unkillable creatures are the eagle (it only appears to kill pups and you can run into it to chase it off) and the bear (you can get it down to 25% health, but it has to be in a multiplayer game to get that to happen before it despawns.) Only elk, moose and wolves can cross rivers, so you can herd fast animals to the water so that they turn around and you can bite them. Elk are the only animals that spawn together, consisting of 8 cows and 1 bull. Cows are easy to kill if you have even stats and can be done by yourself, and so can bulls, but with bulls it’s easier on multiplayer if you’re looking for quick exp. There are also stanger wolves that will attack your pups if the territory marking gets low enough, although I’ve never checked to see if they are killable.

Real player with 454.2 hrs in game

WolfQuest: Classic on Steam

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX

Full review (including score):

Written review below!

These two may not be full-on remasters, but an enhanced port available on modern platforms is more than we have already.

Note: Trimmed review to fit character limit, check video for full version!


While I may have been familiar with this series, this would be my first crack at it. And I gotta say, I went in expecting something like Digimon or Pokémon (two games this franchise gets compared to A LOT), but got something completely different. It’s much less a full-on adventure RPG and more so a life simulator RPG.

Real player with 30.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Fantasy Games.

One of the best PS1 games is back after many years.

Monster Rancher is a great series and the 2nd game is probably its most solid entry. Released originally in 1999, the game stands strong and provides a good monster rising experience that was surprising for the time and one that you still don’t see this well executed nowdays. It has a lot of depth that, hopefully, may meet its full potential with the online features that have been introduced.

This port needs some work, but in no way it gets in the way to enjoy those two games. Also, Monster Rancher 2 has an added “fast-forward” option that really saves up a lot of time and allow you to rise quickly your monsters. The introduction of the “database search” is also a nice way to make the disc stone concept work today and allows everyone to get all the monsters that we couldn’t back in the PS1 era.

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Monster Rancher 1 & 2 DX on Steam

Cyber Manhunt

Cyber Manhunt

For an indie developer’s first game, I’m impressed. Definitely give this game a try. I believe that they’ll improve over time.

The good

  • The story is very pertinent to how the internet is today. Data breaches, cyber bullying, abuse, cover-ups, flame wars. There’s a lot of despicable things that we don’t want to acknowledge. We know that the fathomless depths of depravity exist. This game delivers on reminding people that nothing is ever truly ‘gone’ from the internet.

  • Generally, the puzzles are manageable with a bit of critical thinking. It’s quite a bit of fun seeing different puzzles and piecing data together.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Dear Developers,

You should’ve taken another MONTH at most and hired a journalist or copywriter fluent in English. This game has so much potential but a lot of it falls short due to the English grammar and poor translating. It needs A LOT of work. But I can see this game being an absolute GEM if the grammatical errors are all fixed.

Find someone who speaks Fluent English, and let them help you polish this game’s grammar. At least the English portion. I cannot speak for any other translations.

Real player with 18.0 hrs in game

Cyber Manhunt on Steam



OK this one deserves my 1% of reviewing a game. Mostly because this is better than the Guild, there’s potential if the developer won’t abandon it in the future. I always start as a beggar, grab a couple of abandoned ones and make my money through searching all arround the forest for hiden treasures wich I find enough to repair and start working on my own. It takes 2-5 years maximum to have a decent status and go for the real money - over 20K. Problems start after that - I always and I mean always have a building on fire during winter especially one somewhere in the forest wich cannot have either a watchdog or a well, this totally sucks, I mean I have 20 fckn K why am I NOT able to hire a guard for my building - dev are you listening? It becomes SO boring starting over repairing a building wich I have had over 10 K in material in there - and I’ve lost it burned - waiting to be produced into goods and make my fckn million!!! Game is a lot about gambling cause except of the fish stuff all other business have competition and if you loose your hardly earned products you are in deep shhhiiittt M8s, again dev do something and save my bucks. Game is enjoyable but we need to have some pace in there things get on really slow can’t say it’s boring but IT IS rather slow. More to do especially with our caravans that are naive in gameplay matters (reminds me games back from the ’90s in that area) would be welcome, and hell yeah I may adopt but why can’t I have a mistress with all that money I make? - kidding. Waiting for a future patch I wanna see more to do and more safety for my ingame products and money - it is silly having more than 100K property and not being able to protect it - maybe a castle or whatelse to build or buy with your own private army, stores, moneysafe etch, that people use to have back in 900 AD, can always spend 200 - 300 daily to have 2-3 soldiers of your own as castle guards. Anyway just saying what I think is missing, up to the developer the do or donot thing. Even a DLC would be welcome if it does improve the ingame world and gameplay. I give the game a 7/10 and that’s only cause it has one of the worse save/load system I ever met in a PC game, loading times reminded me Total War Rome II turns before it’s 1st patch - you can have a shower prepare dinner, watch a movie and your save will keep on loading, if it wasn’t that issue a 9/10 for my taste, worth the money and worth the support give this game a try!

Real player with 227.5 hrs in game

The only other game series I have experience of with a similar storyline/player driven intention is The Guild series, and yet, rather than sink my money into the third (failing) installment of that, I’ve decided to back the solo developer this time.

After having a good dig around in the game for the past few days, I’m really feeling it…the ambience, the gentle pace of daily life, the joy of having made enough money to upgrade something, spending lots of time surrounded by the peacful clucking chickens…er…yes, when you start off as a beggar, you spend a lot of time foraging the eggs at the coops. But, it’s all a means to an end, right? It must have been resonating with me because when I discovered that I couldn’t progress with buying my third building because of my social standing, I felt utterly gutted. (This only because the game has not been developed further than the third social class, being ‘Geneat’, but, I guess we’ll get there in time.)

Real player with 205.8 hrs in game

SAELIG on Steam

Weapon Shop Fantasy

Weapon Shop Fantasy

This is a very hard game to pick a positive/negative review upon. More so due to RNG elements within the game and trying to 100% complete it rather than anything wrong in the actual game.

In and of itsself the cons of this game are very small compared to how utterly addicting this game is. But the couple of cons could have easily been play tested and altered to create a far more enjoyable experience. Since at its core this is a crafting game in the same vein of ‘holy potatoes it’s a weapon shop’. Which I also enjoyed but have not beat as of yet.

Real player with 155.6 hrs in game

I would like to see a neutral rating. This is a simple, decent game. The concept is simple and straightforward. I actually enjoy playing it, but I am a patient and slow moving person. If you are looking for action or excitement, this isn’t your game. The grind for certain items can be long and boring. Running the same area more than 30 times to get 3 drops for a quest seems a tad excessive. I gathered a hint of that before buying the game, so I am not going to give this a negative rating. That wouldn’t be decent or fair. So for the sake of those who actually read reviews and inform themselves, here are a few of the ‘meh’ things I find in the game.

Real player with 57.5 hrs in game

Weapon Shop Fantasy on Steam



This is one of those games being developed by a single person, so you shouldn’t expect a Great Triple A game with all the bells and whistles you get from a Multi-Million Dollar Gaming Company… You shouldn’t expect it, but that’s exactly what you will get.

I am completely amazed by the way this Single Developer Game Looks… Feels… and Plays. It is on a level with games such as X-Series, Rebel Space, Evochron Mercenary, and pretty much any other space sim I’ve played.

It is, of course, still early access as of this writing, so “Yes” things could change (for Better or Worse), and “Yes” it does still need some polishing, but that’s true when even the big box company games, and any/all Early Access games. But as a whole, the game flows very well. It has a solid Story Line… uniquely different. It’s has great graphics providing a look and feel of life in space. I’ve never been into music, so I usually just turn it off, but I love the fact that this game comes with several different music genres, and you can select your preference; I choose classical, and for the first time in years, I actually left my music on, and truly enjoy it during combat.

Real player with 189.1 hrs in game

I’ve bought this game yesterday, after I came across it by accident. My first impression is: Where tf was this game all the time, when I was searching for something like this? It might be due the fact, that it’s being developed by one single guy - which is awesome! My experience is, that mostly games like this - which are developed by one (or at least a few) passionate developer(s) - are often better than their AAA-counterparts. While a professional studio has to follow contracts and events, as well as fill the expectations of a publisher and the gamers, an independant person or studio can be more free in his/their work on games. The only professional game that follows a similar idea might be Star Citizen, where Chris Roberts stopped calling release dates, and just tells straight the truth about it, making the game of his dreams. Or maybe CD Projekt Red with Cyberpunk 2077, where they said “It’s done when it’s done!”. And finally you can literally feel the passion the devs put into their games. This is what I feel when I play SpaceBourne! One single person developed a hell of a game, with so much detail in everything. Now let me review my first impressions:

Real player with 98.0 hrs in game

SpaceBourne on Steam

This Grand Life

This Grand Life


This Grand Life is the ultimate game in the niche of casual management games where the player works to earn money, satisfy needs, and ultimately towards living a, well.. Grand life! Games can take place in either New York, Amsterdam, Berlin, or Sydney with the first game only being focused on earning money. Once the first game is successfully completed, players can start new games in which categories of lifetime happiness, education, and collections can also be designated as criteria for successfully completing games. This Grand Life also has a “zombie mode” in which players have to find time to make it to the hospital and undergo treatment (while playing an ever-increasing fee) in order to keep the game going.

Real player with 179.9 hrs in game

This is an intesting take to the simulated life genre. I’m only a few hours into it and I find it intriguing but I do find some things frustrating:

  • Why do I have to travel to a park to run for free? Can’t I just do that at home?

  • Why is the only important social dynamic dating? Can’t I meet and hang out with friends?

  • Why can’t I buy a burglary system and stay in a cheaper location?

  • Why can’t I offer the 2nd bedroom in my apartment as a sublease?

  • Why is my computer only useful for games and can’t help me study, check stocks, bank, etc.?

Real player with 83.9 hrs in game

This Grand Life on Steam

Academagia: The Making of Mages

Academagia: The Making of Mages

Academagia is one of the most unique text-based RPGs out there. Let me share with you a few of my own brief comments about certain aspects of the game.


At first glance, this seems like a mere reskin of the Harry Potter world. While you are bound to LOVE this game if you’re a Harry Potter fan like me who has been wondering why on earth a serious RPG in that world has never been made, it is far from a mere re-presentation of Harry Potter. The inspiration is obviously there, but the world of Academagia is very much its own. I found myself constantly surprised at how unique and interesting the world is, especially for its sense of mystery. You’re always uncovering new lore about the world you live in and always left wanting more, theorizing about the relationships between different peoples and the history of the world that might motivate the plot of various adventures as well as your own actions in this world. I crave further developments of this world in further iterations of the series.

Real player with 120.8 hrs in game

Before reading this review here is some prominent information: The wiki about this game is incomplete and a bit everywhere with its information. If you need help playing, want more information, or just need help playing as a new player please come to the Academagia forums! We’re not all bullies that want to Master you into buying this game. Well… At least everyone else isn’t ={3 Here is the link to the forums, please come by!

If you like visual novels and dating games with pretty graphics and pretty people, this is not for you. If reading tires you out or you find it boring, then begone! This game is purely text based. This is a virtual “choose your own adventure” about a preteen going to a school of magic. The game is very in depth with it’s lore with links that lead you to a “codex” of information about the subject.

Real player with 65.4 hrs in game

Academagia: The Making of Mages on Steam

Star Nomad 2

Star Nomad 2

Not quite sure how to recommend this game. Overall i feel it’s a mediocre game. It feels kinda flat to me. Once i got the best ship/gear that i could and still found myself overmatched and ineffectual at overall game progression (conquering the sector) the game lost its allure.

I’ll try to review the game by going down the bullet list of key features from the store page.

Squad RPG progression via skills & perks, upgrades & modules.

Yes, to a VERY basic extent. your squad has 10 levels, 2 options per level. If there are gear upgrades, they’ve not been implemented yet, or are somehow so hidden that i’ve not found them in my hours of playing.

Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

I’m a sucker for these kinds of space games, so it was inevitable that this would end up in my library after I saw it show up on Steam the other day. Been playing it and enjoying it immensely so far. It shares some gameplay similarities swith SPAZ, Void Expanse, and Endless Sky.

The skill and module systems really do make a significant difference in how a ship performs in a given role. Early on, I went the route of utility and speed, and my corvette (the lightest class of ship) was soon easily outmaneuvering even enemy corvettes. The choices are permanent, with no option to respec, so it forces you to consider all your options and plan it out, though I haven’t encountered a “level cap” thus far, so it seems like eventually you’ll be able to allocate points in most if not everything.

Real player with 64.4 hrs in game

Star Nomad 2 on Steam