Left on Read

Left on Read

Left on Read is a simple and interactive indie game that for those who have played ‘Emily is Away’, will feel as if they’re experiencing déjà vu in some parts. However, with this game, you’ll feel more fulfilled with the ending (if you know, you know).

A great way to kill an hour; you can’t go wrong with this one.

I wish you good luck and patience if you’re looking to complete realistic mode because surprise surprise, it’s realistic.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Choose Your Own Adventure Games.

reminded me of the time when i was talking to this special someone and how things were going, with all its complexity. the game is definitely worth giving it a try. and, if you are looking for a sign to text the person that’s on your mind, just do it. life is too short to worry about whether you will be left on read or not.

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Left on Read on Steam

Cinderella Phenomenon - Otome/Visual Novel

Cinderella Phenomenon - Otome/Visual Novel

If you are a male button-mashing adrenaline junkie, have no patience, or simply no time nor understanding for romantic sentimentality, please leave this page. Now. This offering is not for you. For everybody else, I cannot recommend this highly enough, and that opinion would not alter even if it was for sale at £20. What you get for downloading this game is 5 unique, engaging stories for the price of none.

After completing my first route and perhaps inevitably getting a bad ending, I decided to have a read through the negative reviews and see what it is that people were finding to dislike about it.

Real player with 51.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Visual Novel Games.

Ladies, meet the best rated otome VN on Steam. It was a pleasure playing it and to write a review for it.

I kept thinking a lot on why this game might be free- because it’s way too good to be FREE!. There could be many explanations but to support the creators for now I recommend buying the Digital Artbook.


You follow the life of the ice princess who has no kindness in her heart and helps her break her fairytale curse. Along the way, you’d have help from one of the “hot” male characters who would help the princess be kind and achieve the happy ever after ending. After being affected by the “Cinderella” curse- Lucette, joins the Marchen with hopes of ending the curse and going back to the palace. Little did she know that she would need to complete 3 good deeds to break her curse. With the help of other members at the Marchen, Lucette goes on a journey of understanding what true love and friendship means. The story has an extremley original concept where the Grimm brothers orginal fairytales are utilized as a curse for each male character you can be with. Even though romance is the main plot- the VN would also give priority for friendship as well. Basically, the story is a fight between good an evil, witches and fairies.

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Cinderella Phenomenon - Otome/Visual Novel on Steam

Frick Frack

Frick Frack

My play through with 3 endings (1 good 2 bad)



Game definitely carries on the spirit of left on read I’m pretty sure some achievements don’t work especially the frack for a 1,000 feet which was to be expected since secure the bag in left on read still doesn’t seem to have been achieved after 60 pages of people devotedly trying to crack it. The story is a good environmental friendly one and it plays pretty well, I liked the different endings even though one of them had absolutely no dialogue the “destroy the earth” ending since I didn’t get an achievement for it that’s what I’ll call it. Definitely fun play I will warn you though the creator does like to waste your time and make you feel the pain i.e. realism mode in left on read and your character walking for miles the farther you get in the game for the good ending to get to your dig site with no speed up atm so heads up on that.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Singleplayer Games.

mixed feelings about this.

The non-skippable part where you walk long distances for to dig for oil is boring but it shows you the damage you have done.

The moles are quite nice to follow you while you destroy their homes and killing rats is nice too.

But the part where you dig for oil is difficult and the instructions are not really clear. It doesnt tell the players that they can dig whatever they can until they have left 2 bars on the time so that they can go to the surface and wait for the oil to appear and make money from that instead

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

Frick Frack on Steam

Kare wa Kanojo

Kare wa Kanojo

i only did the sakura route but i thought it was awesome. It might not be for everybody but its free so you might as well try it. And as u can tell from my name, this was just the game for me.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

A very deep and meaningful story, some people are too quick on judging others for being different or what they wish to be. This is a one of a kind story I haven’t found any other visual novel as powerful as this one and I wished it got more recognition.

Great = Soundtrack, take My heart

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Kare wa Kanojo on Steam

Sounds of Her Love

Sounds of Her Love

Hi everyone, let’s take a look at this VN right here. First of all, I’m proud to say that I played a wide variety, and quite a number of visual novels, so I can give you a fairly accurate summary of what you should expect if you give this game a chance.

The first, and probably the most obvious question: Should you try it?

Yes, you should. And why, you ask me? Because it’s good. Shocked, are you? :D

So, let’s see:

  • This VN is short, approx 3 hours is enough to finish it, maybe less, if you choose the worst ending from the three that’s available.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

This is a very simple, but cute and enjoyable romantic VN. It’s quite short (around 5 hours when you include exploring alternative choices) and doesn’t offer any real plot twists or surprising moments, but focuses exclusively on the two main characters and their relationship. The heroine, Ceri, is pretty much your typical “shy girl” archetype, but is written and acted well enough to succesfully carry the game (she’s the only character with a voice and sprites). In the end, it should leave you with the warm feelings you expect from a story of this kind - its simplicity at least makes it relatable and not overly-contrived or reliant on pointless misunderstandings.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Sounds of Her Love on Steam

Tailor Tales

Tailor Tales

Neil: In comparison to the rest of the routes its not my favorite but its not bad at all. it was fun to play. Its a relatively cliché rich boy forced into the family business but wants to do something else. The conflicts are mundane compared to the others but on its own its a fine little story to read. His cousin is probably my fav character from his story line and her antics are pretty funny and shes got more personal problems i sympathies with more and got attached to her, wanting her to have a good ending as well. If Neil had more of that he would be a more memorable route because HE would be more memorable but still would recommend playing his route just to read. As an opening story it got me interested in seeing the other route’s stories.

Real player with 99.2 hrs in game

Overall I like Tailor Tales. The Writing is solid, The UI fits the genre and The Gimmicks are cool.

Design portion Pro:

I like the “design portion” of the game. It’s really cool to have to be a tailor like the protag.

There are SOOO many choices for everything I really like it.

Design Portion Con: Sometimes its really difficult to understand what the colors/designs are Supposed to be in the studio. I wish we could pay to have it precisely identified to finish the client.

When it gets too complicated, I’m just too frustrated by every little detail that I just delete the clients till it’s just one, no patterned piece.

Real player with 54.8 hrs in game

Tailor Tales on Steam

Find Love or Die Trying

Find Love or Die Trying

I think most of the “Features” part of the description is misleading, not that I’m particularly upset about it, but saying this is probably the quickest way to explain what the game is like. The 4 hours of visual novel gameplay part is true, however there is only one real main storyline which spans the entire 4 hours, almost all choices converge within a few sentences or simply re-arrange the order of events.

The 7 unique endings are very short branches off the main storyline, and lets be real, there are only 6 unique endings unless you have a disgusting hatred of waifus, and 5 fewer than that if you aren’t a blind person reading a visual novel (Hint: it’s the first option of the 6 for a reason). As for the fourth point, all it means is the main character is kept fairly nondescript.

Real player with 16.1 hrs in game

Spoilers ahead!


While I recommend this VN due to two main factors: 1. it’s free, 2. it has many positive points: gorgeous art, good music, humor and interesting premise and plot, there’s a few things that really bothered me:

1. The lack of plot branching.

While it’s advertised that the game has 7 endings, only two choices leads to them: one that clearly leads to the bad ending and another one after that boils down to basically “which girl you liked the most?”. Other than that, all the other choices only change some optional scenes you see, which means that the entire thing is just a long common route. This wouldn’t be a big deal if the VN was advertised as a Kinetic Novel, but the implication of multiple endings (which imply, at least to me, in it having different routes) made it a real let down.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Find Love or Die Trying on Steam

missed messages.

missed messages.

Diary: Missed Messages


Day 1 - 1/22/2020


| I went into this game blind, like I do for many others, but was sort of spoiled in what the consequences of my actions would be with the warning screen.

I played through the first time just reacting to events as they unfolded and got one of the bad endings. On reflection, it made sense, instead of just hanging out with a person that cared about me and remembered my birthday, I went out to meet someone new and as a result, missed the opportunity to see the warning signs that there was something wrong.


Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

This game teaches that only a single moment of conversation could have either good or bad consequences in saving someone’s life, the friend you really care about so yeah wherever we go, in every corner of the world, we’d befriend with 1 or 2 people, the friends we’d blindly make a bond or connection without even realizing and we’d eventually start loving them so if they’d lose us or die, we’d get a very bad feeling of sorrow so we should always ask them personally if they’re fine and what’s going on in their internal lives like if they’re happy, satisfied with their lives or not because somehow if we could help them, we might end up saving someone’s life and that’s what good people really do. 3

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

missed messages. on Steam

秋色的記憶(體驗版) / Fall…in Love (Demo)

秋色的記憶(體驗版) / Fall…in Love (Demo)

*Sorry for my bad english

Story & characters: Pretty cliché but the characters make it not boring. It’s nice to see the balance of screentime between main characters and side characters! And more girl friend in otome is always welcome! I’m bored of most girl in otome game just there to support the MC/being there just to take the bad role or just being there with most of the time no screentime. This dev treat the girl much better than what D3P did to Storm Lover I’m currently playing. I didn’t dislike any of them! But I got a small issue with the heroine. They make her like… she miss the old school just bcs she must take the summer class.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Yup. Good.

However one thing bugs me the most. The company is Chinese. The translations are in English. Why are there so many Japanese cultural bits thrown in? I can understand kuroneko since -neko- words kind of became a part of universal pop culture, but voices never call franki ' franki', awa ' awa', or senpais ' senpai'. If the game is being made in Chinese, i would very much like to have the Chinese versions of ' senpai' etc instead in the text box, if not English versions. when there is no connection whatsoever between the text and the audio, it feels like the speech doesn’t matter at all, like it’s some alien white noise. But maybe it’s just me. I just like respecting original languages overall.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

秋色的記憶(體驗版) / Fall...in Love (Demo) on Steam

Evening Surprise

Evening Surprise

For an Evening Surprise it was a little obvious…

Although other reviews spoiled the surprise, it becomes obvious given the main character’s behaviors…but that’s all I’ll say as I’d rather not spoil it (don’t worry, there’s nothing negative in this kinetic novel).

Evening Surprise is a pleasant little kinetic novel that has choices that don’t really change anything, though there are some choices that give achievements, but in the end, you’ll still get the same result. It’s also a bit short as I read through all choices in about 45 minutes. Given that I’m a slow reader, you may be able to finish reading every bit of dialogue in this game in a matter of 30 minutes or less.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

A great and funny idea, well executed, that will warm your heart and foolishly make you smile - and all that, for free.

Evening Surprise is a short and free Visual Novel worth your time. What a beautiful surprise it was indeed : despite the length (around 20 minutes of reading to complete the story), the game manages to go from “average everyday life” to “aww, this is so damn cute !” in the blink of an eye.


You play as Max, a lazy ass, living with Ann, a sweet girlfriend who works, cooks and loves you. The game drags you along their daily routine : enjoy the time you spend together through several pretty and colorful vignettes with a pleasant and adequate atmospheric soundtrack. During your progression, you’ll be given some choices that won’t really make a difference, but lead you inevitably to the gracious ending that will catch most people off guard. A refreshing experience that gets my recommandation hands down.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Evening Surprise on Steam