Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

فول اوت 1 مهما اثنيت عليها لن اعطيها حقها . لعبة نزلت عام 1997 قدمت قصة جدا جميلة وذكاء اصطناعي جدا مذهل. عمل جبار صراحتا استمتعت بكل دقيقة قضيتها في اللعبة

Real player with 70.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Classic Games.

This can be a bit overwhelming to get started with so I recommend looking up a guide at first, and then when you get a feel for the game, you’ll probably end up liking it a lot more than you expect to. Extra points for a stellar atmosphere and a pretty solid storyline.

Real player with 50.2 hrs in game

Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game

Literal boomer trash balanced like dogshit, incomprehensibly RNG, AND THIS FUCKING GAME KEEPS CRASHING AT THE FINAL BOSS. Cozy to cheese through tho.

Real player with 101.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Classic Games.

great game. feels like getting punched in the family jewels until you’re used to it then its not so bad, but then later it punches harder. also don’t do what i did and fight everyone in navarro that’s part of the punching harder i spent 8 hours for that alone

Real player with 73.1 hrs in game

Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game on Steam

ATOM RPG Trudograd

ATOM RPG Trudograd

Edit #2

After completing what i believe to be most of the new content and testing the balance changes that came with the latest update, I can gladly say this game is in a pretty good place now. I’ll address the problems I had in the previous patch below and how they were fixed below.

Fist off as always is combat. Enemies now more consistently take damage, so long as you are fully invested in what ever type you choose. There’s really not a lot of room for using multiple forms of combat, if you’re gonna go for automatics or rifles, you have to go in. You’re not gonna have enough points left over for other weapon skills to still have enough points for other skills unless you’re importing a character from the first game that’s some ungodly high level. One final thing to note about combat is that melee enemies still seem to do crazy amounts of damage. This wouldn’t be too much of an issue if they didn’t stun and crit you as often as they do. I swear i must have been crit more times in one hour of this game that the entire campaign of the previous one. Not that it’s too much of an issue, I found that as long as you have enough AP you can run away and shoot every other turn. Just make sure you avoid anyone with armor and a knuckleduster.

Real player with 135.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Exploration Games.

Quick and dirty review


-Updated interface

-Perk system

-Weapon mods

-No need to buy the first game if you want to experience the atom world

-The world is still a fucked up hellscape with random and various strokes of gray as most choices just like the first don’t have a good ending just people surviving


-its not fully released yet AND I NEED MY GOOD RPG GAME FIX NOW!

Full review of what i so far think of the game:

So far i’m once again enjoying the atom world this definitely an expansion and for the full experience you should play the first game so you can import your character over and gain a better understanding of both the world and whats going on in this story, but you don’t have to as this can be played alone and with out context from the previous story if you just want a taste before possibly deciding to buy the previous game. While this isn’t as harsh as the previous game you can up the difficulty if needed as people that import there character may find this to be a bit too easy or too hard depending on your builds as you wont be able to fill in gaps using companions right away so for more for those importing characters you may want to even start a new one from scratch, but that’s just my own view you should always give a chance to your current build and see how it turns out. As for the overall story and not revealing spoilers you are thrown into searching for a solution to a very large and imminent threat the world still retains its bleak outset with many citizens within Trudograd suffering within the great city and some having grown soft inside its walls making certain decisions and quests just like the previous game not having the desired effect you want or a happy ending if there even is one. I would simply say this is the Atom team giving us a wonderful expansion and if you cant wait and need a taste give it a try or wait for the full release and get the full product as if you don’t want to wait for updates.

Real player with 71.0 hrs in game

ATOM RPG Trudograd on Steam



So… Underrail. Like many others Sseth convinced me to buy the game, but I don’t think he mentioned enough all the save scumming and reloading.

I both like and greatly dislike the game, but I do not think it is essentially a fun game. I’m going to list pros and cons.


-Lots of available builds and a lot of build freedom… except it’s less free than it appears. Also like the addition of psychic powers.

-Like the cyberpunk post-apocalyptic ambience but underground. Music is on point. Graphics are only alright, but that’s not the point of th game.

Real player with 164.3 hrs in game

I wanted to rip my cock off: 9/10

Real player with 137.2 hrs in game

UnderRail on Steam

ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game

ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game

After spending over 150 hours and an almost complete playthrough on this gem of a title, I thought it needed to be known what future enthusiasts may encounter when purchasing ATOM RPG. The game itself plays like a hardcore, top-down, turn-based, open-world RPG, with a degree of emphasis on survival elements (namely an in-game arbitrary hunger attribute). For some, this already may feel like a turn off due to added complexity, but for those who enjoy a challenge, then this is the game for you.

! Be warned though, this game is hard, especially in the early stages.

Real player with 165.8 hrs in game

I have recieved this game as a gift from my friend, as I bought him the game first. As much as I played this game since May this year, I don’t feel like this game is truly polished after 1.0 release. I’ll keep updating this review as I’ll keep re-exploring the game, as well as the game patches will be coming out.


Welp. There’s none.

But to be serious - if you haven’t played this game before - prepare to get your ass kicked. A lot. Permadeath mechanic is okay in games that are balanced, but ATOM RPG isn’t one of them. You’re the most agile and the strongest character in the post-apo Russia? Well, too bad. Everybody has been training kung fu since age of three, and you’ll get kicked and punched to death pretty easily. Somehow, common civillians and elderly are stronger than actual bandits or cultists (which it would make you think they’re ones who should be stronger but that’s not the case. NPCs are also magicians that enchant their bullets and blades, making them seemingly deal more damage than you’d be capable of (even if you met the requirements!), resulting in a scenario where you’re one who is in a leather suit armed with hunting rifle but dying to a bandit with nothing but his underpants and a zip gun.

Real player with 155.7 hrs in game

ATOM RPG: Post-apocalyptic indie game on Steam

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut

Wasteland 2: Director’s Cut

August 22nd 2017: W2 Review by Tandberg_J (steam account name) (tandbergj@gmail.com )


“The absolute dream for fans of the classic style of Fallout 1, and Fallout 2, and it’s still a good game even if you are just casually familiar with Bethesda’s Fallout reboots.”

This review is for the Director’s Cut Edition, which in 2017, has been mostly debugged, and is very stable. I play on a PC for the record, and can’t comment on the console ports. But, I’ve played and beat the original PC version as well, before the director’s cut was released, so I’ve seen the game’s development and refinement. (I recommend learning how to edit your save game files, [they are plain text .xml files,] as this allows you to avoid some glitches that might affect your game in purely mundane minor ways, and you can avoid little annoying bugs like not getting credit for a small side quest) Also, you can edit your characters and give them some clothing and aesthetics that are not available in the vanilla game. But this is optional of course. Also there is a huge mod scene for this game, which I can’t really say I’ve tried.

Real player with 393.8 hrs in game

Did they pull it off?

I don’t quite know what I was expecting when I first backed the Kickstarter. Wasteland was a beloved classic, my first proper PC game, and it showed me just what games were really capable of. Problems with more than one solution, missions that could be failed without forcing a game over, the player’s responsibility to build a balanced team, the combination of descriptive paragraphs with the limited graphics to paint a more vivid picture; the experience blew my fragile little mind at the time. A contemporary title can do many or even all of those things, but whether they can match that feeling - the impression that I’m playing something truly groundbreaking - is a much more loaded question.

Real player with 165.0 hrs in game

Wasteland 2: Director's Cut on Steam

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel

Let’s start this review off by saying that this game has a very mixed reputation, and for a very good reason.

Fallout Tactics isn’t like its forefathers Fallout 1 and Fallout 2. Fallout Tactics is a strategy game, and unlike its forefathers, has no speech skill, no major RPG elements, and more straightforward, action based gameplay. It has a very unique story, and is so far the only Fallout game that has its setting in the Midwestern United States.

Fallout Tactics has voiceacted dialog, unlike Fallout 1 and 2. Fallout Tactics also offers four difficulty settings, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Insane. Easy is about what you would expect, easy, it makes the game very very easy and significantly more easygoing. Normal isn’t much different, but it too offers a more story and action based game than the two harder difficulties. Hard is a minor step up from Normal, forcing you to play more adaptively, and sparringly with your supplies, as vendors either don’t restock, or you have to complete a mission for them to, making supplies very restricted if you waste them. Insane is exactly what you would expect, insane. It’s borderline impossibly hard if you play with Tough Guy Mode turned on, which I will touch on in a second. Insane mode drops your accuracy by a flat 20%, halves your average damage, curbs your chance to get criticals to extremely low, doubles enemy damage, resistence, accuracy, and worst of all, the enemy will get critical hits with frightening frequency. Strategy is everything on Insane. Your supplies become even more limited, and you will die many many many times, which makes Tough Guy even more bitter.

Real player with 723.6 hrs in game

Short review

A good strategy title that allows us to reconnect with the universe of Fallout while discovering a different type of gameplay. Amateurs and neophytes alike should enjoy it despite the high level of difficulty.

Long review

So here we are, back in the nuclear winter of the world of Fallout. The devastating war that took place plunges us into the ruins of Chicago, in which the survivors of this apocalypse organize themselves to survive the hordes of looters, animals that have become wild or even mutants. A new category of warrior was therefore formed to defend the few remains of a humanity lost in this post-nuclear world: The Brotherhood of Steel. You will play as one of these knights of a new era and try to complete the many missions that await you, which will require you to use cunning as well as force. Exit the outright role-playing game as offered by the other titles in the series, Fallout Tactics is aptly named and invites us to immerse ourselves in turn-based tactical strategy.

Real player with 255.9 hrs in game

Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel on Steam

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic

NOTE: The nolstagia factor doesn’t apply to me since I wasn’t around during the 80’s, nor did I own any kind of PC until the mid 2000’s.

tl;dr it’s fucking awesome, what are you waiting for!?

If you’re like me and haven’t been around for these types of RPGs (I was born 1998), then there’s going to be a difficult learning curve ahead, but it’s a game well worth learning.

This game caters to my every need when it comes to that post-apocalyptic itch. Wasteland surprisingly has a good atmosphere and sometimes I can actually imagine the rangers fighting off hoardes of robots or leather jerks; I can really immerse myself in this game despite how “dated” it may be. You have a wide variety of skills and attributes to use at your disposal for any situation you may find yourself in, and this being an Interplay game, there are some weird spots you’ll find yourself in. The variety / diversity helps make the world and your characters feel more immersive and more in-control. An example is at the bar in Quartz. You can hop onto a stage and get into a battle sequence, only to be forced to preform for the audience afterwards. So you have your charisma attribute and some skills like knife throw to entertain the audience before they let you back down, but if your skills are too low or if you’re just unlucky, you’re going to find yourself being pelted with tomatos and beer bottles.

Real player with 77.4 hrs in game

::UPDATE: I have found out that you must use your keyboard when assembling Max the android, in the Vegas sewers. Hopefully this saves one person from grief…

This is a fantastic game and should be played by everyone that has dedicated gaming to their PC, it is an experiance and made me buy an actual boxed copy of Wasteland. Bugs and all, it is so awesome. My tip for those who are new is to play with a guide, just to make sure you dont run into any game breaking bugs! Thanks for reading!::


Real player with 44.9 hrs in game

Wasteland 1 - The Original Classic on Steam



Insomnia: The Ark has a long development backlog and a really big world, pierced by hundreds of intersecting threads, lines of various characters you’ll meet or not meet on your voyage through a giant half-abandoned spaceship inhabited by distant descendants of fugitives fleeing from a war-torn planet.

The game’s grand, by many role-play gaming standards, and I wanted to play it from the first moment I occasionally saw some gameplay videos on YouTube. The game’s grand, but even now, a year after the release date, it’s still a mess, in a big way.

Real player with 171.1 hrs in game

An absolutely incredible game. I would love to recommend this, but there are just too many problems with it. While the story is well written, the atmosphere is perfect, and the environments are detailed and unique, this game suffers from a series of poor game mechanics and design choices made by the developers. Let me get into it:

1.) Bugs: They weren’t that noticeable for the majority of my playthrough, but the one’s that were noticeable really broke the game. At certain points the game would randomly crash (mostly when trying to load a previous save point), or I wouldn’t be able to select items in my inventory without scrolling to the top of my item list, selecting another item I didn’t want to view, and then scrolling back down to the one I did.

Real player with 63.3 hrs in game

INSOMNIA: The Ark on Steam

Broken Roads

Broken Roads

Born of a love for traditional computer role-playing, Broken Roads provides a rich, engaging narrative in which players make their way across a desolated future Australia. Blending together traditional and all-new role-playing elements on top of a classless system offering nearly unlimited character development options, Broken Roads presents players with an original morality system: the Moral Compass. This novel design sees dialogue options and questing decisions influence, and be influenced by, a character’s philosophical leaning.


  • All-new post-apocalyptic setting

  • Unique morality system influencing dialogue, quests and character development

  • Authentic Australian locations and environments

  • Blend of traditional and original RPG mechanics

  • Up to 5 party members

  • Turn-based tactical combat

  • Hand-drawn artwork

  • A content-rich and densely-crafted world

Broken Roads on Steam