Neko Dungeon | 喵酱迷城 | 喵醬迷城 | ねこダンジョン

Neko Dungeon | 喵酱迷城 | 喵醬迷城 | ねこダンジョン

Shallow gameplay, nice artwork, not even close to justifying the price tag.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite JRPG Games.

Having fun

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

Neko Dungeon | 喵酱迷城 | 喵醬迷城 | ねこダンジョン on Steam












Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite Puzzle Games.

Terrible UX. If you want to waste your time, buy this game.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

MahjongSchool on Steam

Evil Maze 2 | 惡魔迷宮 2

Evil Maze 2 | 惡魔迷宮 2

Long overdue review, Evil Maze 2 expands on the original Evil Maze game and it’s rogue dungeon elements. With more dungeon levels and items the game offers a lot more secrets to discover and overall replay value. Granted, I don’t think it’s as difficult as the original, as once you know the location of certain items well enough to consistently get them the game becomes very easy so long as you’re not reckless and get that heal spell.

The pixel artstyle is cute and colorful enough, though not much in animation on their own, with the cut scene artwork being good and generally an improvement of the first games style, though perhaps not as good as a full on VN.

Real player with 19.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Roguelite JRPG Games.

“Evil Maze 2 - Suhaya : Wow, Whait is it? _ )/"

The above sentence is the cute expression of the heroine you will see most frequently in this game. Evil Maze 2. It’s the latest roguelike game made by ZOV GAME STUDIO. This game was created with the RPG Maker tool, but more interesting than expected. Especially improved than its previous game Evil Maze . The atmosphere is vibrant overall, and the illustration is even more lovely .

Real player with 11.5 hrs in game

Evil Maze 2 | 惡魔迷宮 2 on Steam

General Horse and the Package of Doom

General Horse and the Package of Doom

Someone reviewed this earlier and said it was a re-imagining of The Oregon Trail, and as I sit here attempting to write my own review I keep coming back to that comment. Is this game as timeless as that? honestly, probably not. But I can tell you what this game is. A fun, amusing, comical ride through another universe, with a cast of eclectic and weird characters all looking to stop our eponymous hero, or in some cases aid him, in completing his task.

Don’t come into this game with any expectations, and just allow yourself to enjoy this absurd, silly adventure. It might not look like much on the outside, but if you pass this game over, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Friends of mine agree that this game is a hilarious journey of skill, resource management, and wacky encounters. And it never fails to generate a laugh.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

It’s a really dumb, poorly written game with amateur but earnest acting.

It’s fun.

It absolutely doesn’t take itself seriously and revels in how silly and awkward it is. It has all of the charm you’d expect from a game made by bunch of buddies who were just messing around and having fun. It doesn’t get more silly and more FMV than this. I’d also say the entertainment value isn’t just the humor alone which can be hit or miss, but the fresh and wild nature of it all, the sheer commitment to the absurd ideas that are being presented. There is also this admirable confidence about it, like the game doesn’t care if you’re entertained by what you’re seeing or not. The skip button is always there, you can decide for yourself if you want to keep watching a scene, the game just keeps doing its thing.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

General Horse and the Package of Doom on Steam

Lovehammer 400 000: The Buttlerian Crusade

Lovehammer 400 000: The Buttlerian Crusade

There is absolutely no explanation for any of the game’s mechanics.

Every characters has like 10 abilities and no context around any of it.

I haven’t been this frustrated by a game in a long time.

Avoid this until it gets a huge update that includes a tutorial.

(My playtime didn’t register properly. I actually played for about 20 minutes.)

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Lovehammer 400 000: The Buttlerian Crusade on Steam

Seek Girl:Fog Ⅰ

Seek Girl:Fog Ⅰ

Too Long Didn’t Read Version

| Recommend | Yes, at list price or on sale |

| (Adult) Content | M/F and F/Tentacles |

| Censorship? | No - With Free Steam Patch |

| Hours of Gameplay | One to two hours |

| Patch Available? | Download as Steam DLC . |


Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

The early access version was confusing and limited. But now the full version is out and its actually pretty good.

Make sure the DLC is installed and go to the settings menu and faff around changing the language to English. Once you’ve done that its a entertaining game, with great art and H content.

You start in a mysterious fog and have to make your way around a map avoiding enemies on routine pattern patrols. In the fog you can find skeletons with various hints and the occasional female adventurer/witch/monster and items/gifts to help you.

Real player with 15.8 hrs in game

Seek Girl:Fog Ⅰ on Steam

Fi da Puti Samurai

Fi da Puti Samurai

I can say that I’m immensely satisfied with my purchase already. I haven’t found too many games that get me genuinely excited like this one does.

Let’s be clear, this game is not finished - it’s still RAW and needs to be put back in the oven. However, the concept is itself is revolutionary - a Boomershooter Roguelike that seamlessly connects sections of your favourite 90s FPS’s together into one long-running, never-ending level that you can progress through for hours on end.

At this stage there are a lot of bugs and issues and it definitely needs more content, but having said that, I don’t think I’ve been this excited for a new game in years. This title takes everything I was hoping for and compresses it into a single brilliant little piece of wish-fulfilment.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

I rarely ever post reviews for games. I really want this game to succeed especially since I love anime tiddie.

Now what is Fida Puti Samurai? It’s an FPS where a cute pink hair girl discovers the VR realm her boyfriend has been making has copious amount of anime tiddie porn and waifus in it; she wants to find out what depraved fetish shit he’s got on his PC.


The story is mostly non-existent; the game is in early access and isn’t done. At first you talk to the player avatar’s boyfriend on the PC in the VR set-piece he made that serves as your hub, but the main draw of the game seems to be the nsfw-anime aesthetic alongside the gameplay. The game has a lot of potential for its story for jokes and gags that could make my head pop like an atom bomb from laughter.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

Fi da Puti Samurai on Steam

Magical Girl Noble Rose

Magical Girl Noble Rose

I wouldn’t recommended this game if you already into these genre of game (H-RPG stuff).

BUT, if you have never play any type of these game before and you REALLY like the art AND have plenty of money to spare, AND IF YOU really like the art, I’ll probably say go for it. (“to play this game you need to” download a patch for rated content. It could be found in community tab in some comment, probably.)

For my verdict try not to believe it at first, it might taint the experience having a bias toward negative. (kinda like spoiler but not a spoiler? If you just wanted to have fun mind as well just skip this part.)

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Not my most proud fap but.. it fit the niche at the time.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Magical Girl Noble Rose on Steam

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness

I went from the first game of the Developers, to this one. Always hopeful that the Developers will improve and make better content. Luckily, it happened that way! I think this game is a great improvement to the first one. It has more content, more animation scenes and more to do. I flipped through the pictures (up above) and I think the game was already updated, so things don’t really look like that. For example: the main character doesn’t have brown hair, but has red hair.

The game is still ongoing in updates… since there are areas in the game that say “Coming Soon” and I think there will be more items? But I can’t be sure.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

2020-Dec: I wanted to see how the game enacted the tile mechanic, but ultimately this game has several key problems and broken promises. I’m particularly bitter that there is “coming soon” content even though the game isn’t labeled as “Early Access”.


  • I like the tile movement mechanic and it is well-balanced for LVL1-LVL3.

  • The powers the girls bestow offer a nice diversity.


  • Chief of the cons is the fact that I got to level five on two women and neither of them got naked at all. In fact, I saw zero nudity and zero sexual content.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Love n Dream: Virtual Happiness on Steam

Finding A Prince: The Game

Finding A Prince: The Game

Thoroughly enjoyable game! The characters are cute and have their own distinct personalities. The script is simple and has silly quips. There are several different enemies to learn the moves and patterns to, and a handful of different path combinations. I’m eager to see what more can be added as this game progresses! Highly recommend if you enjoy turn-based RPGs with lots of different items and events to unlock and discover

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

This game was an absolute treat! cute art, amazing music and amusing dialogue, absolutely enjoyed it!

Real player with 12.1 hrs in game

Finding A Prince: The Game on Steam