Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic

I am genuinely afraid to reinstall this game again… I keep playing it and beating it again and again and again. It is just THAT good. The storyline and the gameplay are both amazing.

You play as a young apprentice to a mysterious wizard, who sends you to retreive a magical crystal, during which you get a basic tutorial in the basics of gameplay, including the combat, spellcasting, and stealth, and receive the first skill points used to specialize in different abilities (unlocking combat moves, spells, stealth ability… increasing health or mana levels…). Then your mentor binds you to a demoness to be your sultry companion and guide and sends you to deliver the crystal… at which point things immediately get INTENSE. There’s an immediate and somewhat excessive increase in difficulty right off the bat, which can be a little offputting. But if you stick through it you get to enjoy more and more of the gameplay elements.

Real player with 174.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Fantasy Games.

I first played Dark Messiah way back when it first came out and it’s a game I have constantly revisited over the years.

While I’ve sunk more hours total into any given Elder Scrolls game I’ve played, Dark Messiah by far holds my personal record of total completed playthroughs at too many to count but at least several dozen.

I keep coming back to it to try out new skill/weapon combos and novelty character builds and keep finding new little hidden stuff even after years of replaying and knowing the game essentially by heart at this point.

Real player with 104.1 hrs in game

Dark Messiah of Might & Magic on Steam

Arx Fatalis

Arx Fatalis

Highly recommended for those that have played and liked games like Ultima Underworld or Dungeon Master (Legend of Grimrock).

The developers wanted to created Ultima Underworld 3 but were unable to get the license from you know who, which is a shame. With stronger resources this game could have been very special indeed. For an old game (2002), the graphics are pretty good and sound in some instances quite amazing, the game engine has aged well. I played the game of Steam and in Windows 7 and it was more or less playable apart from some memory crashes - I learned to save often using all the save slots - you need to do this too, especially when you move between levels. It is best to play the game without any background noise such as the TV/ music or radio - believe that. Not only will you get immersed in the game world, beautifully crafted by the designers, you won’t miss key information said aloud by your character and then never repeated!

Real player with 44.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Classic Games.

Anyone who has played Dishonored 2 will have trouble believing that the same company that made that game also made this one, a few decades ago, and I mean that in the best of ways (in the best of ways for Arx Fatalis, the comparison doesn’t favor their later projects). And just to be clear, this was the first time I played Arx Fatalis, I had no nostalgia goggles to affect my judgment.

Arx Fatalis is a metroidvania First Person action-oriented RPG, that “can” be played entirely as a First Person Stealth game, similar to the Thief series, but equal focus has been put into its other playstyles. The medieval fantasy world of Arx is an underground network of caverns and tunnels, as the world goes through an apocalyptic winter above-ground. Goblins, Trolls, Humans, sexy Snake Ladies and recently genocided Dwarves call this place their home, and somewhat coexist.

Real player with 37.7 hrs in game

Arx Fatalis on Steam

7 Mages

7 Mages

Yesterday the “final PC version” has been released and 7 Mages left the EA on Steam. I am very disappointed with the PC release.

First disappointment - I expected a full PC game

The game never left Android! It’s still wrapped in a clunky emulating software, it still looks like a mobile game and it still controls like a mobile game. The added support for keyboard isn’t worth much, because the menu is still made for mobile phone. In terms of gameplay, you’re actually better off controlling everything with your mouse, because it’s faster and gives you an advantage vs. monsters. And I’m not mentioning bugs from using keyboard controls..

Real player with 40.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.



Pro hrace starych Bran Skeldalu dobra volba, pro nove krapet optiznejsi tahova jeskynovka s extremni nutnosti farmit zlato.

Za malou cenu hodne muziky takze smele do toho, kdo nehral prvni doporucuji taktez- daji se jiz sehnat zadarmo/Score.

Brany Skeldalu.

Verzatilita postav.

Moznost mit silneho maga navleceneho v platovce.

Variabilita vybaveni (az do mrtveho mesta).

I s xtremnim farmenim 35h zabavy.

Nutnost mit alespon 3akce(snad krome hudebniku).

Ohnivy cerv, Gnom.

Troll na moste!

Real player with 35.2 hrs in game

7 Mages on Steam

Coldfire Keep

Coldfire Keep

I’m a little surprised to see this game has such a low review score. I first bought and played it when it came out and found it to be an enjoyable Gridder title, of which there were few of on Steam at the time. Even now there is not a huge library of titles in this genre available through Steam, and this title plays as well as most. No, it does not have the features and depth of a game made by a large production company, most indie developed games do not, but neither does it have a price to match that of a game made by the larger companies.

Real player with 25.1 hrs in game

This is half a game. There is half of a user interface. There is half of a combat system. There is half of a skill system. There is half of a mercantile system. There is half of an automap system. There is half of a bestiary. I could go on, brother.

The dungeon is many levels deep, but there is only one shop, at the top of it, where you can rest and buy equipment. However, you can only buy food rations, fishing tackle, and some third thing I’ve totally forgotten because you will NEVER return to the shop. Outside of the fishing gear, everything you need is in the dungeon. You’re probably thinking that there must be loot in the dungeon that you can drag back to the merchant to sell for coin. There is loot, and you will make a ton of gold, but the merchant doesn’t buy ANYTHING from you. You will be dropping, presumably, valuable gear in the dungeon to rot just to lighten your load. There are teleporters on every level you can find to bring you back up so you can return to the merchant, but you never will. The gold is fuck all worthless. It’s so pointless that it’s inclusion almost feels like the developer trolling the player.

Real player with 14.0 hrs in game

Coldfire Keep on Steam

Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge

Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge

Once upon a time, cRPGs didn’t care about your feelings. They crushed you and overpowered you with insanely hard battles… which forced you to find ways to survive and, with luck and perseverance, maybe win. “I can’t beat this game” was a perfectly valid option, which didn’t automatically mean you hated the game or would not recommend it to others; in fact it made the game more badass in your eyes; maybe after a few months or years you’d try again, with different tactics. Your path to success was often different from what the game designers had in mind; this is only possible with a complex enough system, a true sandbox of character development in which you could find the small cracks to break the game, or at least find optimizations that made you strong enough to survive the challenge. Because in this game, merely making a “standard party” with fighter, mage, thief, etc and them leveling them up “intuitively” and default-attack all anemies will almost certainly mean failure. As an example, without a bard in the early areas you’re likely doomed, and without some kind of planned multiclassing you’ll suffer a lot in the end-game.

Real player with 127.3 hrs in game

I feel like I should preface this review by saying that A) Bane of the Cosmic Forge is the first first-person dungeon crawling crpg that I’ve ever played to completion, and B) I did this with the express purpose of importing a party into Crusaders of the Dark Savant. Also, this was within the last year, I wasn’t alive when these games came out originally.

Bane of the Cosmic Forge is something pretty unlike any other cRPG I’ve ever played. Sure, it looks uglier than sin and the character design has aged like shit and the story is complete nonsense BUT! The dungeon design, while really brutal in the early-going, consistently surprised me. Essentially the whole game takes place in a single mega-dungeon type area with several different subsections. The design of these individual subsections and the way they wove together at times was clearly the work of a group of designers who knew what they were doing. Once you’ve got a handle on the mechanics of this game, exploring these areas becomes so much fun. Some of the puzzles were pretty obtuse if you werent drawing a map (or unless, like me, you cheated and used the automap mod) but this is the age of information and if google’s at hand you’ll be fine, there’s tons of resources for this game.

Real player with 116.9 hrs in game

Wizardry 6: Bane of the Cosmic Forge on Steam



  • smooth and fun gaming experience

  • unique commentary system which gives player various benefit through battles

  • commentary goes way too fast which is actually impossible to keep track on it

  • decent graphic and music

  • game too short around 3 hours playtime at most

  • high quality english localization. surprising especially from japanese indie game

i have a mixed feeling for this game mainly because the game just a bit too short.

i really hope this company can bring a more improved version of this game with more content

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

Takahiro did a amazing job with this title and i want to purchase dlc! when you fall down into the pit, losing connection for the first time really makes you appreciate the chat.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game




It’s the original Bloodwych! The devs should better explain how the startup options in DOS effect the game load, but otherwise nostalgia at its finest. Happy to donate $7 in the hopes that a remake is on the way.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Absolute must have! If you like to find your path in a giant maze, draw maps to stop being lost, fight monsters and make your party stronger you will love it!

I like how you learn new spells: by sleeping and being visited by some magic faery who makes you choose for your new spells.

An option to remove the (annoying) music would be great but the game is fully enjoyable with no sound (or you can use the “internal beeper” mode to have sfx with no music, but not sure it’s the same sound quality as “Ad lib” mode.

Real player with 28.9 hrs in game

Bloodwych on Steam

Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator

Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator


The Chernobyl Liquidators were the civil and military personnel who were conscripted to deal with consequences of the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator is a realistic take on the disaster, where you will NOT fight mutants and monsters, instead work hard to contain the radiation, help the people and conspire with the government.


Enter hell on earth and partake in the clean up operation and stop the immediate and long term threats of the chernobyl nuclear reactor disaster.


The clean up was full of tough choices for the liquidators, from uprooting people from their homes to killing innocent animals. Your decisions will matter - will you blindly follow orders or disobey and listen to your heart?


Was the risk necessary? What is the long term effect of working in ground zero of a nuclear explosion? When will the area be safe? Is the government telling the truth or protecting themselves? Why? Piece by piece put together the puzzle of one of the greatest disasters and conspiracies in the history of mankind.


  • Play as different liquidators and experience the chaos from their perspectives

  • Use specialistic tools to carry out critical work

  • Avoid radiation contamination and survive the clean up

  • Make extremely difficult choices, moral and otherwise

  • Explore different areas of Chernobyl and nearby Pripyat

  • Learn the hard truth behind the cover up operation conspiracy

  • Face the deadly threat of nuclear fallout and save the world from radiation poisoning

Chernobyl Liquidators Simulator on Steam



Picked up Delver during the Steam Sale. Definitely worth the $3 it cost.

I wouldn’t call it ‘3d’ in more than a limited sense, it feels a lot more like Doom’s 2.5d- 3d environments, sprite monsters, etc. Still, it’s one save file you can’t back up and one life in a randomly generated roguelike. It actually makes for a pretty cool story:

I started off in a little camp with a couple of shopkeepers and the obligatory guest appearance of Old Man Exposition, who explained that there was a MacGuffin at the bottom of yonder dungeon. He also seemed troubled that people kept going in but never coming out. More on that later.

Real player with 188.2 hrs in game

Big ol' TLDR:

Me, myself and I actually enjoy this game, and not just because I bought into it waaay back into pre-release and “feel obligated to pretend my money’s worth it”, I’ve had a genuinely good time with it thus far, and what’s here is quality.

I just have a few issues that makes me feel I can’t fully recommend this to someone else, unless I know they like what I do, but that said, I would definitely make this a tentative recommendation was it more stable. And as a sidenote, because I bought in early, my time played isn’t 100% indicative of everything I’ve gotten out of it.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Delver on Steam

Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars

Oh my … it’s quite hard :) It’s also quite big and open to explore. Not taking you by hand. The story unfolds quite slow, same with side quests. You just come in to some new place and you have notes about something which may be important in other places. I have to say that I like M&M 1 and 2 or Goldboxes more than this game. However if you like to explore old games it’s nice to collect and play this one too.

Two most annoying things:

1. the number of random fights is sometimes overwhelming and frankly really boring.

Real player with 75.7 hrs in game

I have had to game since 1995? years or so. I have enjoyed every thing i saw in the game. that being said it would be cool if I could play it in a full color type like I could back in the 90’s.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

Dragon Wars on Steam