Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia!

Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia!

Fun game no matter what part of the political spectrum you’re on.

A lot of funny dialogue and jokes are placed throughout the game.

Plays like an old school RPG with stats and different items to buy such as weapons,armor,stat boosts, etc.

So far I have put 9 hours in messing around and I feel like I am halfway through the story.

Definitely worth the value, bought it on sale for .49 cents but would easily pay full price for the amount of time put in.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Violent Games.


Short game but a good one. about 8 hours if you search around to find everything, i imagine a speed run if you know what you are doing would be a good 3-4 hours.

enjoyable combat, fun story. i HIGHLY suggest that you use google translate to translate all of the french and spannish, really makes the game a lot more fun to know what the foreginers are saying.

Also good for crazy socialists as well as freedom lovers. You even get two socialist side kicks including chairman meow.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

Drumpf: Rise Up, Libertonia! on Steam



This is a good game on the verge of being a great game. I see alot of potential here and the devs seem very responsive to feedback from players to keep improving it.


  • Large, open apocalyptic world to explore

  • Survival: need to sleep, eat, drink, and manage environmental hazards like radiation

  • Lots of weapon mods

  • Character customization with armor, gear and clothing


  • English translation is a bit rough. Some careful reading is required to understand the story

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Indie Games.

Postworld is a pretty good indie singleplayer RPG/Shooter. It’s well designed and thought-out, with many different weapons and attachments to customize your playstyle. You can roam freely through the wastelands, though you mainly travel over a world-map in Fallout 1+2 or Mount&Blade style to get to the different locations. It looks and feels good with a large amount of different mechanics.

Bear in mind that it’s pretty indie, so AAA quality should not be expected of course, but for an indie project this is pretty awesome.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game





The rite was performed in the ancient times in the kingdom of Gulkishar that in the sealand. The planet Lunital (Moon) that affects the members of the royal family dies and at a certain point goes out. As a result the royal house lost their divine essence and power.

This power let to glimpse at the Aspects (Spirits) world, obtaining the energy to affect the real world through the magic.

The part of the royal subjects decided to go to extremes, establishing the “Devoted to the Power”.

The cult members performed an abominable rite to resurrect the planet, sacrificing the royal family. The planet has resurrected but simultaneously the dead crown prince was born. He marked the beginning of a “Dead Moon” era, affecting all residents of the kingdom with the curse.

The effect of the undead moon opened slightly the world of Aspects for all people. Earlier the real world formed the fulfillment of the aspect world (parts of the memories or deep emotions nourished the aspect world, creating the space (memories) and demons (deep emotions). After the rite the aspect world started to affect the real world and people.

The Purpose

The main purpose of the “Sigil” is to tell a dark story about the search for the goal for which the protagonist is ready (a player must be ready) to make evil deeds, inexpressibly wicked and sometimes loathsome things. The entire plot is the transition from one world picture to the other in order to see later that the same actions have different tints depending on the decisions of a player.

The main character is a lost heir-undead wandering at the sealand in the search of breaches to the world of Aspects. He tries to contact with the aspects (spirits) and get the forbidden knowledge, bringing it together to break a curse.

Game features

  • Tactical RPG

  • Deep story of the in-game world

    [*Branched dialogue system

  • Interactive environment

  • Character leveling system

  • Character’s appearence depends on his choices

  • Intensive turn-based combat

  • Open world

  • Deep and emotional soundtrack

Read More: Best RPG Violent Games.

Sigil on Steam

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient

Let it be known that this is a project-in-the-making and that currently only Chapter 1 and Ex Chapter 1 are available. Some turn away because of the price tag compared with the content given, but in all honesty I am just in high hopes for a new direction of the Corpse Party franchise - something sweeter for the series to end on than Blood Drive. That being said, this is a story entirely unrelated to Heavenly Host as we know it, save for some minor cameos, so it could be an entirely new entry point for players. For full context for some of those cameos though, it’s with a heavy heart I must say you need to be caught up to the events of Blood Drive in some way, shape, or form.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

As a long time fan of the series, how do I even go about expressing my thoughts on the game? With its development cycle and what it’s been through over the years, having Dead Patient in some form is great but I can’t help but wanting more. It bums me out immensely to know this is all we get (since the game has been cancelled) because I KNOW they can do so much with what’s been established with the first chapter alone. The time I spent playing Dead Patient I had enjoyed it as much as my time with the first Corpse Party game. Book of Shadows was okay and I wasn’t big on how Blood Drive handled things overall but here, it felt like it knew what it wanted to do. Regardless if it was limited in some ways. Would I recommend this game? Honestly yea, but I say this to anyone who’s been invested in the series or is generally curious about it. Otherwise you may not get your money’s worth. I’d love to keep showing support to this game in particular, even if it’s only got two chapters and you’d spend about 6 hours or so to finish everything. That’s how long it took me to complete it.

Real player with 5.7 hrs in game

Corpse Party 2: Dead Patient on Steam

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle is a first-person RPG with a horror theme that’s a sequel/spiritual successor to The 7th Circle - Endless Nightmare. Plot-wise there’s no connection between the two games–in the 7th Circle you played a man’s subconscious fighting his inner demons, and in Inferno you play a human survivor fighting literal demons who have all but conquered Earth.

It’s hard to review Inferno without comparing it to the 7th Circle because the two games are so similar. Both are first-person dungeon crawlers, and the basic gameplay of the two games are identical. Nearly all of the enemies are identical too. (there are only 7 or so new ones not counting palette swaps) If you liked one you’ll probably like the other, and vice versa. Where the games differ is that The 7th Circle was restricted to a single dungeon with 20-odd floors and had a permadeath/metaprogression mechanic; Inferno is more of a sprawling open world and abandons the permadeath model for a more traditional RPG.

Real player with 50.0 hrs in game

Finished the game


-Enjoyed character customization and the control given to me for said character growth.

-Enjoyed RNG rolls for gear.

-Enjoyed combo build up in combat.

-Enjoyed utilizing spells and status ailments for a varied combat experience.

-Enjoyed the 1st 2/3rd of the game in terms of difficulty.

-The setting is very unique and I feel it will likely become the new sensation as cyberpunk dies down.

-Enjoyed punching out demon lords and the duke of hell with my bare hands 10/10 would fist hell spawn again~

Real player with 40.4 hrs in game

Inferno - Beyond the 7th Circle on Steam

Inferno: Deathfield

Inferno: Deathfield

Still haven’t beat this game but it’s pretty fun. Nice enemy designs.

I’m coming back to it, that says something.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game


Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Inferno: Deathfield on Steam

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass

SUPER SHORT VERSION: this is a turn-based RPG for lovers of the genre. It’s very well-crafted, there’s a lot of strategic depth, lots of hidden content to encourage exploration and puzzle-solving, and a beautiful aesthetic. But heed the content warnings: this is a dark game with mature themes, unsuitable for children or the faint of heart.


Put simply, it’s Earthbound but better in every way. I could compare it to Undertale, but Undertale is an RPG made for people who don’t enjoy traditional RPGs; Jimmy is made for the people who LOVE RPGs, such as myself.

Real player with 302.3 hrs in game

Overall 7.5/10

Music: 8/10

Gameplay: 7/10

Art: 8/10

Story: 7/10

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass is a very thoughtfully built passion-project game created by one guy over the course of four years. That being the case, this game is pretty incredible.


There is a huge quantity of music. Over 80+ tracks cross the span of the game, and each song is carefully crafted to match the theme of different areas you explore. I found myself playing a few of the tracks on loop around the house. Truly pleasant stuff. That being said, there are also tracks which aren’t so pleasant, and intentionally so. There are many points in the game which delve into darkness, and the tracks accompany these dark dives quite well. That said, most of these tracks are fairly short, running 1-2 minutes on average. In a few places, the music can be pretty repetitive, especially if you’re grinding. I would’ve appreciated a little more variety in fight music from battle to battle, but this is a minor complaint. Every major RPG has this issue.

Real player with 145.2 hrs in game

Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass on Steam

Kingdom of Night

Kingdom of Night

One night, in 198X, in the small town of Watford, Arizona, a satanic cult unwittingly summons the ancient evil, Baphomet, catapulting the town into chaos. John, awoken by the kidnapping of his neighbor, sets out into the night to fight back against the demonic invasion and rescue his friends before it’s too late…

Kingdom of Night is an 80’s themed isometric, story-driven, action-RPG with an expansive, interconnected map and open-ended quest system. It is a game about coming of age, cosmic horror, and true love. The player takes control of John as his adventure leads him through an hour by hour experience of what may be everyone’s last night on Earth. He will encounter unearthly evils, Demon lords, afflicted townsfolk, high school bullies, and a torrent of engaging, serial-like side stories all nested in a larger-than-life fantasy that brings the ultimate evil to a neighborhood near you.

Players can choose their own class, customize their abilities, battle nightmarish creatures, and collect unique items and equipment in order to infiltrate the massive lairs of demon lords that have taken over the town.

Save Watford

Take down the town’s demons and their generals as you get closer to gaining access to Baphomet’s fortress, Leviathan. Explore the entire map of Watford, interact with a wide cast of NPCs and take on the Demon Generals in the order that you wish.

Choose Your Class

Choose from 3 different classes and 9 subclasses. The class you choose decides your base style, while the skill trees allow for further customization. Each class excels differently, providing a unique play style depending on your choice.

Shape Your Character

Skill trees are split into 3 branches, containing 10 different talents each. As you level up, you are allotted points to spend into any of the three branches of your class. Once you have reached level 10 in your first branch, you are free to cross over into another branch, allowing you to fully customize your play style.

Hoard the Best Gear

Get new equipment via quest rewards, hidden items throughout the town, and random drops with multi-tiered loot tables and variable drop rates. Items range from common to completely unique. The items you collect provide an extra dimension to character stat development and have special abilities that will make you even more powerful.

Co-op With Your Friends

You don’t have to face the forces of darkness by yourself. In Kingdom of Night, either play through the campaign alone, or with a friend in local co-op. Team up and synergize different character classes, becoming a torrent of annihilation that the underworld will fear.

Kingdom of Night on Steam

Pathogenesis: Overcome

Pathogenesis: Overcome

A not so accidental world pandemic of 2023, that turned people to their more primal selves, has become the reason for the downfall of modern civilization. Many survived, but did all the survivors remain human? This is a story about those who survived after a global pandemic on the territory of Leningradskaya Oblast, Russia. A story about finding your place in a destroyed world, where the greatest danger does not come from the infected.

Pathogenesis: Overcome – story-driven Action RPG with hardcore gameplay, elements of survival and real-life combat tactics, wrapped in the style of modern dark realism.


  • Planning and tactics are more important than reflexes. Not everything can be solved by running and gunning. Ammo is rare, it weighs a lot, and has a tendency to run out. Weapons can wear down, or break entirely. You have to think twice before engaging in conflict.

  • Using cover will drastically improve your chances of survival. Even one bullet from a handgun is enough the receive a deadly wound. Running guns blazing can lead to a premature death.

  • Dynamic camera and non-direct controls, increase your ability to survey your surroundings and increase your maneuverability without losing control of your character. Think about the path you want to go and then concentrate on your surroundings.

  • Non-target shooting and a special aim mode, give you the ability to deal damage to specific areas of your enemies. Just let the suckers expose their elbow or knee… Or you can just shoot through surfaces with armor-piercing bullets.

  • A wide arsenal of real-life firearms, explosives, and ammo with proper characteristics and physically correct ballistics. Military, civilian, sports weapons from Russian and foreign arms manufacturers. Almost everything that you can find in real life.

  • Modifications and tactical gear increase the ease of use for firearms but don’t overdo it. Each element increases mass, to an already heavy arsenal.

  • Cold weapons and hand to hand combat. In case you will run out of ammo. Should you carry a lightweight fast combat knife or a more hard-hitting but heavy baseball bat? Or a long boat-hook to keep the monsters at bay? Is a trusty old axe enough, or should you carry a real sword if you can find one? In any case, you will need strength, agility and correct skills for proper use.

  • Wounds, bleeding, disease, hunger, thirst, sleep deprivation, fatigue… You will have to spend some time to provide yourself with basic necessities, in order to survive in this harsh world. Just find the necessary stuff, and your character will do the rest. Now only to figure out how to set up your stash and carry your goods there…

Planned features

Game is in development. The full version will feature:

  • Dramatic choice infused plot, set in the harsh reality of Russia’s near future. Hi-tech / low tech brought to its tragic absolutes.

  • Global map of Leningradskaya Oblast with separate sandbox locations and non-linear approach to solving quests. You can ignore everyone’s pleas, and just move forward to your global goal. Or you can help those in need and receive not only material goods but something more.

  • Factions comprised of those who survived with unique ideologies which are neither bad or good. Each faction has its own politics and survival strategy. The only question is - how far will they take their pragmatic approach to the well being of others?

Pathogenesis: Overcome on Steam