

Good game even if I don’t really like the music.

  • The game was fun

  • It got hard

  • Then I decided to slow down and learn the strategies

  • Could continue and game got even better

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Arcade Games.

Review updated to better reflect the developer’s efforts

RoboPhobik is a decidedly basic overhead shooter with a sprinkling of features found in other genres. You play as one of several characters as you traverse a city populated by robots to rescue other humans and defeat the big boss PAL 9000. While interesting in concept, the execution is not the best and some features are rather basic. I think the best comparison is to certain games from the rogue-lite genre, specifically the indie game Dungeons of Dredmor or like Azure Dreams from the PS1, though this game does not feature the typical feature of losing all–or nearly all–progress when you die.

Real player with 19.6 hrs in game

RoboPhobik on Steam

Palais de Reine

Palais de Reine

Played a bit more, and decided to add some new and fresh feelings. I definitely recommend this game, like 99 out of 100. Though lots of texts, even the opening took me like more than an hour (I’m a slow reader, though).

Highlight of the game, I think, is the way of building characters. Each character have distinct personalities and personal stories, for like 30-40 characters? It also built a pretty complete world, with reasonable explanation for all things I can think of.

This is a mixture of romance and strategy, like half-half. Yet I guess a reason why this game is not very popular is that neither is out-standing. I mean, both are great, but if compare each element to famous games like Civilization (famous strategy game) or 蝶の毒 華の鎖 (famous romance game), neither part stands out. I don’t play strategy games, so I only can speak romance-wise. The number of characters is both the tame’s highlight and weakness. With so many characters, it is just impossible to make everyone’s story equally impressive. Personally, only one character’s route made me feel like in love. All other romance route makes me feel average-good but not impressive (or maybe I’m too harsh). Though most non-romance routes are beautiful.

Real player with 85.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Visual Novel Games.

Highly recommended.

-Romance parts are optional and not required to finish or to enjoy the game!!!

-It has two difficulty settings, normal and difficult.

-You can’t just click your way through the game. If you fail the strategy part then that means game over.

-Has partial voice acting. The 7 “poster boy” knights are all voiced, while the 20 kights are not voiced. Some of the Lords are

voiced, as well as the Princess’ two aides.

-Don’t focus too much on voiced characters. The rest of the cast all have their own stories and the majority of the characters can

Real player with 48.5 hrs in game

Palais de Reine on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War 2

Agarest: Generations of War 2

Agarest: Generations of War 2 is the third installment of the Agarest series, which are coming from the Playstation 3 console. It’s a tough RPG with many different elements from another ones of its type, and it’s really tough to learn to play. And it has dating sim elements, which are the main feature of the Agarest series.


The graphics are ok, the characters animations are simple, like almost 16-bit animations, but when the characters speak with each other, their animations are a lot better, with good quality anime animations featuring their facial expressions while their dialogues are shown at the lower screen. Also, the CG pictures you earn through the game are really well done, showing the girls at sexy situations (but without any full or partial nude).

Real player with 947.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance JRPG Games.

TL;DR Version

  • I like the game but cannot recommend you playing as its a love it/ hate it kind of game. Proceed with research in hand before contemplating whether you should buy it (MasterLL’s channel has a playthrough of the PS3 version of his youtube channel if you want to see the game in action.)

Full thoughts

Ok so this is a weird one.

The game has a fun combat system that can take a little time to get your head around. The flashy attacks, and fluid sprite animations are a joy on the eyes. Despite the fact some attacks can take a silly amount of time to complete, you may just end up never skipping them because they are so over the top, they’re fantastic. Japanese anime like attacks at their finest.

Real player with 175.7 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War 2 on Steam

Valkyria Chronicles™

Valkyria Chronicles™

Review For Valkyria Chronicles PC

Review by : Joell Joelly


  • Great story.

  • Lovely anime art style.

  • Great voice acting. (English and Japanese)

  • Unique blend of real time and strategic gameplay.

  • Challenging.

  • Tons of management/upgrade options.


  • Matches can take a long time. (not necessarily a con)

  • Frustrating menu system.

  • Enemy turns are not skippable, or able to be sped up.

  • Some ‘strategic’ choices have to be made without the necessary information.

Real player with 191.8 hrs in game


It maintains by having a lasting appeal with a diverse set of memorable and unique characters, a satisfyingly emotional and well thought out story with simple, yet strategic gameplay that offers freedom through various tactics. Despite all of this, there are certainly questionable flaws, yet they’re completely smothered with the games overarching enjoyment and charm which ultimately pushes the game in a familiar but fresh direction.


Valkyria Chronicles takes place in a fantasy setting similar to Earth which introduces the story with two waging superpowers, the autocratic East Europan Imperial Alliance and the loosely-united democracies of the Atlantic federation. This engagement is known as the EW2 or the Second Europan War. Both powers are reliant on a resource called Ragnite which fuels and controls both factions economies. Overtime, the Ragnite lessened and became more scarce causing the Empire to declare war against the Federation, sparking the EW2.

Real player with 107.2 hrs in game

Valkyria Chronicles™ on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War Zero

Agarest: Generations of War Zero

Agarest: Generation of War Zero is a prequel the Agarest: Generation of war game that came out back in the 2007. If you played the other agarest series you know what you’re going into but if you haven’t well lets just say it’s gonna be pretty interesting. Now onto the breakdows:

The Pros

(+) Tons of skills combination to choose from

This is self-explanatory I think. As you progress the story and complete side quest you will unlock more skills to improve you’re party. Always check the estorica book for combination list. Don’t just throw random skills in each character. If you do that you won’t survive the end game.

Real player with 180.3 hrs in game

As with the Origional, Zero is a true work of art. The Generation system is vastly improved from the original, and the affection system adds its own level of stratagy. The gameplay, while at first glance appears simple, is, in a word, “Multi-Layered”. Mastering Esoterica and Combination arts is key to not only surviving some of the most difficult battles, but also recieving some of the best items in the game. With that in mind, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the Agarest Wiki that contains truely invaluable information on the game itself.

Real player with 164.9 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War Zero on Steam

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age: Origins

Dragon Age is a kind of game that is becoming increasingly rare: a deeply immersive single-player RPG with an interface clearly designed for the PC. It’s easy to sling around the word “immersive” at any game that looks pretty, but DA isn’t messing around - the world of Ferelden shows a unified sense of design and depth that blows even famously vast games like Oblivion out of the water. Coupled with consistently excellent writing and across-the-board quality character design even down to relatively unimportant NPCs, the game truly does feel like it’s reacting to your choices dynamically from the very beginning, and how you play your character can have amazingly subtle effects on the way the story unfolds.

Real player with 466.3 hrs in game

Still the Best Game in its Franchise…

The first game I ever had on Steam. In fact, this game was the reason I got Steam in the first place. Bought the game upon it’s first day of release and I have been playing on and off over the years. Shame, I played this at least 3-4x the amount of hours it says on my profile offline, and I’ve not lost my interest in the game one-bit.


Visuals & Graphics: 10/10

  • It was very innovative during it’s time. I can remember all the HYPE it received months before release. Considering today’s present standards DA 1 Graphics is already a bit dated, but I will rate it accordingly to the time period it actually got released, and for that time’s standard’s it was one of the TOP.

Real player with 416.7 hrs in game

Dragon Age: Origins on Steam

Agarest: Generations of War

Agarest: Generations of War

Since this is currently my longest played games on Steam and maybe you won’t find a person with a longer hours count in the review section, I think I am kind of obligated to give this game a bit of review. The recommend vs not recommended system on Steam is fundamentally flawed. I would only point out what kind of games this is, and you decide for yourself whether you like it or not.

1. This is the type of “Wikia for the win” game. Don’t let my hours count fool you. I spent at least 50+ hours on researching for all the tricks, crafting and story route on Wikia. And this is very typical of your old-school RPG or JRPG in general. You need to do homework, you need to do research. The hours you spent outside the game is MUCH MUCH more important than your gaming hours. If you are the kind of person who just go and immerse yourself in the game world and you don’t care much about research game mechanics, this is bad for you.

Real player with 688.7 hrs in game

After 213 hours and reaching the “normal” ending, it’s time for a review. To start with, it wasn’t a perfect experience. The game is rough around the edges and you should only buy it if you enjoy grinding a lot. There’s plenty of it. Endless hours of mandatory leveling and gathering materials. But Agarest has enough redeeming traits to make up for this.

Short version

  • fully voiced

  • lots of fan service

  • huge selection of characters

  • nice character animations and good music

Real player with 371.3 hrs in game

Agarest: Generations of War on Steam

Tanto Cuore

Tanto Cuore

I’m a mega fan of this franchise, owning every expansion to date, and a backer of the 10th anniversary kickstarter. This game was included in that campaign!

This “simulator” has a lot more than I was ever going to expect. There is a single player campaign with unlockables, including some of the promotional cards. There’s some light VA and other touches that ad a nice sense of flare for an already functional game.

I have some nitpicks about my experience with the single player campaign. The first couple of games ease you into some of the concepts, including the optional goals. Later, however, the CPUs reveal themselves to be rather… interesting. Their behaviors are not always consistent, and some of the decisions they make are nonsensical; often buying low cost cards when they’re able to afford high costs. This worsens in larger games with more players, and balloons when the game gives you the optional goals of doing “x amount of things” in games that often end much too quickly to achieve. Instead, 100% the single player campaign turns into something of a slot machine, playing game after game hoping that the CPUs strategy and behaviors aren’t going to end the game as you still need to employ five more cards for that last star.

Real player with 41.4 hrs in game

Tanto Cuore is one of my favorite games to play. Over the last year I’ve been very disappointed I couldn’t play with friends and that I couldn’t go to conventions to play Tanto Cuore. I can only beat my husband at this game so many times before he’s going to refuse to play with me. I was at my wits end because I own all of the table top games and I don’t want my ability to win to put him on the verge of insanity. I am delighted to see the game is out. I bought it and just played by myself for two hours. You may have saved my marriage.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Tanto Cuore on Steam

Don’t Cheat On Me

Don’t Cheat On Me

Pretty fun and funny game, I think the wife and neighbor pick-ups need to be balanced, the disco is way to easy to use and other abilities could use some balancing but the game just came out so let’s see what the future holds.

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game


Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Don't Cheat On Me on Steam

Conqueror 940 AD

Conqueror 940 AD

The Pro/Con of the game - it employs the same psychological tricks as Vegas and other Gambling dens to keep the mark playing just one more round.

The Cons just to name a few

  1. buggy as heck, they didn’t due any logic tests on the markets prices, meaning if you can get the price of an item to 0,(with various discounts) then the system won’t let you buy it at all and if you can get the price to go negative, then the system will pay you for buying it. Also apparently you can buy things in such quantity that it will push your bank account into the negative, but that is ok, the system will just zero it out for you in a bit.

Real player with 51.1 hrs in game

This will be a bit lengthy review and also plz forgive for my english . Have you ever played Travian, Ikariam , Tribal wars ( and the list goes on) or any other strategy mmo and then quitted because you couldnt spend all day And night in front of the pc or tablet that these games require you to do so? Hav you ever wished for a solo game like these? Where you can relax , make your plans and see your city grow and when you have to stop playing you just save the game and go on the next time you have free time and want to play! Well this is the game i have been waiting for so long! And so many others asking for a solo game similar to the online strategy mmos!

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Conqueror 940 AD on Steam