Koboo: The Tree Spirit

Koboo: The Tree Spirit

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Recruit a unique combination of Spirit Animals giving you a fresh set of abilities each run and acquire the right upgrades to help you defend against a specific human faction.

Befriend animals, go friendly fishing, take care of plants in the forest to unlock new Spirit Animals and upgrades making every run feel fresh and rewarding you after each run so you don’t have to worry about lost runs.

Koboo can dash to dodge enemy attacks, hit enemies' weak spots for bonus damage, throw sharp leaves during vulnerable moments, and combo aerial attacks to stay in the air longer. Mastering all these skills will make defending the forest a breeze.

Unravels the secrets of the mysterious forest and uncover the warring human factions' plans to industrialize the forest.

Koboo: The Tree Spirit is being made with the help of the community so you can follow its development, be a part of testing the game later during its development and talk to me (Jerome) live on Discord. Thank you to those who have already supported Koboo to help make this game possible! ❤

Read More: Best Roguevania Action Roguelike Games.

Koboo: The Tree Spirit on Steam

The Guise

The Guise


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? The Guise is a new Metroidvania from Russia with a little boy who is stuck in the body of a monster as the main character. The whole thing is presented in a visual design that reminds me of kindergarten drawings. Or drawings of inmates from the madhouse. Somehow creepy. Could be interesting.

– Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Horror Games.

The game freezes a lot. I do not know if this game was rushed in order for this to be released. I am forced to exit the game when it freezes. and one of the quest is on an endless loop wherein you will need to kill all the mice on room in and endless loop. In order for me to recommend this game, I ask for the developer to release a patch to fix all the issues.

– Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

The Guise on Steam

Wardens Will

Wardens Will

Wardens Will is a Third Person Action Roguelite where you play as different warriors that fight to defeat the dark force that plagues their world.

Struggle through the procedurally generated levels and learn to find your way in these ever changing dungeons, caves, caverns…

Fight hordes of undead skeletons, evil goblins, magical golems…

Wield legendary weapons, master the elements, learn new skills and search for items that might help you in your journey.

Fight the dark force again, and again until you learn to destroy it for good…

Epic Wardens:

Play as different wardens; Knights, Samurai, Vikings… And build the ultimate warrior that will destroy the dark force for good.

Loot unique weapons, learn new skills, unlock perks, find potions and hope that you are strong enough to prevail where others failed.

Infinite Dungeons:

Explore ever changing procedural dungeons, caves and caverns and seek your way to the depths of the mountain where lies the secret of the dark force.

Investigate and learn from those that fought before you on your way to have a better fighting chance.

Legendary Weapons:

Wield legendary warrior weapons with unique properties, fight styles, animations…

Each weapon offers unique combos, heavy attacks and special attacks.

Surprising Creatures:

Fight the hordes of corrupt and evil creatures that plague the depths of the mountain, growing stronger the deeper you journey…

Face the many bosses that will stand in your way, growing wiser the more you defeat…

Beware of the tormented ghosts, warriors that died before you but never left, growing more vicious the longer you stay…

Read More: Best Roguevania Third Person Games.

Wardens Will on Steam

Dark Devotion

Dark Devotion

Short review: 9/10

Long review: This may get rambly, I don’t usually write reviews, but this game is awesome. I’m also gonna make a few comparisons to Souls games.

This game is incredible. It’s got nice style, it’s got good music, it has some pretty fun mechanics that make it feel like I could keep playing it for a very long time, even if I did beat it.

What’s good about this game?

Just about everything.

Combat and general gameplay mechanics.

It feels like it’s taken the best of the souls series, and compressed it into 2D. It feels incredible, responsive, and has some fun stuff you can change up for different builds. It has its own fairly unique leveling system, where you essentially keep your upgrades and XP when you die, but lose all of your gear. It allows you to choose from quite a few weapons straight from the start when you die, so it’s not like dying nets you losing everything you’ve picked up along the way. It just makes it so you start back with your basic load out. As you play through, enemies can, and usually will, drop weapons that are able to be picked up. Some people may not enjoy this, but it makes the game super fun in my opinion, as it forces variety in builds.

– Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Awesome game, had a great time with it.

With its stamina-based combat, punishing difficulty and a bleak dark fantasy setting, Dark Devotion inevitably draws comparison to Dark Souls. Yet, players expecting simply a 2D version of the influential RPG will instead find a very different game that belongs more in the action category, with some platforming and rogue-like elements.


Every time you start the game or your character dies, you go back to the shelter having lost all of your possessions. You must then leave the shelter through one of several doors, each leading to a different area in the game world, and attempt to reach the next point of progress. Aside from one, these doors must be unlocked first by reaching their respective areas on foot.

– Real player with 29.7 hrs in game

Dark Devotion on Steam

Rift Keeper

Rift Keeper

I really enjoyed this game. For 2,50€ I got a lot out of it.

I like the simplicity of it and that you don’t even need any items to beat all the stages if you get good enough.

The music is so damn good, I wish the levels would be longer.

The problem with this game tho: It gets to easy if you get good at it.

On my first runs, I didn’t get very far (stage ~5). Then I kinda got the hang of it and got to stage 15 easily. After I really got the hang of it I proceded to kill the two new bosses easily and went to stage 57 without problems.

– Real player with 8.1 hrs in game


I saw footage of this game over a year ago and was hopeful what it could turn out to be. I saw it on sale a few weeks ago and hoped it had progressed so I picked it up. Unfortunately I didn’t find it to have made much development. Overall, the experience has been slightly lacking, but I think that the game could be salvaged.


  • Music is pretty cool

  • There is an Aesthetic that I like, but it needs developed

  • Easy to pick up, within an hour of playing I already felt in tune with the system

– Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Rift Keeper on Steam

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Very well made game for just coming out. I like the idea and hoping to see future content and I’ve also gotten my friend to play it also!

– Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

nice, fun, little indy game

– Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft on Steam

Dead Cells

Dead Cells

Heartily recommend this game to anyone who’s got the time - you’re likely to want to spend your entire days playing once you’re on a roll! The visuals and animations are outstanding - a unique one for nearly every weapon or skill available, lots of fun ways to customise your combat style, very enjoyable and fitting soundtrack, an engaging story that keeps you fighting even if just to see more lore, always a new challenge, something to up the difficulty; and the constant updates that only bring more to explore! On top of all that there are tons of hilarious little interactions between the player character and the world. Truly, the love shines through.

– Real player with 169.6 hrs in game

I took my time reviewing this for some reason, but dead cells is by far one of my favorite roguelites/likes if not my favorite. The way it plays can be sooo fast pace and clean, the music is top tier, sound is top tier, area design also top tier, the game as a whole is just really well made. Although the Boss Cell aspect gets a little repetitive, the satisfaction of beating that final one was immense and felt so rewarding. I definitely recommend to any new or veteran roguelite player

– Real player with 138.2 hrs in game

Dead Cells on Steam

Demon Strikes Back

Demon Strikes Back

This is what I’m looking for after Wizard of Legends and Dreamscraper!

Fun rouge-like map, amazing combat, cool relics, virtually beautiful scenery.

Worth buying!

– Real player with 26.3 hrs in game

It’s a little buggy, but none of it is game breaking. It’s a little grindy, but possible without the grind. It’s a little game, but the ambition behind making something decent paid off.

Every enemy in the game has a clear weakness and moment to attack. Your roll is how you avoid damage, and the attacks are mostly well telegraphed. You can play as a ranged character or a melee character. I prefer the melee personally, but ranged is playable.

All in all, the game passes the time in a fun way, and that’s pretty much all you can ask from a video game.

– Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Demon Strikes Back on Steam

Tower Hunter: Erza’s Trial

Tower Hunter: Erza’s Trial

A good game with broken mechanics.

Mostly simple, kill hordes of enemies and move forward. The game doesn’t really help with any direction on things that can be done, it’s mostly up to us which means a player can probably go through the entire game without knowing some very basics mechanics that can be done. There is hardly anything in the game to read or explore more on, sometimes even the minuscule help it offers will be hard to understand. One simply has to hope they understood the message it conveys.

– Real player with 47.7 hrs in game

### ”A potential rogue-like metroidvania where the death is learning…“

Tower Hunter: Erza’s Trial is a mixture of metroidvania and rogue-like element developed by indie IceSea Team of two people. It adapts into side-scrolling game with the influence of soul-like mainstream. Yet still have some flaws and require polishing during Early Access (currently 3 playerable levels). It’s risk-reward fun for people who seek a challenge.

Story and Presentation

Set in the hybrid fantasy world with some modern tech elements, the world design is clean, well-produced texture, and colorful. You play as a young maiden named “Erza”who specialize in close combat and ice spells. She has to prove herself by conquering mysterious tower to prove hunter’s license and get rid of wedding plan. The story is simple and straightforward, but what lies on the top of tower is quite intriguing. You spend most of time chatting with Devil companion between the levels as I hope they develop relationship through the story.

– Real player with 42.6 hrs in game

Tower Hunter: Erza's Trial on Steam

Aura of Worlds

Aura of Worlds

I have been playing video games all my life, throughout the 80’s and 90’s the video arcade was my second home.

Playing Aura of World brought back a lot of memories from those times. It is a game that is reminiscent of many games from the golden age of video arcades. Games like Rygar, Black Tiger, Ghosts n Goblins, Wonderboy and others.

This game does not tell an epic saga and it doesn’t have AAA graphics, BUT what it does have is engaging gameplay, great mechanics and features and the sounds, music and effects all combine to make a game that is engaging, fun and easy to get into. Also it does not require a huge investment of time, the Rogue-Like nature of the game means you can play for 10 minutes and put it down, then come back to it later for a slightly different adventure. Play a different way, use different gear, get further and further every time you play.

– Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

I will try to review this game from a Game Developer point of view and from a 40 years old player that has grown up playing arcades and early computer/console games.


I develop video games and being part of many communities I have noticed this game and its progress through the time. Its many features and approach to solving the same problem has caught my interest and pushed me to purchase it to investigate more.

I usually don’t develop platform games, actually, they aren’t even my favourite kind of games to play, aside for a few exceptions. However, I work also as a freelancer and there are many potential customers requiring a platform game. To me, this game is a great source of ideas that are well blended together.

– Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Aura of Worlds on Steam