Rogue Lords

Rogue Lords

I really enjoyed Rogue Lords, and I decided to write this review as I have a slightly different take from the others I read.

It took me ~40 hours to finish all chapters, and I always played with the same team (the starters: Dracula “the Support”, the Headless Horseman “the Tank”, Bloody Mary “the DPS”). I think I had a total of two game overs, one at the second or third chapter, and one at the second-to-last (but see below).

I read several reviews mentioning that the game is hard and RNG can hit hard. I think they are not wrong, but I did not find it THAT hard: I think it’s more a matter of COMPLEXITY. Damage already starts in the double digits, and it is not unusual towards the end of the game to hit for 30-50 (multiple times). With 3 characters on your side and 1-3 characters on the other side, you can also have several status effects in play at the same time (probably the maximum I’ve seen is ~20). You accumulate this with relic effects and maybe even battle effects, and suddenly it becomes really easy to make a fatal mistake. I remember in one boss battle I accidentally made the Headless Horseman use an attack that steals HP and SP, while he was under the effect of a Zombie debuff (healing received becomes damage), so instead of healing him I made him Vulnerable with 0 HP and 0 SP. Fun times.

Real player with 132.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Roguelike Games.

Note that while I am giving this a thumbs up, there are definite issues that sour the experience (that I will go into more detail over below). Honestly, this rating should be 3/5, 6/10, or a neutral but we don’t have those options.

Long story short:

Rogue Lords is a fun roguelike very much like Slay the Spire, but not being a rip off in the slightest. It has a unique cheating mechanic and is pretty difficult while also having balance issues and run destroying bug. The concept is unique, fresh, and fun, but the gameplay could use some retuning and class balancing.

Real player with 116.7 hrs in game

Rogue Lords on Steam

Amneron’s Legacy

Amneron’s Legacy

Good game and fun to play. Interesting characters and some romance mixed in.

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG JRPG Games.

Story line is well thought out and game play is solid. Highly recommend this game.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

Amneron's Legacy on Steam



Lunacid is a first person dungeon crawler inspired by old FROMSOFT games like Shadow Tower and King’s Field.

Long ago a great beast arose from the sea and covered the earth in a poison fog. Now those deemed undesirable are thrown into a great well, which has become a pit of chaos and disease. You awaken in a moonlit subterranean world, having been thrown into the Great Well for crimes unknown. The only way out is to go further down and confront the sleeping old one below. On the way there will be many creatures and secrets to discover.

Read More: Best RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.

Lunacid on Steam



This is a game where you fight a large number of different demons and other creatures. You can play singleplayer or with your friends. Also there is a little story which you can explore. You can use up to 200 items in this game consisting of around 100 weapons.

Demonblood on Steam

Disciples: Liberation

Disciples: Liberation

Never played Disciples (1). Was a big fan of Disciples 2. Disciples 3 was a disappointment. I was grateful for the release of Reincarnation which allowed me to finally play the 3rd issue of the game, but I didn’t finish it. I truly thought that the Disciples series was over.

So I was completely surprised in October of this year when I came across Disciples Liberation. The trailer looked interesting and there was a lengthy free demo being offered. I downloaded it, played it for some 30 hours, and was hooked. Later the full game was released and I just finished it after investing more than 120 hours.

Real player with 182.3 hrs in game

73 hours to finish the game, well I’m not the speedrun type. I like to go away from my screen and make me another coffee. With 73 hours I finished the first run, if you want to do the true ending you’ll need to unlock and launch Liberation mode.

Pros :

  • Beautiful art, proof that you can design lots of armors for a woman, and none of them is a titanium bikini. Maps, dungeons, Yllian, gear… really satisfying.

  • The big story is kind of déjà vu. No spoiler : you decide who is the bad guy, you have 4 choices and in the end you crush all of them anyway to become the champion of the gods of god champions. And nobody cares ! Look : when you take the highway from Lisboa to Vladivostok, ALL THE WAY you are fully conscious that your destination will be Vladivostok, right ? So if the big direction is 300% predictable, the good part is the quality of the journey, the details :

Real player with 81.7 hrs in game

Disciples: Liberation on Steam



Exanima has, over the years, become one of my favorite games on Steam. I have come back to it over and over to get another hit of physics based medieval combat. The very small development team has continued to add content, improve physics, and craft their very unique vision over the years with consistency and quality. I think it’s important to mention that Exanima was intended initially as a testing ground and means of funding for another game that they plan on making. Since then the developers have focused on making Exanima its own game with the added benefit of everything they add here being applicable to the creation of their other game.

Real player with 408.0 hrs in game

It’s funny to see people complain about the game being dead when the devs make weekly progress reports and the beta is updated regularly. And you can even talk with the lead dev in the discord! Most EA games aren’t this transparent. I’ve been following this game for years, and it’s come a long way. There’s a small but dedicated team behind it. When an update comes out of beta, it’s bug free. And for just $15, you get a game unlike any other. IDK, game good. :)

Real player with 274.0 hrs in game

Exanima on Steam

HYBRIS - Pulse of Ruin

HYBRIS - Pulse of Ruin

Disliked grammar using ing too much and other grammar mistakes, 2 sounds one is from the machines and other from some fly bugs and 2 side missions weren’t logged as complete even though i had all the materials. Also some lag on the mini games but i have a potato pc maybe that why it’s like that. And that you could use smoke bomb to escape a boss fight i believe, but i didn’t abuse that, also not sure if remedy was supposed to be available in shop but i believe it should which it wasn’t after completing a certain side mission.

Real player with 60.9 hrs in game

Wonderful Game, just like the other Hybris games before. I just completed it with everything the game has to offer, including all side missions, maximum Level on all characters, all minigame rewards and arena 100%. This game offers awesome Storytelling, mostly nice Minigames, a deep fighting system with many elements and very nice written characters. Please give me more of this Lucien!

Real player with 58.9 hrs in game

HYBRIS - Pulse of Ruin on Steam

Immortal Darkness: Curse of The Pale King

Immortal Darkness: Curse of The Pale King

This game is truly a hidden gem. It’s a shame that more people aren’t talking about this seemingly-unknown game. It’s been one of my favorite accidental discoveries in recent memory.

  • Wonderful handcrafted levels.

  • Enjoyable, light puzzles.

  • Fun combat

  • Excellent, tight controls; M+KB only at the time I played. I thought the lack of controller support would be a detriment, but I’m glad to say I didn’t miss a controller at all with this game.

The best thing I can say is that I’ve put over 100 hours into it, and I really didn’t want the game to end. However, after finding everything and playing the game as all characters, there wasn’t anything else for me to do. Perhaps more content will be released in the future.

Real player with 103.0 hrs in game

Immortal Darkness is a hidden gem. Agreed with all the “recommended” reviewers about it being a fun RPG dungeon crawler.

Thou I would like that I can trade/sell some items ( like Spells ) I don’t need/want that take up space since I can’t “switch over” items from my bag to the chest to use what is/was in the chest ( like health ) You can’t click to use items straight from the chest, have to delete items to make space.

Everytime I save game, it has 2 file ( GDS and Backup ) So if I save 10 times I’ll end up with 20 files on my local folder.

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Immortal Darkness: Curse of The Pale King on Steam



Chibi Zelda-Souls is a very nice summary…

You start off as a character with many “lives/classes” and if u die with one, you will pick another class/character, you have to ress the dead one with a ress scroll you buy for 60 coins, and the dead one will be unaviable until you ress them or break their graves, which destroys all their inventory including money, but their acuumaleted XP will remain. You will eventually after the tutorial get to a base which is sort of like a nexus or a hub, from which u access the other areas. As well as stock up on supplies, and you will get new merchants after u kill a boss.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

Inferno Climber is a fun ARPG With Major Flaws (EA)

My ratings/review

Difficulty: 10/10 ~ My favorite thing in the game is the challenge, yes, this game is challenging, way more than it seems, it compares to dark souls in my book, also the death system is pretty unique, when you die you start off with another character lose all your stats and have to get back to your body with what they call a “Death Contract” Which can be bought for 60CP (in-game currency) Unlike dark souls (you keep all your gear only lose unused XP “Souls”), when you die you lose your Character+Items, and have to get it back with another fresh character in order to continue with your old one, makes it really hard when you get into the harder areas because you’re running around with a level 1 character in level 30+ Areas, trying to find your godamm body Leveling two toons might be a good idea

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game


King Arthur: Knight’s Tale

King Arthur: Knight’s Tale

What can I say. As far as EA go (I have played extensively BG3 164.4 hrs, and Solasta 64hrs EA), that this is well worth the money for what it gives you as a taster. 77,4 hours played? Sure feels a hell of a load more than that.

The rolling cinematic is amazing, gripping and you want to skip past it just to get to starting the game, but it’s so freaking amazing. When can they make a movie out of it? Hah

The story is Mordred (you) went on a rampage across Avalon destroying and corrupting everything he could, raising a huge evil army and eventually coming face to face with the legend that is King Arthur. After an epic battle, Arthur manages to lance you in one, but being the badass Mordred is, he pulls himself across the lance in order to deal a killing blow to Arthur. Game over for the both.

Real player with 129.7 hrs in game

In general, fun game, if a little slight atmo. Assuming it gets discounted from the price of the full game when it comes out, £27 is a little steep but not too bad for what you get. I ended up playing 24 hours to complete the game (with crashes and restarts cos I couldn’t pause & save).


  • There’s just enough tactical nuance in the fights to keep it interesting.

  • Skill tree is nice - an interesting set of options and a clever way of setting them out.

  • Rune system as weapon/armour upgrades is also nice. I like the way that you often have to do trade-offs (eg. do I accept less overall damage to get +2 Bleed, which will stack with Mordred’s Bleed skill).

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

King Arthur: Knight's Tale on Steam