Robot Rogue

Robot Rogue

Robot Rogue is a turn-based roguelike game featuring skill system.

Defeat the enemies by using skills and items wisely, and clear the dungeon!

  • Story

You made an emergency landing on unidentified planet, and lost.

To get back to your spaceship, you decide to enter the dungeon with your robot.

  • Skill System

You have 3 skills and each skill have own attack area, attack damage, and cost of use. Cast best skill on situation.

You can upgrade or install extra-effect to your skill. Make your strongest skill!

  • Other System

There are over 55 different items in this game, and each item have unique effect.

There are crystals in the dungeons, and it activate various effect on crush.(explode, heal units near by, blow away units near by, etc.)

This game is auto-save. You can quit and resume anytime you want.

Read More: Best RPG Roguelite Games.

Robot Rogue on Steam

Kagura Douchuuki

Kagura Douchuuki

I’m a latecomer to playing this Japanese RPG, but I’m glad I finally decided to buy it. The gameplay reminds me of two DS games; both involving the same bossy ninja girl. I think her name is Nazuna. Anyways, Kagura uses similar game mechanics and tactics so it was easy for me to get into the game. This game is very fun to play on all 3 levels of play, though beginners might find the leveling up mechanics of Normal and Strong mode to be a bit frustrating at first. The story is very enjoyable with even a couple of OMG moments (those who have already played it through will know what I’m hinting at).

Real player with 71.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Anime Games.

I’m going to give this a thumb’s up but only for the artwork and girls. It’s very cute. The gameplay is exactly Azure Dreams

Even the items, traps, and mosters are the same. The only difference are you fight yourself, no monster pet to level but they give you a blacksmith to upgade your items to make up for it.

If you’re thinking of playing it, check out a let’s play of Azur Dream to see how the gameplay works and decide from that if it’s something you’ll enjoy.

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Kagura Douchuuki on Steam

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate

Intro: I want to preface this by saying that I don’t think Shiren is a fair game, or that this is an amazing port of Shiren.

However as a roguelike enthusiast I personally enjoy this game a lot. And I think that this is fairly competent port. It has borderless windowed mode with the ability to resize to whatever you want or need and has multiple control options (no rebinding outside of using Steam’s controller configurator though). There’s also some hidden controls so you might want to just press keys to see what they do, for example the game doesn’t tell you that the C key can be used for quick scouting a room without needing to go through the menu.

Real player with 92.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Roguelike Games.

Shiren is not a roguelike, it’s a grinding game

I had heard good things about the serie of games “Shiren the Wanderer” in the past, and I’ve always been a fan of roguelikes, so when this newest instalment was ported on Steam, I thought it would be a good idea to try it out, and get my first taste of this “roguelike serie”.

Unfortunately, it soon became clear that the game is not at all what it says on the box.

Shiren is not a roguelike

A run of Shiren makes you starts at level 1 and you’re tasked with climbing up a randomly generated dungeon (the titular Tower of Fortune). It is played turn-by-turn, so you’re supposed to think before you act, in order to escape the various traps and monsters that you’re gonna meet, using your wits and your inventory. If you’re not good enough, you will die, be ejected from the tower, and lose everything, thus being forced to start again from the very beginning. This description, at first, would indeed seems to fit the mold of a roguelike, so very much something I would enjoy playing.

Real player with 37.9 hrs in game

Shiren the Wanderer: The Tower of Fortune and the Dice of Fate on Steam

The Spiral Labyrinth

The Spiral Labyrinth

This is a pretty good Mystery Dungeon game. If you liked Shiren and want more, this is it. A warning though: it’s a difficult game with a 99 floors long dungeon and no pre-identified items other than swords/shields.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

It’s definitely good for a new game, but I don’t think it’s worth buying if you’re looking for the hours of fun, learning and experimenting that most older roguelikes have. But if you like playing games while they’re still being actively updated, definitely try this one out.

  • Controls are simple, but that’s partly due to having no classes or customization, so the starting parts are boring, consisting only of trying out unidentified items and spamming melee attack in corridors. I thought that was because alternative options pop up really quickly, but every wand and book I found did absolutely nothing in combat (plus they weren’t identified on use), and I could not find a ranged weapon either. Only a flail to increase my melee damage. Admittedly I have a soft spot for games that let me start out as a magic user.. And customize my appearance..

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

The Spiral Labyrinth on Steam

Dungeon Island

Dungeon Island

Amazing Game… Simple only at first view… Its very diffcult… nostalgic game…

Im really excited to play more and more. Take a note I just enter in one dungeon and don’t explored it too much and even that I really got addicted in this game.


Congratulations to the dev team for this amazing game. I cant wait to play it much more!

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

The game has a very cute design and theme to it. While my initial recommendation remains unchanged, I would like to see some more polish. I am happy and thankful the dev was so quick to respond to a review for their game and look forward to seeing what future changes brings for this game.

I will likely wait for quite a bit more to be added before I give it another shot.

–- Response to Dev

Being a developer my self I of course mean no harm in my criticism. And that is the point of the review process, if the items above were addressed I’d be happy to remove them from my critique. Tho I no longer have the game to test my self, I’ll likely wait until some more updates come out before I give it another shot and update my review with anything I find at that time.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Dungeon Island on Steam

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons was a fun experience. At a glance, it appears to be another piece of rpgmaker shovelware, but it further investigation will show that this game has time and effort put into it.

For years, I thought that a dungeon-crawling farm simulator would be amazing! The closest I have found to such a game is the Rune Factory series, which is really fantastic, but not quite what I have searched for. When I found this game, I decided to give it a shot.


  • The Dungeon is well balanced and fun to explore.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Short and sweet Indie made with RPG Maker MV -

There’s farming, cooking, pets, and item crafting (through merchants) and repeatable bosses which is a nice spin on the traditional JRPG fare.

Bonus points for allowing The Dog to not only join the party, but lead it (if you put them first in the roster). You will gain multiple party members and can swap them at the beginning of a round without sacrificing an action; combined with auto battle (basic attacks only) this meant a minimal grind while also making the back benchers relevant to buff or debuff.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Farm Dungeons on Steam

Legion’s Crawl 2

Legion’s Crawl 2

Really enjoyable I’ve had a hard time finding a Mystery Dungeon that doesn’t have frustrating UI, Legion’s Crawl is smooth and fast to play. I wish it had more shortcut keys so it could be played entirely with keyboard

Real player with 41.5 hrs in game

It pretty fun, its a hidden gem that more people should play

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game

Legion's Crawl 2 on Steam

The falling tower

The falling tower

This is RPG Maker games where “Autobattler” tag applies to no typical RPG Maker fights.

Instead you walk on tile with enemy and battle is decided - how much HP you lose, how much gold you gain and XP.

However English translation has a lot of typos and I only seen little of this game, because apparently I have no way of progressing.

Either paths are blocked by lack of keys or instantly killing you monsters…

Starting the game is very annoying, because it requires you to insert name every time (and you have to select letters on-screen rather just typing on keyboard… ugh…) and there are plenty of silly ways to get gameover since the start of gameplay.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The falling tower on Steam

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith

You opened your eyes, but nothing could be seen.

Suddenly, one string of dim light shone through the darkness.

As you followed the light of hope, it slowly turned from azure to crimson.

Once again, your consciousness faded away…

You opened your eyes, and found yourself in the middle of nowhere.

A mysterious girl, with her monotonous tone, spoke of various confusing matters.

Safe House. Purpose. Erosion. Death.

The only way to grasp the truth is to hold on the black sword of yours,

and fight against “This World,” no matter the consequences…

“Go explore the dungeon, you only need to focus on that thing right now."

“It’s nearly impossible for you to get through the dungeon all by yourself, even though you are holding that powerful dark sword."

“If enemies come in your way, the only thing you can do is to defeat them."

“Lighting this place up, that would my duty…"

“I will stay with you right here. Try all you can, through hell and fire’s end…"

The Shimmering Horizon and Cursed Blacksmith on Steam

D100 Dungeon Computer Companion

D100 Dungeon Computer Companion

Hello! And thank you for checking out this review. Before we get to the main body of the review for the D100 Dungeon Computer Companion I feel I should make a few things known:

I play a good bit of D100 Dungeon in pencil and paper form.

I make overview, review, and tip videos covering D100 Dungeon on YouTube.

I purchased this product with the intent of spending a good bit of time with it and writing a review.

I value my time and money.

All that being said, lets begin:

The D100 Dungeon Computer Companion is a program that essentially automates and tracks the D100 Dungeon Solo Adventure Game experience to include fully managing the player’s Adventure sheets, Map, Combat Encounters and all dice and Table rolls. The program also guides a player step by step through each phase of a turn. With a D100 Dungeon Solo Adventure Game core rule book for reference and the D100 Dungeon Computer Companion app, a player is able to run a digital D100 Dungeon experience.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

Although I’ve seen several negative comments, so far this has worked really well for me. I usually have the pdf open of the game so I can look up monsters or treasure or whatever is needed. I like that you can move windows around and drag/drop them. It really takes the load off the bookkeeping which I think is awesome. Given I have every hardback book for D100 Dungeon, I hope they continue development to add in the adventure companion and other supplements later. Well done!

Real player with 51.8 hrs in game

D100 Dungeon Computer Companion on Steam