Shadow Killer

Shadow Killer

This game was pretty good. The mechanics worked and the levels were good too. There is a lot to keep track of in the player, dagger, and enemies. Sometimes the dagger would start in a direction that would instantly hit the player and there were some UI issues but I still think the game is pretty good.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Roguelike Games.

Shadow Killer on Steam

Rogue Legacy

Rogue Legacy

I first played Rogue Legacy at a friend’s place, trading off the controller at each death. It wasn’t much, but it got me instantly hooked on how fun it was. So hooked, that I downloaded Steam, bought the game for the full $15, and bought a $30 wired Xbox 360 controller… and I don’t even have any Xboxes. All this for this one game… and it was worth it.

Rogue Legacy plays like Castlevania and Super Ghouls N Ghosts. You move, jump, attack, and use a secondary weapon. The uniqueness comes into play when you die, which you will… a lot. Once you die, you will be brought to a selection of three heirs to play as next. Each one has a random character class, secondary weapon, and set of traits. Classes determine certain stats and abilities. Secondary weapons, or spells as they are called, use up MP. That’s all pretty basic stuff. But the traits are very interesting. Some traits are helpful, like a speed increase. Others are harmful, like giving your attacks no enemy knockback. And some are just… well… neutral things… like making everything black and white. Your heirs have a chance of having two, one, or none of the traits at random. With all the random factors, you have to really get lucky… or pick the lesser of three evils. Is getting your prefered class worth the traits? Are the spells to your liking? It also makes you think about the next area… skills.

Real player with 318.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Platformer Games.

For context I played exclusively with a keyboard: Space to jump, ESDF for movement, W for right dash, R for left dash, J to attack, K for spells and I for class abilities. imo this is the best setup for non-controller players.

Rogue Legacy is Really Hard

My first life, I played as Sir Lee in the year 730 AD, and got through about 2 rooms before dying to a spinning picture frame. But ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and another life for the castle, and another, and another…

Each time I learned a little more about how to deal with enemies:

Real player with 64.9 hrs in game

Rogue Legacy on Steam

SuperEpic: The Entertainment War

SuperEpic: The Entertainment War

[url] Please see my curator page for more games that are worth your time [/url]

Approximate amount of time to 100%: around 30h (12-15 for the main campaign and the same amount of time for RC Rogue)

Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 time the main story, a lot of times the rogue mode

Has it been in a bundle: No

Is there a good guide available: No

Real player with 43.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguevania Indie Games.

I think I like the idea of a game making a commentary on microtransactions and DLC far more than I think anyone can ever pull it off. I want to really like this game; it’s got a good aesthetic, and it’s solidly built. I don’t believe I’ve encountered any bugs in my nine hours of playing the game, which is better than 99% of everything else I’ve ever played.

That being said, it’s got some real problems. I first really came to terms with this when I got to the security area, Section Five, when you get the Parkor Boots (aka the wall jump). I only had three stamina at the time, because it was only useful for the dash move, and it regenerates quickly enough that I didn’t see much reason to prioritize getting more stamina over making sure my attacks dealt enough damage. But these boots, see, take two stamina points per wall jump. I couldn’t get anywhere with one wall jump, and even after I had another point in stamina, then I learned that most of the time, the move was finicky at best, and at worst, I would end up activating a slow descent with the Helium Tank instead, which took up a point of stamina itself. Sometimes, this move was required after a wall jump in order to get to the other wall to jump again, because there’s very little repel from the wall you jumped from, but too much to just use the same wall again without blowing through all your stamina immediately. So in order to actually get anywhere, I had to have at least six stamina. The game came to an abrupt halt as I had to then go and find enough coins for such a thing, and then track down the merchant character, rinse and repeat each time I realized I still didn’t have enough to get up the wall I needed to bypass.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

SuperEpic: The Entertainment War on Steam

Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition

Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition

Nongunz at first just looks like your everyday shooty-platformer-roguelike but… it does very interesting and unique things that change the usual dynamics for these games, e.g. it uses some kind of idle economy that lets you buy stuff before starting a run based on the amount of prisoners you have liberated on previous attempts or it lets you bail out in the middle of a run while keeping the items you’ve found so you can start over with them, encouraging farming…

It gets weirder though and the more you look at it the weirder stuff you are going to find, especially since it’s intentionally very obscure and it takes time to decypher some of the stuff that is going on. I think it’s definitely worth a shot if someone is interested in how this kind of mash-up can affect a pretty known genre like the roguelike and it definitely becomes its own thing with these additions. I enjoyed it a lot.

Real player with 46.5 hrs in game

Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition released recently, and I wanted to post a positive review about it. I dont actually have much more to say other than I feel like this version is more fine tuned than the original in a few different ways. The game seems at least a little bit more accessible, even if this new version does have a bit more bugs than the original release.

The things id like to point out specifically in why I like the game are mostly style choices, sound and visual design seemed dark and unique at the time, and very minimal game systems in play made for a unique experience for this indie title when it first released years ago.

Real player with 29.2 hrs in game

Nongunz: Doppelganger Edition on Steam

Patch Quest

Patch Quest


Patch Quest is an amzing Roguevania that, as the name suggests, combines gameplay from the metroidvania and the roguelite genre. This is resembled by the overworld map being fixed, with shortcuts to unlock all around the world (and the world is pretty big, trust me) but the actual things that are on the map are random each time you start a run (monster encounters and terrain, basically). I adore this aspect as it allows for really fun and varied gameplay while still keeping some of the things that make the metroidvania games great. The game also has its roots in The Binding of Isaac and Enter the Gungeon, which is very noticable if you’ve played them before jumping into Patch Quest.

Real player with 140.0 hrs in game


Absolute Gem. I picked it up a few day ago and I keep playing it almost every night with my wife. We both love it.


  • Your ride determines your skills and the fruits are your bullets.

! You can catch up to 5 pets that can let you ride on, or help you in fight.

  • It is so easy to pick up as what you have to do is just dodge, shot, occasional catch and use your skills.

  • There is a good and simple story.

  • The graphic is excellent. The pets and the backpack are so cute.

Real player with 13.2 hrs in game

Patch Quest on Steam

Red Bit Ninja

Red Bit Ninja



Cards are finally enabled for this game and there are 8 [out of 15 for the badge] of them to collect. I’ve played the game and did not enjoy it. Now I can leave the game open to get the 8 card drops.


Steam store page lists Steam Trading Cards. No card drops after 8 hours. Something is obviously broken or the game was published claiming to have a feature it clearly doesn’t

Real player with 13.3 hrs in game

A lot of the previous reviewers' gripes have been addressed. The windowed mode thing and the tutorial thing. My xbox 360 controller works fine with the game.

Unfortunately that leaves me to gripe about the actual gameplay. Not feeling it. Sorry, but it’s floaty garbage. It is what I imagine homemade soap would be like if you never made soap before. Not really enjoyable.

Real player with 9.7 hrs in game

Red Bit Ninja on Steam

Rift Keeper

Rift Keeper

I really enjoyed this game. For 2,50€ I got a lot out of it.

I like the simplicity of it and that you don’t even need any items to beat all the stages if you get good enough.

The music is so damn good, I wish the levels would be longer.

The problem with this game tho: It gets to easy if you get good at it.

On my first runs, I didn’t get very far (stage ~5). Then I kinda got the hang of it and got to stage 15 easily. After I really got the hang of it I proceded to kill the two new bosses easily and went to stage 57 without problems.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game


I saw footage of this game over a year ago and was hopeful what it could turn out to be. I saw it on sale a few weeks ago and hoped it had progressed so I picked it up. Unfortunately I didn’t find it to have made much development. Overall, the experience has been slightly lacking, but I think that the game could be salvaged.


  • Music is pretty cool

  • There is an Aesthetic that I like, but it needs developed

  • Easy to pick up, within an hour of playing I already felt in tune with the system

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Rift Keeper on Steam

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition

After a few day’s worth of playtime on this game, I feel like I’d like to toss in my two cents on it. By two cents, I should clarify that I mean many paragraphs. this review will not be short, and I apologise. Sundered, on the whole, is a good game. There are several elements that merit critique in my eyes, though they didn’t detract from the game so much as to merit a negative review. With that out of the way, let’s dive in to some thoughts and ramblings.

Firstly, I should say also that this game has quickly become one of my all time favorites. The atmosphere, the artwork, the enemy design and storytelling all are favorites of mine, and I think they’re exceedingly clever and engaging. However, even when you take away my biased opinions, the game stands up to scrutiny, with well designed gameplay and mechanics (as well as story and the other previously mentioned aspects).

Real player with 82.7 hrs in game

Well, you can tell by my hours of gameplay that I really enjoyed this game and got the most out of it, even the bad out of it.

The harshness of the reviews left me really unsure, in the first few minutes, no matter how much I was enjoying, the game design made me fear for what people have said, so let me clarify a few things.


Great game, very challenging, beautiful animation, exploration is rewarded, so is proper strategy (Change your routes and upgrade luck early, please). The randomness is not unfair, it is not unfair, your skills matter. Bosses are great, minibosses often suck. The major flaw is making the “good” path so poor, but the rest is brillant. If you want to have 1 run and the best experience, I’d say “Put the hardest difficulty and fully embrace”

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

Sundered®: Eldritch Edition on Steam

Aura of Worlds

Aura of Worlds

I have been playing video games all my life, throughout the 80’s and 90’s the video arcade was my second home.

Playing Aura of World brought back a lot of memories from those times. It is a game that is reminiscent of many games from the golden age of video arcades. Games like Rygar, Black Tiger, Ghosts n Goblins, Wonderboy and others.

This game does not tell an epic saga and it doesn’t have AAA graphics, BUT what it does have is engaging gameplay, great mechanics and features and the sounds, music and effects all combine to make a game that is engaging, fun and easy to get into. Also it does not require a huge investment of time, the Rogue-Like nature of the game means you can play for 10 minutes and put it down, then come back to it later for a slightly different adventure. Play a different way, use different gear, get further and further every time you play.

Real player with 12.7 hrs in game

I will try to review this game from a Game Developer point of view and from a 40 years old player that has grown up playing arcades and early computer/console games.


I develop video games and being part of many communities I have noticed this game and its progress through the time. Its many features and approach to solving the same problem has caught my interest and pushed me to purchase it to investigate more.

I usually don’t develop platform games, actually, they aren’t even my favourite kind of games to play, aside for a few exceptions. However, I work also as a freelancer and there are many potential customers requiring a platform game. To me, this game is a great source of ideas that are well blended together.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Aura of Worlds on Steam

Cloud Rack

Cloud Rack

Cloud Rack is a traditional 2D action adventure game. The game world is interlinked. Explore deep caves, ancient forests and dangerous tombs, fight with bewitched creatures, get to know friendly and strange characters, and go deep into the mountains to uncover the truth of the mystery.

Game features

Classic horizontal scroll game level.

Consistent and compact 2D control: Dodge attacks, sprint forward, and use easy kungfu to defeat deadly enemies.

Explore the interlinked world and shuttle between forgotten mountain paths, overgrown wastelands and abandoned tombs.

Make your own adventure! Strange mountain is a vast world, you can freely choose the way forward and the enemy you face.

Get new weapons! Improve your skills, jump on the wall, dodge and block in the battle, return the long-range attack, and launch powerful killing skills to the enemy!

Stylized and abstract characters, funny, silly and cute.

More than 50 enemies, 10 epic bosses. Face fierce monsters on the road and conquer powerful kung fu masters.

Cloud Rack on Steam