SuperEpic: The Entertainment War

SuperEpic: The Entertainment War

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Approximate amount of time to 100%: around 30h (12-15 for the main campaign and the same amount of time for RC Rogue)

Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 time the main story, a lot of times the rogue mode

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: No

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Indie Games.

I think I like the idea of a game making a commentary on microtransactions and DLC far more than I think anyone can ever pull it off. I want to really like this game; it’s got a good aesthetic, and it’s solidly built. I don’t believe I’ve encountered any bugs in my nine hours of playing the game, which is better than 99% of everything else I’ve ever played.

That being said, it’s got some real problems. I first really came to terms with this when I got to the security area, Section Five, when you get the Parkor Boots (aka the wall jump). I only had three stamina at the time, because it was only useful for the dash move, and it regenerates quickly enough that I didn’t see much reason to prioritize getting more stamina over making sure my attacks dealt enough damage. But these boots, see, take two stamina points per wall jump. I couldn’t get anywhere with one wall jump, and even after I had another point in stamina, then I learned that most of the time, the move was finicky at best, and at worst, I would end up activating a slow descent with the Helium Tank instead, which took up a point of stamina itself. Sometimes, this move was required after a wall jump in order to get to the other wall to jump again, because there’s very little repel from the wall you jumped from, but too much to just use the same wall again without blowing through all your stamina immediately. So in order to actually get anywhere, I had to have at least six stamina. The game came to an abrupt halt as I had to then go and find enough coins for such a thing, and then track down the merchant character, rinse and repeat each time I realized I still didn’t have enough to get up the wall I needed to bypass.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

SuperEpic: The Entertainment War on Steam

Project Delta

Project Delta


Project Delta is a Metroid-like game which uses procedural generation inspired by Area and Item Randomizers of Retro Metroidvania titles.

The game will require you to choose what order you want to receive power ups in and generates a world which adheres to that order. Discover new map structures which require more and more powerups as you try to track down the powers of darkness which is trying to gain power over the multiverse.


At this point the first 4 map structures are available on the base steam branch, the beginning of the midgame is available on the beta branch. After finishing the content in the base branch (around 1 hr play time), if you wish to continue playing switch to the demo branch (roughly 2 more hours of playtime).


At this point the game requires using the D-Pad for movement.

Face Buttons:

Left button = Shoot, Hold for Charge. Charge restores ammo and if your charge shot hits it heals.

Top Button = Bombs

Right button = Run. Pressing Right Button in air will result in a somersault which changes air physics and makes your collider smaller.

Bottom Button = Jump.


Left Shoulder = Diagonal Aim. Press up or down while holding this to change if you’re aiming diagonal up or down.

Right Shoulder = Essence Arrows. If you have this powerup you can attach your bombs to your arrows by holding right shoulder. Consumes ammo

Quick Powerups Access:

Using a combination of your Left Analog and Right Analog you can change which powerups are active.

Left Analog Up = Movement Menu

Left Analog Left = Arrows Menu

Left Analog Down = Set Time Scale (requires powerup not currently in game)

Left Analog Right = Change essence practice (bomb type)

Read More: Best Roguevania Action Games.

Project Delta on Steam

Block Dungeon

Block Dungeon

The meaning of the game is quite simple, you need to pass different levels, pump your character, kill enemies, change weapons. The game has good music and very nice graphics, the eyes just rest during the passage, this is not a FPS game where you need to focus as much as possible at the monitor, this game is where you can relax and have a good time.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Action Games.

This game is simple yet it is FUN.

There is no tutorial or manual, so here is a simple guide (WASD to move or attack, Q opens inventory WASD to move about inventory E to use item, F to destroy item, Q closes inventory) As you get stuff check your inventory if the item is better than what you have equipped then use it if not destroy it. Healing potions are 25 health and 50 health so watch were your health is and use one as needed.

Every block you reveal gives you coins equal to the level you are on. Lvl 1 = 1 coin lvl 10 = 10 coins. There are 3 vendors in the main screen Weapon, armor and potion/health spend coins with these vendors to get upgraded gear, it also drops randomly from chests in game. You inventory is LIMITED to the boxes you see once it is full you cannot get any more loot until you use or destroy something. If you die you respawn in the main screen area.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Block Dungeon on Steam

Weapon Hacker

Weapon Hacker

I indicated as “received for free” even if I supported the create a while ago!

This game started as a web game then the programmer decided to make it a native application for performance reasons.

So, now it runs smoothly on top of being interesting.

This is a metroidvania that is randomized with a twist: items, rooms, enemies types within the room.

All enemies are recognizable and have specific patterns. That may make it looks easy: it’s not!

As of today, there is 3 distinct area in a run. A run is about 1h when you start to master the game. There is enough variety for replayability. Each area introduce new mechanics.

Real player with 34.5 hrs in game

I’ve been playing this game since its previous incarnation, “Infinitroid”. It’s improved quite a bit since then as well.

Weapon Hacker is a charming-enough ‘metroidvania’ roguelike. Controls are responsive, the view is clear. Some of the enemies are kinda cute too (until you messily splorch’em), googly eye and all.

You play a bright yellow hazard suit (presumably with some kind of disposable employee or maybe clone in it) that has a gun. As inferred by the title, throughout your runs you find mods, batteries and additional weapon types, and can, in the weapon menu, make presets to swap between them (and eventually combine up to three weapons), freely installing as many mods as your batteries currently allow (these can be shared across all weapons at once, or set to an individual one). They don’t discharge, it’s just “mod space”/capacity.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

Weapon Hacker on Steam



Lucky me gets to write the first review of Taivas, and it’s a dubious honour.

Taivas is an abandoned Early Access 2D retro pixel platformer/asset flip. It was created by flipping assets and a 2D platformer template from the godawful IFAction game construction kit. No professional effort was made in terms of game development, copying a template/using a game construction kit requires no talent, and unsurprisingly produces products that have little to no value as games, especially when compared to the work of professional developers who create genuine products for gamers.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Taivas on Steam

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition

After a few day’s worth of playtime on this game, I feel like I’d like to toss in my two cents on it. By two cents, I should clarify that I mean many paragraphs. this review will not be short, and I apologise. Sundered, on the whole, is a good game. There are several elements that merit critique in my eyes, though they didn’t detract from the game so much as to merit a negative review. With that out of the way, let’s dive in to some thoughts and ramblings.

Firstly, I should say also that this game has quickly become one of my all time favorites. The atmosphere, the artwork, the enemy design and storytelling all are favorites of mine, and I think they’re exceedingly clever and engaging. However, even when you take away my biased opinions, the game stands up to scrutiny, with well designed gameplay and mechanics (as well as story and the other previously mentioned aspects).

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Well, you can tell by my hours of gameplay that I really enjoyed this game and got the most out of it, even the bad out of it.

The harshness of the reviews left me really unsure, in the first few minutes, no matter how much I was enjoying, the game design made me fear for what people have said, so let me clarify a few things.


Great game, very challenging, beautiful animation, exploration is rewarded, so is proper strategy (Change your routes and upgrade luck early, please). The randomness is not unfair, it is not unfair, your skills matter. Bosses are great, minibosses often suck. The major flaw is making the “good” path so poor, but the rest is brillant. If you want to have 1 run and the best experience, I’d say “Put the hardest difficulty and fully embrace”

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition on Steam

The Square Key

The Square Key

TSK was a damn amazing game and I 100% recommend it to anyone who likes puzzles, dark


However, Physics and gravity are amazingly implemented, the game is very demanding on your


It’s well worth the money though, even just to play it once. Highly recommend.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Well, I’m satisfied. This game is honestly incredibly fun, and fairly unique.


  • Austere gloomy noir style.

  • Good Music score.

  • Interesting Level design. You must remember the location of the level elements and keys.


  • Some rooms feel like damage is unavoidable, And there are too many dangerous balls!

  • The enemies are very simple, they just move along the trajectory.

Overall, I give this game a 8.5/10, with a few suggestions that are entirely personal.

Truly, this game is worth a purchase. If you love hardcore platformers!

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

The Square Key on Steam

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft

Very well made game for just coming out. I like the idea and hoping to see future content and I’ve also gotten my friend to play it also!

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

nice, fun, little indy game

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Heart Lock: A Cozy Intro To Spellcraft on Steam

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles

To describe this game, it is a tribute to survival horror games of old and plays similar to them, so just a bit of warning as to what you’re getting into. Having grown up with these types of games, I enjoyed the experience and would recommend this to others. As of my writing this, only the first episode has been released, so the review will cover that.

First, we need to talk about the camera. We have fixed camera angles that will move from one location to the next as you reach the edge of the screen, somewhat obscuring the room by giving you limited view, similar to older Resident Evil games before they went over-the-shoulder action. However, with the exception of only a couple rooms, the angles are very well placed to give you information about the room while not completely hiding an enemy within it. If you look around upon entering a room, there will be clues as to what lies in wait for you, so be aware that if you are the type of person who just rushes into everything, you may get worked over.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles is a pretty direct sequel to Outbreak: New Nightmare, which is a primarily multiplayer based game. Lydia - a character from said game - is the only playable character in Chronicles. Unlike the jump from Outbreak to Outbreak: New Nightmare, Chronicles is on the same general engine and plays out pretty much the same. So, if you enjoyed New Nightmare, chances are you’ll definitely enjoy this game, as it’s essentially a single player version of the multiplayer title.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Outbreak: The Nightmare Chronicles on Steam

The Guise

The Guise


Review by Gaming Masterpieces - The greatest games of all time on Steam.


Is this game a masterpiece? The Guise is a new Metroidvania from Russia with a little boy who is stuck in the body of a monster as the main character. The whole thing is presented in a visual design that reminds me of kindergarten drawings. Or drawings of inmates from the madhouse. Somehow creepy. Could be interesting.

Real player with 10.7 hrs in game

The game freezes a lot. I do not know if this game was rushed in order for this to be released. I am forced to exit the game when it freezes. and one of the quest is on an endless loop wherein you will need to kill all the mice on room in and endless loop. In order for me to recommend this game, I ask for the developer to release a patch to fix all the issues.

Real player with 9.9 hrs in game

The Guise on Steam