My Vow to My Liege

My Vow to My Liege

I’m gonna say this right from the start: This is one of the best otomes I’ve ever played. And I’ve been playing otomes since I was 13-14 y/o, I’m 22.

It’s clear that it was made with so much care, so much dedication to its culture, that it actually sparked my curiosity to learn more about Chinese culture, and its myths and legends; a curiosity I only get when a game it’s actually really good (something that happened to me with Hakuouki, per example). The plot is very well crafted, and kept me hooked, and emotionally engaged… too emotionally engaged… Also, I can’t remember when was the last time I supported a protagonist this much. Oh, and the art is really good! The guys are very handsome, and those CG’s are top-notch.

Real player with 90.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Visual Novel Games.

Okay, I’m sucker for angsty stories. I live for them. I’m addicted to them.

Long story short: Please play this game. I highly recommended this Otome.

Long Story below:

This game is plastered with angst almost every corner and when you reach their respective route’s Good Ending, you will feel that they are well-earned.

I usually played Otome that has female love interest as well. But the premise of this game is too refreshing and interesting to ignore. The typical and cringey notion when playing Otome are the Mary Sue protagonists. Too sweet, too feminine, too stereotypical princessy. Too typical. You could always roughly expect how she would react. Too Bland.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

My Vow to My Liege on Steam

After I met that catgirl, my questlist got too long!

After I met that catgirl, my questlist got too long!

After I met that catgirl, my replays of this game got too manifold!

It’s no joke actually, I have spent an obscene amount of time on this game and do not regret going for completion. It’s the first time in a while that I felt so motivated for a rather simple RPG and it’s all due to the good writing and enjoyable combat system. I want to explain why exactly this game is worth buying and how it stands out among its contemporaries.


You play as Vera, the charm witch, a woman who is ever positive and seductive, but also compassionate and thoughtful. Everything begins on the day that she meets that catgirl, Tea, who arrived in Morpheya under the Elder Tree from a lighning bolt. The catgirl claims to be from another world and quickly the duo starts their own adventurers guild to get their hands on information about how she can return to her mysterious home “London”.

Real player with 92.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Visual Novel Games.

An enchanting game with dangerous lips++ ~(˘▾˘~) No Spoilers

STORY: 9/10 From the very beginning to the very end, I was entertained and engaged in Vera and her friend’s journey. The main story is well paced, clever, and hilarious with an intriguing tale of love and overcoming hardships. With five main girls, each one having a unique personality, voice, and reason for being there. I played three routes, Sunny, Tea, and Celia and got all of their endings. Each ending for each route is unique, giving you different information and hidden story bits, which encourages multiple playthroughs. I won’t spoil anything here but trust me, each route is vastly different from the other. If you want the entire story, you have to charm each girl which will result in 5-6 different playthroughs, each being at least 15-30 hours long. Without new game+, it is a bit tedious to do each and every route again so be aware and make a lot of saves.

Real player with 61.4 hrs in game

After I met that catgirl, my questlist got too long! on Steam

Blooming Nightshade

Blooming Nightshade

This VN was designed with mobile phones in mind, which results in an unusual graphic layout and generally very simple visuals. Only two sprites show up on the screen at any time and there are no dedicated illustrations to portray important scenes. Music is also super-simple, and the default font is kind of hard to read (thankfully it can be changed in the menu). It doesn’t give a bad impression, but still looks pretty stiff and basic.

So, how’s the story? Well, also basic. The protagonist is pretty much a blank slate, receiving little introduction and mostly standing out by being the tallest girl in the game. There are six potential love interests who you can either romance or befriend, with each one having a theme (eg. being a gamer, baking, but also things like slight disabilities) along with some kind of issue they have to resolve during the route. It’s your typical slice-of-life fluff, but I can’t say I hated any of the stories or the chemistry between the girls and the protagonist. This is probably still better as a smartphone game, letting you burn some time on a bus or a train with its bite-sized, cute yuri romance… But was still fun enough to keep me reasonably entertained on the PC. Just don’t expect anything deep or elaborately illustrated.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Romance Visual Novel Games.

I love dating games - and games in which you are not action,action,action - all the time and for me this is perfect

I too thought like many when i first came across this free game it was nothing more than a girl on girl sex game and nothing more - i was wrong, very wrong

First off there are adult themes in mention only -but gladly never shown (no need to be shown either)

Secondly the girls you get to date each have a good story to them - though the game is short and really for a VN is more read than play with mostly a single option per girl - i really love the stories inside

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

Blooming Nightshade on Steam

Eldritch Academy

Eldritch Academy

A nice mild magical girl (without the flashy change scenes or clothes change)

type horror with mild yuri romance. This is the prelude of the Eldritch University VN which is The Girl who got Badly hurt and her girlfriend..

You have the 3 girl endings and a harem and a secret ending, I have the secret and harem to find.

It is a good VN so give it a go.

Real player with 68.3 hrs in game

  • cute yuri game

  • interesting mystic concept

  • a few fun conversations

  • this is NOT a horror or a thriller. there are definitely no scary or tense moments in the game

  • the game is short, but terribly repetitive

  • I expected more from Akomi, almost all her innuendo are dull

This is a cute short game with misleading tags in the annotation. The characters and the story itself lack depth. Even so I enjoy this game. You should give it a chance

Real player with 27.3 hrs in game

Eldritch Academy on Steam

Flowers -Le volume sur ete-

Flowers -Le volume sur ete-

Wow, wow, wow. What a game. Let me just say that this is usually not my kind of thing, but by the end of it, I really quite enjoyed it. This is the second game of the series but if you didn’t play the first game like me, you really wouldn’t be lost at all so there is nothing to worry about there.

I don’t think the main story is particularly interesting. In some ways, the main story is actually really cliche. But I think what really carries the story through is the dialog and character development these characters go through on top of just being interesting and likeable characters in themselves. I particularly love Erika, the MC of this game and Suoh who I think is the MC of the last game. Chidori never rubbed off on me that well but I feel like that was the point of her character and her development by the end of it made me care for her all the same.

Real player with 39.4 hrs in game

Score: 10/10

Spoiler warning: If you don’t want any spoilers for this game, jump to the last paragraph

(I will refer to Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- as Spring, this game as Summer, Flowers -Le volume sur Automne- as Autumn, and Flowers -Le volume sur hiver- as Winter.)

Scores for the series

Whole Flowers Series: 9/10

Spring : 7/10 (Review)

Real player with 32.0 hrs in game

Flowers -Le volume sur ete- on Steam

Flowers -Le volume sur printemps-

Flowers -Le volume sur printemps-

This is the first in a series of a planned four visual novels. The second and third entries are already done, and the second one is slated to be released in the English market sometime this year. That’s important to note because this is not at all a complete story by itself, which is why I wouldn’t unconditionally recommend buying it. I don’t like saying that, because I think it’s good as far as yuri goes, and I’d personally like to see more content like this, but they are charging you $20 for one-fourth of a story. As long as that’s not a dealbreaker for you, and as long as you’re interested in about 20 hours of (mostly) 14-year old girls being very passive-aggressive, Japanese, irrational, and sarcastic by turns, then I would recommend it.

Real player with 171.8 hrs in game

Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- is the first game in a 4-part series of VNs (the final entry is just now having its Japanese release, the second one already have an English one planned). It’s a pretty expansive (circa 15 hours for a full playthrough) Shoujo Ai, that is a female/female romance without explicit sexual content (it never goes further than a kiss). It tells a story of a shy, insecure girl who enters an all-female boarding school to find friends and change her previously solitary life, but also comes to terms with her attraction to women and finds love.

Real player with 29.1 hrs in game

Flowers -Le volume sur printemps- on Steam

Hotel Tutwin

Hotel Tutwin

This game is truly one of the highest caliber visual-novels that I have read. It has a way of drawing you in with its attractive character designs and dragging you deeper into it’s intense character depth and lore. This game can only be compared to a game that I consider to be one of the greatest of all time, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3. The deep gameplay and visual elements created an experience that was truly one of a kind. The subtle hints of romance between the character was not only seductive and alluring, but made me extremely horny. My journey through this masterpiece reminded me of why I started playing video games, to get lost in a world full of mystery of wonder, to have my boring life enriched by sexy anime vampire boys wanting to fuck me in my sleep, to have my titties titillated by the pure erotic fantasies that this game teases.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game















Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Hotel Tutwin on Steam

Symbiotic Love - Yuri Visual Novel

Symbiotic Love - Yuri Visual Novel

The Princess and the Pauper

Ah, I was really looking forward to this, but I don’t think I’ve ever had such a hard time deciding whether to recommend a game or not. Symbiotic Love (SL) is a prequel to Melancholy Love (ML) and even though it comes to the western audience after it, it’s actually the first visual novel in the Linghua Yuri Series (four novels all set in the same all-girls academy). But this prequel/sequel situation creates some unforeseen expectations. Since I read Melancholy Love first and was quite enchanted by its poetic sensibility, but also aware of its tendency to get too one-note and melodramatic, my expectations were two-fold. On one hand, I expected the same magic and sparkling romantic tension; on the other, I hoped for way more drama to balance the sometimes too flowery prose and fluff. I regret to say that I was disappointed on both counts for a good chunk of the VN and only the second part saved it for me.

Real player with 19.3 hrs in game

First of all I want to say that this game should definitely not be treated as a prequel, but rather as the starting point for this series. I played Melancholy Love first as the synopsis (originally) suggested I should do, but already noticed that it felt like a sequel with pay-offs for Symbiotic Love that I couldn’t possibly get.

That being said, Symbiotic Love is an intriguing story that has plenty of length (~12-14 hours for 100% completion in my case) and narrative depth to it, with switching POV (point of views) between the two protagonists. The main group of girls is very interesting and entertaining, with the poor, but sociable Jisuo being the lynchpin that drives the plot and the rich, but sheltered/caged Zihua as the main perspective that the results of your choices revolve around. This story has one of the strongest and more unnerving hooks for a love story I have seen in a while. It becomes clear in minute one that this story will go dark places (the main theme being Romeo and Juliet is not accidental), which only makes the Slice of Life segments all the more bittersweet. The play with time jumps can even cause whiplash at times, but I overall could follow the plot well enough. Many plot points are more on the subtle or subtexty side and this being a series, some questions will absolutely not get answered here and are left open for later games.

Real player with 17.1 hrs in game

Symbiotic Love - Yuri Visual Novel on Steam

A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met

A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met

A Kiss For The Petals franchise, Remembering How We Met is a great chapter for those who are new to the series as it tells the brand new story of Risa and Miya romance while looking back on the history of their time in St. Michael Girl’s School. A long look back at Risa and Miya relationship, telling the tale of how they first met and came to be lovers it follows Risa and Miya’s storyline from Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o - Michael no Otome-tachi (correct me if i am wrong)

Brief overview of the story

Real player with 209.4 hrs in game

Review originally posted here .


This is an adorable kinetic novel. Giselle told me this is part of a series - and one of the very few safe for work ones - and it’s about how two characters from the series met and how their relationship started.

I know the original series is wlw written by and for adult men but this game is sweetly written enough I can just grab it with my gay little hands and make it mine because I feel it fills a niche that I sorely needed filled - cute, sweet, sappy, romantic stories about girls loving girls in which there’s no heartache or drama. It’s wish-fulfillment of the highest degree, and I don’t get to see that very often. The story opens up with them in a happy relationship, you see how that happens, the end.

Real player with 11.7 hrs in game

A Kiss For The Petals - Remembering How We Met on Steam

Blood Code

Blood Code

Blood Code is part dating game and part mystery in a setting that gives nods to Harry Potter and Twilight. The plot is involved and has numerous unpredictable turns of events. Over time I found this to be an extremely good game with an intriguing story. I completed Christ’s (good) route and thought it was wonderful. Incidentally, in the spoken dialogue, he introduces himself and pronounces his name like Chris, while adding a slight “t” sound at the end. You can always call him Chris for short. ;)

Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

I got this Game gifted from a former friend and I am very thankful for it ♥

Blood Code is a Vampire Otome Game which personally I enjoyed very much and would go so far as to say, that its one of my favourite Games here on Steam. It has gorgeous Art, lovely GC’s, great music and a story to fall in Love with. This Game also is fully voice acted, but only in chinese, which you can turn off if you don’t like it.

Let me tell you that at first, it was rather odd listening to chinese but over time I got used to it and it was just another charming thing each character had.

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Blood Code on Steam