Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition

Titan Quest is the grandfather of Grim Dawn and despite the latter adding its own features and flavour, Titan Quest is an epic, mythological arpg that’s not to be missed. It world is huge, the class system is interesting, leveling progress is rewarding and the combat feels punchy. If you like the idea of facing off against Medusa and the hydra or fine tuning your character build, looking for that last piece of loot or class synergy, don’t miss Titan Quest. I far prefer it to the Diablo series.

100% recommended, I just hope they add more dlc in future.

Real player with 340.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Action RPG Games.

BUYER BEWARE: This game now backdoors Epic Online Services onto your computer. If you are like me this is a deal breaker. I bought this game over 10 years ago and I’ve really enjoyed it (the game is great), but EOS is a red line. I want nothing to do with Epic Games and refuse to have their software on my system. It is outrageous that THQ Nordic installed this on my machine without my permission or even a warning. BUYER BEWARE.

Real player with 114.0 hrs in game

Titan Quest Anniversary Edition on Steam

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing


Van Helsing is sold pretty cheap every now and then. Despite the huge success of the first game, the sequels and the final cut which bundles all the games in one huge playtrough got very bad reviews. I am not a huge fan of hack & slash rpg´s but i like them sometimes so i decided to give the trilogy a shot. I managed to finish the game in a long session after 2 days and had lots of fun with this game.


Van Helsing doesnt really do anything new that any other game in its genre didnt do already. But what they did was adding the best aspects on many games and combine them. That doesnt mean the game is perfect, its far away from that. The different aspects work good together and offer a solid foundation for a great game.

Real player with 142.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Action RPG Games.

Stop what you’re doing, do yourself a favour, just go buy and play this game. Or wait for a discount, it’s your wallet after all. I mean who am I to tell you how to live your life. I heard that they give you discounts up to 70%, which is always great. But this game is worth to buy either way.

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, to which I’ll be referring as “TIAoVH” from now on for convenience purposes, is a great game with it’s gothic/steampunk atmosphere and memorable characters. The game takes place in the 19th-century Eastern Europe where magic and weird technology is real. You play as the son of the famous vampire hunter Abraham Van Helsing and take on various adventures in order to defeat the reign of the mad scientists Dr. Fulmigati. Of course you encounter a wide variety of enemies from robots to werewolfs, harpies to mutant abominations, bandits to creatures that’ll be the very seed of your nightmares on the way. I mean, come on, it wouldn’t be a Van Helsing game unless you get to kill tons of different mobs. Also, your lovely ghost companion Lady Katarina is there to help you out along your journey. The balance between the characteristics of charming and witty Katarina and more down to earth, serious Helsing makes the dialogue in game much more enjoyable.

Real player with 126.0 hrs in game

The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing on Steam

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard

I’ve been playing this game on and off for quite a while now so I thought why not write a review:


  • beautiful handcrafted maps with multiple points of interest

  • multiple environments from northern forests, to sandy beaches, lava castles and medieval villages

  • enemies often have different skins depending on their environment

  • great lighting and shaders

  • particle effects aren’t as over the top as in most other H&S games (I’m looking at you Diablo III)

  • The camera is a little too close to the character

Real player with 129.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Action RPG Games.




| “more Action than RPG”, which suffers from redundant, shallow and uncharacteristic gameplay that ultimately boils down to being an endurance test, full of weird difficulty spikes, and tedious pacing |

   [i](a 7‐point scale)[/i]

   [b]overall[/b]                        [b]achievements[/b]

⌛ time to finish:  20-25h    ⌛ time to 100%:  60h

🔥 difficulty:      5         🔥 difficulty:    4

🍫 fun-factor:      3         💨 missable:      yes

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Vikings - Wolves of Midgard on Steam

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

WTF was that ending? Unfinished? Why make us play through all that and end it like crap?

I liked the game itself, didn’t really encounter any real bugs in my experience.

But I think this game gets so much hate because of the ending storyline. Like seriously, after all that time playing WTF was that ending?

Real player with 112.6 hrs in game

I think I might have just joined this game at the right time. I didn’t play launch or early access. I kept an eye on the game and on the feedback it was getting back then and decided to wait it out. Then I basically forgot about it. A friend had the idea of giving it a look this week, and I’ve honestly been very pleasantly surprised. I played through the campaign and have now started on endgame. I definitely see myself putting a lot more time into this. If you’re a fan of this particular genre, you should give this a look now that they’ve had time to sort things out. My friends and I are all really enjoying it.

Real player with 72.1 hrs in game

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem on Steam

Pagan: Absent Gods

Pagan: Absent Gods

My hours on the game are only for Steam, my actual hours are somewhere in the hundreds if not close to 1000. Been playing since the first alpha phase. So let me talk about the game from there. The first 3 points of this review is formatted like “most people say X, but actually Y” so I hope you’ll read it all.

1. People complain about the WASD. Many of these complaints suggest that there is no use of the mouse. This is heavily misleading. WASD + Mouse allows for directional movement while aiming skills and dodges simultaneously. Adding click to move would mean that directional skills would have to be aimed only with the direction a character is facing, or with WASD, and you wouldn’t want that would you? Embrace the WASD + Mouse Aim! Try something new!

Real player with 212.6 hrs in game

I don’t usually write reviews but I think I needed to take time off and post a review for this game. WALL OF TEXT incoming.


After playing this game for approximately 100hrs I believe that Steam needs to have a policy in place to refund gamers when a Game company does not make good on their promises. This game has glaring issues and bugs and should have NEVER made it out of early access/beta. The fact this game was launched is an insult to gamers who have invested their money on this.

Cooperative Game Play

Real player with 153.9 hrs in game

Pagan: Absent Gods on Steam



“We sure can have a lot of stuff! We can even have nothing!”

~Mikhail Zhvanetsky

Letande vs. crappy Russian RPGs! Round 999! FIGHT!!! Seriously, though. When it’s about crappy Russian (also, Ukrainian) role-playing games, I’m a freakin' veteran. I’ve played and finished pretty much everything there was – from Заклятие (Spells of Gold) to Талисман (Talisman, an RPG in Slavic setting from 2003, not to be confused with German point-and-click adventure from 1995 and Nomad Games' adaptation of Game Workshop’s tabletop game). To be honest, though, I didn’t expect any new games of the kind. I mean, something like that? It was possible only during the very certain time period. A period, when majority of the Russian people didn’t have access to Internet connection and it was possible to sell pretty much any crap to them for the price of proper products. Games like Орда: Северный Ветер (Horde: Northern Wind) were possible only because there was no YouTube to show people what they’ll actually get for their money. The more accessible Internet became – the less of such games we’ve got. The lest one of the kind I’ve played was, I believe, Ukrainian Заговор Тёмной Башни (Dark Tower Conspiracy, AKA Dungeon Quest) in 2006. After that? All those wannabe developers switched to mobile games. Which are not nearly as fun to suffer through.

Real player with 11.1 hrs in game

Well, I have no idea who made English translation , but he must be executed.

For rest of the game - world and soundtrack combined are TASTY , pleasure for my eyes and ears for this price. Blood is shameful though, combat - found it funny, but only for 3 hours not more.

7/10 for Indie like that. Trash cause of translation, but good enough for that money and I still understood the story.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Bogatyr on Steam



I cannot quit from settings, i have to force quit from the game. You should fix this situation. You can add music on game. After that it should be perfect game!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game




Elementite is a third-person shooter RPG that fuses natural elements and futuristic firearms in a vast chaotic open world of challenges and secrets in a way never seen before. You control Chrono, a combatant who has the unique ability to control the time element, allowing him to control battles using close-quarter combat skills and to finish off enemies with a heavy arsenal of firearms imbued with natural elements. Use fire, ice, electricity, and poison to unleash an incredible amount of combat combinations and strategies to overcome your opponents, while experiencing the ultra-realistic graphics powered by the Unreal Engine with Ray Tracing.

The idea for the game came from the references:

Film “Project Power” (Netflix 2020) that tells the story of a world where humans awaken magical powers when they ingest power pills.

Devil My Cry series, mechanics of Hack and Slash.

The Division, mix of elements of third person shooting and RPG.

Dark Souls, boss mechanics and dodge.


Humanity has discovered a mineral that can be used to strengthen the human body. This mineral can awake a natural element in the person’s body, making him immune to almost anything that is harmful, including firearms. For some people it can grant powerful control over some elements.

The formula that is used to make this mineral strengthen humans had become a powerful tool for corporations and organizations to earn money, and eventually it became an uncontrolled fever worldwide.

Decades later, humanity begins to fall. The overuse of the mineral had caused diseases, loss of consciousness among other bizarre side effects. However, for groups that have the pure form of the mineral, they were able to evolve their physical capacity to unbelievable levels.

Without governments, the conflict is managed by big and powerful companies that control the extraction and research of the mineral. The society as we know has collapsed. Private armies, terrorist groups, rebel factions and dozens of lost addicts wander the cities that are at war for controlling the mineral.

Civilians are trapped in their homes.

The game starts in the ruins of a metropolis, in the distant future, after a great war that ended the last democratic government in the world. You play Chrono, a former fighter from the last government who escaped from a research lab where he was a victim of experiments with Elementite. Chrono has awakened the unique ability to use the element of time and is now hunted for it.


You play as Chrono, a very talented ex-soldier of the Global Council. He fought alongside Brigit, his ex-girlfriend, for years across the globe to prevent the fall of civilization, until he was captured by the Corporation after the fall of the Council. He was put under lab experiences that awoke powers he had never seen before.


Elementite System

The elementite combat system is divided into two distinct modes, the melee mode and the shooter mode.

-In melee mode Chrono uses his knife imbued with the element of time provided by his own body and performs various combos and abilities that influence time and space such as teleports, slow, time dilation, among others.

In addition, he has the ability to perform physical strikes from other elements if acquired in the skill shop at higher levels.

-In shooter mode Chrono can use up to 4 firearms at the same time that fire shots imbued with the 4 elements fire, ice, electric and poison. As elementite gives enemies the power of element damage immunity, the player must switch weapons to shoot the enemy using his weak point element.

Ice enemies take fire damage, fire enemies take poison damage, and so on.

And this is how the combat system of the Elementite Game works, the player will have to use skill to choose weapons and physical attacks adapted to the enemy’s element in real time.

As in all RPG Chrono has a system of talent points that can be used every time he level up, he can focus his talents on 3 types: Power (Damage), Vitality (Resistance), Agility (time skills).

Another Features

  • Stealth or armed combat.

  • An open world with several primary and secondary missions and the freedom to play the level as many times as you want.

  • An inventory with creation resources. Skill trees to develop your character in a way that adapts to your style of play.

  • New armor, firearms and melle.

  • Shooting mini-games, battle arenas in other dimensions.

  • Cinematics, battles with dynamic bosses.

  • High End graphics using UE4 and Ray Tracing

#### About Me

My name is Danilo, I am Brazilian and creator of the game Elementite. This game has in development since May 2020. My prediction is to finish in 2022.I have been a gamedev for 6 years and worked in other indie games like Room 404 (PC), BlackIris (PC), Eternal Soldier (Mobile) and Volcan Defend the Tower (PC). Due to the pandemic, I am developing the game by myself at home.

I want to create fun and challenging gameplay for Elementite, but for that I need constant feedback from the community that is interested in this type of game. I will always be active on social networks sharing with everyone each new implementation of the game looking for opinions, ideas, and help to test.

The Demo version of the game is available for a limited time so that everyone can get to know a project proposal, however during the months of development I will encourage players to purchase the early access version. The early access version will receive constant updates with new challenges and scenarios and will be the best way for players to share with me the mission of transforming Elementite into a great game.

Hope you like it.


Elementite on Steam



This game came out at around the same time as Titan Quest, yet Titan Quest looks 100x better graphically. Heck, Diablo 2 looks better. This game has unpolished looking graphics, a horrible UI, a rather badly made loot system, a frustrating skill system, and lousy combat.

The character balancing was pretty godawful too. You choose one of four characters (Greek Archer, Nordic Barbarian, Egyptian Wizard, Aztec Shaman), each of which have three skill trees that you can access by worshipping one of three different dieties for that particular class. You may only put points into a tree if you are currently worshipping that particular god. It is a rather needlessly complicated skill system.

Real player with 138.1 hrs in game

Well this game was a dissapointment. I expected something along the quality of titan quest or din’s curse, but this game has failed to deliver many of the consepts of what makes an Arpg enjoyable.

Lets not kill the game outright and talk about some good things in it:

  • The game worlds have great background music, especially in the egyptian world.

  • The fighting animation of both the hero and individual enemies is well done.

  • This game has found a way to make the restart mechanism of Arpg compatible with the story.

Real player with 32.8 hrs in game

Loki on Steam

Our Hero! Two

Our Hero! Two

I really really enjoyed the game so much that I played it twice. The most funny part is definitely the opponents and the author has an irony and a way of creating the story that really fascinates me and made me laugh a lot (I had a lot of lol moment). A masterpiece

Real player with 15.1 hrs in game

A really cool adventure and a well written story. Locations and musics are awesome. The combat system could be improved in future games, but it is already fun to play.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Our Hero! Two on Steam