Our Life: Beginnings & Always

Our Life: Beginnings & Always

A masterpiece

I am - and I cannot stress this enough - utterly and irrevocably in love with this game. Now, I might be biased, seeing as I grew up on a coastal tourist-filled town, but this game just evokes such a nostalgic feeling deep within me. It has made me reminisce quite a few things about my childhood and overall early - and not so early - life, and has given me plenty of food for thought. Now, to get a bit more into detail, I’m gonna list all of the pros and cons I can think of:

Real player with 495.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Free to Play Games.

Don’t write reviews too often, but this game is an absolute masterpiece. From the cute interactions between the characters to the extreme amounts of customization, this game might aswell be perfect. (And it’s still in development!)


In the game, you grow up alongside the love interest, Cove, as you gradually become older. Overtime, you form a stronger bond with Cove and can, eventually, start dating him. But this is entirely optional! You can decide to stay as friends, or even not be interested in him whatsoever. (Although, that would break my heart.)

Real player with 259.4 hrs in game

Our Life: Beginnings & Always on Steam

Riddle Joker

Riddle Joker

Riddle Joker is great!

Now, if you’ve read SenrenBanka or Sabbat of the Witch before, you pretty much already know what to expect and this one is just as enjoyable to read. But if you haven’t read Yuzusoft’s works before, I highly recommend buying and reading SenrenBanka before considering this one.


I loved the idea that Astral abilities cause discrimination and how Astrals are being frowned upon as dangerous criminals. It’s honestly a very different approach to this “individuals with superpowers” theme, but I have to say that “a high school for superpowers” is not exactly the most unique setting out there… That aside, I really liked how each route had a different theme and end resolution to them. This time they really nailed it with the routes, none of them felt unnatural or forced. Each character was lovable and none of them felt like afterthoughts in this VN.

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Sexual Content Games.

Riddle Joker is another romance/SoL visual novel from Yuzusoft with an intriguing setting, abundant humor, heroines full of verve, and a great sense of fun, but is held back by a weak protagonist and uneven pacing. While I ultimately give it a recommend if you’re looking for a bit of lighthearted fun, it’s a significant step back for Yuzusoft compared to Senren*Banka and Sabbat of the Witch, so if you haven’t read those, I would start there.

The biggest strength of Riddle Joker is that, even with the spying and intrigue, it never takes itself overly seriously and keeps up a great sense of fun. The heroines are quite lively and do a nice job balancing familiar tropes with endearing quirks. Likewise, humor is abundant and much of it lands. Even when the narrative was focusing on the ins and outs of daily life, I often found myself smiling at all the antics. The setting is interesting as well. Astral abilities are explored in a depth appropriate to the scope of the story, and lead to some fun scenes, interesting intrigue, and dash of exciting action.

Real player with 85.0 hrs in game

Riddle Joker on Steam

If My Heart Had Wings

If My Heart Had Wings

I told my friends I was idling for cards.

I lied.

Edit; Crap. You put me on the front page, here is a real review.

Let me start this honestly. I am totally biased. If My Heart Had Wings is the first Visual Novel I ever played, and I love it with all of my little heart. Also in case you didn’t notice I’ve played this game for more than 900 hours, and only 20 of those hours were idle. I’ve run through each route in this game at least 15 times, and I can actually speak really crappy Japanese because of this game. In addition, I’ve spent more money on this game for the badges, emoticons, cards, extra cards and backgrounds.

Real player with 999.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Funny Games.

If My Heart Had Wings imhhw is an English translation of a popular Japanese VN = Visual Novel that follows the struggles of Aoi, a young male recovering from a serious biking accident, in his relationships with several Academy female classmates while he simultaneously manages an all-girl dorm.

IMHHW even may tug a bit on your heart-strings as you follow the developing relationships among Aoi and the girls struggling to rebuild a damaged glider in the face of determined opposition from influential Academy leaders. IMHHW is an excellent VN for a reader new to the genre. The story is well conceived and the programming to achieve the multiple story-lines is well done. /imhhw

Real player with 285.7 hrs in game

If My Heart Had Wings on Steam

Sepia Tears

Sepia Tears

Sepia Tears is one of those free visual novels that really make you feel grateful to the developers and unfortunately there’s no DLC available, otherwise it had deserved for sure 1€!!

Though, I read on the game’s page that it’s a very popular visual novel on Android although it’s indie so I hope it had the visibility and the support it deserved!

It’s the only game from Scarlet String featured on Steam so I really hope that they will make new games like this one and port them on Steam :)

The artwork and the general graphics, just to start with something, are awesome and feature many different styles. It’s clear that the developer put lots of work in designing manga-like characters, detailed backgrounds and cute little cutscenes (you can see some of them in the screenshots!!) :)

Real player with 13.0 hrs in game

This VN is not the easiest one to read - it’s slow-paced, at times confusing and the writing not always hits the mark. The “people don’t talk like that” feeling some more critical reviews mention is very much real, especially in the first few chapters.

Still, later in the game the story really becomes intriguing - information you get let’s you piece things together and slowly uncover the logic behind the main intrigue. Also, as the stakes get higher, the writing starts feeling much more solid and focused. The plot itself is emotionally engaging, while art and music, even if simple, complements it rather well. The ending, although hidden behind a very nasty mechanic (go for the roof first, it’s not a spoiler, it’s a life-saver), is satisfying and to some extent caught me by surprise. My eyes got teary from it, what happens rarely enough to be a recommendation in itself if you’re looking for some feels.

Real player with 11.0 hrs in game

Sepia Tears on Steam

Blood Code

Blood Code

Blood Code is part dating game and part mystery in a setting that gives nods to Harry Potter and Twilight. The plot is involved and has numerous unpredictable turns of events. Over time I found this to be an extremely good game with an intriguing story. I completed Christ’s (good) route and thought it was wonderful. Incidentally, in the spoken dialogue, he introduces himself and pronounces his name like Chris, while adding a slight “t” sound at the end. You can always call him Chris for short. ;)

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

I got this Game gifted from a former friend and I am very thankful for it ♥

Blood Code is a Vampire Otome Game which personally I enjoyed very much and would go so far as to say, that its one of my favourite Games here on Steam. It has gorgeous Art, lovely GC’s, great music and a story to fall in Love with. This Game also is fully voice acted, but only in chinese, which you can turn off if you don’t like it.

Let me tell you that at first, it was rather odd listening to chinese but over time I got used to it and it was just another charming thing each character had.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Blood Code on Steam

All is Fair in Dust and Air

All is Fair in Dust and Air

All is Fair in Dust and Air is in my opinion a must buy for any fans of graphic novels/choose your own adventure style games. I have a plethora of extremely fond memories regarding this style and it being set in the Guns of Icarus world which is already an incredibly unique setting definitely gives this title a step ahead of the rest. All in all I was pleasantly surprised with this product and upon booting up the game for the first time I was met with a beautiful soundtrack and enchanting art style. Other than that the dev team has to be one of the most passionate and friendly bunch I have ever seen with updates and content being added over time unlike some of the more sketchy early access titles. What else can I say? Get this game!!!

Real player with 9.3 hrs in game

I giggled when I played this visual novel, it reminds me somebody I know for some reasons lol and it also reminds me of Harvest Moon, my childhood game. The game atmosphere makes me forget about the reality world for a while, I wish I could ride on William’s airship!

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

All is Fair in Dust and Air on Steam

Café Rouge

Café Rouge

I wish there was a middle-ground in whether to recommend the game. At least not until some of the bugs have been fixed such as being stuck after one of the endings and some minor adjustments as well.

While I did feel some nostalgia for the old game and was really excited to see how the reboot plays out, it feels slightly off-putting. While It does have beautiful artwork and the visual presentation looks divinely polished, it doesn’t seem to have some of the charm the old one has.

Don’t get me wrong; the artwork may have been inconsistent in the old version and those cooking mini games were hard AF, I thought the way it was made was very innovative and I always wonder what it would be like if those aspects were polished and brought back to the reboot or just something to add after unlocking a chapter.(I can only just dream about it lol)

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

3rd edit, probably final. I’ll reiterate ; My review may seem harsh but due to the polished look of the art and characters it gives the impression it’s a very polished game - It is not.

I don’t recommend this game.

You can play it for free on a browser I believe via the publisher for 3 of the routes. Try that/the demo first - then decide.

Honest suggestion ; You name your character “Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way”, the Ebony Darkness part being just the first name. You’ll have a better understanding of how this game reads if you’re familiar with the name.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

Café Rouge on Steam

Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore

Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore

Just complete fairy-tale ending Chevaliers, best ending got to say loving this game so far give developers my money for this game thank you Dicesukidev

Yes recommend this game.

Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore and first also

Amazing two new Cast.

2 reviews of this game.

Cinderella Phenomenon Evermore Visual novel game.

Absolutely my expectations were very high love this game everything about being totally amazing cast, crew were amazing the soundtrack and graphics are awesome the story behind each character amazing.

Real player with 180.8 hrs in game

Cinderella Phenomenon (the First) was absolutely amazing with its mystery and creativity in things magic, character design and curse-setting. It ended pretty well too - well, most of the endings were satisfactory. So… a sequel? About their “Happily ever After"s? I dont know… I didn’t care much for Evermore’s storylines, honestly really disliked the character design changes (so many god forsaken details, my eyes hurt from not knowing where to rest - and those boy shorts on Rod? How am i expected to date marry(!) a man who still looks like a toddler?) and some of the choices/dialogue didn’t really “speak” to me?

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Cinderella Phenomenon: Evermore on Steam

CrocApoca!! Crocodile maiden at the End of the World

CrocApoca!! Crocodile maiden at the End of the World

A comedy/drama heartwarming visual novel, featuring an ordinary pre-Apocalyptic weekend with a cute crocodile girl and a domineering step-sister. Ships with spicy situations, toilet paper crisis and a conspirologist best e-friend (never seen in real life, probably non-existent).


You are living a secluded weeb gamer life so nothing basically changes for you as an ominous virus starts to spread across the globe.

However, things change drastically as a crocodile girl appears seemingly out of nowhere in your apartment… just a day before your queen bee older step-sister, Marumi, is about to visit.

Will you manage to save the day, the crocodile maiden, or your dignity, at the very least?

Survive the Apocalypse and remember: your choices actually shape the future of humanity. Like, for real!

Main cast


You are somewhat failed as a human being but precious nonetheless. You’re talented and well-versed in several areas to a point you don’t actually realize. What is it you want? What is it you could achieve? What’s that numb feeling in your chest you can’t precisely name? Do you really like avocados that much?


  • Cute, caring, loving, a tiny bit mischievous.

  • Is literally a crocodile.

  • Her tail is just fine. Just. Fine. Uwu.


  • An older sister, but you’re not blood-related (and it makes matters worse).

  • Don’t sweat, she smells your fear.

  • Have you washed your hands? You should’ve. You really should’ve.


  • A nameable protagonist with a choosable gender.

  • A free adult content (18+) dlc is planned upon release

  • Two romanceable characters.

  • Multiple endings.

  • Partial voiceover by Japanese voice-actors.

  • Partial sprite and background animations

  • Wash your hands (and your crocodile). It’s not even a feature, it’s a necessity.

  • Trading cards and achievements will be added on release!

CrocApoca!! Crocodile maiden at the End of the World on Steam

Lovingly Evil

Lovingly Evil

I’ve finished most routes in the game and I’ll just list some pros and cons since other reviewers articulate it better



-Bouquet and Card minigames were enjoyable (I was neutral to the quiz one)

-Felix & Nova being cuties

-Funny dialogue options

-Quick gameplay, you don’t have to devote a ton of time to each route

-Art and character illustrations are very pretty & pleasant to look at!

-You can toggle individual minigames on and off in the settings (goodbye grill lmaooo)

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

So, I saw the title of this game, read the concept and decided this is my dream game. Easy to say; I was wrong. For about fifteen hours I did my best to love this game, did ever rout and explored every possible outcome (yes I have it 100%) and I am sad to say….. I liked it in places, which makes it worse. The Felix, clone and evil queen routs were, though lacking, enjoyable enough but not only was Novas rout 60% virtue signalling, but most of the game is also afraid to be truly, well, evil. Before someone notes in their mind though, I have about 65% the same views and opinions as the game so it is not what message it speaks of just how and in what type of property it speaks it in. Nova, I am here to date you not to hear your views of the American health care system: I am not even American, I don’t care.

Real player with 15.0 hrs in game

Lovingly Evil on Steam