

Pick a race and class. Survive for 3 minutes. Repeat.

Pick a race and class. Survive for 5 minutes. Repeat.

Pick a race and class. Survive for 1 minute. Repeat.

Pick a race and class. Survive for 40 minutes. Repeat.

An absolute classic that isn’t even 10 years old in the roguelike catalogue. With more playable races and classes, plus combinations, that you know what to do with. Not only a permadeath roguelike but one that seems to breach the gap between arcade-style dungeon crawlers. By that I mean that 95% of every session consists of starting the game from scratch, but one could load a saved game not that it matters much as the point of the game isn’t about getting to the end but to find a combination of race and class that fits the player.

Real player with 641.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.

What more can I say about this phenomenal piece of art? Assuming you’ve read the description of the game in the Steam Store before you hopped on over to the review page, there’s so much that I feel and so little I can say. Let me just start by saying that it is one of my most played games on my Steam Library and I haven’t owned it for very long, relatively speaking (picked it up November 2017 during the annual Steam Winter Sale). It was a game that a friend of mine had recommended to me for quite some time but never mentioned what it was, what it was about, or any details on why it was so much fun. Truth be told, words cannot describe what keeps bringing me back to playing this game. It reminds me of a true classic (regardless of genre) game that doesn’t have a “outstanding” aspect among it, but is able to blend all of its elements into a fun and addicting masterpiece. Personally, I see this game as a classic in the sense that despite it’s young age, it is a game that keeps drawing me back. It is a game that, like Age of Empires 2 (just as a classic example), has something that is able to draw the player back to it. Maybe it’s the competitive “PVE” style that, after getting smashed by a boulder or starving to death, makes you think “I can do better”. It makes you want to go back after getting squashed and say “challenge accepted”. Maybe it’s the randomness that it throws at you. The level designs, trap placements, the monsters and the way they spawn in and react, the item drops, they all lead to a practically impossible scenario of ever playing the same game twice regardless of whether or not you picked the same class. The developers show a ripe passion for the game and listen quite well to any community feedback (which isn’t something that they absolutely have to do) and overall, are genuinely concerned about the game’s well-being. There are certain games that the developers you can tell have a lack of caring or “meh” kind of attitude. We’re seeing it now in the game industry like never before and words cannot express the respect and admiration for the developers for putting in all of that extra effort. This game took me to the point where I went and wrote my first ever steam guide about a game. I had never given it much thought before and this game sparked that interest. If nothing else, think of this game as a super-drug without any negative effects. Content comes out gradually, but in the best way possible. With everything that comes out having heart and soul put into by the creators. Overall, Barony has made my all-time favorites list (it’s not even in a genre I usually enjoy) and I highly suggest anyone just to give it a shot.

Real player with 411.7 hrs in game

Barony on Steam

Slasher’s Keep

Slasher’s Keep

Target Audience: Rougelite players, Dungeon Crawlers, honestly most anyone who likes games


Slasher’s Keep….yeah it’s sorta taken a bit of my time. I’m the indie guy who tries to cover as much as I can, so I’ve got a lot of games at 2-3 hours. Slasher’s Keep has dug under my skin, decided to live there as much as Hades on the Switch has, and well I find myself still wanting more of it. There’s definitely a formula that Slasher’s Keep follows that keeps the addiction going: including a variety of interesting skills and items that make different characters and runs interesting, and a core combat system that gets accuracy of melee combat right in so many ways. All the different systems that Slasher’s Keep synergize together to be something that I didn’t want to put down.

Real player with 83.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Dungeon Crawler Games.

After beating the game, I think I can safely say you’re probably only going to get 40 hours out of this game unless you’re one of those sick freaks who enjoys getting every achievement. In this game, increasing your level is not treated as a reward you get for defeating difficult bosses, it’s treated as an integral part of gameplay, requiring the player slog through every earlier level to get just enough exp to equip slightly better gear and actually have a chance in the RNG based level design.

Real player with 47.1 hrs in game

Slasher's Keep on Steam

bit Dungeon II

bit Dungeon II

Bit Dungeon is an endless roguelike with a light Diabloesque loothunt for the ultimate gear. The objective of the game is simple: beat each boss in every area’s dungeon to unlock the portal to kill more demons and save your girl. I finished my first “playthrough” with a game controller in around 2 hours. When you beat the game, you get sent back to where you first started with all your progress intact and the difficulty increased. The entire map is always the same but the enemies that spawn change each time you enter a room. Once you memorize the entire map, you could probably do runs in under an hour or so. Truthfully, there isn’t anything else to see once you’ve downed the last boss. It’s not much of an ending either but it plays to tell how you start over. The game is absolutely designed to be played many times over to get the best loot while seeing how deep you can go.

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best RPG Indie Games.

I sit here in shock after playing this game for about 5-ish hours. At level 123 I was about to face the final boss. I had grinded for hours for the best gear I could find, the best stats that would help me kill bosses better. I had prepared myself, I was ready, this had to work right?

I approached the boss, stealthing in, critting him for well over 3k hp and hitting him relentlessly only to discover that he had taken my health down to a third and was gearing up for another attack. I barely scratched him and I had no extra life, so I charged in once more for my final attack……

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

bit Dungeon II on Steam

bit Dungeon III

bit Dungeon III

I’ve played a lot to say the least in a short time.

It’s fun if you know what you are getting into. Complex in a certain way (understanding stats, bosses, and effects) and can also be very simple in way that I don’t need to explain. If you’re a loot crazed maniac who likes Diablo, then welcome home, this is for you.

Let’s get to it – Main Game: There’s five bosses. One optional that opens up one more cool fight. The enemies on the huge map that changes every new game are all designed very well and get progressively harder though I think the difficulty eventually plateaus, as well as, the stats of the loot. While every enemy can be boiled down to “some pixels that damage you in close proximity,” if you think that when playing this game then it’s probably not for you.

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

I will start off by saying that there are thinks I like and things I hate about the game. That said, I totally recommend this game.


-Slower progression of levels - I hate when this is fast tracked. It feels like no accomplishments. This is not too slow but just slow enough to make gains feel like an actual achievement

-Weapon choices - You dont need 100 different types of weapons to make a good hack and slash dungeon crawler. This just has a couple types. Each type has lots of variety to it.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

bit Dungeon III on Steam

Dungeon Souls

Dungeon Souls

Taking inspiration from Binding of Isaac and Risk of Rain, Dungeon Souls is looking to make its mark in the field of roguelites or games with rogue elements. As of right now it does not quite stand as tall as what inspired it, but it is a great game nonetheless.

The rogue gallery of silhouettes players see when starting a new game is an enticing tease. The three starting characters are berserker, archer, and thief archetypes that each feel very different both in stats and in how they attack. In addition to stats making characters different, characters’ basic attacks are melee or ranged, with varied ranges for either and projectiles that behave differently for ranged characters. Each character has two skills that can be unlocked with level ups besides the basic attack they get from the start, and players get a skill point every few levels. The skills range from a gate that multiplies projectiles and summoning skeletons to a frenzied state or raining arrows on foes.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Before purchasing Dungeon Souls, I have played similar games like the Binding of Issac and Nuclear Throne. When I came across this game, I was excited to see something new that had the feel and same mechanics as Isaac and NT. Dungeon Souls is certainly a interesting concept with little difficulty (no where near as challenging as Nuclear Throne) but a decent challenge for a few hours. Unfortunately this game is STILL filled with bugs and glitches that haven’t been resolved since launch which won’t ever get fixed. Due to its current state, I can no longer recommend Dungeon Souls.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Dungeon Souls on Steam

Hero Siege

Hero Siege

Disclaimer: Dont even bother to play this dog shit game.

Before reading keep in mind that this game being 5 years in development, constantly getting DLC’s (mostly new classes) . All i want to tell is this game in current state is not worth trying. For your money u get 4 active skills, linear char progression, ton of bugs, exploits, dupes, and so on. Now if u still want to know my expirience… lets talk about it.

So i have 279 hours of gameplay total, 137 hours last two weeks in 3.0 patch.

At 1.0 it was a mess with shitty netcode, desynchronization between client\server made me drop it for couple of years. 2.0 it became kind of better but stil not in my taste, cause of needs to have potion grind to progress thru wormholes (same as PoE maps or D3 rifts), but still it was kinda fun game, slashing thru endless content limited only by ur own time investment (and shitton of bugs, oneshots and stuff like that wich any “indie” game have).

Real player with 1035.0 hrs in game

Review available in english.

I’ve loved and been addicting to this game since the very moment i started playing it 3 months ago or so.

It went better the more i learned about it.

As one may say it’s “easy to play but hard to master”, it’s that kind of game.

It’s a diablo-like with it’s hack & slash gameplay, frenzy action, many ennemies assaulting our heroes but we can fight back with our hero skills and the powers of the 150+ relics we can find during a run, each one giving unique powers/bonuses.

Real player with 335.7 hrs in game

Hero Siege on Steam

One More Dungeon

One More Dungeon

Overral Review for those who don’t want detail: 8/10


  • Spites are high detail and well animated

  • Mobs are well thought up and are challenging

  • Many Staffs and Swords to use, even ones that buff your staff which an interesting way to play

  • OBJECTIVE: No lore.


  • No Tutorial level to show the new players how to use some of the feature of the game like how to use your “Q”* OBJECTIVE: No lore

Additional Information:

Real player with 90.2 hrs in game

So, this game may look kinda simplistic, and by no means should it be compared to a triple A game, yet not because quality. This game is charming with a great concept that big scale companies wouldn’t even consider producing due to what the populace is generally entertained by. Few people would go digging through steam to look for a game such as this, and above all else it is an indie game, the differences between this and any mainstream game is insane. Interestingly enough One More Dungeon has a great deal of strategy to it as it progresses. You will run into new enemies with different mechanics that you need to learn and play around, as well as the gear you acquire changes how you can fight and explore/scavenge. The terrains and art being one of the things they really don’t need to improve upon because it just simply the style they chose for this game, and they did not screw it up, in fact i love it. Now, despite my praise and love for this game it does have flaws. Within the short time of me playing this I did run into a glitch that many people have reported and seen throughout the community, some of the level doesn’t load properly. This consists of some walls being passable (walk straight through them) or you cannot see part of the world in front of you. Another is that the A.I. are incredibly stupid and/or need more mechanics, they need to be tweaked, but hopefully they won’t make all of them like one of the demon babies that teleports behind you after every attack it makes; that guy is bullshit hard and isn’t even a boss. Bosses themselves need more mechanics to make them interesting for they just appear to be a glorified version of some other mobs that are introduced on the same level as them. Another quick note is that the daggers seam worldly inferior to all other weapons to the point that a steel dagger is worse than an iron sword, they simply need a buff or rework to give them any other use. One last complaint would be, would you please explain way the last level is happening the way it is. Without spoiling anything it really does just throw you into a ridiculous scenario and explains your level objective, without a notion of logic. Other than that i see that they could simply have things like enemy patrols, maybe add some of the staff abilities to the bosses so they aren’t meh, and you have a complete game. It is yet again a fairly knew game and I hope that the people will work to wrap this up and complete one of my most entertaining indie games that much better. I do however feel sorry for this company because they are literally being criticized by little kids that honestly don’t appreciate anything about this, for example they will insult the graphics and it’s “polishing” thus implying they don’t know what pixel art is, nor do they care to respect it. Also multi player would be a stupid concept to add to this game for so many reasons that i won’t even tackle it.

Real player with 23.3 hrs in game

One More Dungeon on Steam

Arid Jared

Arid Jared

There’s trouble in the desert, and it’s up to a lone Cacti to save the day.

Play as Jared the Cacti while exploring, battling, and blasting your way through the desert to save the Desert Sanctuary and the Great Camel King!

In this Arcade-RPG hybrid, you’ll be casting spells, uncovering ancient runes, engaging with gripping NPCs, and taking down larger-than-life bosses - all as a cute lil' cactus dude!

In true RPG fashion, Jared the Cactus will earn experience points for each monster he slays, which he can then spend in the hub world to upgrade his HP, speed, and magic capabilities. How will you build Jared?

Arid Jared on Steam



I love roguelikes, but this one is a huge miss.

Power doesn’t creep as much as it explodes. The damage difference between levels is huge. Without defensive skills to offset that damage, or a practical way to get permanent health/speed/defense increases, you’ll hit very significant walls.

Practically speaking, the anvil is nigh useless. It’s only available in the base, and given the decay rates for weapons and armor, it’s not worth investing the significant time needed to pass a run to haul a limited amount of gems back to modify equipment that will be replaced in 1-2 levels anyway due to power creep. Max HP gems don’t give a reasonable amount of HP per gem to warrant holding on to them, and since you lose everything if you die, unless you can clear it in one shot, there’s no sense in taking any.

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

The game is nice.

A good concept. I juste unlock the second portal and got kill by monster after. The art is nice it look like Barony. At start you will die more often cause you dont have good skill with weapon but later on first stage wil be easy.


-get good and level up

-unlocking these portal by killing things

-find nice gear to suvive


-You get level by using the same type of weapont so it get easier to progrest trough the game

-Can save stuff for another run by throwing them back in the portal a nice feature i think.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

Dunrog on Steam

Dwarves: build and survive

Dwarves: build and survive

of course, the game is still raw and there is little content, but I will be happy to wait for updates and new content

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Dwarves: build and survive on Steam