

TL;DR: Great fun for the humor, visual style and tactical combat. Less satisfying for the fact that it’s game over after a set number of jumps and the core gameplay might get boring within a short span of time. If this game attracts your attention I would recommend waiting for a sale unless it really appeals to you.

Flotilla is going to be a hit-or-miss kind of game depending on your tastes, but I recommend it for its unique concept, satisfying core gameplay, and odd sense of humor.

Let’s start with the good points: It’s got a certain vibe and atmosphere that worked for me, both in terms of simplistic visual appeal and the tone of the events that you can encounter during each adventure. I admit that both the graphics and worldbuilding/humor aren’t for everyone.

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Exploration Games.

Flotilla is a very fascinating take on space exploration. There is no saving, you are the captain, and you are stuck with a fatal disease that will take your life in a predetermine amount of turns. Flotilla offers a lot of real time choices that directly affects your fleet of ships. Some scenarios include saving a group of space-llamas and adding them to your fleet, or destroy them for ship upgrades. The combat is turn based and takes place on a 3D plane; you can command your ship to fly in any direction and fire at enemy ships. With tons of combat choices and flanking decisions your head might explode from strategizing, as a result I can’t recommend this game to strategy noobs. However, if you use to fight alongside Napoleon and George Washington back in the day, I highly recommend this game. Oh ya just play hardcore mode, in normal mode you just end up dead faster from your “disease”. There is virtually no difference in gameplay difficulty by playing in hardcore over normal.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Flotilla on Steam

Big Bia

Big Bia

A member of my party steps on a landmine, i deactivate it and the land mine joins my team, if the turn ends and there is not another unit over the land mine, it explodes dealing 70% of health to the entire team (basically a instant game over), and the same if it gets destroyed. One of my party members gets mad at the land mine and attacks it, killing the land mine and the entire team.

11/10 best game of all time

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Turn-Based Combat Games.













正当我幻想着LPL 2023年全球总决赛上看到这个小上单战神和他爹的时候,网吧里又是一声怒吼

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Big Bia on Steam



The performance starts – unending, ever changing, cruel to its actors and viewers alike. Yet you are far from being powerless: you can affect the Mansion’s backstage, send puppets to explore its mysterious rooms and rewrite the play however you see fit.

Every new pattern will bring new opportunities, your bonds with other members of the audience will grow stronger, until one day you finally discover the perfect scenario that the previous owner of the Mansion was obsessed with.

  • Card combos: rooms affect each other in many surprising ways. Find out how you can utilize it to develop your own winning strategy or make your runs more challenging. But beware: some patterns may prove to be too difficult for specific puppets.

  • Indirect battle system: strategy and preparation are the key to success. Plan your way carefully, exploit the rooms' mechanics, use spells and make event-related decisions at crucial points to end up victorious.

  • Adaptability and growth: your puppets already offer different play styles for you to choose from, but with the items found in the rooms you can customize and buff your heroes even further – or uncover new doll parts to build unique fighters.

  • Intertwining stories: meet other characters bewitched by the call of the Mansion. Get them to open up to you, learn about their traumas and manias, and affect their future – perhaps in a romantic way. The more you give, the more you obtain in return.

  • Choices matter: the others are stuck, but you can still move forward, unraveling the threads of their unfortunate fates. Will you advise your new comrades to do what they want? Or will you suggest they search for what you think they need?

  • Reach the Endgame: grow stronger, collect enough hints and find the perfect pattern – the ultimate room layout that will reveal the Wishmaster. Have your desires fulfilled at last… unless you found something, or someone, along the way that made your change your mind.

Going strong! We’re a small indie team, and every wishlist brings us closer to completing our passion project. Thank you for your patronage!

Want to become a part of the growing community and share your impressions about the game? Join our Discord server to stay in contact, learn more about the development process, and get exclusive sneak peeks into the project as it unfolds!

Read More: Best Roguelite Deckbuilding Games.

Crawlyard on Steam

Cubic Currency

Cubic Currency

A charming indie game with character. Hot take on capitalism


  • excellent worldbuilding

  • immersive experience: soundtrack, sound effects, and art are very well done

  • fun and nuanced gameplay that keeps you coming back

  • balances randomness and skill well

  • well planned achievements


  • seems a little too easy (i’ve won each of my first 3 runs without many difficulties) – let capitalism be more brutal! (or, have different difficulty settings–that’s probably a better way to do it)

  • as far as i can tell, there isn’t “save game” functionality? either that or it’s not intuitive how to use it. could be a nice thing to add

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Full Disclosure. I bought this game at 90% off. It was less than a dollar, so at that price i really can’t complain for myself.

Now if you buy it at full price, it might be a little short for that price tag as I finished it in just over 3 hours. The game has enough elements to make some days/levels a bit intense, especially with the last character. Which is good because without the juggling of customers and the negative dice types, the game would be waaay too easy. And if you want to achievement hunt the game to 100% then you’ll probably get maybe an extra hour or two of gameplay.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Cubic Currency on Steam

Derelict Void

Derelict Void

If there’s one thing that makes you keep coming back to a game, it’s the perfect balance between ease of progression and the odd moment where all hell breaks loose and you gotta strive to survive. That’s exactly what Derelict Void is!


Good graphics and animations

Not too much clutter on the screen

Lots of choices and you know that you’re either going to die a valiant death or live to see another day

Learning curve is rewarding (more often than not)

The hydroponics area has some good stuff in it wink

Real player with 26.4 hrs in game

Derelict Void is certainly a game that will likely draw comparison to a variety of other titles. The game is apparently inspired by Frostpunk - though in my mind one could likely also see some draw for this game from the likes of Out There: Omega Edition for the emphasis on collection of resources and technologies, Cultist Simulator for its mix of real-time with pause turn based gameplay, and of course FTL: Faster Than Light for text based events. Chief to all these games though is that is all about survival in a hostile environment.

Real player with 16.2 hrs in game

Derelict Void on Steam



Firekeep is a minimalist, relaxing strategy game about building a tiny, sustainable city in the cold void of space. Build, combine and upgrade dozens of unique buildings to overcome procedurally-generated islands and keep your fire burning. Enjoy a relaxing yet strategically deep experience where a single run can be completed quickly, but new islands and new building combinations will keep you starting new runs over and over again!

Firekeep is all about making the most of your limited space. Each tile can support one building, and each building produces and requires different resources. Once a building has access to all the resources it needs, it upgrades into a new building that produces new, additional resources. The catch? Buildings can only send and receive resources to and from the tiles right next to them. Plus, buildings that spend too long without any connections, or that have their environment compromised, will become ruins, leading to potentially disastrous chain reactions!

Firekeep contains over 50 unique buildings for players to discover on their quest to build the central beacon, plus special projects that will change the very fabric of your island. That said, the game is currently in a very early state, so feel free to send bugs to us on Twitter, or follow for news and updates!

Firekeep on Steam

Invisible Fist

Invisible Fist

I’d score this between a 6.4…up to a 8.9

Which would of course be…on a scale of 1.002 to 11.822 (hopefully that’s not convoluted at all…I strive for clarity through uniform grading systems)

Bottom Line…

Creative, stylistic time management/card game (kind of a card game….you don’t really draw cards as far as I can tell…but it’s all good), I like the offbeat humor and I love the music.

It’s interesting….and I think I’d put it down as oddly appealing…I feel like for the price I should probably be getting a little bit more…or perhaps the mechanics aren’t as well developed as I’d like for them to be at the price point it’s at or something like that…but I’m enjoying the game and it’s one of those more than the sum of it’s parts things that make giving it any kind of objective score tricky….thus the range I gave above (see above).

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Very hard, very stressful. I wont fault it for that though because that is the point. I keep getting frustrated yet I keep coming back. Hilarious concept, great execution and a bit too real sometimes.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Invisible Fist on Steam



You just received a call from your uncle.

Apparently, he won a small defunct hockey team in a poker game

He knows you don’t have much going on, and offers to let you run the team.

If you can win the Marcotte cup at the end of the season, the team is yours!

Otherwise, you go to jail

Seizing the opportunity, you head downtown to register your team…

In MHL, you will build a roster from hundreds of randomly generated players, each with their own skills and weaknesses against 5 other distinct owners.

MHL on Steam



It is merely an okay game. The tactics portion of it isn’t very in depth, often times feeling very Rock-Paper-Scissors like, and the forces fit into at most two of those. The graphics are fine. The UI is usable though not helpful in any way and the text for the mission requirements is super tiny. Yet the missions end up feeling very much the same one after another, which would be fine if not for the Rock-Paper-Scissors element mentioned before. You can find yourself deep into a game and then because you are playing a force that has to group up (Lycans) vs. an enemy who poisons everything there is honestly nothing to do but quit the battle and find a port to get your morale back up.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

Summary & Positives

Quinterra has a really strong underlying mechanic set, loosely reminiscent of a faster-paced Faeria. Whilst highly comparable to a card based roguelite (like Slay the Spire or Monster Train), it’s not really fair to lump it into that genre.

The combat map is composed of tiles, each of which produce different ‘colours’. Each turn, you pick a tile up which lets you produce a new type of unit (a bit like setting up a building to produce a unit for you in a strategy game) for that battle, with some limits. Over time, you can sequence your tile collection in a way that lets you pick up more ‘colours’ to use, both to get a wider variety of units to play with but also to give yourself a variety of options to augment and enhance those units more with added effects.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Quinterra on Steam

Aye Aye, Captain

Aye Aye, Captain

This game needs a tutorial or something. I have no clue what to do. I moved my crew around by right clicking and then clicked the cannonball to shoot, and that’s pretty much it. I never actually won a combat because it felt like it was going to take a half hour of simply clicking one button. So I surrendered. Then on the world map I had no idea what to do but a few seconds later I was in another combat and lost my cannon. So I lose?

Then in another battle both my crew died, but I was able to surrender and sail around again until I got into combat and could do nothing.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Aye Aye, Captain on Steam